Project Argonaut IC

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Re: Project Argonaut IC

Postby daxtinator396 » Sat Jun 30, 2012 4:21 am

Dax runs to the side and forward trying to stay ahead of the slowly advancing line of bullets. He slaps a new clip into his gun after firing off the last three rounds into the gunner`s nest,"Take that you bastard!"
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Re: Project Argonaut IC

Postby Reaver » Sat Jun 30, 2012 4:40 pm

Emile sighs knowing he's defeated. They''ll just keep torturing them and beating them up until they die or break so he should do it on his terms. "Fine I'll talk but I want my armor, weapons and a way out of here and in return I'll lead you to the argonaut. Deal?" Besides he sees a way to move his own motives into action.
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Re: Project Argonaut IC

Postby Icaelus » Sat Jun 30, 2012 6:55 pm

Luna hesitated as Veega started speaking, claiming that he wasn't her Papa..she looked up at Veega, right into his eyes.
"D-Don't try to trick me now, Papa..last time I fell for that, you..made me fuck all your friends for free!"
She batted away the supposed trickery with the horrifying truth as she completely pulled Veega's pants down, gasping at the sheer size of his cock. Seems like his dick pretty much reflected his entire body..
"Wow,'ve grown!"
Luna giggled as she wrapped her fingers around Veega's shaft, lowering her head and sucking on his tip with some difficulty..her mouth was only so large, you know?
Last edited by Icaelus on Mon Jul 02, 2012 6:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Project Argonaut IC

Postby Lady Foxy » Sat Jun 30, 2012 9:59 pm

Mia chuckled for a bit while she kept checking her wrist-comm, sighing in concern before Ed wrapped his arms on the back of her waist as he began to kiss her all over; from her forehead all the way downwards to her neck. ''Oh, wow.. I didn't realize you were this eager to pay your debt?'' She said calmly, placing her hands on his shoulders while returning a few kisses back to him. ''But.. I just can't make it out what's happening down there.. Those buildings block the view a bit, you know? I need to message Luna..'' And with that said she began to type out a message to Luna from her wrist-comm.

-Luna, are you all right? I think I saw you having some trouble with Veegas down there.. Please respond soon, Mia.-

After the message was sent, she smirked as she looked straight into Edward's eyes. ''Brush that cocky attitude off of you, now..'' Mia said while winking, kissing him fully on the lips.
Atton Rand: "Feels like my last time on Telos."
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Re: Project Argonaut IC

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:25 am

Claire tries to help to female paladin onto her feet. "Listen. You're okay now. No one is going to hurt you? Now what do you mean by project? What project?" she asks her.
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Re: Project Argonaut IC

Postby kaibunny94 » Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:52 pm

"NO WAY THATS FOKKING CHEATING MAN!" she moved back avoiding the knife wielder as she tries to work out how the fuck she is gonna make it out of this one. She readys herself to counter any attack on her.
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Re: Project Argonaut IC

Postby wolf_demon » Mon Jul 09, 2012 8:57 pm

Attempts to rip the shot gun out of his hand and shoot him with it.
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Re: Project Argonaut IC

Postby jayjaycaps » Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:26 pm

It's back, bitches.

Greg, Claire:
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The woman brushed Claire off, and continued to walk. She muttered to herself, and stumbled along. "The Project. I need to find the Project. Project A. He called it Project A..." The woman muttered, her thoughts unclear. She seemed to be in another place, in a trace some how. Reaching the tree line, she tried to continue, but tripped over a root. Picking herself up, she tried for a few more feet, and but again. It's clear this woman can't be left alone, but you can't jeopardize the mission. And what could "Project A" be..?

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Veega let out a groan, and closed his eyes as Luna worked over his tip. He placed a hand on the back of her head, nearly letting go, just letting it happen...

