Gordian Orgias

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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby LillyMacow » Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:54 am

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You awake to find abel out of bed.

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She puts her finger to her lips signal you to be silent and motions you over to her. She seemed concerned about something.

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He gulps before taking the coins and walking away clearly terrified.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby DeltaSynergy » Sun Jan 31, 2016 9:24 am

Gillan tilts his head for a moment before understanding and going over to her. Deciding not to speak just yet, he would just follow her orders until she felt it was OK.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby LillyMacow » Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:33 am

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Her eyes still covered in shade from her hood she asks "Are you ready to go?" her hand reached out and began rubbing your inner thigh "or do you want to stay a little longer?" the leaves rustle above you, perhaps the wind.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Sundance » Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:53 am

Slowly opening her eyes, Corias head is surrounded by Priscillas hair. All in all the bed is a total mess and hair is all around them. "Mhh, maybe i should have bought a comb." It didnt matter as there was most likley some more time to sleep anyway. wraping her arms back around her friend Coria cuddled herself on her, ready to snuggle for a few more hours. Yet this plan didnt seem like it would happen as there was a sudden sound outside. The seemed to be some sort of turmoil in the market. "Aww, bloody hell." She thought as she slowly stood up, rubbing her friend shoulder. "Prics...seems like there is something happining out there."
Grabbing her dress and stookings Coria started to dress herself as good as she could, while brining her hair in something close ot resemble a hairstyle. "Prics, you dont have a comb by any chances?"
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:56 am

Feeling the loss of Abel's body heat makes Sabrina stir from her dreams. As she wakes up, she sits up, looking around the room with tired eyes as the bed sheet covering her nude form slips off. Taking in the scene, Sabrina remembers what she did the day before and raises her arms, stretching them while yawning loudly, her breast being well shown off in the morning sunlight.

Seeing Abel looking at her, she decided to greet him. "Morning Abel, what time is it?" Sabrina asks as she begins to rub the morning gunk out from around her eyes.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Laughing Hyena » Sun Jan 31, 2016 11:30 am

He smiled a touch at Sabrina and working the evidence of their own meeting last night, he answered her. "Crack of dawn actually. Or at least it feels like it. How are you feeling?" He asked curiously as his eyes drew a natural gaze over those perky breasts rising and falling with a good stretch given by her.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Sun Jan 31, 2016 11:37 am

"I feel alright." Sabrina responded before swinging her legs over the edge, getting up and beginning to stretch as well as working the kinks out of her body, producing a few loud pops, not acknowledging Abel or his growing member from seeing her nude and moving around that much, unintentionally showing him everything.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Laughing Hyena » Sun Jan 31, 2016 11:45 am

Abel's morning wood was at full mast yet, he did nothing about it. It would be rather gluttonous to ask anything though he did enjoy the view quite much. All he could do really is man an effort to remind himself to do something about it when they have the time to rest up again. "So how do you think the others made out last night? Think they caught any rest?" He was glad to know his clothes had finally dried off during the night. It would help hide his morning wood if his clothes were dry. All the while he finally got the stain out of the ground.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Sun Jan 31, 2016 11:51 am

Normally Priscilla was quite the early riser, but the exhaustion of yesterday's fight and the warmth of cuddling with Coria had her sleeping soundly well past sunrise. She's finally roused by Coria rubbing her shoulder. "Hmm? Sounds like the market setting up shop for the day to me... But I suppose we should check it out." She says with a yawn as she sits up in bed. Her ponytail had come undone in her sleep it seemed and her hair was all over the place as a result. With a sigh of resignation, she rose out of bed, gingerly rubbing her sore bottom from last nights activities, and began to get dressed for the day.

Everything was in order, aside from her pants but she managed to arrange it in such a manner that the tear didn't leave her too exposed. "Hmmm... I do actually. One moment please." Priscilla says, moving over to her satchel after finishing getting dressed and digs through it for a moment to find her hair brush. It had been a gift from her mother when she was very young but she held onto it all these years as a momento from home. "Here, allow me." Priscilla moves over behind Coria, taking the girl's hair in one hand and the brush in the other to help tidy up her friends hair a bit.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Sun Jan 31, 2016 11:58 am

"Well, hopefully they all went and got themselves a good night's rest. It would be foolish of them not to. We'll most likely have to deal with the fallout of yesterday, and we will need our energy for that." Sabrina said, finishing up with her stretches. Walking over to where she had deposited her clothing and equipment. Taking out a simple comb made out of some kind of bone. Undoing the ribbons in her hair, she began combing it while sitting on the bed.

