Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Sortaix » Sat Oct 06, 2012 3:05 pm

Sort and Mex:
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Sort gave Mex a few more kisses as he emptied himself into her before laying down on his back with Mex on his chest. He let his hands gently slide up and down her back, caressing her as he enjoyed her presence. His arms held her tight as he just held her for a few minutes before reaching back and putting her undergarments where she could get to them. He then gave her a happy smile.
"Well you can have those back now. You know, we are going to tire each other out before we even get to the fight."
He said as he gave her a few more playful hugs.

Dax, Vic, and Nyx:
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The Familiar Dax swept, hit the ground, which made it cry in even more agony. It didn't argue as Dax ran away, passing Victor just as his attack, knocked his target , enough for the blade thrust to pierce it, and impale the thing, killing it. Nyx's attempt to chase after the Necromancer was blocked as the two skeletal knights, now came down from their positions, one brandishing a large claymore, While the other had a sword and shield. They step down from their posts and draw their weapons, cutting Nyx off from her route.

Victor: Health 420/420 Stamina 1125/1300
Dax: Health: 440/450 Stamina: 1080/1280
Nyx: Health: 400/400 Stamina: 1215/1260
Claymore Skeleton: Health 1000/1000
Sword and Shield Skeleton: Health 1000/1000
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby daxtinator396 » Sat Oct 06, 2012 3:58 pm

Dax had almost forgotten about the slient sentinels that lay in wait watching over them but was quickly reminded as the dropped in with weapons raised."This is going to be a tough fight..." He though to himself not very happy with the two skeltons,"Victor! We`re gonna need a little help over here. Leave the other familair and get over here!" He called and surveyed the scene. They looked to have dropped down on the outskirts of his spikefield and a few still poked up here and there and he might be able to use that to get around Mr. Claymore and take him out before he could get that gaint peice of deadly metal into the melee. He ran at the claymore skeleton and at the last moment slid on his back between it`s legs raking his stone blade against the creature in passing and hopping to his feet behind him readying his shield.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Sat Oct 06, 2012 4:48 pm

"One step ahead of...oh shit..." Victor couldn't help but pause in that sentence, having seen the two skeletal knights move in to intercept Nyx. That one wielding a claymore is of particular concern; such a large blade is not one to be taken lightly. "Nyx, move!" he calls out, while running forward and sending a pair of Shippu Taiho blasts for the claymore skeleton's rib-cage, but meant more to stun and/or stagger. Right now, getting Nyx an opening to move away is more important, and it's not like he could one-shot the thing from this distance, anyhow.

Once he closes the gap, Victor intends on going for the claymore skeleton, wanting to drop it fast and hard. That may be one large blade it has, but the strikes it can make are mostly broad and obvious, and allow for rather limited options on defense; it'll be easier for him to take that one on, as opposed to the sword-and-shield wielder. "Over here, numb-skull! I am your opponent!" he calls out, intending to draw the undead knight's attention away from Nyx and Dax.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz » Sat Oct 06, 2012 7:39 pm

Jumps out of the way as victor said
(srry very tired)
Sae the mindin´ in yer heid
Unrowes afore yer een
Frae hours o´ sweet yestreen
Aye the ember deid in monie a heid
Fare ye well I´m pertin away
I say farewell tae the warld
Mind me weel
I say farewell tae the warld

(Old Irish folk Song)
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Icaelus » Mon Oct 08, 2012 6:47 pm

Mex sighed with pleasure, exhausted on Sort's muscled chest as he finished pouring into her. She laid her head of snowy hair on Sort's chest, her hand moving to trace his biceps as he hugged her. And finally he gave her back her damn undies.
"Well, that's definitely not my fault.."
Mex smiled playfully at him before she shifted herself up, planting a quick kiss on Sort's lips, before pulling back. For a while now they had just been having sex pretty randomly..but sex did have consequences, right..?
"Um..I don't think we've really considered it..but..do you think I could get pregnant if we continue like this?"
Mex flushed with embarrassment at the question. She did have the right to ask that, but it felt a bit too over-worrying..and her, a mom? No way!
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Sortaix » Wed Oct 10, 2012 6:25 am

