Nexus Heroes

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Re: Nexus Heroes

Postby Taria » Fri Apr 18, 2014 7:25 am

Suzu's arrow misses it's mark, and the skeleton charges towards her. It slashes are deftly dodge and then Garia steps up behind the monster and smashes it in one might swing. It's blood seems to pool unnaterally on the ground, even though it is now little more than a pile of bones.
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Re: Nexus Heroes

Postby TCELESBHSUP » Fri Apr 18, 2014 7:40 am

A shocked gasp escaped Rhialla as she witnessed the skeleton- and heard Suzu's language. Now was not the time to chastise her for it, however, as battle had begun! Sword in hand, she would attempt to step in... But it seemed that Garian was much quicker than her. She was thankful for this- her scimitar was not the most effective tool against that sort of undead. "Th-thank you Garian! Are you alright, Su-" The scent of blood filled the air soon enough, and Rhialla's glance made its way into the house...

(Fortitude save failed)

The priestess' knees buckled, and her face paled, sword and shield dropping out of her hands as she darted across the road to the bed of flowers opposite her. Retching, the poor Aasimar would throw up- the sheer sight and stench of all of that blood inside had upset her both emotionally and physically, enough to repulse her and cause nausea.
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Re: Nexus Heroes

Postby MiscChaos » Fri Apr 18, 2014 7:56 am

Suzu sighs again as the bones... wait, why the hell does the skeleton have blood? It's BONES for crying out loud! Passing by the complete absurdity of that situation, she's annoyed that she once again contributed nothing to the battle and had to allow someone else to save her ass. "Thanks again, Garian." She says, not quite succeeding in keeping her self-annoyance out of her voice. It's blown out the window when her friend goes to the side and begins hurling her guts out. "Rhialla, are you OK? Wait, stupid question." She says, mentally kicking herself. Well, nothing for it. The best thing she can do is hold her friend's hair out of the way while she voids her stomach. Once Rhialla's recovered, Suzu's really starting to get curious about what was in that house. You know, besides bloody skeletons. Rhialla comes first, but after Suzu's 100% certain her friend is alright, she's going to check that out.
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Re: Nexus Heroes

Postby Goryokaku » Fri Apr 18, 2014 1:51 pm

Kal look over the Cat Woman, Celebrilith was showing her claws and the sharp teeth as she growled at the womens defensive stance that made it feel like she was pointing her weapon. "Go to the inn till morning? nope I don't think that's going to work Ms.? Seeing as I've just arrived in town to help someone investigate why the town suddenly went quiet. Also leaving who ever it is in side this mansion alone doesn't seem like a good idea as they sound somewhat distraught, and have mentioned something about monster."

Kal looked away down the path she had come when she heard sounds of conflict, wondering which group that was fighting. She then looked back to the Cat Woman, and almost as thought it was an after thought she said, "I'm Kal Ironthunderson, Dwarven Summoner of the Academy. That there is my Eidolon Celebrilith and if you stop pointing your weapon at us she will stop growling at you." Kal so no reason to not be nice to this woman then again she didn't really see a reason to be nice except that she might know a little bit about the town and it's inhabitants.
Last edited by Goryokaku on Fri Apr 18, 2014 6:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nexus Heroes

Postby That_One_Guy » Fri Apr 18, 2014 2:33 pm

Garian swiped his blade through the air, clearing it of the blood that was on the skeleton before sheathing it and then finally noticing the room he was in, the gore covered room shocking Rhialla into bringing up whatever she had eaten, "My god, what happened here?" He started to walk around, slowly, to see if he can find anything in the room that can explain the gore and the skeleton, but somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew what happened.
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Re: Nexus Heroes

Postby Lynxy » Fri Apr 18, 2014 5:59 pm

"Officer K'sharr will do" Monika said, lifting her right hand to poke her thumb into the chest of her uniform. A dwarf and an eidolon. She'd never seen either of those before, but they looked more-or-less like the rest of the naked things did. She had plenty of questions to ask about them and what they meant by "dark," she dearly hoped she wasn't wrong about the time, but a much more pressing matter arose in the form of panicked cries inside the mansion.

Monika panicked somewhat herself at the sound of the voice. This was a sticky situation! She dearly wanted to just get inside and make sure the childish voice was ok, but she had no way of knowing if the Dwarf and her slave(?) were part of the problem or not. Just standing here wasn't an option though and there wasn't going to be time to vet these two. Time to roll the dice. "J-Just get out of the way!" She says hurriedly as she pushes through them waving her arms for them to separate and gives the handle a twist before throwing her shoulder into the door. At the same time, she calls through the door in catfolk, hoping the strangers didn't speak it. "It's going to be ok. Can you tell me who's with you?"
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Re: Nexus Heroes

Postby Taria » Fri Apr 18, 2014 8:42 pm

Inside the medical room, the intrepid trio will find plenty of ruined bandages and other medical supplies, as well as a few empty vials which presumably held potions and other magical curatives. In certain places the blood seems to form strange arcane symbols. (spellcraft) An ugly, yet well-preserved dessicated corpse of a cat folk lies naked on a medical table, his stomach cut open and certain innards removed.

