Corruption Ic 2

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Re: Corruption Ic 2

Postby Goryokaku » Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:13 pm

Mizuki, "Newish... Why do you ask?" She could always run if there was trouble her speed would help her in that regard.
The sex offenders register... I don't even think they should be at school...
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Re: Corruption Ic 2

Postby MelissaB » Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:13 pm

Cassie enters the cave using her soft padded paws to try and sneak in without being noticed.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

"Beware the Users of "Yo" I've got a big hammer to hit you with upon it's use" - Mel
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Re: Corruption Ic 2

Postby Reena » Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:18 pm

Reena looked down at the hook, watching it snag on a rock. "It looks like it's hooked," she called down. Well these people seemed ordinary enough, and friendly as well. She could probably trust them. She looked them over carefully. Well one was a merchant - he probably knew something. Instead of letting them come up, she climbed down the rope, being careful not to fall. She turned to the merchant. "So you're a merchant? What kinds of stuff do you sell? I don't have any money, but I could really use any kind of supplies, directions to shelter, or anything like that." She turns to Duo. "Or we could just go exploring for something."
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Re: Corruption Ic 2

Postby dndman997 » Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:28 pm

after duo climbed up "hmmm works good" he says looking down to the merchant "are you sure this things on the house?" then turns to reena "the names duo and yes i was exploring"
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Re: Corruption Ic 2

Postby Reena » Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:35 pm

Reena smiled at Duo, waving to him in a friendly manner. "Well, Duo, nice to meet you. So if you've been going exploring, would you mind doing some more? I haven't seen most of this place. Perhaps you know where we can find food or shelter?"
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Re: Corruption Ic 2

Postby shinox23 » Sat Mar 03, 2012 10:11 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Wolf-man: "Just being friendly is all... Here take this" He says giving you a katana and some health vials
"I may look like I can kill you in an instant but I only do that to enemies... And you're not one" With that he jumps into a nearby forest tree
"Use that wisely... I'll look for you again if you want to know how to use it properly... Until we meet again..." He then does a few hand gestures and he fades away with the help of leaves passing by with a huge gust of wind behind it
~Gained katana~
~Gained 3x Health vials~ They have been stored in your first pouch
Inventory: Katana has been added to your inventory
You are now back at camp

What do you do now?

DnD, Reena:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Merchant: "Well I was about to help him get up to you but since you're down here... Yea I have some starter kits for the both of you" He says taking out hunters knives, a short sword, a mage's staff(Apprentice), a few health vials(4x each), and 2 maps showing places he's been and a few other places as well
"These should help you on you way if you should get into any trouble... Not to mention be helpful in general... And these are on me... Next time we meet however you're gonna have to buy what I'm selling, got it?" He then turns to duo "So how about you big man, you got any cash on ya? Seeing as you can eye browse for now I can show ya both what I got, if your harpy friend up there wants to buy anything just call her down, but right now you both need to figure out who gets what" He says in a kind tone

Pick one of the following:

~Short sword~
~Hunter's Knives~
~Mage's Staff~

~Gained Health Vials(Medium) 4x~ (They have been put into your first pouch automatically)
~Gained Map~ (It has been put into your second pouch automatically)

~Gained Health Vials(Medium) 4x~ (They have been put into your first pouch automatically)
~Gained Map~ (It has been put into your second pouch automatically)

The merchant shows the both of you his current supplies
~Long sword: 450 Gems~
~Gauntlets: 510 Gems~
~Long staff: 310 Gems~
~Medium Wooden Shield*: 720 Gems~
~Leather helmet: 120 Gems~
~Leather Vest(Male): 150 Gems~
~Leather Vest(Female): 150 Gems~
~Leather Pants(Male): 100 Gems~
~Leather Pants(Female): 100 Gems~
~Leather Boots(Male): 135 Gems~
~Leather Boots(Female): 135~
~Underwear(Male): Free~
~Underwear(Female: Free~
~Bread: 5 Gems~
~Meat(Uncooked): 15 Gems(To cook: 20 Gems)~
~Health Vials(Small): 25 Gems Each~
~Health Vials(Medium): 50 Gems Each~
~Health Vials(Large): 70 Gems Each~
~Strength Boost Vials(1 Hour): 120 Each~
~Strength Boost Vials(2 Hours 30 Min): 225 Each~
~Strength Boost Vials(5 Hours): 300(SPARTANS!!!!) Gems Each~ (LOL)

Merchant: "Yea this' all the stuff I have on me right now, so anything you see that you might be able to buy next time? Or right now?"

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

You hear grunting as if somebody is in the cave fighting
They do not notice you walking in
"YAH!" He keeps his focus on his target and strike's with excellent precision
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Re: Corruption Ic 2

Postby MelissaB » Sat Mar 03, 2012 10:13 pm

Cassie moves closer to see what is actually going on.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

"Beware the Users of "Yo" I've got a big hammer to hit you with upon it's use" - Mel
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Re: Corruption Ic 2

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Sat Mar 03, 2012 10:22 pm

(Fuck, I suppose there's no way to get an abortion? D:?)

