Project Argonaut IC

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Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:56 pm

Greg can see that his current tactics are working rather well, but he'll still need to keep some variety in them; otherwise, he'll get predictable, and predictability is a very key element of any strategic decision. Keeping the female Paladin alive could prove rather difficult, as well, given how her subordinates seem to rely on her commands...however, that also allows for a slight leg up on them, for if he can hear the orders she barks among the various screams of her men, then he can predict their next move.

For now, he makes sure to behead the three mooks that his leg-swipe dropped, using one swift stroke of the machete to cleave the necks of all three at once. While doing so, he covers his flanks with another few SMG bursts, once again raking his shots, but with slight angles to provide a little more variety. Once that's done, he grips one of the corpses of his most recent victims by the leg, and tosses it forward, aiming to trip up and/or startle a few more of the mooks. Any that get too close will taste his machete and the fresh blood on it; the others he nails with SMG bursts, though he now only rakes his shots as far as two men's width for a bit more accuracy.

Amid all this chaos, he still keeps his eyes peeled for opportunities to disable the enemy commander's legs, so that if she attempts to flee, it certainly won't be hard to follow. Just because he wants her alive, doesn't mean she has to be uninjured.
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Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Postby Lady Foxy » Sun Jun 03, 2012 5:27 am

Mia sprinted towards the nearest source of cover, finding a broken down wall that offered just enough protection for her. She took a deep breath, the holographic details on her rifle available only through her visor offering her the information on how much ammo she carried and such. It would end soon enough, she told herself. One, two.. Three, Go!

Two targets instantly zooming in on her, their guns barely beginning to rise.. Good. She shot two rounds into their heads, watching them pop back as blood rushed out of their wounds. A bullet flew by, coming from just behind that car. The figure came up, only to be received by a bullet to his right shoulder, sending his arms backwards just to be given another shot to the head. Great precision.

She only had a precious little number of seconds before the 'slow-mo' moment passed and she would be suppressed all over by enemy fire. A lone figure on a balcony, trying to get to higher ground no less. Aimed briefly and fired, hitting him on his left knee. Another shot, hitting his neck. Dead. Two seconds left.

Mia rushed against the side of a pick-up truck, breathing deeply as indeed bullets had begun to suppress her. She had just gotten into cover in time.
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Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Postby jayjaycaps » Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:32 am

Mia, Luna and Ed:
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Don't worry, I read it.

With Claire's unique fighting style and Mia being a BAMF with that rifle, the remaining Paladin's are in a pretty hectic state. Everything was going fine until these two showed up! You hear Veega shouting again, general threats and curses at the enemy. You also hear a new rifle fire, and a few Paladin drop dead. You both assume Ed has started firing, and wastes no time trying to rack up more kills then Mia.

The soldier Luna kissed fell to the ground, but she can see a slight smile on his lips as he falls, the life fading from his eyes. You cruel bastard. This move however, leaves her exposed, and a couple of Paladin's hiding behind a near by truck have the nerve of shooting at her. A few bullets even hit her, one on her left shoulder and the other on her abdomen. Your armor protects you, but you feel a sharp pain all across your left shoulder, and the second bullet sends you flying backwards into the car behind you, smashing your head on the metal frame. Ouch. How's that luck treating you, hm?

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Mia: Taking cover behind a truck, being shot at. Health: 100% Kills: 3

Luna: Taking damage, just got her head smashed from behind. Health: 60%

Veega: Being pretty useless. Health: 100%

Ed: Sniping from behind truck. Health: 100% Kills: 3

Paladin x 10: General panic.

Greg and Claire:
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(I don't remember what color I used, and I'm too lazy to go back and get it. Anyways, this is the new female Paladin color. "Fall back! Protect the carrier!" The Female Paladin orders, and immediately her men respond. They quickly retreat back to her position, all of them getting behind or beside the cage. They start pushing it, and begin moving with alarming speed. It seems your tactics have cause a panic!

