by porne » Sun Mar 19, 2017 8:32 am
(Rolls: Ren Dex 18+3, Heotasy Wis 19+4, Vanessa Wis 18+1, Bailey Wis 2+4, Erica Natural 20!, da fuq?)
Rens advance goes well, his gravity assisted strike planting a disruptive knife in the shoulder right between the bones of the thrall. A deep spurt of blood gushes out, the specialized material keeping the thralls healing magic from being able to work until the knife is removed. Planted to the hilt, the beast barely gets off a howl before stumbling forward toward the group of arrayed hunters. The thrall, in pain or possibly warning lets out a howl as it stumbles forward. Erica spots the beast gathering breath, and leaps forward, two quick steps letting her skewer the beasts neck, only a second of sound escaping before the soft gurgling of the dying thrall is all that's heard.
The creature collapses at their feet, having gotten far too close for comfort. Vanessa keeps her eyes open, and spots another thrall, a bit away with head pointed clearly toward the group. The howl starts, and the pack will begin converging soon, although this thrall doesn't seem to have realized it's easy picking for ranged attacks. Bailey tries to take up watch, but is startled when the howl starts, whipping his head around to look in horror as he's distracted.
Enemies (2x Wolves 5HP, 5x Thralls 3 HP, 1 x Dead Thrall)