MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby That_One_Guy » Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:51 pm

Garian smiled and started back towards the Command Center's Hangar, he had his guitar stored there in the barracks. As he walked his mech back, he was whistling a tune that popped in his mind, making sure his com was off so they didn't hear him.
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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby Gorbaz » Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:57 pm


The journey back to the Command centre was fairly uneventful. The Atlas was by no means a fast mech, so the journey took a little while to complete. It was funny how the lush terrain he was moving through would soon be churned up by tanks and mechs, not to mention wrecked vehicles and machines, in a little over 18 hours.

In the hangar, a space stood ready for his mech, it having been reserved for him since he departed on the scout run
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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby That_One_Guy » Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:20 pm

Garian moved his mech into the Hangar and into the reserved space, soon he powered it down and climbed out. He smiled as he walked back towards his barracks, not worrying about giving a debriefing as there wasn't anything to report. He had laid out where he believed an attack would come if it ever did to the leaders there after his first two scout runs. After that, there wasn't much to look at except for lush forests and green plains.
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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby Gorbaz » Wed Mar 14, 2012 2:00 pm

As Garian moved through the base, he passed by Viper on her way to the messhall. A breif glance at her pilot suit confirmed that she was from House Steiner, as was evident by the badge of a steel fist
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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby jayjaycaps » Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:47 pm

Jason left the command bunker, went out to his mech, climbed in it and took a nap.
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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby That_One_Guy » Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:59 pm

Garian saw the Badge, passing by her, and smiled slightly,'well, this'll be fun' he thought to himself and moved on to the Barracks and towards his room, where his beloved Guitar awaited him.
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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:47 pm

As Zandile exits the command bunker, he notices Jason climbing into his Mech for a snooze...lazy bastard won't even get to know his allies, eh? Well, he can deal with that bratty nincompoop later...for now, the matter of refreshments is more pressing on his mind. He follows the signs that direct him towards the mess hall, while bobbing his head to a little tune on his music player
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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby MelissaB » Wed Mar 14, 2012 6:17 pm

Viper gathered up some food and a drink taking a lone seat on the table. She gave a small nod to Garian as he passes her.
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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby dndman997 » Wed Mar 14, 2012 6:52 pm

After duo arrived at the hanger, he hopped onto the lift to his mech opening the cockpit to run systems check. everything was all green and smirked as he hopped out and walked into the mess hall for something to eat. gathering up some food he saw viper sitting alone and decided to join her "hey viper" he said sitting across from her
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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:02 pm

Stepping into the mess hall, Zandile hits up one of the soda vending machines, gets himself a cool, refreshing Mecha-Cola, and works his way through the food line, picking up some grilled chicken and vegetables. He looks around for his new allies, and seeing where Viper and Duo are at, he sits near them...but not too close, still feeling a bit uneasy after the command bunker events. As much as he wants to give Viper a piece of his mind, he won't instigate; much like in a real battle, the first one to make their strategic push is often the one that gets driven back in the end, despite the Clans' recent track record.
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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby MelissaB » Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:03 pm

Viper nods to Duo. "Hey." She takes a drink scanning the mess hall. "You air dropping in or walking?" She casts a glance to Zandile shrugging him off. If he wants to distance himself he can for all she cared.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby dndman997 » Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:15 pm

"air dropping" Duo said "the marauders speed isnt fast enough to get it were i want it. i need the best possible vantage point as a sniping position"
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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby MelissaB » Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:29 pm

She nods once. "The warhammer's speed isn't great but it's better than most of it's class. I'll be air dropping as well. I think they may be becoming from the treeline using the hills to cover themselves before we can gun them down as they exit. But we'll see Most of us are long range to medium range mechs except Zandile there, Perhaps he could use the hills and our fire support to try and get close enough. Though I doubt i'd like the idea of getting in close with five ommi mechs." She cast another glance towards the ex clanner. "Something on your mind?"
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby dndman997 » Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:40 pm

"yeah same here" Duo agreed with viper on the close range with omni mechs "the forest itself can hamper site. if we can find a way to mark them for me and the rifleman im sure we shouldnt have too much trouble" He turned to zandile "no worries you're covered."
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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby That_One_Guy » Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:05 pm

Garian made it to his barracks and smiled as he sat on his cot and opened his Guitar case, getting it out and stringing it a bit before playing a soft song.
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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:17 pm

Zandile feels a bit relieved now, and scoots in just a little closer. Being invited into the conversation helps ease his mind. "Umm, yeah...I think you can tell why I was keeping distance...but how about we let bygones be bygones?" He lets out a nervous chuckle, trying to be as casual as he can manage; his time in the Steel Vipers' training camps was very harsh, and causes embarrassing situations like the one in the command bunker to hit him a little harder than normal.

*ahem* "Anyway, the point about close-ranging Omni-Mechs is a good one to consider, but I have ideas on how to work around it. The lasers on my Styx's arms are mainly used to strike at weak points, and soften up the enemy for a safe approach. I could also use the denser woodlands as a trap, putting the trees to use as blunt force...would be a bit fitting for my 'mech as well, considering the hatchet. If all else fails, I can draw their attention off of you guys." He opts against mentioning Jason for now, as he likes how tensions are rather low at present...despite his slight "awkward kid at the lunch table" feeling.
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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby dndman997 » Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:38 pm

"if you can draw them into the open for me im sure i could get off a few shots." Duo said taking a sip of his drink "and im sure viper wont be too far away to grant medium ranged cover"
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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby MelissaB » Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:51 pm

"I can't say going into the denser woodland is going to be a good idea... we've no idea what we are facing and you could run into five assault mechs even a few with close ranged fire if so your armour won't hold long. No i suggest we use the hills to keep you out of fire while when you make a break for the next hill we cover you with fire hopefully taking a few down before you get too close. However currently it's just guessing games what we're facing. At least a full star. five ommimechs no idea of weight class or weapon range being used." She mutters before finishing her drink. "The Marshall really needs to get better intel. I'm guessing neither of our mechs has sensors... so we're going to be relying on sight." She finishes her food and stands. "I'm gonna run a few checks on my mech if you haven't done so do so then get some rest we're leaving in the morning."
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby dndman997 » Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:01 pm

"you're right viper site is going to be key here not only will i being spotting targets from a far ill do my best to keep an eye out on everyone else" duo said finishing his drink "we might not the intel on the enemy however we need to learn to adapt and his hatchman i think i have a plan for using the woods.... guerilla warefare. hide in the woods and strike from them then retreat back and let us draw them away so you can get ready to strike again" he then got up to join viper "ive already ran checks on my mech but im willing to help out any one else in theirs"
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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:15 am

"Sight is pretty key for me, too. My Styx may have a Full-Head Ejector, but that comes at the price of a proper windshield, so I have to use a camera on the side. All things considered, we may want to try and keep ourselves spread out in a way that lets everyone watch each other's backs. Duo has a pretty good idea too, with the guerrilla tactics...and if I find a 'mech in the woods, and it's not one of ours, you can expect me to pull some lumber-work on it."

Having finished his chicken and vegetables, Zandile gulps down the last of his cola, and lets out a refreshed sigh of enjoyment. "Good old matter how many times I drink the stuff, it never gets old." He stifles a small belch by putting his left hand over his mouth, clenched into a loose fist, and adds in: "Well, I'm gonna head out for some shut-eye...I'm gonna need it for the skirmish tomorrow." With that noted, he picks up his plate and utensils, sets them in the "used dishes" bin, and starts making his way back to the 'mech hangar. He's grown used to sleeping in the Styx's some extent, it's a bit of a "home on legs" for him.
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