Mahou Shoujo Rorupurei

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Re: Mahou Shoujo Rorupurei

Postby venomouswings » Wed Aug 20, 2014 4:21 pm

"No look it's.." Then saw the horror is Bunny face, it was a look she knew to well "Please don't b-" The horse in her hand melted back into a pool of blood that ran off her hand ."I'm not.. I won't.. I-I." Is she drinking! She really is a vampire! Monster! Monster! ...I'm not a- It's not like before Val so stop freaking out! It's ok... you said it yourself, you don't blame her for being scared. You just need to show her that there's no reason to be afraid. "Thanks partner" She muttered under her breath. Making the blood from her hand run on to the floor she moves in slowly to hug Bunny make sure to not to freak her out "I don't want to hurt you, so please stop being afraid of me."
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Rorupurei

Postby VintageBass » Wed Aug 20, 2014 4:38 pm

A smile is on Nathalie's face after finding out about the price on her food, feeling really good about it, and with a free cookie just made it even better. "Thank you," she said, bowing slightly to the woman manning the cashier before looking over at the tables in the hall. For the most part all of them full, even if one table has a girl ripping away at a lobster in a frenzy, the same girl she bumped into when she was getting food. From what she can see, there are two seats available and the only option she sees the best would be Vivian sitting alone. Sighing, Nathalie walks over to the maid and stops once she got to her.

At the table, Nathalie pulls a seat one away from the maid and sits down both herself and her food. Once comfortable, Nathalie got to eating her fries, occasionally looking over at Vivian to see how she is doing. The two of them are eating their food in quiet, unsure about what to talk about. Eventually Nathalie got to work on one of her sandwiches, enjoying the pretzel bread, before finally deciding to speak up. "So you made Valerie mad, I guess. Is this about Bunny?"
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Rorupurei

Postby DomJoe » Wed Aug 20, 2014 6:01 pm

Kiha still growls at the demon lady, but she finally does stop firing. "Fine, I'm listening..." She'd rather just have this lady leave her alone at this rate, but since she was being so stubborn (and practically invincible), she might as well listen for awhile...
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Rorupurei

Postby Soru » Wed Aug 20, 2014 7:34 pm

Bella tries to keep herself from shivering from both the slime girl spreading out along her back and nervousness of the proctor catching her. "Like I said, it gets messy in my bag some times so I have no idea what's in there." She says while trying to focus on her food and eating what she could. She hopes she stalled long enough for the slime girl to get out.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Rorupurei

Postby Nobudi » Thu Aug 21, 2014 12:50 am

That made Keiko frown.
She never left the garden?
"So," Keiko began, "You've never left the garden?"
Then a thought struck her.
"Or rather," she continued. "You can't leave, can you?"
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Rorupurei

Postby Fawkes » Thu Aug 21, 2014 1:13 am

Katie almost thinks the pain of the massive member being forced down her ass is driving her insane when she hears the voice, doesn't respond for a moment, until the pain the next thrust caused made her willing to try anything. Please, help! Anything, II'll do anything, just save me! I-Im Katie Morrel.
As a warning, if I'm playing a girl, she's rape bait.

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Re: Mahou Shoujo Rorupurei

Postby Earthsage » Thu Aug 21, 2014 2:17 am

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Bunny squirms a bit in your grasp.. But then sighs, and relaxes a little, burrowing her face between your breasts rather shyly.
She's even blushing! You're not sure if your heart can handle this much cuteness!
"I'll trust you, miss... Miss Val. I'm s-sorry."

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Vivian calmly looks you over as you do, making sure that the other food at the table is just out of your easy reach..
"Yes. I do not trust 'Bunny'. She attempted to assault miss Valentine before, and I have no intention of allowing it to do so again."
She makes a meaningful gesture, and you remember how very precise her threat was when she had you at her mercy before..

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You doubt this woman is invincible.. You're just feeling much too tired to even try to hurt her. Your encounter with the Mirrors left you drained, and.. Well, she's not exactly a pushover. You think you'd have trouble with her even if you were at full strength..
For an answer, she simply pulls you towards your bed, and sits you down on it. She sits crosslegged behind you, and starts.. Messing with your hair. If you're honest.. The shivers sent down your spine aren't unpleasant, and having your hair attended to like this isn't bad..
But she's silent, trying to get you to relax a little around her before she speaks.

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You can't help but shiver a little bit as the Slime Girl manages to mold herself along your body. It's a strange, smooth feeling, having her cover your body like this.. You also feel very clean, as if she's pulling any kind of dirt or blemish off of your skin.
IT's also rather cold...
Before you can shiver, though, the proctor has looked through your bag and pulls up you empty water bottle.
"... You should really clean out your backpack more often. What if you had gotten your books wet?"
She indicates the unscrewed cap on the bottle.. And, considering this cafeteria has no written rules against bringing empty containers in, you're pretty sure you're in the clear.
... So long as the woman doesn't look at your new underclothing, somehow.

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Eleanor can't help but laugh, as she forces you to leave the garden area.
"I can leave.. But who says I want to? I have everything I need, right in this garden!"
As she does push you out the door, she also seems to have left you a little present.. A small, pretty flower is in your hair, and from her continued laughter you actually think it's a prank.
... But it's a rather tame prank, honestly. You think it's a better gift than a joke...

