The Roads We Take

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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby TheUnknown » Fri Aug 12, 2016 5:26 am

They fumble about securing and finally removing the refueling pipe when the job is done. With that taken care of you are free to resume your journey to reach Historian command and find out what lies ahead of you in this new found adventure.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby That_One_Guy » Fri Aug 12, 2016 7:12 am

He continued to glare at the man and then back out into the city, "Your men cost a lot of pain in this city, what makes you think they'll go about changing that? The person on the other end did seem to have further plans, so tell me how you'll change this for the good and why I should believe you." He stated, looking down at him, "And yes, I could have killed you back there, but you had information, I'm not afraid to kill you any less than any of the others here."
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby Lynxy » Fri Aug 12, 2016 11:11 am

"Good" Sirpa says as she ushers the gangster through her front door. After locking the various latches and checking that the window is fully closed she cuts off the cable tie holding his wrists behind his back and sits on the corner of the bed opposite a cheap wooden desk chair. "Now, strip and sit down so we can get started." She says simply while leveling the gun at him. "I'm not going to find out the hard way that you keep a grenade hidden in your underwear."
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby devilbird » Fri Aug 12, 2016 5:03 pm

The girls examined the room for any hiding places before descending down the stairs. They tried to stay ready for anything that could pop out at them. Tik-Tik started wondering if this was even the right bunker, with how long it looked like it had seen a person.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby TheUnknown » Fri Aug 12, 2016 9:43 pm

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You and co proceed forward. About halfway through the room you hear a crash, but see that it is a roof tile that fell near Weech. After that you continue on without incident down the stairs. At the bottom you find a long dark hallway. Though you see light on the other side.

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"What the- fine" Karl grumbles before stripping down and showing you that he had no weapons or explosives on him. He sits back down in the chair exposed and otherwise defenseless.

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"The thugs you've been fighting? Those aren't my boys. The other bosses deal more with terrorizing locals and having fun. Me, I'm all about the business. I might lean on people and threaten them, but if they're protected by me they're as safe as a house" he takes another fat puff from his cigar. "If you kill me someone else will just take my place all too eagerly and keep supplying them, but if you work with me I can stop the flow of new weapons for them. I also happen to have a lot of dirt on the other families. Caches, secret accounts, hidden lock boxes, I got it all and now that they're dead now would be the perfect time to slay the beast before it can grow back its heads" the old man says with a chuckle before finishing off his cigar.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby devilbird » Fri Aug 12, 2016 11:08 pm

Tik-Tik lead the way down the stairs, and again in the hallway. They made their way toward's the light, because that could only mean good things.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby ZeroParadox » Sat Aug 13, 2016 12:09 am

With the refueling settled Friday will climb on board, closing the cargo doors on his way to the bridge. Upon seating himself in the captains chair he'll start up the engines, allowing them to gradually warm up as he marks down in his journal the fuel stop, amounts bought and how much he paid. He'll also note that this stop was a fortunately quiet one.

As soon as the engines are ready to go he pilots the ship out of the asteroid and continues on his journey.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby TheUnknown » Sat Aug 13, 2016 1:03 am

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when you reach the end of the tunnel you see a stark contrast in surroundings. Gone are the rusted walls and decay. Now you are surrounded by the white pristine panels with various electronics wired into them. A large strong door blocks the way forward, but there are two hallways. One to the left and one to the right. Perhaps some opening mechanism is in the room or some room down one of the hallways.

