by Laughing Hyena » Tue Feb 02, 2016 2:55 pm
"Both actually. Whether it is focusing your magic through a wand or just the very tips of your fingers, concentrating upon a single point can give you better control over it. Your thoughts allow it to be directed yet your gestures shape it. It is very much like the fire I hold in my hands." He listens to what she said about her past. She said how her powers had taken a lot from her and it was this that drove her away from her home. To him it was just tragic, considering he had the opposite mindset and was trained and given the chance to understand it. "Regardless of curse or blessing in it's origin, this fire is now part of you. You can reject it… fear it, or you can embrace it and make it an extension of yourself."
"You are not a curse, nor are you someone to be feared. You are compassionate, warm and willing to soothe the woes of others." Again he was focusing upon her duties as a doctor and her legitimate concerns for others over herself as the driving force to help her overcome this mental block. "You are with a passion of your own, a drive to help others. That is your flame. Your true flame. This small flame here is yours. Right now it is small but like any one with a compassionate heart it can grow in both warmth and strength, soothing those from the cold woes of night." He gave a warm smile to her wanting her to trust him on this.
Abel had no idea something was bothering her beyond all this of course. No idea that someone was watching them. He was focused upon helping her. Quietly expanding the flame in his hand, it dances and reshapes itself before forming into a tiny orb of flames. Like a miniature sun. "It can only control you if you permit it to do so. Please concentrate… and try to overcome your fear of it. Take the fire from my hand and hold it exactly as it is. Feel the warmth and heat flood into you and nurture you. Remember that feeling of a warm day out at sea, the wind pulling you to your next destination. The beauty of a sun rise and tranquility of a sun setting." Just to be certain that she does not lose control, his hands remain underneath hers ready to claim it should she fail to turn this into a positive force. She needed this mental boost.