Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby daxtinator396 » Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:02 pm

Dax bit back a frown at the face she made at him... he thought he had made some progress... that actually hurt his feelings. He was trying really hard! And she just threw it back at him... he had feelings too. He knew Chrys is she was paying any attention to him would feel it and he didn't care. Let her. He was confused though when Miyu fell over! And then he felt a rough smack on his own head making him almost fall over and Dusky clutched tightly to his shoulder making him wince,"Oww! That hurt... like I need more people to hurt me..." He said and then really heard what she said... damn. She was right,"Sorry... that was unfair... I would be alittle freaked out. I certainly wouldn't be rude though. Can you help me Chrys? Please. I really want to get to know her. She'S my pokemon and I hope to be my friend!" He said seriously and Dusky nodded as she pawed gently at his head to try and comfort him.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby KingKaor » Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:09 pm

"Nice job, buddy!" Kaor shouts into the slowly clearing smoke, "Now, use Leer on Sentret!". Unable to see Cynder, he assumes that it understood his direction. A faint light shines from the smoke for a brief second, then fades. "Then, Tackle Poocheyena again, and try to hide in what's left of the smoke!"
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby Reapergod36 » Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:35 pm

"Aly, keep an eye on Blaziken, Blaziken keep an eye on the girl. Make sure none of those perverts get near her." Elixia said sternly as she stood up and went to look for Jordan, before she left she caressed the girl across her head once. Knowing what it was like to be horrified as she was. Elixia would search for her 'friend' Jordan in hopes of not becoming like the girl she saved.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby LoneWolf » Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:03 pm

Raphael watches in satisfaction as Tyr intercepts Zubat and Seraphim's counter-attack finds its mark. His lip curls in a mirthless grin at the other trainer's complaint - seems like he's not used to finding himself with an actual fight on his hands - but his attention stays primarily on the Pokémon in front of them.

Seeing the Zubat become confused, he finds himself with a sudden dilemma. Take the opportunity to switch to the offensive, or stick to the plan and keep defending Seraphim? Pressing the attack is tempting, but it seems like the risk isn't worth the potential benefit. Given the type match-up, Tyr's attacks wouldn't actually add very much extra damage when compared to that Psychic assault, but allowing Zubat to land even a single Leech Life on Seraphim could be a disaster. He really doesn't want to send Tyr up against even one Flying Pokémon alone, and the little Ralts looks much more fragile than he is - not to mention the fact that the move not only deals damage, it also heals Zubat for a proportional amount. Letting it get a super-effective one off seems like a really bad idea.

"Good, Tyr. Counter-attack if you can, but stay focused. We can't afford any mistakes here, so you'll have to make every move count. Let your opponents make the mistakes, then make them regret it." His voice is deliberately calm and controlled, without a trace of the emotions and questions swirling in his mind. It's obviously intended to help transfer some of that steadiness to his Pokémon, and it seems to be at least partially working. The young Machop doesn't move from his guard position, but his feet and shoulders shift slightly, taking on a more balanced stance from which to intercept an attack or launch a counter.

((OOC: Trying for Focus Energy.))
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby Voff » Thu Jun 06, 2013 11:34 pm

Wurmple being safe for the time being let Varen focus on trying to finish the fight. A straight up kick to the side of the brute's head should take him down, especially since a strike let that would take down anyone with the minimum amount of force and would let him focus on only making it connect. Still ready to follow that kick up with another one, and even more strikes if needed.

Wurmple had done his part though, "You've been great wurmple. You've done more then enough", Varen said as he recalled him and released Growlithe right behind magnemite. "You're up growlithe", Varen said encouragingly. He placed growltihe behind magnemite so that the group could figure out a new match up as growlithe would have trouble against lotad. "Keep your guard up and be ready to back the others up growlithe", Varen added.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby Goryokaku » Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:41 pm

Kal bolted at full speed for the entrance, the fact that the girl was light meant she wouldn't be hindered by any extra weight. "Hope keep up anyone who looks dangerous and test to stop us frighten them off with your flames." Kal expected thereto be some persistent chasers, and being team aqua meant they had lots of water pokemon. She didn't want to get into a battle with only hope as her pokemon.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:54 pm

"I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was. To catch them is my real test, to train them is- OOF!!"

