NatSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Nathalie just stood there, listening to the secretary babbling her mouth off and slowly her mind starts to shut itself off with each word being uttered by her. Jesus, this is so lame! Why can't she just give a short speech say hello to the new students and welcome them? Whatever, Nathalie can see that Valerie wants to shout "Get on with it," and her urge to join in is rising... Come on woman, really get it over with and let someone else speak!
ValSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Bunny is clinging to you, a bit shaken about what the secretary is saying. Something is making her nervous but it's not too certain on what is making her nervous. A little comfort is needed to make the golem girl happy...
CieraSpoiler (click to show/hide):
And so far all that you are hearing is just the crowd whispering about other things, rather than what the secretary has to offer, before getting shushed. Many of these words include something about getting it over with and let someone else speak, but you don't care. Sleep it is then, and now it's just timing it right so she doesn't end up being the only one in the assembly hall.
KihaSpoiler (click to show/hide):
You just might need a little disruption right since the secretary blabbing her mouth off is driving you a little mad with how boring her speech is. There has to be something you can do, find a way to get something done, but the proctors around aren't going to let any of the students move until the assembly is over. Your mind might turn into the slime in the girl's bottle if this doesn't end soon.
KatieSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Well it appears that the person you're talking to doesn't seem to want to talk. Then again, no one else seems to be either, as there are stern eyes of proctors looking around for anyone chatting. You got a shush as well, so whatever answers you're going to get will not be answered from any of the students, or a proctor for that matter.
BellaSpoiler (click to show/hide):
You do what you can to make the slime girl calm. She is purring slightly from the touch, feeling the good vibes. Although she is still nervous with all of the people around them, including the proctors looking around for any suspicious activities to disturb the assembly. Hopefully it shouldn't be too long...
KeikoSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Well sleep isn't exactly on the agenda for you. Your eyes try to close and get yourself off to the dream world, but apparently the secretary's words are so boring that they are keeping you awake. Somehow something is trying to focus on whatever is going on, even if it's going to force you awake.