Monika steps up to the door and discovers that it is securely locked as she attempts to open it. In catfolk, the child's voice responds, "I-I'm all alone. I'm scared. Monsters prowl the area. I want my dolly, I'm not letting anyone inside till I see my dolly."

Unseen by the rest of the party, Janeei and Kasidra have a sexy romp.
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Re: Nexus Heroes

Postby TCELESBHSUP » Fri Apr 18, 2014 10:12 pm

After a brief while, Rhialla stood herself back up, coughing and wiping her mouth clean. Pulling out her waterskin, she'd take a quick mouthful, swishing the water in her mouth to try and clear the taste with clear, pure water, before spitting it out in the garden. "S-sorry... I, umm..." She felt too awkward about the situation to really apologise. Couldn't manage it. Despite her healing roots, Rhialla was still pretty bad with blood and such. But, she steeled herself as she moved inside of the house with them.

While she knew nothing of arcane symbols- it would be best to catch Kasidra, if Suzu didn't know. However, it was time for her specialty! Healing. Well, technically not healing... More performing something of an autopsy on the corpse. She looked to be visibly stressed as she began to examine it in detail, checking the dead male's organs to find out exactly what had been removed. From there, she could probably figure out their significance by giving such information to Kasidra, or perhaps Janeei...

(Heal check rolled.)
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Re: Nexus Heroes

Postby Goryokaku » Fri Apr 18, 2014 11:21 pm

Kal sighed this wasn't going to get them anywhere they needed to find the doll it seemed but as for where the doll could be that was the question the child hadn't pointed them in any direction or given them any clear hints as to where the doll was. And this Officer K'sharr was treating her like she was some sort of bad person, which from what Kal could say she had no proof about. Then again she had no proof she was good either "Child, unless you give me some sort of location where you think you might of lost your doll, I can't exactly look for it, I could assume it's somewhere in the village but that's going to take me a long time to look at which you'll be all alone, with the possibility that the next thing to knock on the door might indeed be a monster." Kal turned to look at Celebrilith, her human like appearance then the claws on her hands, and the sharp teeth in her mouth, and wondered if Celebrilith would scare the child. Not that she wanted to do that at the moment, K'sharr seemed to speak a language Kal didn't know and she made a mental note to learn it at a later date she didn't like it when people spoke and she couldn't understand what was said.

(Dwarven)"Guess I could go look around the houses in the area, that might help but then what's the chances of finding a blonde doll in a town I have only just visited for the first time, and does that mean the child doesn't live in the mansion."(Dwarven) Kal muttered, whilst she was watching her Eidolon who seemed to have relaxed somewhat.
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Re: Nexus Heroes

Postby Lynxy » Sat Apr 19, 2014 7:35 am

Monika relaxed a little bit when she realized that she'd misunderstood and the kiddo was safe for now. "Before I go get your dolly, can you tell me where your mommy and daddy are?" she added to Kal's request in catfolk.

She turned to regard the dwarf then, not quite believing her story. "What do you mean by dark? Today, whatever time it is, is the first I've seen of any unusual darkness. Surely you have traveled far to get here, we are far from everywhere. So explain why dwarves know of this darkness so long before it happens that you are here to investigate the very day it occurs."
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Re: Nexus Heroes

Postby Motoko » Sat Apr 19, 2014 8:21 am

Kasidra would give a stretch as she looks around the room, feeling a little better after recovering from her earth shattering experience. Her memories suddenly flowing back to her. She watches Janeei, her eyes piercing her being and taking control of her very being....But she was Mistress she had to be in control! As happy as that made her.....She frowned. She'd deal with it latter "So what now then? Nothing seems to be here."
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Re: Nexus Heroes

Postby That_One_Guy » Sat Apr 19, 2014 2:38 pm

Garian looked at the corpse and shook his head and, when Rhialla started to check out the corpse he sighed, not knowing much about medical, and looked outside to see if there was any more trouble that may be on it's way, counting down the time until the light spell that was placed on him would disappear.
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Re: Nexus Heroes

Postby Taria » Sat Apr 19, 2014 3:44 pm

Rhialla can tell that this man has bee dissected with surgical precision, and then his blood carelessly strewn and spilled across the room. Most of his organs are either missing or horribly cut apart. Clearly the intent of this operation was to create as bloody of a mess as possible.

