Tainted Princess

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Wed Dec 09, 2015 3:04 am

Player Combat Rolls
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Aria Uses Warcry (+1 Hit to all allies)
Aria attacks Merc (Greatsword) Hit Roll: 10 + 4 + 3 = 17 Hit!
Damage: 6 + 4 - 2 = 8 Merc (Greatsword) Defeated

Sharya Attacks Merc 1 (Straight Sword): Hit Roll: 2 + 4(Dex) + 2 (Drawing Strike) + 1(War Cry) + 1 (Racial bonus) Hit!
Damage: 4 + 4 (Dex) + 2 (Drawing Strike) + 1 (Endowment) - 2 (Defense) = 9, Merc 1 (Straight Sword) Defeated

Priea Uses Heal on Kassandra (+ 8 HP)

Kassandra is Defending Priea

Shayde Attacks Merc (Axe): Hit Roll: 4 + 5(Dex) + 1 (War Cry) = 10 Hit
Damage: 10 - 2 (Defense) = 8

Aria's War Cry rouses everyone's spirits as if to signal a counter attack. First Aria strikes down the Greatsword wielding mercenary with a powerful strike. Sharya enters the fray and with her burning sword in hand. With a bright flash she cuts down another merc. Finally, with Aria's help Shayde manages to slice the merc with the axe.

Enemy Combat Roll
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Mercenary 2 (Straight Sword) Attacks Priea
Hit Roll: 12 + 2 = 14 Protected by Kassandra
Damage: (6/2)(Guard) - 6 (Defense) - 2(Honourable Combat + Band of Sisters): No Damage

Mercenary 3 (Axe) Attacks Shayde
Hit Roll: 11 + 2= 13 Miss!

Mercenary 5 (Short Bow) Attacks Sharya
Hit Roll: Natural 20 Damage: 12 (12 + 2 (Dex) - 2 Defense) Sharya is Defeated

Mercenary 6 (Pistol) Attacks Priea
Hit Roll: 11 + 2 = 13 Miss! Protected by Kassandra
Damage: (4/2)(Guard) - 6 (Defense) - 2(Honourable Combat + Band of Sisters): No Damage

Sniper ??? uses Light Attack vs Shayde; Hit Roll: 15 + 2 = 17, Hit
Damage: 5 [3 + 5 - 3 (Defense)]

That counter attack comes to a halt once another arrow pierces Sharya's abdomen. Sharya feels something rupture as a dizzying pain that leaves you on the ground unable to move. The remainder of the mercenaries focus on Priea. However, none of their attacks hit as Kassandra protects her. Shayde doesn't fair much better as the mystery sniper hits hit in the shoulder. Seeing the tide of battle, Mr. Hillsdale speaks up. " Your friends don't seem to be doing well. Look, if you surrender now I'll make things easy on you. I won't even force you to hand over your land." He says with a sly smile.

Character Stats
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Kassandra: HP: 10/16 OP: 6/6 AP Next Turn: 10
Priea: HP: 7/11 OP: 7/7 AP Next Turn: 10
Shayde: HP: 5/10 OP: 5/5 AP Next Turn: 10
Sharya: HP: 0/9 OP: 6/6 AP Defeated
Aria: HP: 9/16 OP: 6/6 AP Next Turn: 8
Kailyne: HP: 0/11 OP: 6/6 Defeated
Nighteyes: HP: 11/12 AP Next Turn: 10
Arrenhan: HP: 11/11 OP: 8/8 AP Next Turn: 10

Enemy Stats
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Mercenary 1 (Straight Sword) HP: 0/12
Mercenary 2 (Straight Sword) HP: 6/12
Mercenary 3 (Axe) HP: 4/12
Mercenary 4 (Greatsword) HP: 0/12
Mercenary 5 (Short Bow) HP: 10/10
Mercenary 6 (Pistol) HP: 10/10
Mercenary 7 (Musket) HP: 0/10 Defeated
Sniper ??? HP: ???/??? OP ???/??? AP Next Turn: 10
Last edited by Mark3000 on Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Wed Dec 09, 2015 3:51 am

