Apocolyptia - IC

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Re: Apocolyptia - IC

Postby bruiserdemon » Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:43 am

"yeah, let's go..." kyle said, walking alongside mia. "soo... where are we going first?" kyle asked, putting an arm over mia's shoulder "i wanna see how it was for you growing up here. it looks like a safe place to live" kyle said, smiling lightly while looking around.
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Re: Apocolyptia - IC

Postby Lady Foxy » Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:47 am

Mia sighed while enjoying the comfort of Kyle's arm. ''I-It is.. Would you mind coming to my apartment? It's not so far from here..'' She said while blushing, trying to cover herself with one hand.
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Re: Apocolyptia - IC

Postby bruiserdemon » Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:57 am

kyle smiled at her "sure, i'll go with you" kyle said , kissing mia on the cheek. "is it difficult living here? like, are there ever problems that can be annoying at times?" kyle asked, curious about how it is living in haven "it kind of looks like this place would always need repairing." kyle commented. (pm time?)
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Re: Apocolyptia - IC

Postby Lady Foxy » Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:00 am

Mia blushed even more as he kissed her cheek, hugging him tightly. ''It's not difficult for me.. I mean, my Uncle takes care of me.. I don't know much about repairing but we manage to keep everything fine.'' She pulled his hand as her apartment was just on the next street. [PM Time]
Atton Rand: "Feels like my last time on Telos."
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Re: Apocolyptia - IC

Postby Goryokaku » Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:16 pm

Having finshed her shower, mizuki dried her self up and put some underwear on she then began to pull up her recon armor and zipped it into position. Lifting up her pillow she picked up her 9mm pistol and put in a holster on her right thigh cipping it in place so it wouldn't fall if she found herself hanging upside down. She grabbed her Rifle and picked up Yuuko's to placing it next the table, then walking to her fridge she delved into it and grabbed some food she could use to make a sandwich and began making it.

A couple of minutes later she was sat at the table eating, when she noticed her PDA flashing, taking a hold of it she looked at the message before typing a reply to Kit, -Not in haven, we can talk later though to be honest I really have no intentions of explaining any of my actions to that Tank Born, will be in the garage in about 30 minutes.-. Whilst eating her sandwich Mizuki looked at Yuuko, "Get your self ready as soon as possible Yuuko we are leaving in 30 minutes."
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Re: Apocolyptia - IC

Postby rooiehaan » Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:09 pm

Yuuko peeked her head around the corner. "B-but i haven't discovered how to use your waterfall yet!" She pouted, blushing slightly when she pretty much said that she didn't want to ask Mizuko for help. She frowned at herself for not being able to figure it out herself, and got back to the shower cabin. She figured that if she would be bathing underneath the waterfall that she would get wet, so she hesitantly dropped the sheets and shoved them aside with her foot. Then she continued fumbling with the shower, trying to turn it on.
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Re: Apocolyptia - IC

Postby Goryokaku » Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:13 pm

Mizuki grinned and walked towards the bathroom she stuck her head round the corner. "do you want me to come help you?" she was grinning mischieavously as she said it. Mizuki knew that Yuuko would panic but she couldn't help but tease her new friend.
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Re: Apocolyptia - IC

Postby rooiehaan » Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:27 pm

Yuuko jumped, and tried to cover herself up with her hands as best as she could while turning around. "N-no, don't look, i'm not wearing any~! Don't look!" Yuuko panicked, quickly sitting down so her legs would cover up her privates so her hands could both be used to cover her chest. She sat beneath the shower head and looked at Mizuki with a frowning face. "You know i was naked..." She muttered, having calmed down somewhat. She was blushing heavily, and couldn't help but keep fidgeting.
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Re: Apocolyptia - IC

Postby Goryokaku » Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:34 pm

Mizuki grinned at Yuuko, "Yup, try twiddling the handle on the right, you might find it sprining into action mind you it will be cold to begin with but should warm up in a minute or two." Mizuki stuck her tongue out at Yuuko then closed the door, she pulled out her PDA, and tapped a message to her superiors, -I'd like to request the last available updated maps sent to my PDA please, it will make my hunt a little easier.- She then went and sat down waiting for Yuuko to finish cleaning herself up.
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Re: Apocolyptia - IC

Postby rooiehaan » Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:41 pm

Yuuko waited for Mizuki to leave again, her blush even worse after Mizuki stuck out her tongue at her, and slowly got up. She brushed herself off, trying to calm herself down, before glaring at the handles. She breathed in deep and tried to ready herself for whatever would happen, before she reached over and pulled the handle. In an instant freezing, icy cold water started to burst out of the shower head, completely soaking her in mere seconds, seconds she found herself screaming in pure shock. She screamed like she had never screamed before, and quickly rushed out of the shower without turning off the water. She slipped and fell, sliding to a halt in the middle of the hallway leading to the kitchen. Yuuko looked up at Mizuki, and cried: "I don't like your waterfall~"
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Re: Apocolyptia - IC

Postby Goryokaku » Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:50 pm

Mizuki looked at Yuuko, the cold water had definately had some effect as her nipples were standing on end, she wondered if she should point out to her friend that she was stood naked in front of her, she grinned broadly, then looked at her watch a minute had passed and she leaned slightly looking passed Yuuko steam was now pouring out of her bathroom, "I must say I am greatful for the view Yuuko, but I did warn you it would be cold though it should have warmed up now, do you want me to get in with you to prove it's no longer cold?"