Okay, what the hell? Tsubaki was having a fun time singing to herself, and then somebody went and bumped into her. Meh, just an honest mistake. No sweat, as long as it's not a Team Magma or Aqua thug, or...a wild Marrill...well, shnizz. It doesn't take her long to notice the poor odds. All she has is a Fire type, which is very susceptible to Water moves, and if that Marrill has that one Ability, Nobi will hardly be able to scratch it. Well, considering it won't likely be the last Water type she encounters, and she could use a more advantageous type Pokemon on her team for this sort of thing...

"We don't have time for this. Nobi, use Roar!"

Right now, Tsubaki is mentally worn out from dodging bullets and horny Tangelas back in Petalburg's forest. She can't be arsed with a cranky Marrill, and really, it's not like she needs a Water type right now. Maybe bolster her team with some other types that Nobi does stand a chance against, then go searching for the wet ones. Any way you look at it, fighting here is only gonna put herself and Nobi at unneeded risk, and she doesn't want that. Right now, the best bet is to try and scare it off with Roar, and - whether that works or not - make a run for it.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Sat Jun 08, 2013 5:50 am

Claire begins to think. "Mudkip use water gun, then follow up with a mud-slap on Nidoran♀." she says. She looks around at the other battles and notices the Wurmple. She smiles when Sam helps the Wurmple. "Okay guys! Ready to wipe these jokers out?!" she shouts as words of encouragement. She looks back at her own battle. "Mudkip, protect Shadow at all costs. Keep using mud-slap!" she says.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby Nobudi » Sat Jun 08, 2013 6:10 am

Skye quietly thanked the officer, and begged both the Nurse and Officer a nice day, and left the room.
Togepi was quiet by this point, cowed by the ferocity she detected from her trainer.
Together, they got on the ferry.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby berserkerhorn » Sat Jun 08, 2013 5:38 pm

Lisa’s legs are spread wide open as Minun begins drilling her missionary stlye. Her legs are lifted in the air and are kept raised due to the electricity firing throughout her body. She cums from the overload of sensations within her pussy; from the tingling on her clitoris, the electricity Minun is firing inside her body literally paralyzes her from moving, to the rough pounding Minun was giving. Her pussy wraps tightly around Minun’s cock. Her back arches as her entire body convulses from the orgasm. The electricity only adds to the pleasure of the orgasm as it adds more fuel to her orgasm. Her cumming allows her to prop herself up to look at Minun in between her legs. Her eyes are a bit between pain, lust, pleasure, and tears at her first time being with a pokemon. She begins to moan loudly now as her primal mating instincts take over her body. Her hips begin to move back and forth to add more force to Minun’s thrusts. Her breasts jiggle each time Minun slams into her
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby MiscChaos » Sun Jul 14, 2013 7:38 am

On Route 101:

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From within the smoke, Sentret sees the Leer of Cynder’s eyes, lowering its defense before Cynder pops out of the smoke once again to Tackle Poochyena. Waiting for his offensive this time since it can’t do much else, Poochyena trades blows with Cynder, waiting until the Tackle connects then using a Tackle of its own before Cynder can escape back into the smog. Pidgey still can’t track your Cyndaquil, so it can’t get an attack of its own in before he disappears back into the smoke. The smoke which is, at this point, starting to dissipate. Not to the point where Cynder can’t continue to hide in it, but light most definitely is starting to shine through, making it just a bit easier for his opponents to see him. Not that it really matters for Sentret. For the third time in a row, it uses Defense Curl.