Veega tensed up, and deciding that this sin't right, tightened his grip on Luna's skull. Not enough to crack it, but it hurt pretty bad. He pulled her head off of his, and let go. "Fuck my friends? What? Luna, what's going..." Veega's eyes began to wander, looking at the girl, her head so close to his prick. She quite sexy, he thought, in an odd, crazy sort of way. Her mouth was right there, eager as hell to please him. Who knew what else she might have in store. And the way she looked up at him, with those big, blue eyes, and that little, petite body ready for him... It would be so easy to just lie back, relax, and let her do whatever. He shuddered, and took a deep breath. No, stop thinking like that. She's just a girl. A girl who's out of her mind...

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Ed gladly returned the kiss, happy he convinced her to stay. Lost in the moment, his hands began to wander, lower and lower, sliding towards her ass, and resting just above it. With their bodies so close together, Mia could feel the beginnings of something poking her, right around Private Ed's crotch.

The two figures below disappeared behind a building, blocking your view of them. They certainly looked like Luna and Veega, but you couldn't be certain.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The man behind Emile let out a laugh. "Ha! Nice try, pal. I've got a better idea; you show up to the Argonaut, and I'll make sure my friends don't kick the total crap out of your girl. Hell, we may even leave her alone after. It get's awful lonely in here, let me tell you. Not a lot of girls to go around, too. Some of these boys wouldn't mind taking turns 'guarding' her after she's done down there, and I don't know if I could stop them. Make this easy on yourselves, kid. Don't be a hero." You can see Yolandi down in the area, the Paladins moving in, tightening the circle. Two of them grab her and hold her still, while two others take turns smacking her around. She can't take much more of this, and you know this is no dream, or horrible hallucination. What does Emile do?
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Re: Project Argonaut IC

Postby Icaelus » Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:48 pm

She continued licking the tip of Veega's cock, her tongue running over his head slowly, almost seeming to wrap around his girth at one point of time. It would possibly make Veega think about just how skilled she was with her mouth. A hand rested on the back of Luna's head and then gripped down hard, pulling Luna off Veega's dick. There was an audible gasp from Luna as her mouth left Veega's cock. She winced in pain at Veega's grasp, reaching up her right hand to tug at his arm, to try to get him to loosen his hold.

"I-I'm sorry! U-Usually you charge a fee to them for using me and that limited them..but that one time.."
Luna shivered briefly at the memory, tears running down her cheeks freely from the pain, both physical and mental..
Her comm rang loud enough for both Luna and Veega to hear, but Luna completely ignored it, fixated on Veega instead.
"Y-You're acting weird today, Papa.."
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Re: Project Argonaut IC

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Tue Sep 18, 2012 1:04 am

(God. I don't remember what happened! D:!)

Claire sighs. She looks over at Greg then back at the girl. "So, you wanna continue with our original mission? I'll help this girl with find 'Project A'. Whatever it is. I mean, unless you don't mind jeopardizing our mission. You might as well go ahead, I can stay with her." she says.
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Re: Project Argonaut IC

Postby Lady Foxy » Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:09 am

Mia's own hands were resting on his shoulders as her right had smoothly moved upwards to rest below his right cheek, holding him closer as they kissed each other, lost a bit too in the moment and even forgetting about her active duties. She was leaning just so lightly and lovingly against him, feeling how his hands wandered just freely down the slight but toned hourglass figure of her body, those nicely accentuated and well shaped curves feeling just right.

A slight 'Ooh' escaped her quite feminine but plump lips when she felt his hands so confidently and firmly resting upon the top of her derriere, that heart-shaped and round butt of hers being pushed against her armor by his hands due to the weight he was resting upon them.

In another situation, she would handed -his- ass to him before he could even blink. This wasn't the case, nor he was a stranger. She actually liked him, she did admit. And he was getting excited, from the odd growing bulge pressing against the armor on his pants. A slight smirk formed on her face, lifting up her right knee to hook her leg behind his right, ending in suddenly but so obviously teasingly bumping her knee against his crotch in the process. Private Edward was definitely one of the first to ever be in such a 'close-quarters' situation with her and he was, the first.
Atton Rand: "Feels like my last time on Telos."
Bao-Dur: "Crashed a shuttle that time, too?"
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Re: Project Argonaut IC

