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With the wax seal coming off incredibly easy, Ran had not trouble keeping it intact, and viewing the letter:
Dear Ran,
If you are reading this, then guess what I got to tell you:
You have been accepted to the Special, incredibly super-prestigious Rorupurei Academy on Mount Tanaba!
As you may have noticed, all of your clothes, phones, clocks, and other necessary equipments to your work have been packed away for you into special trunks and cases for a special train ride to the academy. You must arrive at the station by 10am sharp, or else, we'll have to spend extra money on a helicopter, and you will have to spend extra time on class work.
Financial re-compensation is in the area of 250,000.00US$
Have FUN!
Don't tell anyone, this is for your own safety, as this was WAY too easy and boring.
Beyond Ran, the bus seemed to have been coming to a stop.
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"No, I'm not!" The lady screamed, as Keiko's plant began to work on her even faster. "And can you please get this-"
"Wait," the women "paused", as Keiko's words set in, "what do you mean skin color? What did you do to me that my skin is the wrong color? And, if you're Keiko, either help me out of...whatever this thing is, or please read your letter!"
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"What train?" The Proctor asks, as she sees Ciera walk over to her work bench.
After several seconds of watching Ciera's futile search for a working clock, the Proctor checks her watch, sighs, and continues with, "If it would help you understand what's going on, I can take you to...well, a special place on campus."
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Surprising, Kiha was rewarded with a sensation in her hand as if someone else was holding it, but there is nothing there. Additionally, Kiha's chest feels a very light brush on it, as if someone was rubbing her through her clothes. To be honest, it wasn't exactly an unpleasant situation, but at the same time, it wasn't what Kiha had been expecting to happen either.
Valerie and Nathalie:
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"Master Maximilian won his match in a total knock out," Vivian dully replied, as she stared out the train window. "Now, if I may be so bold, Miss Valentine, and her honored guest, I must use the washing room to remove some unnecessary byproducts from my person that I have acquired over the intervening time between this morning and now."
Before Vivian had a chance to leave her seat, a loud, shrill whistle pierced through the air, and the train began to take off. In the distance, it almost looked like a bus had just pulled up to the station, but it was gone before it could clearly be recognized.
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The moment Erin touched the girl, a loud, vulture like beam of green engulfed her very person, and caused the girl in the dress to collapse. Inside of Erin's head, she was now assaulted with strange and staggering visions, none of which, she had anything near a frame of reference for, and which left her in a feeling of having drunk way too much just minutes before. It quickly became apparent that Erin was only mere moments away from joining the girl in the dress on the floor, and that all she could do now was to prepare for the trip.
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Unexpectedly, Bella managed to pull her arm out of the substance, as it begins to get a more "solid" shape to it's form. Before her eyes, the part of the thing where her hand was takes on the rudimentary form of...of a girl's head, with long hair, a neck, and a not yet clearly formed chest. Still trying to hold onto her, the thing moves the parts of the blob on it's side, which are starting to resemble arms, in an attempt to trip Bella.
"No run! You m-m-me!" The blob said, with a tone almost like that of happiness.