Sortaix and Mex:
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Sort was a little surprised at her question, but in truth he should have thought about it as well, and after all it would be his fault, it's always the males fault. Sort took this into consideration before giving his deeply thought over answer.
"Well, you getting pregnant is always a possibility, but I doubt if you could given the magic influence Ravenous has over you, but if by chance you do get prego, well then I'll just have to bolt out in the middle of the night and run like the wind, before you kill me for it. So, I guess the only option we have that doesn't involve you cutting off my head, or decapitating me is to just stop cold turkey right now and hope you aren't prego already. That way I don't have to run like the wind in the opposite direction, find a shitty town and spend the rest of my life with a false identity, so you can;t hunt me down."
Sort says these things with a smile on his face, gently giving Mex a hug, before getting up to get ready to go back to fighting, before speaking once more.
"But honestly, I don't think you could, with the way Ravenous has affected you. We'll just have to be careful is all I can say. I don't really know enough about Ravenous to judge how much it has affected your body as well as your personality."

Cat-Man and his sidekick, Wolf Girl! And Oh yeah, and that other guy, Whats His Face.
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Dax's attack was a sound strategic move and a good one. He just did not have enough momentum to carry his plan through. This resulted in him stopping just in front of the claymore wielding skeleton, which then raised his blade to strike down on Dax. However, Vic's lightning blast stopped the skeleton just short of bringing his blade down full force onto Dax. (-20 stamina) (-10 Health) This gave Dax a window of opportunity to attack the skeleton, or get the heck off the ground, before he got crushed by a big ass sword. Nyx was able to duck and dodge as the skeleton with a shield brought it to bash her. He move let her get out of the way, but her opponent was now facing her with his sword and shield ready, in a defensive stance.

Victor: Health 420/420 Stamina 1105/1300
Dax: Health: 440/450 Stamina: 1080/1280
Nyx: Health: 400/400 Stamina: 1215/1260
Claymore Skeleton: Health 990/1000
Sword and Shield Skeleton: Health 1000/1000

(They are powerful, but have a major weakness if you logically think of the condition their "Bodies" are in.)
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby daxtinator396 » Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:11 pm

Dax went to slid and went and went and.... stopped just under the giant skeleton,"Shit!" He yelled as the sword came down to cleave him intp two pieces of adorable cat man and ruining his fur too! He was saved from his awful fate was an electric blast from Victor and he breathed out a quick sigh of relief before realizing it was only a delay! He quickly slashed out at the skelton`s knee joint trying to topple it and take it out of the fight before quickly rolling away and trying to bounce to his feet.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby MiscChaos » Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:58 pm

"Tsch!" Lilia is slightly annoyed her target is still alive, but she figures that'll be rectified soon. Instead of dwelling on it, she decides to change gears and get rid of the one running at her so she can better focus on the ones trying to double-team Kaz. Boosting her agility with wind as usual she runs past Hound 2, cutting through it's waist as she goes and then turning around and slashing horizontally at it the middle of it's back and it's neck, aiming to cut it into 3 pieces.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz » Thu Oct 11, 2012 12:24 am

Nyx attacks the skeleton with the shield's legs
she then jumps up and kicks it in the face
Sae the mindin´ in yer heid
Unrowes afore yer een
Frae hours o´ sweet yestreen
Aye the ember deid in monie a heid
Fare ye well I´m pertin away
I say farewell tae the warld
Mind me weel
I say farewell tae the warld

(Old Irish folk Song)
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby napsii » Thu Oct 11, 2012 2:38 am

"Aww, come on. That's like... seriously all you can do!?" taunted Kaz with a snort as the hellhounds ground to a halt from the shockwave of ice and water she'd unleashed. She knew she was carrying most of the firepower here, given her water powers. Lilia was doing a number, but it was time to... STEP IT UP A NOTCH! YAY!

"HHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYNNNNNNNNNNNHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" boomed the girl, the shattered head of her staff having collected back into a nice and vicious looking ice battleaxe, dripping with cold, icy death. That reminded her: she really needed to go have an ice cream sometime! It'd been weeks since her last cone and it was growing close to unacceptable. Err... was ice cream even popular outside of Furon? She'd heard that the necros outside of her country thought it was for heathens or something.