Postby Reaver » Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:13 am

Emile grits his teeth, finding the deal getting worse all the time. "You leave her out of this you pieces of turd. Besides how can I just show up with no weapons, armor or anything after everyone on my squad knows I got captured....This is why you guys are losing the war you're so damn dumb. I can't just show up to the area with nothing. "Hey guys yeah all my stuff is gone and the paladins let me go so show where you put the Argo man." I need at least something to show for. Besides with you keeping the girl you already have insurence." Watching Yolandi get beaten and the thought of her being raped breaks his heart but he's never compromised a mission for a teamate...No matter how much he's cared for one.
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Re: Project Argonaut IC

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Thu Sep 20, 2012 6:58 pm

Greg's not too sure on what to do here. On one hand, he has the mission, and that Argonaut won't deliver itself...but on the other hand, he has this woman, who could prove an invaluable source of information. Though, the term "Project A" sounds familiar...could she be referring to...?

"Claire, I have a better idea." Greg says, then looks to the Paladin woman. "We can't just leave you, and you seem to know some info that we could use. How about you come with us? Just remember..." He twirls his machete a little as a warning gesture. "You're technically a captive of war, so no funny business. Got it?" Since the woman's clearly of at least some authority in the Paladin ranks, she could provide both intel on their operations, and a bit of leverage if they decide to come and get her. A rather sound strategic decision, by his reckoning...
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Re: Project Argonaut IC

Postby jayjaycaps » Sat Sep 22, 2012 6:17 pm

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Veega looked down at Luna, understandably bewildered. What WAS this girl talking about? Friends? Charging a fee? And why did she keep calling him Papa? Nothing made sense, and it didn't look like it was going to any time soon.

"Luna, what the FUCK is going on? Are you out of your mind...?! You know what? Fuck it. Blow me, bitch." Veega put his hands behind his head and relaxed, giving up on arguing or trying to figure out what was going on. Been a while since he got any action anyways...

Claire, Greg:
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The woman stood up slowly, as to avoid falling over again. She clumsily made her way over to you two, having difficulty walking. What the hell was wrong with her?

"Yes, I will go... With you. You will take me to the Project." Her voice was calm and commanding, practically telling you to take her. Man, you'd think SHE was the one giving the orders around here... She had ignored Greg's threat, however, and had no weapons. Couldn't hurt to take her with you, right...? Right?

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Ed's hands moved around some more, from her sides to her ass, feeling up her curves, prompted by her moan. I could get used to this... He thought, before being interrupted by a love tap on the groin. Startled by it, he broke the kiss, leaning forwards and moving his hands to his crotch, an instant reaction drilled into him from years and years of being a teenage boy with teenage friends. Noticing how much it didn't hurt, he smiled and tried to brush of his knee jerking reaction. "Easy there, Mia. You could hurt someone like that..."

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The man laughed again, at Emile's pathetic attempt at negotiations. "See, I don't think you understand here buddy, but you're in no position to be making demands. WE have all the power, and WE decide what you get and don't get. Now, this is your last chance. Agree to take us to the Argonaut, and maybe we won't ding up your girl down there too badly." Yolandi suddenly goes limp in the arena, having passed out. Dropping her, the remaining four Paladins look up to Emile and the others, waiting for their next orders. So what's it gonna be, Emile?

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

As you fire into the gunner's nest, you notice a few more Paladin fall down to your right. Seems the civilian's are still putting up a fight!

At least one of your bullets must have hit, because the machine gun slowly winds down, eventually stopping. What few Paladin are left quickly abandon their positions, slowly making their way backwards. They're retreating!