Well, it might be considered luck or divine protection that Kassy is able to defend not only herself but the cleric from being harmed from the two mercenaries. Kassy held her ground, taking both a straight sword and another gunshot and not doing anything. It's times like this that Kassy does thank her paladin training to allow her to be the full on tank and absorb all damage for anyone trying to help out. Especially when said someone is healing her back up and it's the girl she helped years ago. Once they get out of this, either by defeating these mercs or getting out of Hillsdale's clutches, the holstaur needs to find a way to repay for Priea's service.

Speaking of the bastard, hearing him made her snort out in anger as Kassy grips her shovel and performs yet another heavy attack, this time to the gunslinger to disarm him and to knock him out. "Yeah, until you actually do something instead of sitting on your ass and bossing around these goons, using a cheap cowardly sniper for instant kills, I'm not going to fold," she replied, grunting as she swings. "Even then, you'll never get my land. I'm gonna keep on fighting until I keep my land free, but I get everyone else's that you have in your dirty mitts." As she said this, she thought about how Priea was being targeted, meaning that once the holstaur moves, Priea becomes a target again. So once Kassy performs her attack on the gunslinger, she'll move back in to do Guardian duty again, defending off anyone wanting to hurt her or anyone else that needs patching up.

Noticing yet another gunshot, Kassy tracks where it came from and looks back towards whoever is standing. "Hey, someone go after her!" she stated, pointing off in the area where the shot came from. "If we get them out, we won't have any more issues with them during this!" This definitely sets her up as the next target, and Kassy is going to be ready to guard against anyone with a target on them.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Wed Dec 09, 2015 6:00 pm

Priea was relieved when her healing spell worked so well to bolster Kassy back up, managing a relieved smile... only to tense as she noticed she was being charged at by the mercenary she had already been fighting. Of course, that was when Kassy rushed in and fended off the attack, the cleric sighing in relief as she quickly prepared to do her part... only to notice Shayra fell, cursing at how quickly they were losing people to that stupid Sniper... Kassy calling out for someone to go deal with them let her know at least someone was going to handle it. Glancing about, she noticed Aria seemed to now be the worst out of them, quickly casting another heal spell in order to bolster her back up as she had Kassy," Heal!", she called out, once more keeping from compressing the spell in fear it would make it not reach.

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Heal 7 AP
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Lorielle » Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:54 pm

"Piss off peasant! I shall not be talked down to by some lowlife who uses force to get what he wants!" Aria grips the handle of her greatsword and digs one of her boots into the ground as she breaks into a sprint trying to move into range of Mr. Hillsdale and cut him down before his sniper could take another shot at any of her allies [Using Charged bash if he's in range]

10ap-10 ap charged bash
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby cryosabre » Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:36 am

Screeching as the sniper's bullet penetrates her shoulder, Shayde quickly jumps back from the axeman and brings a hand up to the wound to staunch the flow of blood already cascading down her arm, "Fucking...shit this hurts..." She gasped through clenched teeth as the pain snaps her out of her tunnel vision as she quickly takes stock of the battle which only causes a heaviness to quickly develop in the pit of her stomach. In the time she had been messing with this asshat, two of her comrades had already been downed and the others seemed to be in as bad a shape as she was. Thinking quickly, Shayde knew she needed to stop her companions from getting sprayed by those at range so, with a deft quickness, Shayde sprinted past the melee combatants to attack the militia with the short bow, "Take care of the half dead axeman there, he's already injured, I'll try to take out some of their range!" Shayde shouted before she reached the bow wielder and tried to cut him with a downward strike before reversing the direction of her attack and bringing her blades back up in an attempt to cut him with the serrated edges of her daggers.