Without much thought, Kaz dashed in to the tune of her yelling, lunging into the air to bring Tide's razor sharp edges down toward the weakest of the hellhounds only for the icy head of the staff to suddenly explode again, the twin ice battleaxe heads flying off to zoom at both of the hellhounds while the staff's shaft would come down to bonk one of them.

Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Sat Oct 13, 2012 5:25 am

Victor smirks as his blast staggers the claymore skeleton, sparing Dax of the fate it would've brought upon him. However, it's far from over yet. Nyx seems to be handling the sword-and-shield unit rather well, so his plan to focus on the heavy-hitter first should pay off. Skeletal undead like them have a severe weakness against solid force, as one good smack to a joint can disable an entire limb. He can see that Dax is already going for the legs, so...

Still closing in, Victor fires one more Shippu Taiho blast, this time at the claymore skeleton's right elbow joint. If he can hit that hard enough, he might be able to disable it altogether; otherwise, he should be able to get in close enough to sever it with a direct sword slash. That weapon may give the bone-head considerable reach, but between its limited striking abilities, and the wind-up needed to move that much weight, Victor can easily make up for Mjolnir's smaller size with pure agility and technique.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Icaelus » Sun Oct 14, 2012 5:22 pm

"Stop cold turkey?"
Mex seemed a little disappointed at that idea, actually..and the rest of Sort's solutions mostly involved him running for his damn life. Well, he was right. Mex would've chopped his balls off with a rusty needle if he ever got her pregnant.
He hugged her gently and Mex remained impassive for nearly a whole minute, before wrapping her arms around Sort too.
"You better be right."
She muttered inaudibly.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Sortaix » Mon Oct 15, 2012 11:09 am

Sort and Mex:
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Sort cuddled up with Mex for a few more moments, before getting up and getting ready to move out. He gave her the time she needed to prepare before the two set out for their target. He gave Mex one more kiss as they set out, and giving her a happy hug. They proceeded through the forest for some time, not really encountering anything of note until the came across another grizzle scene.
The ground was strewn with the corpses of orcs and their green blood. Many of them had been turned black or severely burned. The two had to watch their step as they walked through the battle field, until the came upon a human corpse, dressed in the traditional Necromancer robes impaled on a large spike, and still burning. It appears he was overrun, killed, dismembered, then finally burned. Sort cut the mans head off and put it back in the fire for good measure, before heading toward a cave in the distance. They didn't get much closer before two large orcs came out of the cave walking toward the burning corpse.
They were both lightly armored, allowing their large muscles to show as well as their axes. They each had two blood-stained hand axes on their sides, ready for use. Sort ducked behind the burning Necro and readied an arrow to fire.

Sort: Health: 360/360 Stamina: 1250/1250
Mex: Health: 360/360 Stamina: 1200/1200

Deadly Orc #1: 400/400
Deadly Orc #3: 400/400
(Deadly Orc #2 is at home. He has the runs)

Kaz and Lilia:
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Lilia's attack on her hound was only partially successful. She missed her first cut, but as the hound turned to bite her, her second cut sliced its head clean off at the side of its neck. (Kill) (-30 stamina)The body stood there for a second before quickly turning to ash, in a small fiery blast, which did however, catch the top of the toe, on her right boot on fire. Kaz's attack was met with the same level of success. Her ice blades shot of her staff and sliced up the weakest hound, causing him to turn to ash in a small fiery burst, as the blade sliced him in half at the shoulder blades. The last hound however dodged both her icy blades and her staff, at the cost of jumping back and falling onto his back. (-60 stamina)

Kaz: Health: 340/340 Stamina : 950/1150
Lilia: Health: 350/350 Stamina: 1120/1230
Hellhound 2: Dead
Hellhound 3: Health 250/400 Fallen down and trying to get back up (+2 to hit chance)
Hellhound 4: Health Dead

