Gordian Orgias

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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Sundance » Tue Feb 02, 2016 12:27 pm

Walking besides Able she looked at him from time to time. The blond man had indeed very handsome eyes, and for a short moment she asked herself how his hair would feel like in her hand. Still with a smile on her lips she entered the room with him. "A small piece in a whole..still if its like that..well, i will see about that."
"A focus, yow mean like a though it can concentrate on?" For a moment she recalled the sun, how every time she had used her powers, strange poems and verse filled her mind. Maybe she just needed something else to focus on. "Or you mean like a point of my body. I used my fist to throw this fireball." Coria makes a punch out movement so show him. "
With a keen intrest she looked at the candle, the fire was small and calm. "I..i dont know about that, i am not really a hero." She pouted as she though about his words, then looks up as he bends the fire in his hand. "What fire means to me.." She looks at the small fire in his hand. "Fire is...its..." Then she closes her eyes, trying to ignore the voice in her head. "THE SUN. FIRE IS THE SCION OF THE RADIANT SUN.. "Danger..i was born and raised on a ship. Fire was the worst thing that could happen to us. Its the reason why they cast me out. Fire is....fire is a curse."

All this time there was this strange feeling in her pinky. She moved it but it was slower then it used to be. There were bigger topics ahead so she ignored it, or at least tried to do so.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Laughing Hyena » Tue Feb 02, 2016 2:55 pm

"Both actually. Whether it is focusing your magic through a wand or just the very tips of your fingers, concentrating upon a single point can give you better control over it. Your thoughts allow it to be directed yet your gestures shape it. It is very much like the fire I hold in my hands." He listens to what she said about her past. She said how her powers had taken a lot from her and it was this that drove her away from her home. To him it was just tragic, considering he had the opposite mindset and was trained and given the chance to understand it. "Regardless of curse or blessing in it's origin, this fire is now part of you. You can reject it… fear it, or you can embrace it and make it an extension of yourself."

"You are not a curse, nor are you someone to be feared. You are compassionate, warm and willing to soothe the woes of others." Again he was focusing upon her duties as a doctor and her legitimate concerns for others over herself as the driving force to help her overcome this mental block. "You are with a passion of your own, a drive to help others. That is your flame. Your true flame. This small flame here is yours. Right now it is small but like any one with a compassionate heart it can grow in both warmth and strength, soothing those from the cold woes of night." He gave a warm smile to her wanting her to trust him on this.

Abel had no idea something was bothering her beyond all this of course. No idea that someone was watching them. He was focused upon helping her. Quietly expanding the flame in his hand, it dances and reshapes itself before forming into a tiny orb of flames. Like a miniature sun. "It can only control you if you permit it to do so. Please concentrate… and try to overcome your fear of it. Take the fire from my hand and hold it exactly as it is. Feel the warmth and heat flood into you and nurture you. Remember that feeling of a warm day out at sea, the wind pulling you to your next destination. The beauty of a sun rise and tranquility of a sun setting." Just to be certain that she does not lose control, his hands remain underneath hers ready to claim it should she fail to turn this into a positive force. She needed this mental boost.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby reaperfrost8 » Tue Feb 02, 2016 3:32 pm

Gherman was suprised by her responses "well then do you mind at least telling me what you know about the church Liebe" as he was talking to Liebe Gherman flew up on the edge on the roof where he decided to sit and wait for the raven "Liebe may please share me something you know about the church"
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Sundance » Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:45 pm

"I never wanted it as a part of me, but you are right. To fear it or to hide it just causes there outbursts, i have to controll it." Coria looked up over the fire and into Ables face. Again she smiled, a her face filled with exitment to learn more.
Coria blushed as he talked about her in such a way. Looking on the ground it was clear to be seen that she was touched by these words. "T..thank you Able. These words are really kind." But maybe he was true. Maybe she could focus on that, on compassion and loyalty for her friends. Maybe wit that she could block out any thoughts of the sun.
"I wont fear it. Fire is a part of me, an extension of my body." She moves her arms forward and around the flame. Then it took the shape of the sun. "Radiant...powerfull..blessed be the sun, mother of all flames." She swallowed as this verse run though her head. Closing her eyes coria moved the orb, placing it right between her both hands. She could feel it, like a heart. It lived, in its own twisted ways it was alive. "I can senes it, its warm..very warm." Breathing in and out she tried to ignore the desire to allow it to grow, to claim the whole room and turn it into ash for the glory of the sun.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Laughing Hyena » Tue Feb 02, 2016 5:05 pm