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10AP - 4AP (Moving from striking distance to rearguard) - 5AP Normal attack - 7AP (Jagged edge) = -7AP
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:18 am

Player Combat Roll

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Kassandra Attacks Merc 6 (Pistol): 12 + 4 (Str) + 1 (Skills) = 18, Hit!
Damage: 8 [6 + 4 (Str) - 2 (Defense)]

Kassandra Search Roll (Wis): 15 + 2 = 17
??? Stealth Roll (Dex): 3 + 5 = 8. Julia Spotted

Kassandra is protecting Priea (Guardian)

Priea Uses Heal on Aria

Aria uses Charged Bash against Mr. Hillsdale: 5 + 4 + 2 (Skills) = 11 Hit!
Mr. Hillsdale is knocked out

Shadye attacks Merc (Short Bow): 14 + 5 (Dex) = 19, Hit!
Damage: 8 (5 + 5 (Dex) - 2 (Defense))
Shadye uses Jagged Dagger against Merc (Short Bow): 11 + 5 (Dex), Hit!
Damage: 5 + Bleed. Short Bow Merc is defeated

With a quick movement from Kassandra, she steps forward to slam her shovel into gunslinger's arm. It looks like he's about to fall over. Just as quickly, she jumps back in order to protect Priea. As she moves back she spots the barrel of a musket pointing out of the house Mr. Hillsdale is sitting in front of. Aria then decides to end this battle once and for all by charging towards the old man. Though this requires her to move up a bit before doing so (4 AP for movement). Her powerful charge is unstoppable and she appears right in front of Hillsdale. " Wait! Wait! we can wore something..." Is all he can say before you cut him down and send him flying into the wall behind him. There was no way a man of his age could survive a blow like that. Distracted by this, the short bow wielding mercenary doesn't notice Shadye begin to slice him with her daggers. He falls to the ground face first into a pool of his own blood.

The remaining mercenaries look at each other as their client is possibly slain. "I guess it's over then" you hear a quiet voice say. From out of the house walks a woman carrying a musket and an .....eccentric outfit [ https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/214094 ... _speeddraw ]. This was most likely Julia, the sniper that was giving you so much trouble. What you notice immediately is that on her side was a heart shaped mark similar to Kassandra's and Kailyne. The only difference is that the heart seems to be inked in half way with tribal tattoos extending out from it. They pretty much covered more then half her body. Being the closest to her, Aria mark reacts as a sensual shiver rolls down her spine. Julia however doesn't respond and instead just turns around and sprints in the other direction making a full retreat. Whether you pursue her or not is up to you.

With their employer dead and their ace in the hole gone, the remaining mercenaries drop their weapons and raises their hands. "Ok we give! We give! No point laying down our lives if we're not gonna get paid." Says one of the combatants. With the ruckus at an end, the bar attendants come out to see the aftermath of your battle. Among them are some of them are the Glassmill Militia. Whether it was a bribe or blackmail, something had kept them from lending you assistance. However with Hillsdale dead, they moved in to apprehend his private force. The rest of the townsfolk moved in with a bewildered look on their face as you have dealt with one of the town's biggest menaces. A few more helped to carry Kailyne and Shayra to the local doctor. From the small crowd, Daisy and Dixie approach. Both with a shocked look on their face. "I can't believe you actually killed Hillsdale" Daisy said. "Some one was bound to do. With the way he did business, he was bound to end up with a sword in his back." Dixie replied seemingly glad he was dead. "But If he's dead, will people get their farmland back? And what about retaliation frpm his family or ..." Before Daisy could work herself into a dizzy, Dixie gave her a quick slap on the back. " Now's not the time to worry about that. Tonight we should be glad to be rid of that weasel." She said getting a few cheers from the rest of the town.

"So what are you going to do next?" Daisy asked. It was a good question. You look to the sky and it was already getting dark. You could try and pursue Julia or talk to the captured mercenaries if you think they might have something useful. You could also head to the doctor's home and check on Kailyne's and Shayra's health. Of course celebrating a victory at the pub or resting at the inn was always an option. Or you might have your own business.

Shayde remembers the drunkard and the medallion. He has given her his location. She may have one more chance to take it.

