by Goryokaku » Fri Jul 15, 2011 7:42 pm
Mizuki turned her head and whispered to Yuuko, "Your fine just, watch quietly the Administrator is a good man."
Mizuki turned her head when she heard Kit pass the ball to her and she sighed, this was going to be interesting she was supposed to be a citizen yet she performed a full interrogation in front of the others who had no idea what she was, she tilted her head in aknowledgement to the Administrator, "Ah, yea Sir I believe I sent you a detailed report on ahead of our arrival here at Haven, concerning the Tankborn Coded at A002 named Kyle, as for Mia her actions have proven to be somewhat questionable, they turned what would have been a pretty peaceful conversation into requiring me to unload 4 bullets."
Mizuki stop, and took a small breath she had tried to stop Mia his was true but her own training had already kicked in at that point and had deemed only one warning shot was enough. It had turned out not to be enough but they were on a limited stock of supplies, and they didn't need to keep coming back to restock every five minutes because somebody couldn't follow a basic request.
"Mia refused to follow any real common sense and decided to ignore the mission we were given in order to continue her flirtations with the Tank Born named Kyle, even though she knew Kyle was a threat to humans she still continued to get in the way to the point where she endangered not only her life but the life of her team mates."
She couldn't get into more detail with out giving away what she was sent to do, and she hoped the administrator had read her earlier report, because the longer they wasted in Haven the longer it would take to gather supplies.
"Due to Mia's lack of paitence and refusal to follow proper military protocol she ended up causing the Tank Born to be agitated which resulted in him becoming a threat to the mission, as such I had to incapcitate him and Mia. I was hoping that Mia, would have learned from the first and second warning shot, but it seems that her common sense decided to fail her one more time when she decided to attack me, and as such I had to put her to sleep till we got back here sir. That is all I have to report right now sir."
The sex offenders register... I don't even think they should be at school...