Smiling at her, Abel cradled her hands in his own so as to keep that warmth close. He wanted it to be how she remembers this potent force now. "Do not forget this warmth. This is your true nature. Not a fire that shall burn the world but nurture it. Your light provides both life and comfort. You define this magic within you as your own." Carefully he closed her hands over the flame so as to accept this power and shape it to her own. Keeping his eyes upon her own beautiful pools of light flames danced within the mirrors of the soul. "Commit these thoughts to heart and claim this magic for your own."
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Sundance » Tue Feb 02, 2016 5:22 pm

Ables hands were strangly soft, but were filled with a power that coria suprised. "I wont forget this. I wont forget any of this." Her big smile still on her face she looks back at both there hands. "Its so warm and peacefull. This is the flame i want to keep." She smirked as she closed her hands around it. Enjoying the warm feel in her hands. "I shall. This is my way, my power. I will keep this magic."
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby LillyMacow » Tue Feb 02, 2016 5:37 pm

Coria, Abel, Mel, Avalin:
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"Good, I'm glad you got better at it." Neither of the two had noticed the raven women leaning in the now open door frame. Mel and avalin could see what was going on from behind the women. Though Avalin suddenly felt a sharp pain in her tail and then it went limp and numb. "Now the sun girl is coming with me whether she likes it or not, the rest can tag along but I wont force you." She says pausing a moment looking at her ability to control the sun power "You are a fast learner, you would do good with Ecliptis." Coria feels the pain in her pinky start surging through out her body primarily her arms, she begins to feel weaker and her whole body started tingling.

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The bandit women grasped your arm "No, we cant fuck this up. That women is our only chance to get what we want and I mean it was technically harmless if what you say is true." She attempts to reason as you entered the back of the inn.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Sundance » Tue Feb 02, 2016 5:41 pm

"YOU." Coria growled as she turned around. All the compassion was gone as anger filled her. This woman wanted to take her away from her friends from this. She wouldnt allow that. "YOU WONT TAKE ME..." An away should follow, but then she gasped out in pain as the pain run through her body and she started to tingling. "W..what is this.." Shivering she looked pleading at able. "A..able..P..prics...h..elp me.."
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Tue Feb 02, 2016 8:01 pm

Ooc sorry been shoveling snow

She follows Mell silently following the raven.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Tue Feb 02, 2016 8:13 pm

Melsandra followed the woman as she walked into the room. She interrupted two people of the people Mel recognized from the night before. She wasn't happy to find that it was just the four of them, well two as the girl with the control issues seemed to be in extreme pain. She still didn't know who this Ecliptis was or what she wanted, but if she was planning to abduct someone with this kind of power and so little control they definitely couldn't be planning anything good. Calling on Dranox she placed the beast between herself and Raven. "Your terms are unacceptable. The girl doesn't want to go and meet your master. You can either give us one good reason to follow you, leave peacefully, or..." Mel left the last possibility to hang unsaid.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:42 pm

Sabrina nodded and decided to continue through the market on her own, keeping her eyes peeled for something that would catch her eye, be it useful or simply something pretty. After all, she traveled to see things, as many different things as possible.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby DeltaSynergy » Tue Feb 02, 2016 11:25 pm

Gillan glared at the bandit lady.

"I still won't forgive her for such a joke on us...its demeaning for you especially."

Following after quickly, he saw her outside a room in the inn and noticed what she was doing.