At the mansion the child continues to blubber, "I don't know. I don't know. I want my dolly. waaaaah." In common for everyone to hear. (sense motive)

Janeei gives Kasidra a warm hug as she stretches and looks about. "Hmm, while the circumstances here are definitely mysterious, I think I've gotten everything I need from this experience. Your best bet of getting out of this place is going to be in the mansion."
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Re: Nexus Heroes

Postby Goryokaku » Sat Apr 19, 2014 6:02 pm

Kal was looked at Celebrilith, then at the officer K'sharr, "Your overly fixated on this doll child, considering you thought me and the officer here were monsters you don't seem to worried about us if we bring you this doll. Why is the doll so important?" She wondered if K'sharr had picked up on the childs weird need for the doll and not it's fear of the monsters. Kal thought about it for a bit, Janeei would probably know something but she hadn't come with her she'd gone somewhere else it didn't change the fact they would need to find the doll eventually, but Kal was a little worried about this strange fixation the child has about the doll.
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Re: Nexus Heroes

Postby Motoko » Sat Apr 19, 2014 8:17 pm

Kasidra would cock her head to the side nodding to Janeei after a moment or two returning her hug. " You are going to leave? After that?" she would ask looking her mistress up and down, looking out of the door towards the town center. She would frown looking more then a bit disappointed at this news.
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Re: Nexus Heroes

Postby TCELESBHSUP » Sat Apr 19, 2014 9:27 pm

What purpose did this little operation serve? Rhialla truly couldn't grasp it. She was outwardly more and more perturbed as she examined the body, wings ruffling and her brow knitting iteslf into a tight frown. Any casual observation would be that some person went to town on this guy with a knife and no care in the world... But Rhialla knew better. It was still random hacking, but the cuts were too precise, too perfect to be simple coincidence. It seemed as though this dissection- or vivisection (the thought of that caused a shiver to visibly run up the Aasimar's spine)- was simply to spread blood everywhere.

"... What kind of monster..."

Immediately, Rhialla set to work, searching the house for something, anything that'd give her further enlightenment into what possessed someone to do this. Her mind was trying to connect the dots. A bloody skeleton, a [dis/vivi]sected corpse, the appearance of bloody symbols... Necromancy was obviously at play, but to what end? She needed clarity.

(Rolling Perception to search.)
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Re: Nexus Heroes

Postby Lynxy » Sun Apr 20, 2014 2:54 am

Feeling a little silly for believing a child about monsters in her home in the first place, Monika stepped back from the door and eyed Kal suspiciously after the dwarf had dodged her question by trying to steer the conversation back to a trivial search for a doll. "A lonely child crying, afraid of monsters they can't see, and fixated on a security toy. Very suspicious." She said with a roll of her eyes. "I can handle the girl from here, and I think you've yanked my chain long enough. Now, either go find yourself a room or I'll be forced to find one for you." She said with a pointed look that heavily implied that she meant her choice of rooms would have bars and lock from the outside.

Not really wanting to do something as damaging as knocking down the Magister's front door when there was no emergency, but still feeling like this child probably needed an adult, Monika took a few steps back and scanned the second story for an open window or balcony. Nope. This was getting frustrating.
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Re: Nexus Heroes

Postby MiscChaos » Sun Apr 20, 2014 4:58 am

Looking at the room around her, frankly, disturbs her. Especially since she can make out what the symbols mean enough to tell what they were used for. Once, in payment for her music since she was too poor to use currency, a mage gave her a basic overview of arcane symbols. Not too thorough as Suzu, not being a mage herself, wouldn't have been able to understand a technical explanation nor would she have bothered to remember too much information. The mage just showed her enough to help her realize when she was in trouble and right now, Suzu sees this town could be in a whole heaping mess of trouble. "Guys, I'd keep an eye out for more undead freaks. Someone's been practicing Necromancy here and I think we just fought the results. Keep an eye out for the symbols in this room. If you see one, keep an even stronger eye out for enemies."
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Re: Nexus Heroes

Postby Taria » Sun Apr 20, 2014 6:19 am

Janeei nods softly. "I cannot remain in any one plane for too long. My resistance is only temporary. Though, perhaps I could devise a way to be summoned if you have need of me. Of course, every wish has its price." Janeei gives a slight wink at the last comment, reminding you of her genie nature. "Perhaps when I am more powerful I can delegate powers more befitting the servant of a genie." Janeei strokes her chin in contemplation as she aimlessly wanders outside.

The window shudders to the mansion window are violently slammed shut as the voice finally hisses out. "Don't come back until you have my dolly. No one is allowed inside without my dolly." The sound of sobbing and eerie whispers slowly fades away into the depths of the building.

Nothing more of importance can be gleaned from the medical building, and the bloody bones on the floor is giving everyone the heeby jeebies, the way they continually pool like that... (knowledge religion)
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Re: Nexus Heroes

Postby Motoko » Sun Apr 20, 2014 6:30 am

Kasidra would nod , giving only the slightest show of her disappointment at this. She was fully back now, no longer groggy...She wasn't going to show the genie her weakness if she could help it...." Mistres... i would like to be able to summon you at any time....Especially if I can't bring myself to look upon mu sister after what I just did to her..she would follow Janeei out hoping to spend just a bit more time with her" she bit her lip, she had warned her sister of not trusting anyone else but her.....But this was different.....somehow. " What would be the price mistress?' she would pay anything and everything....
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