by Fantasy Fanatic » Sun Jan 31, 2016 1:10 pm
"Well, if you're willing to listen, I guess I can explain. First of, as you might have noticed, I am an Elf. We are fundamentally different from Humans. In contrast to human females, who are fertile during all but a few days every month, female Elves are the opposite. Only for a few days each moth are we fertile to the seed of a man. During these days, we become sensitive to the pretense of males, and it doesn't just apply to Elven males, seeing as those aren't as common as human ones. Since we Elves have dominant genes, we usually end up providing most of blood to our offspring, giving us quite a selection of candidates to choose from." Sabrina said before frowning and adding: "Although bedding beasts for the sake of offspring is generally frowned upon."
"Anyways, for an Elf not to find a mate for the few days of fertility, tends to leave them emotional and needy. I had mine a few days ago. And you can imagine that my travels didn't leave me much time to find a mate, as well as the consideration that I have little desire be with children while on the traveling path. That is the reason why I decided to bed you, while my fertile days have passed, the frustration I was going to tend to by myself was growing, and during that moment, you found your way into the same room I occupied at that particular moment."
"Since I was "in the mood" as they say, and my form seemed to be enough to arouse you and show me your eagerness for intercourse, I decided to take the quick and more pleasurable route to get rid of my desires. After all, it would have bothered me far to much after having had a willing male so close by and not having taken advantage of that, much like it ended up doing anyway because of the bandits." Sabrina explained, sighing at the end.
"To put it bluntly I decided to bed you because it was favorable for me, but do not be discouraged. I wouldn't have chosen you unless I found you somewhat appealing to me. While we Elves do have to succumb to our bodies instincts, we do get a say in the matter of who we chose to bed. So while I'm not going to be entertaining you for as much as you perhaps hoped, I will not refuse in case my instincts resurface. That is, if we are still close by at the time. I am a traveler, and can not afford to stay long in one place since I desire to see the world. I hope you do not hold this against me. But this was a case of lust, and not romance, I am familiar with how some of you Humans tend to confuse the two." Sabrina finished her lengthy explanation as well as combing her hair. Putting the comb down, she began on her ribbons, putting them back into her hair while waiting for Abel's response.