Kailyne and Shayra

The two of you wake up on a bed inside a wooden hut. Your body still aches but you see that most of your wounds have been bandaged. "I didn't expect you to wake up so soon" says a voice in the front of the room. You soon see an bald, middle age man in a white coat. " I was able to get a healer from the order to mend the internal damage but you two will need some rest" He says as he leaves the room. As he does, Nighteyes sneaks in behind him and moves towards her master and friend.

GM Notes:

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Victory! +14 exp (2 for each Mercenary except Julia). Level up! All players get to:
-Add one stat to any attribute
-Choose a new skill from their skill list or Strengthen one of their existing skill

VintageBass, MASigma & FragranceofMtDew: You can also:
- Create a new spell or strengthen one of your old ones.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Sat Dec 12, 2015 1:25 am

Kailyne awakes with a groan, her eyes fluttering open as she glances over to the voice. "Huh...? Right I was.." She glances down at the dressing and nods a little her eyes moving to the human with a soft smile. "Guess I can stay lying down... I take it by the act I am not dead my companions fared better than myself?" She asks with a smile before he leaves and Nighteyes sneaks in. Grinning she pats her lap for the wolfess to jump up and strokes her fur softly. "Good girl... glad to see you are alright. gave me a fright you did." She chimes with a grin. "We'll need to be more careful hm?" She asks before the wolf leaps at her and pounces pushing her down on the bed before lounging on top of her. Making her groan and whimper from the pain of her wounds "Get off.... Lie here." She grunts as she slides Nighteyes to join her on the bed but no longer with the wolf's huge weight on her bandaged wounds. "Sometimes I swear you do that on purpose." she grumbles as she lays back and idly strokes her friend.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Sat Dec 12, 2015 2:22 am

This should be a moment to celebrate, but Kassy isn't feeling all that happy about it. Instead, she feels rather ticked off that the one person she was hoping to get to just so happens to be sliced down by a knight, instead of going for the more heavier hitter since they were the one causing the problems for a lot of them. For a moment, she did pick up that she carried the same mark as the holstaur, but that doesn't change things. Instead, here she is more pissed that the man is dead and someone else killed him over letting him live and having her discuss things out, although in a more aggressive way. Still, she doesn't want anyone to die from this confrontation, including the mercenaries, and now that the one person she really wants is dead, she just has to huff it out and try to figure out another way to help give all the farmland back to those who lost it.

She really wants to go up to the knight and give her a stern talking, but hearing the twins talking about Hillsdale, she lets out one long sigh. "As much it goes against my own creed, I wish I was the one that killed him," she said, looking at the knight with a bit of a bitter glare. "Otherwise I would have kicked his weaselly ass outta town once I get him to hand everyone's homes back, but I guess that's not happening since he's dead." Kassy sighs again, pinching her eyes together as she tries to calm her angry nerves. "I need a break. Maybe I can get something from home to celebrate?" She pauses for a moment, remembering that most of the fight she helped out the cleric and wants to get to know her better after all these years, seeing that they barely got time after this little encounter.

Plus she feels a little heavy in her chest. Maybe it's finally the milk that's kicking in for her, feeling it swishing around inside and also something magical about it. There was probably something she remembered long ago about being blessed with something, but it has been a while when she was initiated, so she can't remember the details. This has her thinking that maybe with Preia's help, the two of them can hand see if their fallen friends need any additional healing. The holstaur walks up to the cleric and extends a hand out. "Hey, wanna go check up on our friends and see how well they're doing?" she offered. Her hand has a slight tremble to it, coming from the anger she is holding back, but hopefully she can calm down by talking to Preia and the others.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Sat Dec 12, 2015 10:58 am

Sharya awakens when she hears the doctor speaking, but her eyes remain closed as she tries to get more sleep in this soft warm bed. "Ughh... 5 more minutes, ok? ..... Or maybe 5 more hours..." She grumbles, rolling over only to feel a jolt of pain from the wound she had sustained. Her eyes shot open and she quickly rolled back to her original position. "O-owwiiee..." The pain brought back her memories of how she had ended up here. She had been so excited about taking down the mercenary in front of her that she hadn't even seen the arrow coming until it dropped her like a rock.

