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The man stands and approaches the glass. He wears a white lab coat with one sleeve town off and frayed ends, the other sleeve is blood stained. He has a pair of glasses, but one lens is cracked and missing a small chunk of glass.
"Emile! Is that his name? You know, we had to beat him for hours on end and he wouldn't even tell us that! Quite stubborn, he is. But you'll cooperate, won't you, deary? You'll tell me everything I need to know, won't you? Otherwise..." The man adjusts his glasses. "We may have to kill him. And that would be simply awful, wouldn't it? Wouldn't it, deary? Just awful."
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You manage to get through the first man's armor, but not far enough to kill him. Your spear isn't sharp enough, unfortunately.
Equally unfortunately, that leaves an only slightly injured Paladin behind you. You feel a boot on your back and you are pushed forwards, into the path of another Paladin's fist. He throws a hard hay-maker into your face, rocking you a bit. The other Paladin's form a circle around you, closing you in. Another push from your right sends you into another fist, this one making your nose bleed. A kick to the ribs and you double over in pain. Two fists slamming into your back cause you to fall to the ground. Another kick to the ribs. Then another.
The Paladin's are standing over you, beating the crap out of you. These boys are a lot tougher then normal Paladins, and stronger too. Weird...
You hear the man's voice again. He sounds calm and cool, as if this beating wasn't happening. "Just let me know when your ready to talk. I'll be here, waiting." A small laugh and the Paladin's go back to roughing you up.
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Emile: On the ground, taking a rather large beating. Health: 75%
Paladins x 5: Standing over Emile. On of them has a cut in his abdomen.
Dax, Irvine and Resh:
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The man breaks out into a huge grin. "YEEE HAW, alright boys, follow me!"
He runs down the street, taking you to what appears to be the town square. A small park sits in the middle of the several stores and buildings, providing some good cover for an urban firefight. Paladin's take cover in the buildings on the east side, the civilians on the west. Paladin's seem to be gaining the upper hand however, and far out number whats left of the resistance. The man quickly takes up a position behind a bench and begins firing. The Paladin's haven't notice you enter yet, and you count about 25 in total.
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Dax: Normal. Health: 100%
Irvine: Normal. Health: 100%
Resh (Is he even posting any more? Haven't been paying attention.): Normal. Health: 100%
Paladins x 25: In a fire fight against civilians.
Claire and Greg:
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Claire's knife went straight into the ground, the cage not having wheels. These Paladin are dragging it through the ground! Must be some strong Paladins... Claire's fifth knife hits the female, however not quite how she had hoped. Her armor was nearly skin tight, and too small of a target Claire missed anyways, and got her in the back of the leg. She fell like a bag of bricks, clutching the bleeding wound. "AUUUGH! STUPID BITCH! FUC-" Seems someone isn't happy... Anyways, doesn't look like she'll be running away any time soon.
Greg and Claire's plan works, almost too well. If several dead from the initial spray, the few that are left abandon their objective. Leaving the cage/cell/box thing, they spread off in different directions, hiding and running into the woods. You hear the girl yell at them though. "Get back here you cowards! Don't leave me here with this THING! I SAID GET BACK!" But they aren't having any of it, and you slowly hear the sounds of their frantic footsteps fade away. She trys to claw her way away from you two, dragging her leg behind her, knife still stuck in.
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Combat Awards!
Greg: Cover Me! Use a meat shield
Hell, we just got here! Make the enemy retreat
Flawless Cowboy Don't take a single hit all battle
Claire: Hell, we just got here! Make the enemy retreat
Rape Bait! Take the most damage on your team
What we have here is a failure to communicate. Incapacitate the enemy leader
Mia, Luna and Ed:
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As the Paladin bodies start to pile up, you notice they are beginning to slowly creep back. While no one is making a full out retreat, they definitely aren't sticking around, not if this keeps up.
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Mia: Covering Luna. Health: 100% Kills: 6
Luna: May have a concussion. Taking cover. Health: 60%
Ed: More pot shots. Health: 100% Kills: 7
Veega: More cursing. Health: 100%
Paladin x 5: Slowly inching back. At the breaking point.