@Gorbaz, Somewhere in Space..Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Everything was going pretty smoothly, just as things should always be, right?.. Nonetheless, the 'Green Anchor' seemed to be headed towards a nearby planet..
@Rooie & Napsii, In the planet Azuli Terra; Inside a Luxurious Hotel.Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Anthony watched the door open up, walking past Yuuko only to motion for her to step out first.. Blushing a bit and smiling.. Eh, but something told him that he would be doing a lot of things pretty, pretty soon.. Oh God, how he feared Yuuko's glances sometimes! They always meant one or two things.. And one of them was him doing something related to her job. Well, their job.. He was the 'assistant' in a kind of sense..
''U-Um, l-ladies first..'' Anthony said quietly, glancing towards Yuuko.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Jessie walked alongside Josephine, smiling gladly as she had accepted to walk with her!.. Her spirits were a bit lifted, feeling in a great mood before they reached the front of the hotel..
''I will head inside to make sure we're checked in, afterwards we'll head over to that massive Cathedral I talked you about!'' She said before clapping her hands together in delight.
@Ikechi, In his own Ship; Firing Range.Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Susan slightly shook her head and rolled her eyes when Emile mentioned how he loved to grin.. Sure, it did everything more fun for him, though.. Not her.. Then he turned with a smile, at least he didn't.. Oh, now he grinned..
Then he pressed something she wasn't focused on enough to see, noticing how an impressive.. But -fearful- array of weapons was arranged.. 'Latest' weapons.. She'd call them murder tools, but you just had to defend yourself these days.. People just never learned.. He mentioned how one of them was an arch-lighting charger, making her frown at the sight of it before he smiled once more and handed her.. A regular pistol.. Oh, all right.. It's all simple, right?..
''I'm supposed to aim or.. Handle it like this..'' Susan thought to herself while Emile was giving commands to the ship's AI. Then she remembered how he said 'First I need to see your form-' well, he better focus on how she shoots, not her body.. Or else she'll frighten him by waving the pistol around a bit, maybe get a few scared frowns from him!
''Don't hurry me up, It takes time to concentrate!'' She said with a frown, sighing before standing still and trying to aim a bit 'right' towards the dummy..
''Affirmative on that. Ready to scan all outgoing ships when reaching Soulas Das-Nobu.'' The AI said.
One pull of the trigger, bullet hits the chest of the dummy.. She would have hit the target's right lung.. Another pull of the trigger and she closed her eyes.. Blindly hitting the ear of the dummy thanks to her closing her eyes.. Yet another pull of the trigger and this it it hits the dummy's face.. She looked at Emile, breathing deeply before holding the pistol with one hand and aiming it at him -- pointing at him, not aiming.. Hopefully, Emile had concentrated on her shooting form and not how her breasts were so lovingly jiggling tightly against her shirt after each shot..
''So.. I guess that's all?'' Susan said while leaning on one leg, smiling a bit herself.
@Reaps, In his own ship; Somewhere in the reaches of Space.Spoiler (click to show/hide):
http://www.ecchilicious.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/saeko_busujima_01.jpgSaeko had been leaning down while searching around the contents of the fridge, hearing a voice somewhere from outside the kitchen.. Probably Ravier.. She didn't mind him though as she kept looking around, finding one or two things she will definitely use to cook herself a nice meal.. Feeling a sudden breeze of air pass by her almost naked behind.. @Zender, In the planet Verol; In a crashed Military Copter.Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Dan chuckled but whistled lowly when Jon did his little show with the weapons and whatnot.. Heh, he better be good on the trigger if they're attacked or else.. After all, Dan's expectations were always high of people, just sometimes..
''All right then yo' Military 'Admiral, better get ready to run over some buildings and such too.. Not exaggerated jumps, simple leaps.. Don't want the 'old man to get tired huh?'' He said mockingly, although Jon wasn't even that old.. What was he, 25?
By the time Jon could bring up any answer, Dan was already outside leaping over another rooftop.. There were clothes or whatnot hanging around, hiding their progress..
@TOG, JayJay ~ In Tuchanka; Within a Krogan Fort.Spoiler (click to show/hide):
The grenade flew a good distance, landing besides two ducking Krogans before they noticed the grenade.. One of them ran towards it and slammed it away like a hockey ball with his shotgun, making it fly up in the air and explode.. The shrapnel beginning to rain down on un-claimed land.. However, Garian had a short time-window for shooting..
And somebody had gotten one of those tough guys badly wounded, all right!..
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Garian - At 100%, Getting his 'A' game out.
Bravo Squad 7x - At 99%, Somebody got a scorch mark on his right shoulder.
Krogan Mercs ?x - Unable to gather enough data..
@Claire and Alchemist, On board a Train shuttle in Soulas Das-Nobu.Spoiler (click to show/hide):
There's nothing really for me to post here..
Guards were passing by, scared diplomats moving away from the area.. They were close to their destination though..
@Angel, In the planet Soulas Das-Nobu; Hotel Room.Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Azuli Terra.. Sounds good!