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Greg: Blastin' and relaxin'. Health: 100%

Claire: Shootin' and lootin'. Health: 95%

Paladins x 15: Making a retreat.

Female Paladin: Making a retreat. Health: 95%

Dax, Resh and Irvine:
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The man turns to Dax with an amused look on his face. "We can't do that, the fight's here boy! Can't you hear them Paladin bastards?" You hear several more explosions and screams.

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The man sounds impatient. "Alright, you won't talk? Then we'll make you talk. Go get 'em, gentlemen!" Suddenly, the bars on your cage disappear into the floor Several bright spot lights turn on in the room, revealing it to be a plain, large all white room. In front of you are five burly Paladins, each with their fists raised, looking for a fight.

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Emile: Disoriented from the bright lights. Health: 100%

Paladins x 5: Getting ready to attack.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

You awake to find yourself in a brightly lit, all-white cell. A large pan of plexiglass with a few holes in it serve as a window/wall. Just outside of the cell is a small man sitting in a chair, note book and pencil in hand, busily writing on the paper. When you awake, he quickly snaps his head up to look at you. His voice is frantic and sounds slightly crazy, like someone under too much stress or extremely tired.

"Oh good, your awake child! We have much to talk about, you and me, yes we do! But first we must start with names. You have a name, don't you sweetie? What is it?"
Last edited by jayjaycaps on Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Postby daxtinator396 » Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:43 am

Dax looks at the man a little surprised,"Well then point us in the right direction! We`ll help them later though. " He brings his SMG to bear in the direction of the sounds of battle.
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Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Postby dndman997 » Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:44 am

Irvine drew his mach 11 "let's go" he said following dax
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Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:49 am

Claire laughs. She grabs four knives and throw them at the wheels. One in each, assuming there's four wheels. Her plan is that the handles will be long enough to stop the wheels from rotating. She takes her last knife and aims it at the female paladin. "Any last words?" Claire asks before throwing the knife at the female paladin's dress or pants and sticks her to the ground. ( Of course you're the GM and you can make all of this go wrong. Hell you can make a fire breathing tree eatting rock pop up if you wanted to. XD. )
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Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:02 am

(Hades, might I suggest NOT giving Jason ideas? xD)

Greg's unsure of what's inside that carrier, but it's certainly too important for the Paladins to risk losing, given their sudden attempt to retreat. In that case, he can't afford to let it get away, so he contacts Claire on a secure voice channel (i.e., one that the Paladins can't hear him on), and fills her in on the new plan...or rather, he was going to, but it seems she has the same idea he was going to suggest: knocking out the carrier's locomotion while he deals with the mooks.

With the plan underway, Greg pursues the fleeing Paladins, using his SMG to nail the ones at the back in the legs (since they're providing most of the force for momentum) while he closes in. Once close enough, he switches back to his machete, carving up the ones nearest to him, and maybe "borrowing" a side-arm or two from nearby mooks to save his own ammo. With nothing to lose by doing so, he also issues a taunt amid the slaughter: "This all you've got? I expected better from guys that call themselves 'Paladins.'" He has a point, seeing how the term "Paladin" is derived from age-old bad-asses of the Medieval Crusades from Earth's history, and has since become a title kept for only the most honorable and powerful of warriors. To think that such a term would also be held by a bunch of wimps like these...
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Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Postby Reaver » Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:06 am

Emile shields his eyes from the lights with his hand until they adjust to them. When he moves his hand he sees 5 muscular paladins looking for a fight. He grins manicly spinning the spear in circles, planning his way of attack. He decides to give them one last warnning before charging. "You guys are crusin for a bruisen" He charges forward using his momentum to impale the first guy on the spear, lifting him up in the air before ripping him off. He whips the spear out splattering the blood on the other guys hoping it will intemidate them into being a little more cautious and slower with their attacks. As he watches them making sure to keep all of them in his eyesight he tries asking again "WHERE THE FUCK IS THE GIRL?"
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Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Postby jayjaycaps » Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:07 am

