Gordian Orgias

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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Sat Jan 30, 2016 1:00 am

Mel's ears turned beat red as she saw the pair just outside the inn. It was bad enough that word of her state would probably spread throughout the town. She'd probably never come back her again, but she had been planning to travel with these two for at least a short time. Swallowing her embarrassment Melsandra tried to walk past the two without a word.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Sundance » Sat Jan 30, 2016 2:21 am

"Oh, Priscilla look its the dragon girl and Avalin. How are you tw..." Corias face turned from friendly to a bit shocked as she looked at them. "W..well, i.." Awkwardly looking for a way to make this less embarrassing she looks around for a moment. "W..well, Avalin..its nice to see you again. A..a good night to you two." Then she pressed Priscilla quickly inside, before she took a room, paying for both of them. "That was...so embarrasing." She said to her friend as she moved towards the booked room. All she wanted was to lay down a bit and get some rest. Her thight would need it.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Sat Jan 30, 2016 2:30 am

She grabbed coria's shoulder " um coria did you guys go after the wolves cause we kinda destroyed the den? If so did you guys get paid?" She asked shivering.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Sundance » Sat Jan 30, 2016 2:35 am

A bit shocked about her sudden touch, Coria regains her warm smile as she looks at Avalin. Remembering how she kissed her earlier made her shiver a bit, but more in desire then disgust. The Tiefling was indeed exotic and maybe there would be some time to get her to know better. "Grettings to you too, Avalin...you destroyed the den? Well...seems like we worked as a team then." Without any more words she took 15 of her 30 gold share and placed it in her hand. "Next time we should talk before and make a better battle plan."
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Sat Jan 30, 2016 2:42 am

Yeah I got dragged and we'll from what I hear about 10 wolves were around doing uh well.." She looked a bit ashamed taking the gold ."I'm going to take a bath want to join me?" She asked blushing.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Sundance » Sat Jan 30, 2016 2:48 am

For a short moment, Coria was tempted. Less for the bath itself, but to share a tube with the half demon. But then her thight send a wave of pain through her leg as she shaked her head. "Maybe tomorrow. Tonight i have to cry and keep Priscilla awake with this." She smirked at her companion, before she moved closer to her ear. "But why dont you come later, i still need someone to cuddle."
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Sat Jan 30, 2016 3:01 am

She looked a bit sad" okay coria I hope you feel better." She then kisses her cheek "if you change your mind let me know cause ill need help cleaning the harder to get areas "walks away to the bathhouse to clean herself off.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Sat Jan 30, 2016 4:59 am

Mel had already moved into the wash room. She quickly stripped and started washing herself. After the day she had, Mel was just interested in getting into a bed and sleeping.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Sat Jan 30, 2016 6:26 am

ava steps into the bath with mel and began to help her clean up hoping she would do the same."Are we still sharing a room?" she asked rubbing her back again helping her get the harder to get areas. "Mel can I..." she stops what she was saying rather embarrassed "Just nevermind ill see you in bed ,goodnight." she walked out putting her clothes on and going to the bedroom.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Sat Jan 30, 2016 11:23 am

Priscilla was very much appreciative of Coria covering her exposed butt as the two of them made their way back to the inn. It was somewhat surprising to hear that the girl felt so responsible for Priscilla's encounter with the wolf though. "It's okay Coria... The fault was mine and mine alone. And your magic was quite helpful. If it weren't for you, we might still be up on that rock surrounded by wolves." She assures her friend with a gentle smile. Indeed, Coria had probably contributed more to that fight than Priscilla herself had.

Once back at the inn, they encountered a pair of familiar faces, though the two girls seemed to be almost completely naked and covered in cum. "Wh-what on earth happened to you two?" Priscilla starts to ask as Coria pushes her into the inn. Once Avalin catches up and explains that they went into a den of wolves, Priscilla manages to put two and two together. "I see... I suppose we owe you a share then..." She mutters as the two head to the bath. Deciding to give them some privacy and bathe in the morning, Priscilla sets the 15 gold that would be Mel's share outside the door to the bath and accompanies Coria to the room they had rented.