At least she wasn't stuck here alone as she glanced over at Kailyne and her cute wolf in the bed next to her, but where was everyone else? "We... We won right?" She wondered aloud, though she certainly didn't feel victorious. They must have. She didn't know what that Hillsdale guy wanted with them, but she doubted it involved giving them a warm bed to sleep in. "Hmph... I bet the rest of them are back at the pub, getting more drinks while we're stuck here..." Sharya said with a huff, pouting slightly at the idea of being left out.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby cryosabre » Sun Dec 13, 2015 11:14 pm

Hissing through clenched teeth, Shayde pressed a hand up to her shoulder to try and staunch the flow of blood that 'julie' bitch had caused, "if I see that one again, I'll be making it so she can't use guns anymore..." The pissed of cat grumbled before walking over to one of the dead mercs and tearing off some cloth from their cloths to use as a form of makeshift bandage, "not like they'll be needing them anymore..." She sighed before going to pick over the corpses to see if there was any loot to be had! If there was one thing that always made Shayde feel better, it was loot.

After picking clean whatever she could find, shayde let out a sigh at her multitude of options, she could try and interrogate the mercs, go to the pub and drink away the pain...or she could take one more crack at the old man and his infuriatingly alluring medallion. For reasons unknown to shade she just knew that she had to have it, not because I was shiny and possibly expensive...alright maybe partly because of that, but still something else told her that she just needed to have it. So, after cleaning herself off as much as she could and resheathing her daggers, the Neko left her party for now to head towards the inn and up towards the room the old timer had whispered to her, intent on getting that damn medallion one way or another! Once she arrived, Shayde would knock on the door before waiting on the old fart to answer.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:35 am

Priea felt immense relief everything was now over and done with, no one had been killed or otherwise on their side, though as he looked towards Kassy to celebrate she noticed the Paladin was upset for some reason. Frowning in confusion, she jumps a bit as Kassy turns her attention towards her, asking for her assistance in healing their new companions... only to notice the shaking of the Paladin woman's hand,"... Of course", Priea replied with a soft smile, her hands moving up to grasp Kassy's own, helping to hide the shaking as she did so," Though I'd also like to fix up anyone still in need of healing... and if you wanna talk still I'm happy to lend an ear", the young cleric offered with a smile and a wink, honestly wanting to help the older woman get whatever was bothering her off her chest.

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Add 1 to Dex, Skill I want is Magic Circle, and strengthen my heal spell please :p
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Mon Dec 14, 2015 2:41 am

When Kassandra and Priea arrive at the doctor's wooden hut, he greets you at the door. "Ah! Kassandra. I'm glad you came. Is this one a friend of yours?" He asked turning to Priea. "Your other friends are this way" He says as he lets you in. He takes you to the room Kailyne & Shayra were staying. He then addresses the entire group. "As I was telling these two before, they should be able to make a full recovery in no time. They just need rest." He then leaves the four of you to your own devices.


Shayde does a quick once over of the various corpses in the street before they are carted away by the militia. You find a few spare coins, an empty locket and a surprisingly fancy pocket watch.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Shadye has gained 20 SC, an empty locket & a fancy pocket watch

When you arrive at the man's room you see the scarf he mentioned would be hanging on the door. After waiting a minute or two, you see the door open. As the old man comes out, you can still smell the booze on his breath. His shirt is also unbuttoned which allows you to see his flabby chest and .... the amulet. "I knew you would come for this little baby" He says. "Well come on in, if you'll just lend you ear to this old timer, the amulet's yours." He then steps aside to let you in.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby cryosabre » Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:29 pm