Dax, Nyx, and William Wall...I mean Victor:
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Dax was quite successful as he hit at the Skeletons knee joint, causing what little tendon was left to snap, rendering the Skeletons left leg useless.(-30 health)(10 stamina) It then went to its knees and began to swing its sword wildly at its opponents, missing Dax just enough he heard it tear his cloak a little. This gave Victor the moment he needed to slash at the Skeletons arm joint, causing an audible snap as the heavy metal forced the right arm to fall off completely. (-20 stamina) (-20 Health) The creature then tried to use its remaining arm to grab at his opponents, to bite them. Nyx's attack was blocked however by the Skeletons shield, her blade bouncing off the metal, just in time for her to receive a metal gauntlet to the face. The blow, while not severe, will make a nice black eye later on.(-20 stamina) (-15 Health)

Victor: Health 420/420 Stamina 1085/1300
Dax: Health: 440/450 Stamina: 1070/1280
Nyx: Health: 385/400 Stamina: 1195/1260
Claymore Skeleton: Health 910/1000 (immobile and weaponless)
Sword and Shield Skeleton: Health 1000/1000
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby daxtinator396 » Mon Oct 15, 2012 12:23 pm

Dax was glad when as moved away the sleton tumbled down and slashed at him with the sword. He wasn`t quite as relieved as that same sword almost cut a deep slash though him and instead hit his cloak tearing a huge gash into the side of the cloak making it more of a poncho. He rolled out of the way from his grabbing clawed hand and shot a spike at the skelton`s neck and good arm`s joint hoping to take it out all together.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby MiscChaos » Mon Oct 15, 2012 4:04 pm

"Oh, come on!" Lilia cries, rubbing the toe of her boot into the ground to put out the fire. "Annoying little..." she trails off and turns to see how Kaz is making out. Like a bandit as usual it looks like. One target's dead and the other might as well be what with being on it's back. "The coup de grace, ma'am." she says with an exaggerated bow. To jump in at this point would just be a kill steal.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Tue Oct 16, 2012 1:45 am

Victor grins victoriously as the claymore Skeleton's arm snaps right off, the heavy blade being too much for its right arm to handle. Side-stepping away from the cretin's wild grappling, he has just enough time to glance over in Nyx's direction...and see her take a gauntlet to the face...

...oh hell no. It is ON now!!

"RAAAAAAGH!!" Victor bellows out a furious war-cry, charging up to the second Skeleton with Mjolnir already crackling with a green aura of electric power. The moment he's in striking range, he breaks out a modification on his classic Raizangeki technique:

"RAIZAN TENSATSU!! (translation: "Thunder-Cleaving Sky-Breaker")

The Raizan Tensatsu is similar in execution to a straight-down Raizangeki, but with one fundamental difference: the charge is held in the blade until the moment it impacts the ground, and is then released upward, with a slightly forward angle. Victor originally created it to deal with enemies that could regenerate damaged flesh, or otherwise survive a full downward slash...but upon seeing Nyx's beautiful face marred by the Skeleton's punch, his patience gave way to a warrior's unbridled fury.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby napsii » Fri Oct 19, 2012 3:36 am

Kaz revolved around on her heel, almost like a ballerina in a pirouette as she spun herself to a stop, leaving the down and out hellhounds behind her. Tide swirled with ice, its hammer-head reforming as it sucked a vortex of cold moisture from the air. With a series of cracks and fizzles, it was again whole and Kaz was left standing over their last enemy. It may have evaded her wrath this time, but the girl was not about to let it get away! She grinned at Lilia, already liking the sort of playful camaraderie between them. See! Even hard-boiled assassins weren't that bad, once she got to know them! She nodded enthusiastically, twirling Tide around above her head.

"As you say, mademoiselle!" she agreed, and lunged with her staff held high right at the hound.

"YYYYYYYYYYAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" she screamed enthusiastically as she flew, bringing down Tide atop the dog's head with sickening force.

Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Icaelus » Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:49 pm

Mex pulled on her clothes and retrieved Ravenous from the bush she had tossed him in earlier when Sort had more or less tackled her. They shared one last kiss and set out, walking through the forest. It was mostly uneventful till they came upon a gory scene. Corpses of orcs lay strewn all around, their green blood blending in with the grassy floor.
"Ugh. Disgusting."
Mex muttered, stepping over a charred orc as they made their way through the battlefield. The one human corpse midst all the death was a Necromancer, impaled on a massive spike, slowly burning to a nice black crisp. One of the most effective ways to kill a Necro. Flame. She watched as Sort stepped forward and cut the Necromancer's head off and tossed it back into the flames, sealing the deal. Obviously the orcs didn't know how to prevent them from coming back as Liches. Mex shivered at the thought of the Lich they had encountered back then. She didn't fear much, but the Lich had seriously terrified her. If Sort hadn't woken up when he did..
Mex shook her head, clearing her thoughts as she and Sort made their way to the only other place of interest, a cave in the distance. Two large orcs ran out to greet them, axes ready to do some murdering. Well..not if she murdered them first, right?
Orc blood sucks..
Ravenous grumbled as Mex grinned evilly, sending a burst of flame projectiles towards the two orcs to cover her approach, shifting to a orc's side and slicing down horizontally.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Sortaix » Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:32 pm

Sort and Mex:
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The two orcs had come wandering out of their cave, they had not seen the two travelers, so Mex's attack caught them off guard.(-30 stamina) They were just going out to check the necros corps when fire projectiles shot at them, they got hit by a few of them, which caught their clothes on fire. (-20 Health) (-20 Health) The orc Mex had shifted to, had started doing the "OH SNAP! I'M ON FIRE!" dance, which had him drop just out of reach of her scythe as she swiped at him. Sort's attack, fared no better as his arrow shot forth and hit the other orc in his axe, making the arrow fall harmlessly to the ground. (-20 stamina)

Sort: Health: 360/360 Stamina: 1230/1250
Mex: Health: 360/360 Stamina: 1170/1200

Deadly Orc #1: 380/400
Deadly Orc #3: 380/400

Dax, Vic, and, Nyx:
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Dax's spike of earth severed the skeletons arm and neck, killing it completely. It would hopefully stay dead this time. (-20 Stamina) Victors' attack was mostly successful, however the skeleton had raised his shield, and the blast only electrified the metal, causing the skeleton to drop the heavy shield, as well as knocking him back and onto the ground. At which point the undead began to slowly try to get back up.(-30 stamina)(-40 Health)
Victor: Health 420/420 Stamina 1055/1300
Dax: Health: 440/450 Stamina: 1050/1280
Nyx: Health: 385/400 Stamina: 1195/1260
Claymore Skeleton: Dead
Sword and Shield Skeleton: Health 960/1000 (Knocked down and shieldless)

Kaz and Lilia:
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Kaz was quite successful in her attack, the hounds skull crushing helplessly beneath the weight of Tide. They had a few moments when there was nothing going on,but soon after an elf woman came out of the woods from the same direction that the hounds came from. She was clapping er hands and smiling.
"Bravo, I can certainly see why the gods would choose you to be their champions. You eliminated my hounds rather easily, too bad I was looking forward to watching them mount you. Oh well, you completed your task, no go back to that pathetic town and tell your captain, Sortaix that, his old girlfriend is back, and I'm here to teach you Paladin wanna-bees a lesson."
With that the elven woman turns back and before their eyes summons a dead steed in a flash of black magic, before she turns back to the two." Oh, still here? Well then, I'll take care of that."
She then blasts both Kaz and Lilia with a huge blast of dark magic, knocking them both back several feet into the air before they landed on their bums. Kaz would recognize the feeling as the same type of magic that the Lich had used on her to immobilize her so it could eat her. The elven woman then hopped onto her steed and rode away before the two had a chance to recover

The Main Villainess: Sierra Salla
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She has a staff instead of an axe, though.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby daxtinator396 » Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:25 pm

Dax pumps his fist in victory as the skeleton finally dies, all his limbs and head taken out of commision. He spots Victor`s impressive electric blast that made the skeleton fly several feet and land spread eagled and his sheild fall the ground. He quickly took advantage of the situation and tried to immobolized the skeleton with cuffs of stone over his neck,wrists and ankles. Then he would lunge forward and try and lop off it`s head at the vertabrae.
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