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Dax: 73%

Paladin: Retreating. 5 left.
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Re: Project Argonaut IC

Postby daxtinator396 » Sat Sep 22, 2012 9:00 pm

Dax fires off the fresh clip in careful bursts at the 5 retreating Paladin soldiers. He did so with cold anger at their disregard for human life. Civilians! They were killing them. He was glad to see the. fight back and take out a few and was even happier to see the offending MG nest taken out of the fight. They were losing the shoet skirmish and were retreating! He stumbled towards the line of civvies the pain in his back starting to get to him, his armor dented and holed in places from the heavy MG rounds.
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Re: Project Argonaut IC

Postby Icaelus » Sat Sep 22, 2012 10:21 pm

Luna tilted her head, confusion evident in her blue eyes as Veega posed his question.
"Papa, is this a trick..? Please, I won't try to run away again.."
Her voice meek, Luna edged forward again slowly as Veega released her and told her to suck him off.
She got in position, raising her right hand to take a gentle grasp on Veega's shaft before taking his cock's head into her mouth again, tongue swirling and licking away at it. She slowly pushed herself down with difficulty: Her mouth didn't exactly have a lot of room.
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Re: Project Argonaut IC

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:30 pm

Claire sighs and turns over to Greg. "You sure? Cause I have no problem taking her to the 'Project' while you finish the mission." she says. She quickly grabs the female paladin, in case she falls over. "You okay?" she asks her. Claire looks back over at Greg. "Honestly, if you want. Go finish the mission. We can wait here for you. Or I can just take her wherever the hell she needs to go. Oh, one last option, we could take her back to base, but that could take a while, and they'd be pissed at us for not finishing the mission, but maybe happy that we have a prisoner. It doesn't matter to me. If you want, we can all go finish the mission, but that might make things a bit more difficult." she says.
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Re: Project Argonaut IC

Postby Lady Foxy » Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:03 pm

Mia seemed to not mind the total 'trespassing' that Edward's hands were performing on her perfectly toned and round derriere down below, her curvy hips adding the feeling of being perfectly round and healthy to her behind. She had worked out a lot to be fit for action as always, as her job always demanded her to be on the run with her gun shooting the 'bad guys'. One of the few things that never changed with her work outs, was her rounded butt. With simple words as that, one can imagine what a drooling behind she possessed. However, anybody willing to touch it without current permission was probably handed his hand back to him and dropped onto the floor in a couple of single moves.

She wasn't caring now, by how intense their kissing was getting. When Mia's right knee had softly bumped into Edward's crotch, just to curl around his right leg afterwards, he broke the kiss and sent his hands towards his crotch, as if he had some kind of crotch defense reflexes.

Then he smiled, seeming not confused anymore as he noticed that it hadn't been painful. In fact, his bulge should have pulsed strongly at that moment from the bump her knee gave it. Mia smiled dangerously seductively at that moment, hearing how he said that she could hurt someone like that. She had done before, but probably wouldn't anytime close to him. ''Me? Hurt somebody like that? I wouldn't.. But I see that you have been.. Trespassing A LOT, down there, haven't you?'' She whispered -very- teasingly, knowing that Private Edward was showing great amounts of interest with her round and perfectly healthy derriere and those curves that her waist had, making her wink at him and steal a kiss from his lips.
Atton Rand: "Feels like my last time on Telos."
Bao-Dur: "Crashed a shuttle that time, too?"
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Re: Project Argonaut IC

Postby Reaver » Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:44 am

Emile sighs, trying to look defeated for now. "Fine...I'll lead you. Just don't hurt the girl okay?" He slumps his shoulders in seeming defeat while thinking of ways to use this to his advantage. After all leading a bunch of stupid rebels around could be fun. He looks up and smirks a little though after a few seconds. "Besides you dummies wouldn't be able to find jack shit if you didn't have me."
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Re: Project Argonaut IC

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Sun Sep 30, 2012 1:08 am

"Umm, Claire...perhaps you forgot...but we're taking her back to base right now, as a POW...and getting ourselves back to base is the objective. 'Two birds, one stone,' as they say." Greg points out the painfully obvious, which he would've done before...but he thought Claire would've remembered on her own. Apparently, he was wrong. "Besides..." Greg turns to the Paladin woman. "I think this 'Project A' is a certain something back at base. So technically, that's three birds at once."

With that said, Greg leads the way back to base, hoping that they can avoid trouble for the time being. Fighting Jack wasn't easy...
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