In Oldale:

Claire, Jackson, Samantha, and Varen
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With his opponent off of his for a moment, Varen’s able to call back Wurmple and toss out Growlithe, strong and fresh and ready for the fight. His fight is with a Water/Grass type and a Normal/Flying type, making it fairly even for him since they’d each eat normal damage under a Fire attack. Or he could end up doing something else since Varen’s only instruction was “back up everyone else”

With still no direction to go on, Shadow throws out an Ember attack at Nidoran♀, intent on keeping her as far away from him as possible. The attack doesn’t land though as her trainer has her on standby, keeping her distance and trying to dodge all attacks as best she can. Her concentration needs to be broken before an attack lands it looks like. Suddenly, Samantha and Claire hear Growlithe growl and bark a warning before charging towards them. Why becomes painfully obvious quickly as it appears Ai took advantage of everyone’s focus on the battle in front of them to try to sneak behind the two of them with a knife. With a slightly annoyed “Tch!” she backs off, having no intention of seeing what a Growlithe could do to her. If Growlithe gets distracted though, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to keep an eye on her, just in case.

On the other side of the battlefield, Typhoon tries to dodge as his Trainer instructed him to, but there’s nothing to dodge. Makuhita has stood back and is instead using Focus Energy to up its chances of doing some serious damage to Ty if its hands on him. So it’d be a really good idea to not let it get its hands on the bird, because if that hand is in the form of a Vital Throw, it’s not certain if Ty will be able to withstand the attack.

At a loss for what to do against Magnemite since it has no moves that are effective against the Steel/Electricity type, Swablu cuts loose and tries Astonish, hoping to make it flinch and give its Trainer more time to figure it out. Unfortunately for it, this doesn’t work and it ends up eating a point blank Thundershock for its efforts. The bird shakily backs off under the Super Effective move, lucky that it wasn’t paralyzed in the blow. Still, since it hasn’t suffered damage prior to this, it’s not too terribly bad off.

Mudkip throws out a Water Gun/Mud Slap combination at Nidoran♀ as per orders, but Nidoran♀, as per her own orders, focuses on dodging and only gets clipped by the Mud Slap. The Poison Pokémon still isn’t looking good since it’s been eating a lot of Mud Slaps, but unless it’s concentration is broken somehow, it’s not looking like it’s going to allow itself to be hit any time soon.

Lotad, as lost as Swablu about what to do with Magnemite, uses Absorb. It’s not very effective, but at the very least it allows Lotad to recover a bit from the poison ravaging its system thanks to Wurmple. It stands a little bit taller afterward, but not terribly so. It’ll probably go down after too much more damage.

In Petalburg Woods:

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Nina stops and stiffens as you finish your words. You can’t see her face just yet, but by her body language, it seems that she’s starting to regret what she’s said. When she turns back to you, it’s with a look of awkward apology and deflated ego. She opens her mouth to say something then just shuts it as she doesn’t find the words, trying it again shortly after.

“I should be the one saying sorry. Here I am, going all high and mighty victim on you, and you know exactly what it’s like to be abducted.” She says while scratching the back of her head. “Still, you’re amazing. Even now, I feel like finding a dark hole to crawl into and hide for a few years and you’re walking around with your head held high, even looking for people who might do that to you again. I hope I get even a fraction of that kind of strength while we’re traveling.” She says. With nothing else to say, and because she’s really bad at hiding her embarrassment for what she just said, she resumes her search for Pokémon to battle, though this time she’s much more calm and in a way that shouldn’t worry you overly much.

And overly much is said because at least 6 of the Pokémon she intimidated before, looking to heal their wounded pride, leap out at her as she searches, making her release a little yip of surprise as it happens. In the group is a Zigzagoon, Tailow, Poochyena, Pidgey, Weedle, and a… Metapod? How in the world did she manage to piss off a Metapod? It’s in a cocoon for crying out loud! Any way you slice it though, she’s in WAY over her head here. Still, it looks like she’s prepared to fight despite the overwhelming disadvantage. What’s your plan of action here?

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For a second it looks like the Roar isn’t going to be effective enough to make the Marill run away, but you see its defiance turn into fear and it scampers away. Something else in its eyes makes you think this probably isn’t going to be the last time you see it though. Not that you can really take that detail in since you started booking as soon as Nobi was done using Roar.

