by Zender_Solarheart » Sun May 27, 2012 10:47 pm
Regaining his senses, Kouga can see the shadowy creatures making off with some of the other passengers. He also sees the young human male nailing one in the head with a pipe. Not a bad shot...not bad at all.
However, there's work to be done here. Not willing to just let those critters make off with the innocents, Kouga unsheathes his katana, shouts "Hold it right there!" at the creatures, and hurls a low-power bolt of electricity at one of them. Of course, that's only to get their attention, as he prefers to use his katana for most of the combat he gets into, and save the electric powers for more..."critical" attack maneuvers. Besides, his art of Zanbo Mugenjin is not to be trifled with.
Watching the enemies attentively, Kouga elicits a low growl appropriate for his tiger-like genes, ready to evade and/or counter at a moment's notice.
Certified Determinator and Japanese Technique Namer of the LoK forums. Also, the eternal nemesis of Razajin.