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You've already had many, many eggs laid inside you already.. But for some reason your rather bloated stomach doesn't stop your movement as, upon saying your name..
You're freed from your bonds, rocketed forward out of the range of the Spiders, and reclothed. You also feel.. Stronger? Much stronger!
Maybe strong enough to fight back! Although, you may simply want to escape.. This Spider woman is spitting mad, and your poor rear is smarting from the abuse.. And your bowels and guts aren't happy about the extra load, either!
You're not a big fan of spiders right now..

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Upon the thought that the school is only populated by girls or.. More girls like her.. Erin shakes her head.
... She totally saw guys who were looking at her oddly before, didn't she? Or.. Or was she seeing things?
Oh god she is going crazy.. But she's too hungry to freak out too much. She focuses on her food to almost the exclusion of everything else, enjoying the savory taste of what normally should be vile health food.
An Axe, a shield, and a good fight are all y'need for a good time! That and some friends to share it with!
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Rorupurei

Postby Soru » Thu Aug 21, 2014 2:36 am

Bella resist letting out a sigh of relief at seeing that the slime girl managed to get out inside. "Yeah, I probably should. I think I was going to recycle that but I forgot." Bella said to the proctor. She goes back to eating and hopes that the proctor leaves soon and that she leaves the bottle for the slime girl to go back inside.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Rorupurei

Postby VintageBass » Thu Aug 21, 2014 2:48 am

A look over at Vivian gives her a sight of her pulling the plate of food away from her, which is all right for Nathalie since she got her own food. "Trust issues, I can understand that," she replied, taking a few more bites out of her fries. "I don't exactly trust you as much either, but I can trust Valerie and Bunny." She sighs, focusing more on her meal than on the maid. The two of them continue to eat in silence, letting the rest of the room talk around them. Eventually Nathalie is on her second sandwich and she speaks up again.

"I don't know all of what happened on the train, but if Valerie can be able to make friends with her, then what is wrong with her having a new friend. I even wanted to be a friend of hers, but I got poisoned by a naga and then you got in the way. It wasn't what I wanted at all, because apparently someone wanted to mess around with me and have me deal with some bullshit, including from you, and this school is already messing with my body! And all I want is just a break, one moment to breathe to allow me to collect my thoughts, but whoever is the divine overseer of this school wants to have me suffer." Nathalie lets out a long, irritated sigh as she finishes off the rest of her plate, saving the cookie for last.

"I don't know, this is just my first day and I'm just exhausted. I want to head to my room and just black out. Hopefully tomorrow I want to start fresh, help this school out, and perhaps have some fun that doesn't involve poison, mace or animal gential medicine." Once her plate is cleared off, Nathalie takes the cookie off and begins to head off to the disposal area to drop her plate off and head off to find her dorm. "All I wanted is to be friends, but that can't happen with these trust issues." Letting out a sigh, Nathalie heads out with the cookie in tow and heads out where Valerie and Bunny are, hopefully wanting to talk to them again.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Rorupurei

Postby DomJoe » Thu Aug 21, 2014 2:51 am

Kiha gives a sigh of annoyance as the demon woman begins to muss with her hair. It might feel sorta good, but it doesn't erase Kiha's annoyance with her. "So, are you going to tell me, or are you just going to keep playing with my hair and keep calling me cute?" She's too tired to do much else, which only makes her even more annoyed with the entire situation.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Rorupurei

Postby Fawkes » Thu Aug 21, 2014 2:56 am

Her face burning with tears of pain and shame, and her clothing in shreds on the ground, Katie run blindly away from the monster that had filled her gaping asshole with its young. With no idea where she is, she looks for any sort of alcove or closest or room for her to hide in and safely de-transform into her normal, modestly clothed, unmolested and especially spider-egg free self.
As a warning, if I'm playing a girl, she's rape bait.

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Re: Mahou Shoujo Rorupurei

Postby venomouswings » Thu Aug 21, 2014 2:46 pm

A smile fills Val's face as Bunny relaxes in her hug. Feeling an overload of cuteness, when the girl blushes. "Val or Valerie will do Buns." She said happily. "I've never been one for formalities." She slowly releases Bunny from her hug, blushing a little at how cute she looked. "Lets go check out this room of mine and get you cleaned up, cause... you have a load of dry blood on your back." She said a little sheepishly, lightly grasping Bunny's hand and goes to find her room. She stops and asks one of the helpful individuals if she can't find it.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Rorupurei

Postby Nobudi » Fri Aug 22, 2014 12:51 am

Ohhh kay...
Keiko was now back in the academy proper, with a flower in her hair.
She felt there was a joke in there, but she missed it somehow.
Wandering around looking for the cafeteria now, Keiko took out the flower for inspection before moving on.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Rorupurei

Postby that man » Fri Aug 22, 2014 1:14 am

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No post for old men.

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"I know this may seem strange, my dear, but please trust me," Lilith said, as she began to...comb Kiha's hair?