Greg and Claire:
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Just then, a fire breathing, tree eating rock came in through a portal to another dimension. Too bad it was invisible, and it quickly left, so no one noticed anything anyways.
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Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Postby Icaelus » Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:38 am

Luna shook her head as she returned the knife to its sheath, trying to relieve herself of some of that battle lust that came over her when she..killed people. That moment she took proved to be too long as bullets screamed toward her, one smashing into her left shoulder and the other punching her in the stomach, knocking her backward. A dull thunk of bone on steel sounded as the back of her head contacted the metal frame of the car, leaving a nice dent.
Of course her luck had ran out right now.
Luna raised a hand to rub the back of her blood, but even in her dazed state she was pretty sure she had a concussion at the very least. I mean, she sure as hell didn't have seven fingers on her right hand..
Better get to some cover to regain her senses..where the hell was that cover fire from Veega? Dammit, S.C. At least do something!
A soldier rounded the car, rifle raised to finish the job. Shit.
She lunged forward, yanking out the knife and tackling the man down. Her left shoulder screamed in protest as they landed on the floor. No time to give in to pain now. She rolled despite her pain, bringing the knife up and stabbing down into the man's throat for a killing blow. Blood matted her hair as it sprayed from the wound when she dislodged the knife.
Luna raised her left arm experimentally, wincing as the motion sent a spear of pain coursing through it. Dislocation. The armor had stopped the bullet from going through, but it had dislocated her arm..
Her right hand moved to her shoulder, grabbing tightly onto the dislocation as she prepared to push the bone back. This..was going to hurt like a bitch.

Her scream of pain mixed into the gunshots and explosions that polluted the battlefield with noise.
Luna dropped her hand, even paler than usual from the pain. She had been downed in the middle of the battlefield..not the best place to be currently.
Cover..cover..she needed a place to shelter for just a few moments to recover. She glanced up at the car, the simplest of ideas hitting her.
The car door was thankfully unlocked as she yanked it open and crawled inside, the ruined shell of the car providing her with a brief respite.
Luna raised the comm to her mouth.
"L-Lunatic here."
Her voice was unsteady, then she forced herself to take a deep, calming breath.
"Lunatic here. I took a few hits. Need cover fire ASAP..what the hell is Veega doing? Ugh."
She sheathed the knife, wincing as the motion sent pain coursing through her left arm. It wasn't dislocated now, but it still hurt like hell.
Luna risked a quick glance out the windows, surveying the situation. She had downed four Paladins including that desperate last struggle..not too shabby, but maybe rushing in like that was something only the crazy did.
She smiled coldly at the last thought as she drew her pistols.
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Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Postby kaibunny94 » Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:27 pm

(I don't get a scene?.....*sadface*
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Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:43 pm

(XD! It worked! By the way, Claire still has her communicater on mute from earlier.)

Claire pulls out her guns and start shooting near the paladins and female paladin. She does this, hoping to scare them.
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Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Postby Lady Foxy » Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:18 am

Mia's heartbeat was calm even though she was getting suppressed by the enemy, her gun's AI revealing the location of the paladins by tracing their shots. 'Even in a storm of bullets, there is a safe place'..

Then, ''L-Lunatic here. Lunatic here. I took a few hits. Need cover fire ASAP.. What the hell is Veega doing? Ugh.'' came through her comm. Luna. She had to get her, fast.

..All right, just me and me alone.. Ready? Yes. Always. Okay. Go!..

Mia ducked down and used the moment to push herself forward, running past the multiple cars while ducking her head down -- then harshly resting down against a large mailbox.. She breathed deeply, bullets flying by and landing on the street and nearby cars. If she ever was going to do anything, it had to be.. Now.

One sigh was all she gave before getting up and sprinting towards a car in the middle of the street, smoothly vaulting over the front before bringing her assault rifle up..

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''Rock an' Roll!'' She whispered to herself.

