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You hear another knock on the door "Uh... ma'am I dont know how to say this but I put your pants on the table as I had just finished patching them but when I turned back they where gone. I have no clue where they went but I will keep looking." He then leaves before you get the chance to say anything. "We took em'" says one of the boys "You can have em' back if you can make us cum." one adds eagerly.
Gillan and Gherman:
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"Alright time to finish this then." she says coughing up some blood.
All but coria:
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Coria's hands and feet are engulfed in flames and her eyes also filled with fire. Fire burst forth from her arms and feet propelling her with amazing speed causing waves of ire in her wake, none of you can keep up with her speed, this wasn't her at all anymore, someone far more skilled was in her body for certain. As soona s it began it is over one by one you are all hit by the fire forced to retreat outside away from the smoke where you are confronted by raven gillan and gherman. "Can we end this or do I actually need to kill someone?" Raven asks, as coria begins to walk out of the burning room completely unphased by the wall of fire burning her, doing no damage to her or her clothes in anyway. "This is only a fraction of her power I am using you see-" she coughs up blood onto the grass "she can learn to control this power with the help of Ecliptis and keeping her from it is something only a monster would do. All of you can *cough* *cough* learn to become stronger with my great master." she falls to her knees, clearly using complete puppet magic on a living person takes a massive toll.
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Suddenly it all goes dark. You feel at piece as though you where sleeping. When you come back from it the fight was over and the memories slowly come back though it is too hazy to think straight.
(Just kinda wait and well see where you are when the fight ends. Hopefully that will be very soon.)