Before you know it, your feet have taken you into the Petalburg Woods, home to as many bug Pokémon as you’d ever wanna see. OK, not really, but it does have more than a few in here. You hear the sounds of a scuffle ahead, not too bad currently. It’s nothing you have to worry about, only something to do if it piques your curiosity. Well, you’re in another forest. Better hope there isn’t another Tangela hiding in here somewhere!

On Route 110:

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Turned on immensely from the look in your eyes, your moving hips, and your jiggling breasts, Minun’s electricity begins to become erratic, pulse with no rhythm or pattern, though still not strong enough to be overly painful. It’s hips also start pumping faster and faster, slamming into you harder and harder, allowing you to figure something out: He’s about to come. The only question now is whether to ask him to cum inside you or out.

In Mauville:

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You here Chrys sigh from within your mind as you ask for help. “I assume we’re all mature here, yes? Then, rather than ask me for help, why not try just talking to Miyu? Getting to know her. That is the major problem here, yes? That the two of you are basically strangers held together by your friend on your shoulder?” She says with a rather cross tone. Still, you don’t hear much force put into the words, so it’s pretty possible that she’s toying with you a bit. Even if she is, the main point of getting to know Miyu is pretty valid. You’ve got some distance to cover until you hit Rustboro. If no Pokémon show up, you’ve got nothing better to do anyway.

On Route 120:

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Both Aly and Blaziken give you a nod of understanding as you move on to receive your assignment from Jordan. Thinking of the last place you saw her, you head to the second floor of the cabin and look for the door with her name on it. It isn’t all that hard or all that surprising about which room it is: the room all the way down the hall, a good distance from any other room, in what looks to be the biggest room in the cabin. Making your presence known, you get a grunt of acknowledgment from Jordan and that’s it for about 5 minutes before her door opens. Once she sees it’s you, gains that sick, sadistic smile she wore in the forest.

“Well, if it isn’t my favorite recruit. Alright, here’s some info: In Lilycove, we’ve got an experiment on the loose. Last I heard, we’ve put the place on lockdown and are spreading out to trap the bitch. Your assignment is simple: Snatch the bitch and get her back here. You’ll know her when you see her, believe me. She’s got Wingull DNA in her after all. Got it, recruit? Do good and I might just consider you worth remembering your name.” It doesn’t look like she really cares if you’ve got your assignment or not, she just wants to see what you can do.

“Oh, and take this with you.” She says, pushing a girl with what looks like the fur of an Eevee at you. Her eyes remind you of the recruit you left outside, only worse. They’re completely empty, devoid of a thought, mind completely and utterly shut down to preserve itself. “That’s another one of our experiments. Got away from us for a little bit, but didn’t stay that way for long once I was sent out for her. Then there was the breaking her to make sure she didn’t do it again.” Her smile widens as she thinks back on that. “Anyway, make her fight the other experiment. We wanna know how hybrids fight each other. Oh, and she won’t do anything unless you call her name first. What was it again? Kana, I think? Meh, go with that unless I remember otherwise. Here’s a communicator.” She hands you a hands-free radio set to put over your ear. “I’ll be in touch.” She says with a rather… flirtatious flare before closing her door.

On Route 121:

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Under the calm you help impart in him and the focus you ask of it, Tyr takes a deep breath and sharpens its attention to razor levels, upping his chances of hitting something vital if the enemy comes at him and learning Focus Energy!

On the other side, the Wingull’s Trainer makes a small sound of annoyance at Zubat’s confusion and decides to discard the previous plan. “Keep hosing the Ralts down.” He commands, the Wingull following without a moment’s hesitation. With Tyr there though, it’s more difficult than it needs to be. If it tries to use Water Gun from a distance, Ralts can simply hide behind Tyr and stay clear to retaliate. Realizing this, Wingull has to get in close if it wants to do any damage to Seraphim. It flies, almost faster than can be seen, behind Seraphim to point blank range to fire off a Water Gun. It hits, but it’s much too close to avoid Tyr’s counter: a modified Low Kick. It’s not very effective, but the focus he had before it ensures he hits a meaty part of Wingull, making it a Critical Hit! Wingull isn’t terribly hurt due to type advantage, but it’s definitely going to think twice before doing something like that again since it did do good damage.