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the ship closes up and the engines start up. The purr of the engines greet your ears as the ship lifts off and you manage to depart from the asteroid station. "So how'd it go?" Katherina asked walking in wearing just her white lace bra and panties. "An before you ask it was hot in there. I just haven't felt like putting my clothes back on yet" she says nonchalantly.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby ZeroParadox » Sat Aug 13, 2016 2:27 am

"No worries. I guess I've just gotten used to how warm it gets in here.", Friday replies casually,"And it went smoothly. Thankfully dull, even. Brought you some fine diner stop grub if you're hungry and feeling adventurous.", he will say as he points out where the take out was placed.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby TheUnknown » Sat Aug 13, 2016 4:36 am

"I'm pretty hungry so thanks" Katherina says making her way to the bag of grub and happily digging in. At first you wonder if the sight of someone eating food in their underwear in the dead of space was a sad sigh, but then you remember plenty a morning where you had done the same because why not. It's space whose gonna judge you the asteroids?

"so how far we got now?" she ask in between bites and seemingly unphased by the bits of food near her mouth. A problem for a less hungry person to deal with.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby ZeroParadox » Sat Aug 13, 2016 11:01 am

"Not too much further, really. But expect to be kept waiting at some points due to customs or checkpoints.", Friday replies simply,"A reason I like to take on passengers, actually. Having others around helps kill the time and prevent space madness."
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby TheUnknown » Sat Aug 13, 2016 6:00 pm

"So how do you want to kill time then?" she ask nonchalantly after finishing off the meal. It almost seemed like that was the first meal she had in awhile with how ravenously she inhaled it.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby lilbooth » Sat Aug 13, 2016 9:33 pm

Riya decided to press forward. She would rather fully explore the area she was in currently then backtrack into one of the other corridors.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby devilbird » Sun Aug 14, 2016 12:22 am

Divide and conquer. Tik-Tik send's Zen and Weech down the path to the right while electing to take the left path. She had full faith that Zen could handle herself in a fight if it came to it, and Weech could help them meet up once they explored everything. Tik-Tik also wanted to show off to Zen. She wanted to prove that she was a partner worth having, since she hadn't done any real work up til now. So she set off down her chosen route, looking for a way to open that door.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby ZeroParadox » Sun Aug 14, 2016 2:23 am

"Well, you can let that brief meal of yours settle and share your story. What made you decide to defect?", he'll ask.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby TheUnknown » Sun Aug 14, 2016 4:30 am

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Searching through the hallway on the left you manage to find a room with a switch inside. Nothing seems out of order and the place seems well kept. You can only imagine how easy things were for the other two down on the right side.

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"Well where to begin.." Katherina ponders "things had always been getting more desperate with the changing tides of power. Though the empire could out produce and fight everyone we could not fight forever. Though our victory did not depend on that.. My cousin Sophia was working on the Emperor's top secret project to create a virus that could reproduce the original effects of the Ralerin Transformation. I don't what it was, but something she found just horrified her and she finally had enough. So she defected or tried to anyway" Katherina finishes sighing sadly.

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Sure enough you manage to find a side door that leads into the reactor control chamber. Looking about you see one of the infected chained by the wrist to a chair. It groans and tries to move toward you, but to no avail. Among the blood you see that the controls are still intact and functional.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby devilbird » Sun Aug 14, 2016 5:09 am

There had to be a trap here. There just had to. Tik-Tik's paranoia was taking over with how easy everything seemed. She examined the switch thoroughly, trying to figure out what the catch was.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby TheUnknown » Sun Aug 14, 2016 2:29 pm

Everything seems in order though when you hear footsteps coming back to the main room, presumably Zen, you hear slots on the wall open up. The next thing you hear is heavy blaster fire. So much for a trap free decent.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby lilbooth » Sun Aug 14, 2016 4:16 pm

Riya skirts around the infected chained to the chair and stands in front of the reactor controls. Her first objective is to get as much blood off the controls as possible. Then she would search around the controls for any sort of emergency instructions. Riya was pretty sure she could determine what the "ON" button was but there may be some special procedure when the power loss was destructive or unsuspected.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby devilbird » Sun Aug 14, 2016 8:43 pm

Tik-Tik looked for cover if there was any in the room, then returned fire randomly. She knew this was bound to happen. When she got the chance, she looked for where the slots are so she could focus her fire on each assailant, one at a time.
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