by kitsune106 » Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:28 pm
Kit nods and steps back. "I could always try to tie up his legs and arms together. But isn't that a bit harsh? I mean, we don't know what he is. And shooting his legs will mean he will be disabled until we get him healed. So even if friendly, will be useless. And if he is a military tankborn, there will be backups and regeneration. I have no clue what function he was meant to have. For all I know he could have implanted suicide belt." she explains. "That was some of the designs that i heard about, but luckily we don't do, at least, I am sure we don;t." she looks confused, her pistol wavering a bit, but then focusing on the right leg. "Although, given those blades, I think he's a close combat type, so either fast, or very tough. I don't known if my hollow point bullets will work. " She admits, then steps forward to pick up both the blades, and lays them a few feet away then goes back to guarding him.