The Zubat, still confused, ends up hurting itself as it tries to attack, dive-bombing straight into the floor while trying to do who knows what. Its trainer doesn’t do much else other than growl in annoyance though. Before it raises back up, Seraphim crushes it with another Confusion attack. After that, it has to struggle to pull itself back into the air and looks unstable and drained once it succeeds. “I could use help here!” The Zubat’s owner shouts at his partner. With a sigh, the other Team Aqua member pulls Wingull back to form a protective shield in front of Zubat. You’ll need to find some way around it in order for Seraphim to have a clear shot at Zubat. That or just have the Ralts slowly defeat the Wingull before turning back to Zubat, but that has higher chances of Zubat recovering from its confusion and using Leech Life.

Route 121:

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Hope gives you a quick nod of acknowledgement as the two of you sprint through the opening with the girl in your arms. You’re seconds from crossing the threshold out of town when you hear one of the grunts shout “Water Gun her knees, Staryu!” You’re not sure what a Water Gun to the knees would do to a human and you’re probably not all that eager to find out. Not that it matters, one of the women accompanying you throws herself into the attack, taking it in the gut and crumpling instantly as though she was hit with a bat. Just what did this girl do to make these people willing to take blows for her to insure her escape!? That’s a question for later though. For now, you keep running, Hope tossing Ember attacks at the feet of those bold enough to take their attention off the mob in front of them and chase after you. It’s not long before Lilycove is little more than a blimp on the horizon and you’re out of breath from running so far so fast. Safe to say you’ve made it… for now. If they were willing to lock down an entire town for this girl, you’re pretty sure they’re not going to let her get away that easily.

On the S.S. Tidal:

The Ferry has changed a bit, becoming a mix of cruise ship and ferry. It’s much more massive than it used to be, with 4 decks worth of cabins inside to better accommodate large parties. The top deck is pretty open aired with a pool on deck on the opposite side of the ramp you both used to board the ship and to the left. There’s also shuffleboard near the front, but who plays shuffleboard? To your left are stairs leading up and down.
Going up, you find everything needed to plot their course and steer (I forget the actual term for it right now). That’s where the majority of the crew is right now, though they look too busy to chat at the moment. Behind that are the kitchens. Odd placement, huh?
Going down, to your right, there’s the Captain’s Quarters, right there in case of emergency so they can be the first to respond. It looks rather large too, taking up a quarter of this level. The rest of this is Trainer cabins, compact compared to the Captain’s Cabin, but still the size of a small apartment room. All in all, there are 16 rooms on this level, including the Captain’s Room, excluding the men and women’s restrooms.
Below that, things look much like the deck above, but with more rooms since there’s no Captain’s Abode. There are about 20 rooms on this deck, again excluding the restrooms. A lot of these are Crew Quarter’s though, so only about 4 rooms are available. Still seems like a horribly low number of rooms for an entire crew. Maybe they share or something? On the bottom deck is the engine room, off limits to the normal folk. Or at least they claim as much.

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While getting on the Ferry, the doorman who’s supposed to be greeting you jumps back in surprise and fear as he gets a glimpse of your eyes and attitude. Deciding it’s not worth it to be overly cordial right now, he merely hands you a room key and gets out of your way. You’re either going to have to fix that if you want people to talk to you or don’t if it doesn’t matter. The number on your key says room 214. Second floor, room 14, not hard to memorize. On the way to your room though, so you that room 213 is wrapped in police tape and the door is closed. You swear you can hear little sounds coming out of it, but nothing loud enough to get a solid beat on. Other than that distraction, there doesn’t seem to be anything out of the ordinary here. You can head on in to your room or try to find something interesting to do. Whatever works for you.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby Ayame » Sun Jul 14, 2013 4:13 pm

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Jumping into the air, Sparky rains ThunderShock down on the Rattata, leaving it nowhere to run and no choice other than to eat the attack. It isn’t paralyzed, but it is shaken. Taking the time before Sparky lands to its advantage, it jumps into the air and Tackles him as he comes down, sending him flying backward and back to you. Sparky seems to have gotten the better end of that exchange, looking much better than the Rattata, but the Tackle definitely didn’t do him any favors.