With a groan of relief, Priscilla sets her sword against the wall and sits down on the bed to remove her boots and the tattered remains of her pants. "Well, we'd best get some rest for the night. We've much to do before that raven returns tomorrow after all." She says as she removes her top as well, leaving her only in her underwear, and folds her clothes carefully before setting them on the floor next to the bed.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Sat Jan 30, 2016 3:17 pm

Mel was cleaning off when Avalin arrived. The two of them decided to help wash each other again. "Yeah we can still share your room." It seemed a little odd that Ava would ask this, but she'd generally been like this most of the time Mel knew her. Ava almost asked a question but quickly stopped herself and left. Mel was curious but far too tired to ask about it. Getting herself dressed and finding the 15 coins she went back to Ava's room. Unless Avalin wanted to talk about something she would just strip to her undergarments and get some shut eye.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Sat Jan 30, 2016 3:48 pm

Ava was wearing nothing but her underwear when she walked in and she looked asleep from the angle she was in but when mel got in the bed ava wrapped an arm around her cuddling her and she kissed her on the cheek "good night mel" She said going to sleep avashi diary was on the night stand next to the bed it's pages were unlocked and opened fresh words were written in it and it has a thick amount of pages filled and alot more yo go.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Sundance » Sat Jan 30, 2016 4:13 pm

Slowly taking off her dress and her stockings, Coria sat down on the floor and placed her burning hands into a bowl of cold water. "Awww, thats good." She said out loud as she looked over to her roommate. "The raven, yes. Hope that my powers wont turn against me when we fight her." She still was sure not to go with this strange woman.
Yet this were problems for the next day. Drying her hands she climbed into the bed, next to Priscilla and hugged her, before she closed her eyes. "Its good to have a friend like you, Prics." She whispered in her eyes, before she fell into a long dreamless sleep.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Sat Jan 30, 2016 5:46 pm

Mel quietly entered and got into the bed. She let Ava hold her from behind and enjoyed the closeness. "Good night Ava." Mel spotted the opened diary on the night stand but she was far too tired to be snooping. Instead she allowed herself to drift off to sleep to the soft rhythm of Avalin's breathing.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby DeltaSynergy » Sat Jan 30, 2016 8:13 pm

Gillan nodded.

"Guess i could just go to sleep behind the inn."

Wondering just what such an artifact could really be, he left the library and headed to the meeting place, lying down and sleeping at that area.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Sat Jan 30, 2016 8:28 pm

Priscilla lies down in bed as Coria soaks her hands in water. "Don't worry, no matter what happens I won't let her take you." She assures her friend, smiling as she felt the warmth of Coria's body against her own. The past week or so she had spent sleeping on her own outside, so this was a nice change of pace. "Indeed, I'm glad I met you Coria." She says with a yawn before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby LillyMacow » Sun Jan 31, 2016 5:19 am

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

You awake and feel a very light weight resting on you, opening your eyes you see the petite elf sleeping on you, Sunlight streamed in through the window.

Coria & Priscilla:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The two of you awake around the same time in your room. You can hear the loud clashes and bangs of the market below.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

You feel as though you are being watched in your dreams that night. Opening your eyes you see light between the leaves of the tree you had slept under last night. Sitting up you notice the hooded women was leaned against a tree in the woods behind you looking out over the town.

Mel & Avalin:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The two of you awake when you hear a knock on your door and a familiar voice, at least to the half demon says awkwardly "Uh ma'am my boss wants you out ASAP... sorry. Oh... and uh you need to pay for your room miss"

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

You wander back into the tavern still thinking about what had happened in the church. The image of the half formed liebe staring at you blankly clearly in unimaginable pain being ripped between to planes of existence.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Laughing Hyena » Sun Jan 31, 2016 5:51 am

Looking down at the peaceful looking Sabrina, Abel relaxed as his eyes trail over the outline of her figure under the bedsheets. He knew he needed to start cleaning up after the rather fun romp they had so he carefully slips out from underneath her to let her sleep. He sets to work on this task without concerns for the situation at hand. After all he never expected the girls to have gone out during the night. Meanwhile his natural responses during the morning routine made themselves known.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Sun Jan 31, 2016 5:58 am

Ava gets up immediately and grabs a dagger out putting her clothes on. walking out angered ."You screwed me over did you , you prick ! you're lucky i'm not going to lop your nuts off!" she says putting three gold in his hands "Tell your boss this extra gold is for a little extra time and that I apologize for the inconvenience butif I hear you kept that gold I will personally twist your mind until your words are reverse and you have the mind of a pumpkin do you understand...good" she then walks back into the room with a kind smile getting back into the bed with mel kissing her on the cheek again. "Don't worry about that ,I got it taken care of." she holds her hand ."Mel you are my friend right?"
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby DeltaSynergy » Sun Jan 31, 2016 6:49 am

Gillan yawned with a bright smile as he woke up. He had felt like he was being watched but since nothing had happened, be payed it no mind. Getting up, he saw the hooded woman in the woods by a tree, he waved to her before heading over.

"Morning! You're up rather early. Well, where are we going? Oh and...don't expect me to have any money or food, I've been travelling and living off the earth."
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