"You...had better stop what you're doing...and apologize to her..."
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Laughing Hyena » Wed Feb 03, 2016 12:37 am

Abel was surprised by the appearance of the raven woman as his eyes remained upon her. For the moment he was at a loss on what to do. After all she appeared to be so sure of herself that she had to be stronger in terms of mage craft. His mind was racing for a way that he could possibly stop her. Yet his hand clenched tightly when she also was inflicting pain upon Coria. The call for help that she gave was pretty much what sealed it. That was something he was not going to tolerate at all. When Gillian tried to get the woman's attention was when Abel acted. Taking the flame from Coria's hands he claps his hands together and then blew directly onto the flame. The moment she turned back was when Abel threw white hot soot into her face in an attempt to break the spell she was doing to Coria and hopefully blind her. He put into action essentially that Coria was not going with her regardless of what she wanted.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby LillyMacow » Wed Feb 03, 2016 2:12 am

All with raven:
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"A reason you say? Is it not clear? Her magic is far stronger then she could ever handle under the training of a low ranking mage. Ecliptis knows far more then any about sun magic and would happily teach her, or forcefully in either case this women is coming with me." with that said she turned her head back to which Abel quickly responded causing a small cloud of hot soot to come flying at the women. She was caught off guard but one of her wings quickly rose up and blocked the attempt though it left a lot of white soot on her wing. "Ow..." she said almost sarcastically even though it clearly did hurt. "Alright you have 10 seconds to make up your mind before I get mad, and I don't believe the manager of this inn would approve of having to clean up charred corpses from the rubble of this building.

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Coria feels the pain suddenly stop as though it had... made peace with your body... though it didn't feel completely yours anymore.

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You find an interesting rusting gold pocket watch which appeared unattended at a dusty stand in the corner. The stand was filled with all sorts of strange trinkets and empty cages for birds made of some form of dark rugged wood. It was strange none of the street urchins had pocketed it yet.

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"I believe I can fix that, it will take me maybe 10 minutes. Do to the large hole..." he says looking at the hold where her asshole should be hidden and smirking he adds "It will be a bit pricey, two gold, maybe one if you tell me what actually happened" he said laughing.

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"I-I I dont want to talk about it..." she says seeming distant and a bit... scared perhaps?
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Wed Feb 03, 2016 2:28 am

avalin jumped on the back of the woman who called herself the raven biting into her neck grabbing her dagger stabbing into her to not let go her eyes clouded black with glowing red pupils when she tasted the blood becoming bloodthirsty or bloody lustful either way she was losing control again.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby LillyMacow » Wed Feb 03, 2016 2:39 am

All with raven:
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As the half demon leapt on ravens back and sank her teeth in she let out a yelp. In one blurry move her other wing jolts out with incredible strength launching Avalin back off her and into the wall nearly breaking the wall on impact and lodging herself in the splintered wood wall. "SON OF A BITCH! alright 5 seconds, and you'll be first..." she screeches clutching her bleeding shoulder. She backs up against a wall as to keep that from happening again.

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All the air is knocked out of your body and you can hardly move though you are in weird mix of complete blood thrust and complete lust.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Wed Feb 03, 2016 2:42 am

"Hmm? I'm not sure what you mean. That is what happened. You can ask the people at the farmhouse if you don't believe me." Priscilla responds, keeping her expression neutral. It wasn't really a lie per se, it just wasn't the whole truth. And there was no need for this man to know anything more than that anyway. "I'll pay the two gold if I must. Where should I change out of these pants?" She asks handing the man the gold she owed and looking around for somewhere private she could wait while he repaired her clothes.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby LillyMacow » Wed Feb 03, 2016 2:45 am

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"Back there" he pointed to a door behind him. "Just slide the pants under the door, that will be two gold." he adds putting out his hand.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Wed Feb 03, 2016 2:57 am

after she was slammed into the wall she had the wind knocked out of her , she licked her teeth drinking the blood but her panties were soaked , she tried to get up to eat some more of her flesh but she couldn't move so she licked the blade of her dagger. Ava tried to get up and attack her again hoping to rip a chunk of meat from the raven.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Wed Feb 03, 2016 3:31 am

Priscilla merely nodded and handed the man the two gold she owed before going through the door he had indicated. Once she had the door shut behind her, she wasted no time in stripping out of her torn pants and sliding them under the door. The longer she was away from Coria, the more likely it became that the Raven would return while she was away.
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