Mia had only a series of precious seconds as her behind slowly slid across the front of the car.. She aimed at a peeking Paladin behind a tree, sending his head back before aiming at some other two getting out of their cover so they could shoot at her.. Too late. For them. Two bullets sent them both back with screams following after them before Mia was already getting over to where Luna was hiding. She opened the door from the side facing their friendly troops, yelling for her to move as she would offer her some cover fire..

If Luna moved out as told, Mia would be slowly walking backwards -- shooting back at the Paladins while risking her own skin. It would be worth it, since Luna would no doubt be sprinting across the streets into the safety of their allies.
Atton Rand: "Feels like my last time on Telos."
Bao-Dur: "Crashed a shuttle that time, too?"
Atton Rand: "No, pazaak.''
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Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Postby Icaelus » Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:51 am

If she ever survived this, she sure as hell wasn't going to be taking cover in a damn car again. It was traumatic to say at the least..with bullets pelting the car freely. She wasn't too used to taking cover for her life, since she usually was the hunter and not the hunted..what an ironic role change.
Luna raised the pistols, pointing each one at a window where the enemy would most likely check from..nothing came but gunfire from behind her alerted her. The cover she had been asking for. Too bad it came about five minutes too late.
The car door opened behind her and she swung the pistols to face the door. Mia stood there, her back turned to yell for some cover fire. Luna nodded, all business now. She could thank Mia to death later but there were still some Paladins to take out. She crawled out of the car, wincing as the action sent pain through her left shoulder. She probably could still swing her katana even with that injury, though..
"Thanks, Mia."
Luna smiled briefly, the expression fading to coldness as she raised the pistol directly to shoot Mia. The pistol roared, the bullet screaming past Mia to hit a Paladin who had broken cover. The shot wasn't fatal, only wounding the Paladin at best as he scurried back behind the car he had been taking cover behind.
Better get moving..even with their soldiers now opening up on the enemies, their current location wasn't exactly safe.
She broke into a quick jog, moving fast but cautiously among cover to minimize chances of a lucky potshot from the Paladins.
Luna glanced back..Mia was still out in the open, blasting away at the enemy. She too, needed to move soon. Eventually one of the potshots would strike home..
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Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Postby kaibunny94 » Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:30 am

Yolandi looked at him brushing her short mohawk back. "my name is Yolandi. What have you done with Emile" she glares at the man.
When it's all over we will arise, from the ashes of your worthless fucking pity. We'll make a name for ourselves, by ourselves, we'll watch the stars come down to leave this city. Sacramento is Dead
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Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Postby jayjaycaps » Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:17 am

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The man stands and approaches the glass. He wears a white lab coat with one sleeve town off and frayed ends, the other sleeve is blood stained. He has a pair of glasses, but one lens is cracked and missing a small chunk of glass.

"Emile! Is that his name? You know, we had to beat him for hours on end and he wouldn't even tell us that! Quite stubborn, he is. But you'll cooperate, won't you, deary? You'll tell me everything I need to know, won't you? Otherwise..." The man adjusts his glasses. "We may have to kill him. And that would be simply awful, wouldn't it? Wouldn't it, deary? Just awful."

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You manage to get through the first man's armor, but not far enough to kill him. Your spear isn't sharp enough, unfortunately.

Equally unfortunately, that leaves an only slightly injured Paladin behind you. You feel a boot on your back and you are pushed forwards, into the path of another Paladin's fist. He throws a hard hay-maker into your face, rocking you a bit. The other Paladin's form a circle around you, closing you in. Another push from your right sends you into another fist, this one making your nose bleed. A kick to the ribs and you double over in pain. Two fists slamming into your back cause you to fall to the ground. Another kick to the ribs. Then another.

The Paladin's are standing over you, beating the crap out of you. These boys are a lot tougher then normal Paladins, and stronger too. Weird...

You hear the man's voice again. He sounds calm and cool, as if this beating wasn't happening. "Just let me know when your ready to talk. I'll be here, waiting." A small laugh and the Paladin's go back to roughing you up.

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Emile: On the ground, taking a rather large beating. Health: 75%

Paladins x 5: Standing over Emile. On of them has a cut in his abdomen.