Where did she get the comb? More than that, how was she doing it in the same way her mom used to!

"For example, I know every tiny little detail in your life," Lilith giggled, before leaning in. "Like that time in third grade when you [Redacted for Kiha's benefit] in front of the whole class! Or how about the time you [Redacted for Kiha's benefit]?"

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As amazing as all the food Erin has is, she still can't help but notice that it is having the same side effects on her body as it would have outside of the school. It's not too much trouble now but, given how everything has gone today, it might be best for Erin to take care of it before it becomes a source of major irritation at some later point.

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"Alright then," The proctor says, as she picks up the bottle. "Then I hope you don't mind if I get rid of this for you? After all, you did say you were planning on recycling it yourself, and I would hate to have you forget it again."

Apparently, the Proctor has sensed that Bella has some sort of alterier motive for the bottle, but just isn't sure as to what exactly it is.

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"Get back here you slut!" The spider lady screams, as she and her sons chase after Katie.

Some how, by some sort of miracle of some cruel or bored god, Katie managed to outrun the spiders, and found herself in the hallway from before she had entered there. Quickly, Katie managed to change back into her old outfit but, just as everything seemed ok, she realized that her stomach was still bulging out. This...this will probably need medical attention...

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"I'm not sure where your room is," The girl Valerie asked admitted. "I mean, I know where the dorms are, and I assume your room is there, but I couldn't tell you which one is which."

Well, it was only a matter of time until the NPCs at this school began to prove themselves as less than helpful, but at least Valerie still had a general direction to go in.

"By the way," the girl continued, as she handed Valerie a flyer, "Have you seen ( this girl?"

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Looking back at the table on her way out, Nathalie is a little disturbed to see that Vivian had already managed to leave with all of the food trays, but, at the same time, that also gave her an idea as to where she would be. Walking down the halls, nothing really seemed to be all that odd, save the girl starring blankly at a bathroom door, so Nathalie finally had some time to reflect on everything crazy that had happened today.

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On closer inspection, there really doesn't seem to be anything wrong or weird about the flower. Granted, the same could be said for the outward appearance of all of Keiko's plants, but even going in closer, and sensing the plant, this just seemed like a normal flower. It's actually a very nice flower and, thinking back on it, Keiko remembers seeing one almost identical to it in the garden, but Elanor did distract her from a full appreciation. Later, Keiko may have to thank her...that is, assuming that there is some time where she wouldn't kick her out.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Rorupurei

Postby DomJoe » Fri Aug 22, 2014 1:32 am

Kiha jumps off the bed, completely startled about this woman's breadth of information. "H-how do you know about the frog I swallowed whole?! Who even told you that?!" Kiha was already really uncomfortable around this lady, but this just took the cake. Or frog, in this case? Whatever, it still freaked Kiha out. "Seriously, who ARE you? How do you know so much about me?!"
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Rorupurei

Postby VintageBass » Fri Aug 22, 2014 2:58 am

Just as she was leaving the hall, Nathalie took notice of the table to find... no one. A shiver ran down her spine and the blonde quickly makes her way out of the room, wanting to get away from the place as fast as she can. While it's good that Vivian is gone, if she's capable of that then she wants to be far away from that mad woman. But as she is walking, she can take a moment to enjoy the peace of everything around her. Taking in a deep breath, Nathalie starts to clear out her mind of all the negativity that happened and instead focus on what she wanted to do when she is here at the Academy.

And as she is walking, there is a girl standing in front of a bathroom door with a blank look. Nathalie only focuses on the girl for a brief second before heading back on her way, hoping to find Valerie and Bunny and talk to them. And if she ends up at the dorms, she will head on in and hit the hay for the time being.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Rorupurei

Postby Soru » Fri Aug 22, 2014 4:10 am

"Um, sure go right ahead if it's no trouble." Bella said. She was going to find another way to transport the slime girl that wasn't inside her ass or cunt. She continues to eat and hopes the proctor leaves soon so she could finish eating and get the slime girl back to her room.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Rorupurei

Postby venomouswings » Fri Aug 22, 2014 10:09 am

Val looked at the flyer she was handed. It was the girl she met when she got off the train, Keiko she thinks. "I briefly saw her at the train stations, but as of where she is now i have no clue." She gives the girl a little wave goodbye for turning round and heading to the dorms. "Now all we have to do is find my room in a dorm full of them,it's gonna be like finding a needle in a hay stack." For now Val focuses on trying to find her room and make small talk with Buns while she does so.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Rorupurei

Postby spriter1 » Fri Aug 22, 2014 6:04 pm

(Sorry about the short post, it's just that I'm guessing the bathroom incident is passed)

Ciera does acknowledge the noises coming from the bathroom, but after what seems like an eternity, just decides to ignore it, and continues heading in the direction of the clock tower.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Rorupurei

Postby Fawkes » Sat Aug 23, 2014 7:14 am

Whimpering in pain and fear as she sees her bulging stomach and realizes she must still be full of spider eggs, Katie staggers down the hallway, looking desperately for anyone to help her while simultaneously being terrified of and looking carefully for her arachnid assailants finding her.
As a warning, if I'm playing a girl, she's rape bait.

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