"Also, Abel. While I really enjoyed yesterday, don't expect it to be a daily occurrence. It's a little complicated to explain, but I'm not usually like that. I'm not saying I wouldn't do it again if I had the choice, only that it's not something I do daily... As I said, it's a bit complicated to explain." Sabrina said, her voice sounding a bit indifferent, as opposed to her more playful nature the day before.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Sundance » Sun Jan 31, 2016 12:12 pm

Sitting down in front of the mirror Coria looked at Priscillas hands and how she made sure that she wouldnt look like a babarian crossed with a porcupine. Yet there was something extremly calming as she took care of her hair, making her giggling. "My sister used to do my hair and tell me about the boys she met in the harbour...i kinda miss my old home." In a bit of melancony she looked at her in a mirror. "Where do you come from, Prics? You never told me."
Meanwhile she did her best to hold her thight as the pain eased up a bit, yet was still there. Later she would have to find a mage to heal this, because she didnt wanted to fight the raven in such a condition.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby DeltaSynergy » Sun Jan 31, 2016 12:22 pm

Gillan paused for a moment as the lady touched his inner thigh, quickly responding by backing away.

"What? What are you doing?! I...I'm ready to go but...just what was that for?!"
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Laughing Hyena » Sun Jan 31, 2016 12:25 pm

"Well I… umm…" Honestly Abel was a touch at a loss for words for it. But it did put some things into perceptive. His old man was right once more. Abel have a sobered smile all the same. Honestly he was glad she chose him for that rare occurrence rather than anything else. "You'll find me an avid listener Sabrina. If you want to tell me that is." The mage spoke up without being bent out of shape nor anything like that. His mentor always did say that adventuring made it hard to grow permanent attachments to ladies. Least he can take solace that this wasn't full on rejection at the moment. Shaking his head a touch to silence his own rapidly encroaching thoughts, Abel finished his task and began working upon his own hair and pulled out a stern brush and a wooden cup. Filling it with a small chemical compound he took the brush, dipped it and began applying it to his teeth.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Sun Jan 31, 2016 1:10 pm

"Well, if you're willing to listen, I guess I can explain. First of, as you might have noticed, I am an Elf. We are fundamentally different from Humans. In contrast to human females, who are fertile during all but a few days every month, female Elves are the opposite. Only for a few days each moth are we fertile to the seed of a man. During these days, we become sensitive to the pretense of males, and it doesn't just apply to Elven males, seeing as those aren't as common as human ones. Since we Elves have dominant genes, we usually end up providing most of blood to our offspring, giving us quite a selection of candidates to choose from." Sabrina said before frowning and adding: "Although bedding beasts for the sake of offspring is generally frowned upon."

"Anyways, for an Elf not to find a mate for the few days of fertility, tends to leave them emotional and needy. I had mine a few days ago. And you can imagine that my travels didn't leave me much time to find a mate, as well as the consideration that I have little desire be with children while on the traveling path. That is the reason why I decided to bed you, while my fertile days have passed, the frustration I was going to tend to by myself was growing, and during that moment, you found your way into the same room I occupied at that particular moment."

"Since I was "in the mood" as they say, and my form seemed to be enough to arouse you and show me your eagerness for intercourse, I decided to take the quick and more pleasurable route to get rid of my desires. After all, it would have bothered me far to much after having had a willing male so close by and not having taken advantage of that, much like it ended up doing anyway because of the bandits." Sabrina explained, sighing at the end.

"To put it bluntly I decided to bed you because it was favorable for me, but do not be discouraged. I wouldn't have chosen you unless I found you somewhat appealing to me. While we Elves do have to succumb to our bodies instincts, we do get a say in the matter of who we chose to bed. So while I'm not going to be entertaining you for as much as you perhaps hoped, I will not refuse in case my instincts resurface. That is, if we are still close by at the time. I am a traveler, and can not afford to stay long in one place since I desire to see the world. I hope you do not hold this against me. But this was a case of lust, and not romance, I am familiar with how some of you Humans tend to confuse the two." Sabrina finished her lengthy explanation as well as combing her hair. Putting the comb down, she began on her ribbons, putting them back into her hair while waiting for Abel's response.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Laughing Hyena » Sun Jan 31, 2016 1:40 pm

He listened rather attentively and tried to take mental notes for any kind of journal or documentation for later. This might prove interesting to put to pen for later. Then again he did hear his stepfather giving him talks like this. Mostly on not confusing lust for love. This proved itself a touch easier in someways and in others not so much. Least now he didn't have to worry too much about being emotionally tied down. He's a bit too young for that at least. Least he thought so anyway. "I do know how it can be lonely at times on the road, wandering from place to place and… sexually frustrated." He was curious about what was appealing about him to her.