Shayde stood and fiddled with her shiny new pocket watch while she waited on the old man, passing it between her hand to look it over before folding her arms and resting it in her tail in front of her to admire it, "You'll be fetching me a pretty penny~" she purred before the door opened and she slid the watch back in her pocket. Having to hold back a grimace at the sight of his flabby chest, Shayde had never been a fan of fat people, she reluctantly walked into the room, the medallion hanging from around his neck overruling the disgust she felt for the booze addled old timer. Upon hearing his proposition, Shayde's ears pressed against her head in suspicion as she gave the man a sidelong glance, "so...I just have to listen to a story then you'll just give me the medallion...?" Shayde echoed while looking the man over again, trying to figure out what his game was, something telling Shayde that 'simoly lending her ear' wasn't quite everything he wanted her to do.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Tue Dec 15, 2015 12:10 am


"That's it. Just sit down over her" He says as he leads Shayde to the bed to sit down. He takes a set right beside her.

"Oh I haven't introduced myself. My name is Gregory. Back in my day I use to work as a bounty hunter. I would bring in scandals of all shapes and sizes to justice. You wouldn't believe the crooks I brought in.I can remember my first hunt like it was yesterday. It was these two brothers you see. called themselves the Apple Brothers. They got the name because each time they would rob a place. one of em was always munching on one. So being the smart fella I am, I tracked down where they were getting the apples from. It seems they went got them from this small orchid up in Northdale. You ever fought in an apple orchid. It's a thing of beauty"

He went on like this for what seems like hours. Telling you stories from his heyday years as a bounty hunter. You soon begin to notice that his stories begin to become more erotic in nature. All the while, he begins to gently rub your inner thigh.

" My last bounty was this pretty thing. Considered herself a master thief. One time she stole from the wrong people, A family of nobles from Irongard. I found her in an alleyway as she was about to sell her stolen goods to this scumbag. I don't even remember his name. Well I chained her up really good while she had her guard down during the deal. If I brought her in,she'd be locked up for good at best. So you know what she did? She just opened her mouth and gave me a wink. I may have lost the bounty but I had one hell of a night. If you catch my drift." You can his move closer towards your pussy as his erection is clearly visible through his pants.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Wed Dec 16, 2015 7:55 am

Sharya ceases her grumbling once the door opens and shifts into a sitting up position to see who it is, slowly so as to avoid agitating her wounds. She scowls as the doctor mentions they need to keep resting in bed, but her expression brightens the instant she sees Kassy and Preia. "Hi! Y-you came to see us? Thank you!" Sharya exclaims, her eyes twinkling with joy. "Hey hey, how did you win the fight? It wasn't looking too good last I remember..." She touches her bandaged stomach gingerly as she recalls their battle and the arrow that abruptly ended her role in it.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Wed Dec 16, 2015 8:37 am

Kailyne groans and nods a little at Sharya. "I think so. I mean I doubt we'd be in soft beds and I doubt Nighteyes would be alive if they captured me." She comments looking down at her wolf and stroking it's fur. "So glad you're okay." She comments before looking over at the other elf. "I'm not one for drinks... besides I'd rather rest from get hurt even worst by leaving my bed and drinking." She comments with a pained look before the doctor comes back in. Nodding she rests her head on the pillow her hand absently stroking Night's belly. "Yeah yeah... You never actually said for how long though." She comments with a grumble before smiling at the two. "Thanks for coming by, but yeah how did you win? last I saw it we were being slaughtered." she holds a hand over her belly where the arrow had gone through before glancing at them.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:08 am

Kassandra meets up with the doctor first, saying her hellos to him before answering his question about the cleric beside her. "Yes, she is a good friend of mine, one from the church who happens to be a very good cleric," she explained, holding on to Priea's hand in the process. She keeps a friendly and warm vibe as she is led to where both Kailyne and Sharya are staying at, seeing that both are up and doing well after suffering nearly fatal wounds. The holstaur breathes a sigh of relief as they talk amongst themselves, seeing the ranger petting her companion and simply relieved that both are doing well.