"Sparky leap towards the Rattata and use Thundershock once more then when you're approaching the ground and he tries to tackle you again hit him with it again!" I cried out still making sure to keep everything in my eyesight. It was important for a trainer to be constantly assessing every variable.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby Reapergod36 » Sun Jul 14, 2013 6:48 pm

Elixia blushed and gave a faint smile the whole time she was talking to Jordan. It seemed to be her only way of coping, as she spoke to Jordan and remembered horrible events. As Jordan shoved a girl in her face and gave her a flirtatious goodbye Elixia tried to return the flirt with the same tone, “Yes ma’am.” She said taking the girl and walking out to search through the forest. While she did so she just thought, *”Team Aqua is doing worse things than I thought, they’re trying to make pokemon human hybrids…”* As they walked Elixia would pet Kana oddly enough, she thought twice about fixing Kana’s broken state. What if Jordan noticed would she be in trouble; she already saved a girl and the blaziken, maybe she’d done enough good for today? Elixia shook her head, “No, she couldn't afford to think of it that way. But what could she do. If she gave Kana hope Jordan might notice and it would ruin her plans to take down Aqua. Then Elixia thought to herself why she returned the flirtatious tone to Jordan, she shook her head not wanting to think of any subconscious things that might imply. But despite that, she kept thinking about it. Why did she return that tone, in her head she couldn't think of a single reason. She eventually just resigned that she was just passively being clever and that it was for some reason her mind thought of on its own that will benefit her. “Kana do you smell the other girl that was experimented on,” she would say in a pleasant tone to Kana. “It’s alright to speak I won’t scorn you.” She said looking into Kana’s dead eyes she couldn't help but say, “It’s alright to feel your emotions Kana, it’s also alright to shut down for a bit… you just have to make sure you can come out of it..” Elixia would give Kana a hug, hoping it would unlock her in some way.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby daxtinator396 » Sun Jul 14, 2013 8:38 pm

Steve wanted to argue and yell bu he knew that she was right and he needed to do as she said but he didn't know how to speak to Miyu... so he started by helping her up,"Here... We need to talk. I have been going about this all wrong. So i'm going tostart over. Hi. My name is Steve what is yours?" He asked with a smile as he hoped that this would work better. He needed to just be himself and maybe it would win her over if he learned about her.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby Nobudi » Sun Jul 14, 2013 9:24 pm

Once Skye had gotten on the Ferry, she immediately forced herself to relax, be herself for a bit. If she came off as suspicious, things would fall apart rather quickly.
Wandering around where she could, she marveled at how much the ferry had changed.
Turning into her room, she could faintly hear something going on next door, which was covered in police tape. Perhaps she could eavesdrop through the wall.
Carefully and slowly, she moved against the wall and placed her ear flat on it.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Mon Jul 15, 2013 1:35 am

Tsubaki gives herself a mental fist-pump of triumph, too busy getting the Fearow outta dodge to give a physical one. After roaring, Nobi's following behind swiftly, quickly matching her pace thanks to his speed, one which only a Pokemon could sprint at. Upon reaching the woods, the both of them slow to a stop and catch their breath...

...and then, Tsubaki realizes where she just ran into: Petalburg Woods, a den of more Bug types than Mr. Cage could scream about. Well, maybe he's not the best person to use for that analogy, cuz the chances of her encountering a Beedrill in here aren't all that common. Still, here's hoping there's no horny herm Tangelas in this forest...ugh, that thing was freaky.

Come to think of it, forest areas are known to house Grass type Pokemon as well as Bug and Flying types...and one of those would be of help against any Water types. Tsubaki's recollection of the Marill helped her think of that, as she has the oddest feeling that her and Nobi will be seeing it again. Must've been that look in its eyes...but that bridge can be burned when they cross it.

