by Icaelus » Fri May 13, 2016 4:56 pm
A small groan of pain echoed down the dimly lit tunnel, the source originating from a young Huntress, currently hunched over against the stone wall of the tunnel. With another grunt of pain, she extricated another of the numerous shards, this particular one from her midriff. She let the piece of crystalline blood drop to join the bloody pile at her feet, heaving a pained sigh. Adrenaline was a scary thing. It had helped to numb the pain so much, letting her continue onward into the tunnel before shutting the flow off completely. The agony had then hit her like a brick in the face..
Seriously, ow. Goddamned Swain and his..fragment bombs or whatever. She couldn't exactly fault the man for doing what he did, but she could certainly feel a bit resentful towards him for all the pain he was causing her right this moment.
With another groan, Syl glanced forward at the path that continued through the tunnel. From all the torches she had seen, snuffed out and tossed haphazardly in was safe to say that idiot Royal had moved quickly, extinguishing all sources of light throughout. Only the embers of the once-burning torches cast a dim glow, not really enough to make anything out in this kind of darkness.
She continued down the tunnel cautiously. This..was a really bad idea. Following Royal alone, like this? Oh, gods..Graham would turn in his grave if he had seen her doing what she was, throwing caution to the wind. It was rather ironic in the fact that she was doing this to find out more about his death, too..
Perhaps curiosity would kill the cat this time?
Syl gave a stubborn shake of her head. No use thinking like this. She had decided on this path of action and she would act on it..even if it meant irrevocably damaging her relations with the rest of the Hunters. Graham..was still too important to her. As close as they had been, much of the man had still remained a mystery to her..and maybe..just maybe, Royal would have a few enlightening answers for her.
Steeling both her nerves and heart, she readied the Repeater and trudged further forward into the darkness. She had gone less than a couple of meters when a now familiar voice taunted her from the dark. Royal. Who else?
"Oh, don't be like that. Weren't you looking forward to our next meeting, friend?"
Syl taunted back, her grip tightening on the rifle as she spoke. He sounded close. Very close..and while she obviously had superior firepower with the Repeater, she didn't have much hope of beating Royal in a melee. Her only chance would be to to shoot and hit him before he closed the distance between them.
Another quip from the bastard had her grinding her teeth in annoyance. That bit degrading Graham had particularly got to her..but she couldn't allow his taunts to get to her at this moment. It was a typical strategy of rat-faced bastards such as Royal..but..oh gods, that bloody laugh. So..damn..annoyi-
And there you go, she was distracted. Distracted enough to get ambushed from the freaking ceiling. What the hell was Royal, a fucking spider? And of course, he had been laughing all the way as he had elbowed her in the cheek. She had stumbled away far enough for the blow to merely graze her, but the force still sent her reeling. That strike could've easily knocked her unconscious if it had landed well..
It was probably a small fortunate that Royal was completely looking down on her ability to fight, electing to not even use his sword in that first ambush. Good. That gave her some room to breathe..though the sight of the young Hunter completely straightening up, posture and expression both ramrod straight. Well. No more games, then.
She remained completely silent in contrast to Royal. Words were not for this situation, dire as it was for her. She would have only one chance to fire her rifle..and if that missed..well, she didn't want to think about what Royal would do to her. Death was probably the painful minimum.
Her crimson eyes darted to Royal's feet, watching him trudge through the thin layer of enchanted blood she had been leaving behind as she backed off slowly. It was slowing Royal even as he continued walking forward, though he might not know it. This was going to be her only chance..
Taking a big step backward into a knee onto the ground, she raised her rifle, her eyes widening in shock even as she prepared to squeeze the trigger.
Royal was fast. Inhumanly so, she thought as he lunged forward, not giving a single thought to the viscous blood clinging to his feet. It had barely even slowed him down..
His sword flashed in a brilliant arc in the darkness, giving out the loud clatter of steel upon wood as Royal batted her gun's barrel away from his person, moving in with a vicious backhand with the pommel of his sword, leaving her stunned and open for a hard thrust of his knee straight into her abdomen, bending her body over double across his leg. Intentional or not, that very same blow also had the further effect of driving the shrapnel from Swain's bomb even deeper.
An agonized shriek ripped out of Sylvia's lips, even as she was sent to all fours by a cruel kick to the back of her knees. Shit. Shitshitshitshit! From the way she had seen Royal handle himself, she had known he would be a dangerous foe..but he had exceeded all expectations she had. "Dangerous" was an understatement for this man..
But in the darkness..had he forgotten that she still possessed her gun? He hadn't made sure to disarm her..a small fortune in the whole scheme of things, perhaps? She now had a chance at the very least, no matter how faint of a hope it was. A snowball's chance in hell.
Syl glared balefully up at Royal as he circled her, gloating over his obvious victory. How typical of him. She forced herself to remain silent, biting back a scathing retort in response to the name-dropping of her foster father again. There were more important notes in his words to acknowledge, rather than get riled up by petty insults. What had he been saying at the start? A "She" and something about them being the latest, weakest batch? Perhaps the one behind Royal, pulling his strings? There was something going in the deep end of things, a grand scheme in the making..
The burning cold steel tip of Royal's blade was suddenly thrust under her chin and she involuntarily gave out a soft whimper, hating every fiber in her being for letting out such a weak noise. Forced to look up at the man who would soon be her reaper, she all but gave Royal a cool look as he reared his sword back, preparing to finish her off.
And that was when she raised the rifle and casually shot him in the foot. He stumbled from the sudden pain, and Syl wasn't letting any chance go. Surging to her feet with some very warranted anger, she twirled the rifle around once and smashed Royal hard in the chin with the wood stock of the gun, neatly laying him out on his ass. A boot to his chest laid him out spread-eagled, whereupon Syl then all but jumped him, straddling his stomach. She quickly worked the lever of the rifle, popping a fresh bullet into the mechanism as she returned the barrel to aim at Royal's face. She had won. Somehow..
"You know, you talk a lot. Has anyone told you that? Or were you too busy talking over them?"
Syl smiled coldly as she spoke, moving the rifle to knock the sword out of Royal's hands. She wasn't taking any chances, not with someone as slippery as Royal. The anger in his face was evident, but he had only himself to blame with his careless approach towards her. A cornered rat would bite a cat, even if it was doomed to die. She had taken her chance, and now she was standing triumphant over Royal.
Or rather..sitting triumphant on Royal..? Well, whatever goes.
"Death would be too easy, Royal..I mean, there are a nice variety of things that could happen to you instead of just bleeding out in this stony grave.."
A sly little smile played on her lips now, the girl transferring the burning hot barrel of her rifle from Royal's his crotch region. There are several things men value more than their lives..and their unmentionables were one of them.
"I could take you to Jurgen. I could convince him to keep you alive and let him slowly break you to get you to spill. You were..a little flustered around him earlier, weren't you? I wonder, what just would he do to you after all you did to him? I would be terrified to find out..aren't you?"
Syl leaned in, her ample chest pressing against Royal as she slunk closer to whisper sweetly in his ear.
"But what..if I told you I didn't want to do that? I want to know what you know..About Graham. About everything that's going on here. You've let on a lot..and I think you've found me to be a rather..curious girl, hm?"
Her free hand roamed upwards, seductively tracing along the musculature of Royal's torso. He was rather well-toned for someone of his age..which only made it easier to tease. Her fingers trailed and danced on top of his body..and however straight Royal tried to keep his face, she knew he felt every motion.
"So, darling..what do you propose we do here?"
Sleep unbeknownst to I, this one lives in perpetual need of coffee..