Crystal Hearts - A D&D PbP Campaign <3

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Re: Crystal Hearts - A D&D PbP Campaign <3

Postby TCELESBHSUP » Thu Mar 13, 2014 1:53 am

Standing back up and drawing her sword with a nod, Kathryn would begin to walk in after Kal. The spider webs were a bad sign... Giant spiders were not something she wanted to tangle with. She didn't like regular spiders to begin with! She shivered a bit, glancing around, keeping as sharp an eye as she could out amidst the room. "... Stay close together..." She almost whimpered out- luckily, she managed to make it a whisper instead, just loud enough for the group to hear. As though she were trying not to alert any monsters.
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Re: Crystal Hearts - A D&D PbP Campaign <3

Postby That_One_Guy » Thu Mar 13, 2014 1:54 am

Gari enters as well, looking around, not trusting the webs, "Spiders, I hate spiders." She said and held the weapon at the ready in one hand and the lantern in the other, ready for anything to pop out at them from amongst the walls or ceiling, "Be prepared for anything, lot." She told them.
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Re: Crystal Hearts - A D&D PbP Campaign <3

Postby Goryokaku » Thu Mar 13, 2014 1:59 am

Kal looked at Ol'gerr, "I don't plan to rush down any of the passage ways just yet I'm more concerned with those symbols and the webs, especially the fresh ones hanging above us." This wasn't going to be good they had 3 choices but it would be hard to pick one with out some knowledge about what this place was, or who built it, Kal moved over to the nearest side passage way making sure to stay in the light she peered down the corridor, and tried to listen for any signs of life.
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Re: Crystal Hearts - A D&D PbP Campaign <3

Postby dndman997 » Thu Mar 13, 2014 2:03 am

Drak watched the the door open. It was huge, and had the feeling that it was locked for a reason. He stood up and casted another Cure Light Wounds upon himself as he advanced with the others. He wondered if what would need a door that big.
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Re: Crystal Hearts - A D&D PbP Campaign <3

Postby Kittykitty501 » Thu Mar 13, 2014 2:14 am

"Amin hiraetha kal.. my head isn't clear today"

she apologuised, she was indeed shook her head, standing by her fellow elf as her eyes scanned the various symbols trying to guess at what they truly meant, nothing she recognised. Alas this place was old and no-one would know how old it actually was. with a sigh she began to scann the other passage ways, this time with a clearer head tring to concentrate a little better.
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Re: Crystal Hearts - A D&D PbP Campaign <3

Postby Meep Meepersons » Thu Mar 13, 2014 3:39 am

Everyone: None of you hear or see any signs of life, as none of you bothered to look down...

Kon: Being an obviously wild individual, the child gets down on the ground and starts sniffing about. Satisfied with her inquiry, she grunts to get everyones attention and points at some drag marks in the dusty hallway. They were fresh to, a day old at best.
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Re: Crystal Hearts - A D&D PbP Campaign <3

Postby TCELESBHSUP » Thu Mar 13, 2014 3:45 am

Kathryn, being the unwise person that she was, would trust Kon's judgement. Even if she was a child, there was definitely something about her that screamed 'animalistic'. Sword resting over her shoulder, she would walk over to the kitten and scratch behind her ears lightly. "You sure this is the way?"
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Re: Crystal Hearts - A D&D PbP Campaign <3

Postby dndman997 » Thu Mar 13, 2014 3:51 am

Drak kicked a rock over a ledge as he stepped forward putting his spear on his back and pulled out a torch and lit it up looking down and dropped the torch down that passage to see what may be special there. He then casted Detect Magic in order to detect any magical auras around in the area. There was no way this place uninhabited so maybe his spell could guide him to were ever this zombie plague could be coming from. He readied his spear for anything that might surprise him and the group.
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Re: Crystal Hearts - A D&D PbP Campaign <3

Postby Meep Meepersons » Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:35 am

Those trying to listen and spot: You all fail! There's nothing down that way! xD Lol. Ahem. Though you try your hardest to see down the dark tunnel and listen for something down that way, you hear and see nothing. This was gunna be a loooong process.

Everyone else in the room: The child catches your attention and you immediately spot the fresh drag marks on the old floor tiles. Huh, you wonder why you never saw that before, odd.

Kon: The girl looks up at Kath and nods, grinning from her praise. A very simple child she seems to be.

dndman: You only manage to light up everyones magical items in your vision. You do not get any special sensory skills, it simply highlights the items in your field of vision with magical properties.
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Re: Crystal Hearts - A D&D PbP Campaign <3

Postby TCELESBHSUP » Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:44 am

Kath certainly trusted her opinion. She wasn't quite sure why, but she certainly agreed that this had to be the way to go. Especially due to the signs that something had been dragged through there. Made sense and all. Turning, she would beckon to everyone, before beginning to set down the path.
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Re: Crystal Hearts - A D&D PbP Campaign <3

Postby dndman997 » Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:56 am

Drak stepped into the room before the three passages, "hmmm maybe we should just set up a base camp here and rest for a bit, and go off in scouting groups of two or three" he suggested to the group. He need a good rest himself, and he was sure others needed it as well. He then picked up the torch and held up to the webs and burned them away to make the more 'civilized' folk more comfortable. He was hoping for no further surprises right now but the idea of a base camp he knew wasnt a bad one. In fact it was common practice for his tribe.
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Re: Crystal Hearts - A D&D PbP Campaign <3