She grinned she was enjoying the view of Yuuko's naked body, and she could understand her friend hating her first experience in the shower it was something everyone went through when they tried to use one. She stood up and took Yuuko by the hand and walked her back into the bathroom, then grinning dragged her arm under the water getting her own arm wet and her recon armor but the water was indeed now warm, "see should be fine now."
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Re: Apocolyptia - IC

Postby rooiehaan » Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:10 am

Yuuko sniffed, and followed Mizuki. It was no use trying to cover herself up now, Mizuki had already taken a look. She shuffled behind Mizuki, and glared at the shower. Mizuki held her hand and Yuuko's under the water, and Yuuko gasped when the water was steaming hot, instead of icy cold. She quickly pulled back, and muttered something about it being not so cold now, a bit ashamed. She looked down and fidgeted with her feet, before looking from Mizuki to the shower. She grinned and jumped into the shower, dragging Mizuki along with her. "Lets stand under the waterfall together, friend!" She smiled
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Re: Apocolyptia - IC

Postby Goryokaku » Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:13 am

Mizuki laughed as she was dragged into the shower with Yuuko, her clothes now getting wet, she would have to get changed it seems but she didn't mind at least her friend was smiling and happy now. Mizuki gaver her a grin, "So do you want some help washing your body down?" Mizuki asked as she picked up a flannel, she would be quiet happy to wash Yuuko's body though she might explore more then she intended to if she started.
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Re: Apocolyptia - IC

Postby rooiehaan » Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:18 am

Yuuko tilted her head, looking at Mizuki not-understanding. "I thought we ARE washing? What do you people do when you wash yourselves?" Yuuko didn't know what she meant; whenever she thought she smelled she just dipped into the nearest clean looking lake and took a swim, before jumping out again and getting on her way. Obviously she didn't know the concept of soap nor of any equiptment to clean herself.
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Re: Apocolyptia - IC

Postby Goryokaku » Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:30 am

Mizuki moved around so she was behind Yuuko, "Pay attention then dear I'll show you what washing together is all about." She wrapped her arm's round Yuuko so she brought the flannel to her front and applying a bit of shower gel to it she squeezed it so it formed bubbles then slowly she began to rub the flannel across the front of Yuuko's body, taking her time to clean out the dirt, she slowly worked her way up over Yuuko's breast's.
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Re: Apocolyptia - IC

Postby kitsune106 » Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:34 am

Kit thinks at this, but then a beeping gets her attention. She turns to the pda, then looks up.
"Well, have fun. But it seems we are leaving in thirty minutes. You two should know the rules. But I'm sure you two will be there on time."
She smiles at them and then turns to Hurati.
"So.... any chance you can refit a helmet to fit kyle? Or what about a cup? I mean, if he's going in close combat, don't want him disabled too early."
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Re: Apocolyptia - IC

Postby rooiehaan » Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:35 am

"Ah, ah no, don't! Its inappropriate, its not right...! And it tickles..." Yuuko pouted, but she really didn't mind all that much to be honest. She saw the bubbles being formed and was captivated by them, and when the shower slowly removed the bubbles from her stomach she was amazed at how white she was. She was sure that whatever Mizuki was doing to her didn't hurt or would kill her, so the stuff washing away must've been the accumulated dirt. She felt Mizuki ran the flannel across her breasts but she didn't even flinch, she was too captivated by her own skin color. "I'm so white..." She muttered, amazed.
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Re: Apocolyptia - IC

Postby Goryokaku » Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:41 am

Mizuki grinned and continued her ministrations of Yuuko's body slowly working the dirt off her arm's and hands, then her neck and face, being careful not to get anything in her eyes. Mizuki then brought the flannel to Yuuko's back and slowly ran it down her spine, and back up then in a circular motion she cleaned the rest of her back taking all the grime off. Then she squatted down behind Yuuko and began to wash her hip's drawing the flannel across her bottom and her front, being careful not to clean her crotch just yet.
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Re: Apocolyptia - IC

Postby rooiehaan » Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:47 am

Yuuko watched Mizuki clean her off with awe, and couldn't help but grin and giggle every now and then. She lifted her arms and looked at how clean they were, before poking her breasts with a blush and again being baffled about how white she was. When Mizuki finished cleaning her legs she turned around and hugged her. "I haven't been this clean since... since i was born!" She giggled, then let go and eyed herself again. "Oh, you've missed a spot..." She muttered, looking down at her privates.
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Re: Apocolyptia - IC

Postby Hurati » Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:56 am

Hurati looks at Kit, "I don't know, Military type are tough and do need armor. But he just takes damage and ignores it, no matter how badly it should have disabled him. We could go and see about getting him a vest right now if you wanted, you should get one too." He smiles and waits for a response.
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