by Gorbaz » Fri Jul 01, 2011 5:51 pm
INN - bar
Gottri let out a belly-laugh. "Aye! What ye say is true! So, me favouite tale, then! Ah fine a good story always need te be followed by a good drink, too!" He ran his fingers through his beard as he recalled the events of how he got kicked out of Dwarvern lands. "A long time ago, in Human standards, ah were livin' in th' mountains wi the rest o' me kin. Good simple times, they were. Diggin fer gold an' iron. O'cours, ye canne leave out the good drinkin' that we were havin'! Ye ney have been to a true bar, until ye've stayed with th' Dwarves!" He took a good long gulp of beer before continuing on.
"So, ther ah was, mindin' me own, an' havin a good drink, when a group o' the smelliest, hariest Dwarves ye'd ever see, does come stoormin' inte th bar, and knocks me pint right oota me hand! Well, ah wern't gonne stan' fer none o' tha. So, ah stoods oop, an' yelled 'SEE YOO JIMMEH!', an' slammed me 'ed right inne th' big one's face!" Gottri scrached his chin, and frowned, as if trying to remember the rest of the story. "Ah donne really knoo what happened after tha', but ah doo remember tha two of 'em won't be havin' kids again, an' ah somehow ended up in the possession of a third one's head. So, oop come th' longbeards, an' toss me right oot fer what ah done, yellin' somethin' aboot gettin' mah honour back by doin' some quest or other. Ah figured. 'Yeah. After a few pints, eh!"
He took another long swig from his beer. "Ain't quite reched that pint yet, mind"
One way, or another, I'm going to find you, I'll get you, I'll get you!