For the time being, Tsubaki decides Nobi could use some training, and their team could use another addition or two. It's time for a bug-hunt, and there's no way she'll let it be a "game over, man" scenario. "Y'know Nobi, we've been seeing too many battles we can't win. I think it's time to change that. Up for some training?" Nobi nods in approval, glancing over at the nearest patch of grass. Ah, grass. A beacon of promise for those seeking new Pokemon.

Let's rock, baby!
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby Goryokaku » Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:09 am

Kal breathed heavily but kept a hold of the girl, she looked to hop and bent down enough to stroke her head with her free hand her constant companion that was Hope and she was glad to have her here. "I'm pretty sure we're safe for a little bit but I'm gonna keep walking whilst we talk I think as much distance as we can put between you and Team Aqua before I collapse of exhaustion will be for the better," Kal kept her voice as calm as she could the exhaustion making her sound more tired then her body felt, but she continued to walk as she said she would aiming for the next town, "So what did you do to get so much loyalty from the citizens of Lilycove?" Kal had to ask that question was going to be in her mind till she got an answer especially after seeing the woman take the water blast to the gut.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby KingKaor » Mon Jul 15, 2013 1:26 pm

"Hmm, I need to think of a new strategy...." Kaor says to himself, surveying the situation. "Poochyena's taken a lot of damage, but he's not down yet...whereas Sentret's still using Defense Curl. Sentret won't be much of a problem anyways..." he thinks to himself, pacing back and forth, "And I don't think my Smokescreen tactic will work again... I need to get an advantage over them..." Suddenly, his eyes light up and he shouts ecstatically "Cynder! Jump and Tackle Poochyena again, then leap off him, onto Pidgey, then into the trees!" From the clearing smog, Cynder chirps (or at least, that's what it sounds like. He doesn't quite remember what Cyndaquil's sound like) and it tenses it's muscles, then runs out of the smoke and leaps towards Poochyena.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby Laughing Hyena » Wed Jul 17, 2013 1:45 pm

Madison listened to what she had to say in response. He was glad to at least see that his words of empathy had enough weight to them to calm her down. She was a good person despite how things tend to go and if she had any more similarity to him he was certain she could overcome it. All it would take is time and the right person to rely on. All he could hope for was that he could be a fraction of what his own savior was in character and strength. He dropped the topic since he wanted to help her keep that dignity as well.

Unfortunately the resolve he had was going to be put to the test indeed as six Pokémon came out to greet them. The ones that she had managed to intimidate were back and hungry for some satisfaction. He was not sure if they threw all their Pokémon out to greet the wild ones that they could take them all. It was a tall order and one they would have to play very smart about since a majority of these Pokémon had type advantage over theirs. Mentally he was thinking on how they could win. Shroomish was weak to Pidgey and Tailow. Eevee had no weakness but Nina's Caterpie was also weak to the two birds. Chinchou was the only one with a type advantage. Despite all four of their Pokémon at full strength due to the first aid they did this was still tough. Mentally Madison figured that in this case the best option was to run and pick their spots more carefully.

Madison didn't take no chances as he hands Nina a can of Repel for use with the Pokémon as an emergency. "Use it if we need to run. We fight smart and conserve energy." It could drive away the weaker ones so that they had less to deal with but it would double as a way for Nina to escape if things got dicey. Madison used a second can of Repel and then takes aim and sprays the contents upon themselves and in front of them to try and drive off some of the Pokémon that were here to try and get things much more sensible. If all of them hesitated about this then that was good but he doubted he was gonna get that lucky. Crowd control would have to be done and as such Shroomish was the one for this job should it truly come to the lot of them sticking around.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby dragonmaster121989 » Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:49 pm

The fact Makuhita didn't attack worries Jackson a little but he tries to keep a clear mind. " Ok Ty use gust again and keep them going so Makuhita can't attack we ant let him hit you or its game over." Understanding and accepting his orders Ty whips up more little twisters all aimed for Makuhita in hopes of forcing him into defence.
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