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"-and that's why none of you can eat the bean soup!" The secretary suddenly, and unexpectedly, announced. "It might not make sense if you hadn't been paying attention, so please make sure you do that from now on!"
Not a single student or faculty member could hide their look of shame after being called out like this, but that only seemed to make her feel oddly happy. Following this, she fixed her dress, than continued to talk.
"I would also like to tell all of you that, if you would like to direct your complaints to anyone, please address them to you student body president!" She smiled, while waving out her hands towards a single point in the audience, which was now lighten up by some sort of spotlight.
Following that single point, all of the students were fixed on this one girl, who seemed to be a good year younger than most other girls. No one, aside from her, knew that her name was Florina Night, and even she was in doubt to that right now. It also seemed that she had seemed to have suffered from a nightmare of sorts, and that was true.
The nightmare had taken place in this same room...
She couldn't exactly move...
But, that seemed to be the only place where her dream ended, as after that, there was one person staring at her, and he was filled with darkness.
Wait, why is everyone-
"I am also aware that some of you have had some complaints about how our conversation is going," The Egyptian-Marylin suddenly chimed in. "So please, if you want to continue babbling or ignoring us, and not get a single thing we say, or you can-"
"And so," The secretary suddenly continued, "let us take care of the next part of business on how to deal with everything that isn't about to use you for a textbook!
"Will you please shut up?" an eerily familiar voice boomed, to the obvious discomfort of the three on-stage. "I love your butt, but, if you keep wasting time like this, I might get BEARY angry!"