Either way he paid her a compliment since it made sense to and show there was no offense taken. "Few men would not be able to show their arousal when seeing an elven maiden. I hear the stories of how… enthusiastic men become when gazing upon an elf lass. Pop loved telling me about those exploits more than others." His stepfather put such grandiose tales into his head and it was amazing to see them live up to it. He also sheepishly spoke "I have some of the most polarizing luck… or so I am told. When I am around circumstances seem to arise to bring up such situations. Usually it ends poorly with me planted in a wall... or something." Abel admits to being a born victim of circumstances when with the opposite sex. It also helped to explain why he suddenly burst into the bathroom on her. Either way one good thing came out of this for once and he was grateful for it.

Whether intentional or not, Sabrina gave Abel a new fetish for elven maidens. "But I am flattered to have been chosen to provide relief to you." That mocha skin of hers was quite beautiful and of course he naturally had to keep looking at her as she tended to herself. Finished with his hygiene rituals, he slipped into his breeches and started to put on his belt, trying to tuck his erection so it didn't stand out like a sore thumb. It would go away on it's own and he can always address it later. On came his tunic and he made sure to keep it tied firm so it wouldn't be loose clothing for him.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Sun Jan 31, 2016 1:53 pm

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Mel found herself on her back unable to move. A quick look ascertained she was naked. After a few moments of nothing she began to hear the sounds of footsteps, and before long a wolf emerged out of the darkness of wherever she was. Just like in the woods his cock was hard and throbbing. Mel tried to thrash about, but her body still would not move. She screamed as the beast penetrated her. He fucked her roughly for a few minutes before cumming. When he stepped aside, another wolf stepped out of the darkness and took her as well.

After what felt like hours the wolves seemed countless. Mel couldn't remember how many wolves took her before she had her first orgasm. She had no idea how many times they'd driven her to cum, but the wolf currently astride her was getting her close to another. She closed her eyes to steel herself from the undesired pleasure when a sharp yelp rang out.

She could no longer feel the wolf that had her so close. Opening her eyes she the animal seemed to have vanished. Looking around she could still see the eyes of the wolves that had surrounded her, but they had retreated back to the darkness. Not close enough to see but still there watching, waiting. She felt the feeling of scales against her flesh and look in front of her. Dranox was atop her possessively. His body blocked her from seeing it, but she could feel his cock against her thigh. He moved his hip and...

Mel was disturbed from her dreaming by an insistent knocking at the door. It seemed they were being kicked out, and Avalin was supposed to pay. She wondered how Avalin got the room in the first place. Ava was quick to go out and yell at the man for the disturbance, so Mel simply got herself dressed again. She couldn't help but notice her panties were wet, and she felt a bit of shame at the dream she'd had. When Ava came back she seemed to get serious. "Well, we've only known each other for a short time, but I like to think we are friends."
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Sun Jan 31, 2016 2:06 pm

"... chosen to provide relief to you." Sabrina muttered a bit to herself, not sure she liked the way Abel had worded it. While she had said that she hadn't seen it as anything romantic, he made it sound like she had just treated him like a tool. It wasn't true, she had appreciated him and enjoyed their time together during her more emotional moment, but she wasn't about to say anything about it. Finishing up with her ribbons, she got up and began dressing herself, noticing Abel's little predicament and chuckled a little at him inside her head. 'Well, at least us women don't have to concern ourselves about that little problem.' She thought to herself.

As she was done with having put on her clothes, she turned towards Abel.

"Once again, thank you for yesterday, but I have to go see if Gherman is up yet. I let him stay in my room, and I still have to pick the things I left there. See you at breakfast?" She asked. Seeing no reason not to remain friendly. While she couldn't consider him a lover, she could definitely see him as a friend.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby reaperfrost8 » Sun Jan 31, 2016 2:24 pm

Gherman decided to talk to Liebe while he waited outside the tavern for the raven lady "Hey Liebe you alright wanna talk about something important its about summoning you and choices also I wanna ask some pretty important qeustions" Gherman asked as he look around hoping that his allies are doing well.
Last edited by reaperfrost8 on Sun Jan 31, 2016 6:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Laughing Hyena » Sun Jan 31, 2016 2:28 pm

"It was my pleasure to share time with you." Abel felt it prudent to say that he truly enjoyed himself regardless of the pretenses behind it. He wondered if he said something wrong when he heard her echo his words. He blinked a few times innocently oblivious to those words. "Of course. I'll be there for breakfast." Even if he missed the meaning behind the echo, he still approached and gave a true smile to her.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Sun Jan 31, 2016 2:42 pm

"Great, see you in a moment." Sabrina replied before leaving Abel's room, returning to her own. Only to see it empty upon arrival. Assuming Gherman had simply decided to leave, she began attaching her armor, as well as her shield and bow. Once she had secured her hunting knife and other equipment as well, she decided it was time to begin the day and went into the inn's main room. Arriving, she asked if there are any offers for breakfast, and buys herself one if there are, settling down at one of the tables and looks in the direction of the notice board.
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