However, when the mention of what happened at the battle was brought up, Kassy let go of Priea and starts to shake a bit, feeling her anger rising up. It takes a moment of her breathing in and out, walking over to a chair to sit down and putting her shovel aside as she collects her thought about the fight. "Well, let's say that we won," she replied, her voice quivering ever so slightly. "Our knight friend charged after Hillsdale, when I said to go after the sniper shooting us, and she killed him. I managed to hold off some of the mercenaries while Priea heal us, but once he went down, everyone stopped. The sniper revealed herself, showing the same mark that I has but spreading over her body... and Hillsdale is dead." As she explains herself, her arms are crossed across her chest, her fingers gripping into her fur and her chest rising up and down to vent out any frustration she is building. She never felt this amount of anger before, and now it's starting to show itself.

Kassy spent a good moment quiet, just to take in some breaths and focus on some more positive things, like the town is free from his rule and everyone is alive and well. "Well, that's not exactly why we're here. I thought maybe we could add our own touch to help get you better!" she added, chuckling a bit. The holstaur feels her chest again, noticing the sloshing going around and begins to think about what to do about it. She looks over at the doctor and gives him a curious look. "Um, if you don't mind, but I think I would like try something and I would like some bottles in return," she said, raising her bosom up. "It seems weird, but I think I have an idea. I just need a little help getting things out first..."
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:40 am

The doctor turns to Kailyne. "You only need about a night. You should be fine to move around by tomorrow". He then reaches into one of his cabinets and pulled out a small clay pot. In it, there appears to be a cream with a soft aroma. He hands one pot to Kailyne and Sharya. "If you feel any more pain, just use this." he says

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Kailyne & Sharya each received an ointment (+5 HP, Stops Bleeding)

He also grabs a four 8 ounce bottles and hands them to Kassandra. "If you need a hand, I'd be more then happy to oblige. Just let me know what I need to do."
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Thu Dec 17, 2015 6:40 am

Priea was about to speak up when Kassandra spoke up for her, the young cleric just keeping silent as she fought a blush over Kassy's praising words. She offered a weak smile as she gripped Kassy's hand back, the Paladin's presence helping to keep her calm as she really wasn't used to being spoken of so highly, though she enjoyed it all the same. Though as they met with the two injured women she offered a more confident grin, inwardly feeling quite awful she hadn't done more to keep them both healed during the battle. Of course Kassy's anger in response to Kailyne's question was surprising... though as she got to responding she moved closer, working to cast a heal spell on Kailyne herself to hopefully get her back up to full strength or maybe close to it.

Kassy's offer of... breast milk from the sounds of it made Priea blush a bit as she focused on healing Kailyne... offering a bit of a smile towards Nighteyes... fighting the urge to reach out and pet the lovely canine as she'd always wanted a dog herself and Nighteyes was like sooo much more amazing," Um, feeling any better?", Priea asked Kailyne curiously as she finished up her healing, willing to do more if she needed it.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Thu Dec 17, 2015 6:53 am

It seems like everything is going smoothly here. Both Kailyne and Sharya are getting patched up by the doctor and Priea each, and she is happy that all of them are walking out of the fight with everything still in tact. Still, she doesn't feel all that well with the knowledge of the man holding this town hostage is dead by the hands of someone else, but this is a time to celebrate. The man is dead and she should be happy. A smile appears on her face when the doctor hands her some bottles to use and seems rather enthusiastic about wanting to help out in what she was suggesting. That got a blush on her cheeks.

"Well, you're certainly interested in helping, hm?" she asked. "Of course I did ask, but..." she gives her chest a good rub. "I dunno. It seems like this should be handle privately, not in front of others to see. I don't know why... I never felt this heavy before, and after that something unlocked in me. I guess I just need help filling these bottles up to help relieve some tension and maybe I can use the milk to potentially heal people?" The holstaur rubs her head. "The person who bestowed me had this weird thing mentioning my milk being blessed and I wasn't sure what that entailed... now I think I know how."

The holstaur got up from her seat, getting a good look around the clinic to see if there is a place where she can fill the bottles up privately and if anyone is going to help her out. "So, I might take my leave to go fill up, unless someone wants to help me out... I could use some extra hands."
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