by Gorbaz » Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:17 pm
The Admin sighs. "Reports of your conduct outside of the Haven have not been glowling, unfortunatly. Once your device is repaired, we can properly discuss it. But, for now, I would suggest going to clinic 2 and let the doctors check you out, make sure that you're all ok"
"Eh? What type of collar? Well, the mark 8, of course! Latest in collar technology! Not as bulky as the mark 2 or 3, and with greater safety measures in place than the mark 6. Less said about the mark 7, the better. It's got shaped explosives in four different locations in the collar, and 7 fuses which, if not removed in the correct order, cause the collar to detonate. Also, it has an electronic lock, meaning it can be safely removed by the input of the correct code via a controller" The scientist finished typing commands into the console. "Plus, as an extra safety measure, this model has 3 remote detonators, all of which have to be active in order to cause it to go off, although only one is required to start a user-defined countdown. Once the countdown expires, the other two detonators will send a detonation signal though, unless cancelled within one minute"
One way, or another, I'm going to find you, I'll get you, I'll get you!