Postby Meep Meepersons » Thu Mar 13, 2014 5:06 am

TCEL: You head down the forward path[path#2] like the child suggested. Rather then the left path[path#1] Or the right one[path#3], but stop for a moment to consider the Druids words. IT has been roughly a half a day you reckon, and you could certainly use a rest after that romp earlier.
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Re: Crystal Hearts - A D&D PbP Campaign <3

Postby Motoko » Thu Mar 13, 2014 5:08 am

Sasha stops twidling his thumbs looking between the girl and kath, then to the drag marls. He heads in the direction of them, bending down a bit to better see them. Hearing the druids words he would shrug his shoulders, he'd gotten plenty of sleep....face down in the dirt. He chuckled lightly to himself at the quite self deprceative hu,or behind that thought. "Not all that tired really, the longer we wait the less likely the captives will be rescued...."
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Re: Crystal Hearts - A D&D PbP Campaign <3

Postby TCELESBHSUP » Thu Mar 13, 2014 5:11 am

Well. Resting did seem a good idea... Kathryn paused a moment, holding a hand out as though to pause Sasha. "... I guess we should take some time to rest, like Drak suggested."

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Re: Crystal Hearts - A D&D PbP Campaign <3

Postby That_One_Guy » Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:07 am

Gari looked at the others and then sighed, She had lost track of all time and seemed as though everyone was gonna rest here. She pulled out her flask and drank some of the whiskey before putting it back and looked at the others, "I agree with Sasha, the longer wait the worst things will be, I say we continue onwards and save who we can, we can rest later you lot." She said, lookin at them, "What happens if we take a rest and when we come to, all the captives are dead already?" she asked them.
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Re: Crystal Hearts - A D&D PbP Campaign <3

Postby Lynxy » Thu Mar 13, 2014 8:05 am

Camilla scoffed. "I'm not sleeping in a hallway waiting to be stumbled on by a pack of shambling horrors. If you want to sleep, lets search for an out of the way back room we can barricade ourselves into, or maybe just head back outside to find a hidden nook somewhere nearby." She walked over to the entryway of the middle path and drew a cartoonish ouroboros with an arrow pointing to the exit in chalk to mark the path it seemed that they were going to take. "Personally, I'm all for doing some exploring if you all haven't worn yourselves out." She says with a pointed look at Kathryn.
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Re: Crystal Hearts - A D&D PbP Campaign <3

Postby Goryokaku » Thu Mar 13, 2014 11:19 am

Kal sighed it seemed they would be forced to rely on a child to guide them through this place she had no intentions of stopping to rest right now in a passageway, like this especially considering the signs showing spiders further back. The druid had obviously gone insane wanting to stop here to rest of all places, but Kal didn't say anything she just followed behind everyone at the moment, she wasn't happy that the child seemed to know what they were looking for especially as nobody had told her. Nor had they told the child the manner in which the villagers had been taken in so how the hell she knew to search for drag marks was beyond Kal.
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Re: Crystal Hearts - A D&D PbP Campaign <3

Postby dndman997 » Thu Mar 13, 2014 3:58 pm

"C'mon you guys" he said "we've walking for at least half a day, some of us, if not all, need rest" He looked a bit cross with the ones who objected to the matter. "and resting here isnt a bad idea for multiple reasons" he started his statement "anything that has been through here is bound to come back through which this would make a great ambush spot would it not?" He smirked at the combat heavy members of the group "and i doubt all of you are good at fighting in tight spaces." He snickered setting his gear down for a bit "i mean im best suited for more open suited for open areas myself, better to catch my pray like home."
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Re: Crystal Hearts - A D&D PbP Campaign <3

Postby Goryokaku » Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:23 pm

Kal looked at Drak, "There wouldn't be any rest as we would need to be constantly alert in case of anything attacking us also, look up above us. Can you see the ceiling? I certainly can't and all those webs, even the ones you've attempted to burn, some are old cob webs but there are some new webs in that bunch meaning something is freshly making them. Yes the open area would make for a great combat location but at the same time we are to vulnerable here from attacks coming from above us. Plus attacks coming from below over that ledge but if you still want to make camp here then by all means please do so, I'll prefer to carry on till as our friend over there said, that we have someplace we can barricade and at least control where any form of attack can come from." Kal knew people were tired but to rest now in this location was probably stupid and just inviting trouble if the others chose to rest here it would be with out her, she would move on even if it was dangerous to move on alone. Kal started walking towards the 2nd pathway that the child had pointed out and proceeded down the passage way not going completely out of the light so she could still look for traps.
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Re: Crystal Hearts - A D&D PbP Campaign <3

Postby dndman997 » Thu Mar 13, 2014 5:35 pm

Drak looked the elf over and easily figured out that this one was a rogue. He had seen them before trying to plunder his peoples' tombs. "By looks of you i can tell youre one of those greedy type that like gold and wealth." he said with what almost sounded like a hiss. "I see youre goal truly now. you want all the wealth for yourself and you're willing to run the rest of the group ragged so you can get what you dont truly deserve. I know your type well, after all ive defended my villages' tombs from many raiders. Ive seen what greed does first hand, it gets them killed." He continued "i am quite aware of the rooms layout. We already have an escape route if we need one." he then turned to the little girl "and why are you so keen on trusting that thing. For all you know it itself is a trap." Drak could keep on going with his points but he wanted to hear the others' opinions too. However his words and just and true.
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