Claire looks around and gets up. "Uh..." Claire says quietly. (Sorry don't know what to post)
Seriously gonna stop being Rape-Bait

The Daughter Of Hades has reached 666 posts...

Till we meet again in the after life...
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Re: Corruption Ic 2

Postby dndman997 » Sat Mar 03, 2012 10:26 pm

"Actually i dont have any money right now this land is new still new to me" Duo says reaching for the shortsword and stashing the vials away
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Re: Corruption Ic 2

Postby Reena » Sat Mar 03, 2012 10:34 pm

Reena reaches for the sword, then changes her mind and takes the knives instead. Knives were lighter and easier to use, after all. She smiles warmly at the merchant, nodding her head. "Thank you very much," she tells him. "Once I get my hands on some of these gems, I'll make sure to come find you." She turns to Duo, glad that they were able to find such a generous merchant. "So now we just need to find some shelter, I guess," she said, unrolling the map to see what locations were on it.
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Re: Corruption Ic 2

Postby dndman997 » Sat Mar 03, 2012 10:48 pm

"well there is this cave i just came from" duo said pointing in the direction he had just came from
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Re: Corruption Ic 2

Postby shinox23 » Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:32 am

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

You have an entire world to search so you can go exploring in different places...
You can ask Elia about what happened to her or just take a breath of fresh air from outside the cave
You can also rest for a while until you think of what you want to do

DnD, Reena:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The merchant nods and takes out a jar filled with some type of sand and tells you to hold open both of you maps
Merchant: "This sand lets you know where exactly I am so you can always find me, don't worry since you're the ones holding the map only you would be able to see the marker, Right now I'm on my way back home so it should also place a marker on your map to show not only me but where my home is, if you ever are looking for work my wife owns a bakery and would be glad to help by giving you a part-time job" He says, taking the top off the jar
"If you would be so kind as to hold out your maps please" He says, kindly

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The man feels a draft and immediately turns to your position(Sorry but you didn't close da door behind ya)
"WHO'S THERE?" He stands in a fighting position looking straight at you, giving you a clear view of him hitting a dummy meant for practicing fighting moves
He looks like a reptile with his body having scales all over
"I can smell you now speak up or else I will be forced to strike"
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Re: Corruption Ic 2

Postby MelissaB » Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:40 am

Cassie looks at him with her yellow cat eyes grinning her white cat like teeth bared. "Strike me? now that's just rude." She exclaims stepping forward.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

"Beware the Users of "Yo" I've got a big hammer to hit you with upon it's use" - Mel
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Re: Corruption Ic 2

Postby dndman997 » Sun Mar 04, 2012 2:07 am

"dirt?"duo said confusingly "you gave us dirt" he then held out his map
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Re: Corruption Ic 2

Postby shinox23 » Sun Mar 04, 2012 2:42 am

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Reptile-Man: "I wouldn't have to say things like that if you had just knocked... Anything I can help you with?" He says, standing up straight, eyes looking directly into yours for a moment

DnD, Reena:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Merchant: "No not dirt, this sand is enchanted with showing people the owner where they are" He says, sprinkling a little on Duo's map
The sand touches your skin and you look on the map and see a marker along with one that's already showing your current position
"It'll help you to able to find me if ever you want to buy something from me again" He says, looking in Reena's direction
"I know it doesn't look like anything special, believe me... But as long as you own these maps you'll be able to find me... Hell ANY map would tell you where I am..."
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Re: Corruption Ic 2

Postby dndman997 » Sun Mar 04, 2012 2:47 am

"ok so you gave me magic dirt that shows your location on maps?" Duo says "this land is interesting"
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Re: Corruption Ic 2

Postby MelissaB » Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:59 pm

"Well i had no idea who you were could of been a demon. As for helping me I've no idea... can you?" Cassie replied
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

"Beware the Users of "Yo" I've got a big hammer to hit you with upon it's use" - Mel
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Re: Corruption Ic 2

Postby Reena » Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:32 pm

Reena nodded to the merchant. "Okay, thanks." She starts to walk in the direction that Duo had come from. "I'm going to go find that cave you were talking about. You can come with me if you'd like, but I'd also understand if you didn't want to head back there, though, I'd understand if you wanted to keep exploring." Turning back, she started out, searching for that cave he talked of.
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Re: Corruption Ic 2

Postby Goryokaku » Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:36 pm

Mizuki scratches her head and equips the Katana, then goes to explore the forest.
The sex offenders register... I don't even think they should be at school...
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Re: Corruption Ic 2

Postby dndman997 » Mon Mar 05, 2012 4:55 am

Duo nods "yeah ill show you were its at" he said leading reena to the cave
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