Dax, Irvine and Resh:
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The man breaks out into a huge grin. "YEEE HAW, alright boys, follow me!"

He runs down the street, taking you to what appears to be the town square. A small park sits in the middle of the several stores and buildings, providing some good cover for an urban firefight. Paladin's take cover in the buildings on the east side, the civilians on the west. Paladin's seem to be gaining the upper hand however, and far out number whats left of the resistance. The man quickly takes up a position behind a bench and begins firing. The Paladin's haven't notice you enter yet, and you count about 25 in total.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Dax: Normal. Health: 100%

Irvine: Normal. Health: 100%

Resh (Is he even posting any more? Haven't been paying attention.): Normal. Health: 100%

Paladins x 25: In a fire fight against civilians.

Claire and Greg:
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Claire's knife went straight into the ground, the cage not having wheels. These Paladin are dragging it through the ground! Must be some strong Paladins... Claire's fifth knife hits the female, however not quite how she had hoped. Her armor was nearly skin tight, and too small of a target Claire missed anyways, and got her in the back of the leg. She fell like a bag of bricks, clutching the bleeding wound. "AUUUGH! STUPID BITCH! FUC-" Seems someone isn't happy... Anyways, doesn't look like she'll be running away any time soon.

Greg and Claire's plan works, almost too well. If several dead from the initial spray, the few that are left abandon their objective. Leaving the cage/cell/box thing, they spread off in different directions, hiding and running into the woods. You hear the girl yell at them though. "Get back here you cowards! Don't leave me here with this THING! I SAID GET BACK!" But they aren't having any of it, and you slowly hear the sounds of their frantic footsteps fade away. She trys to claw her way away from you two, dragging her leg behind her, knife still stuck in.

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Combat Awards!
Greg: Cover Me! Use a meat shield
Hell, we just got here! Make the enemy retreat
Flawless Cowboy Don't take a single hit all battle

Claire: Hell, we just got here! Make the enemy retreat
Rape Bait! Take the most damage on your team
What we have here is a failure to communicate. Incapacitate the enemy leader

Mia, Luna and Ed:
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As the Paladin bodies start to pile up, you notice they are beginning to slowly creep back. While no one is making a full out retreat, they definitely aren't sticking around, not if this keeps up.

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Mia: Covering Luna. Health: 100% Kills: 6

Luna: May have a concussion. Taking cover. Health: 60%

Ed: More pot shots. Health: 100% Kills: 7

Veega: More cursing. Health: 100%

Paladin x 5: Slowly inching back. At the breaking point.
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Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Postby dndman997 » Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:34 am

Irvine ducked down to hide setting up his mortar. keeping his mac 11 close
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Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Postby daxtinator396 » Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:34 am

(We stashed him somewhere though i dont even know if hes been back since we started this.) Dax takes up a position away from the man firing his noisy weapon and hunkers down behind a car and begins picking off targets quietly in neat 3 round bursts.
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Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:49 am

Claire blushes in embarrassment. "How could I not see the lack of wheel?!" she says. She sighs and calms down. Claire walks over to the female paladin and stops her. "And where do you think you're going?" she asks her.
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Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Postby Reaver » Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:12 am

Emile coughs a glob of blood up while panting. "Stop...Stop....I'll talk." He waits for the beating to stop before continuing. "Listen closly sir this stuff is highly confidential. LISTEN HERE Bitch! When i get out of here i will bend your damn cock up your own fucking ass." Right after he says that he jumps up impaling the pipe in a guy's neck before doing a roundhouse, kicking the paladin right next to him in the head. Knowing he going back down again soon he tries to reach Yolandi by yelling really loud. "YOLANDI DON'T YOU WORRY ABOUT ME. DON'T TELL THEM ANYTHING. I DON'T CARE WHAT THEY SAY THEY'LL DO TO ME." He coughs another glob of blood before raising his fists and trying to face the ones he hasn't hit yet.
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