Crystal Hearts Part 4

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Re: Crystal Hearts Part 4

Postby Kuragari » Sun May 11, 2014 12:51 am

Caryn nodded at Azmerelda, thanking her for sating his curiosity as he bid her good night. He then turned to Sasha once they were out of the room, and he looked her over a moment before smiling seductively. "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm still a little excited from the earlier excitement. Would you be against having some fun my lady?"
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Re: Crystal Hearts Part 4

Postby TCELESBHSUP » Sun May 11, 2014 2:20 am

Alaena: "And what if we draw, mm?" The elf's eyes seemed to glint, an amused smirk coming to his lips as he dealt out the cards. It didn't seem he was opposed to either of these ideas. Perhaps he didn't mind the company of men? "Will we be playing again and again until one of us wins, or will we both be offering ourselves?" From what you've gathered of the game, you have a good hand. A nine and a ten of the same suit.

Kitty: You found that he was only getting harder and harder, both inside of you and in his thrusts- did he have some kind of hidden strength that he wasn't showing you, was it magic, or was he simply that turned on by your body? Ah well. It didn't matter regardless. All you could focus on at present was the feeling of a big cock fucking you hard and fast, mind going blank apart from thoughts of sex and your enjoyment of how Faeron was treating you. Every so often, he'd give you a harsh slap across the rear, leaving behind red marks. You almost wish they'd be there permanently!


Misc: By order of Meep, you've awoken to Kon having wet the bed. Eww.

Kitty: You had a very long night of sex! You awake beside Faeron in your room, suffering a hangover from booze.

Alaena: The elf lost. He was promptly banged a fair bit last night- and you might have joined in getting fucked alongside him.
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Re: Crystal Hearts Part 4

Postby Kuragari » Sun May 11, 2014 1:19 pm

Caryn stretched as he slowly slid out of the bed, casting a glance over at Sasha who was sleeping nearby. Ah, that had been fun...taking turns with each other, fully exploring each others bodies...he would have to remind himself to write a song about it at some time. For now though, it was time to get ready. Today they would be facing a dragon...or would at least be marching off to do so.

Expertly, he was dressed and ready in seconds, stopping long enough to stop and awaken his bed time friend from her dreams.
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Re: Crystal Hearts Part 4

Postby Kittykitty501 » Sun May 11, 2014 2:22 pm

Ol'gerr wakes up with a soft groan, her mind was head achey from the night before and her lips were dry from lack of fluids. her ass and pussy were still a little soar from the brutal animalistic fuck she had recieved from the man.. oh god why had she fucked him? her more sober side realising what she had actually done in the night, groaning again. sitting up now she rubbed her eyes and looked around, spotting a jug of water she downed as much of it as she could mostly to stop being dehydrated but also the taste of cum from the night before lingered upon her tongue. getting out of her bed she strethed and gave a satisfied sigh of relief from the stretch. she found what clothing she could and pulled on her panties and bra and walked over to a window, opening it up to bring some fresh air into the room. looking over her shoulder to fearon she gave a little smile, as much as her sober mind regrets it, she had a lot of fun and maybe a bit of a pot belly to show it.

"wakey wakey fae.. I need to go to the bar and see if my other friends have awoken and f- oh god fang!"

She ran to the door and opened it up, suddenly pounced on by her fellow companion, giving a look of "where the heck have you been!". she smiled and hugged fang tightly and pulled him back into the room whilst she fully got dressed into her armor and clipped her backpack and weapons back on. ready to go she walked back over to the bar.

"maybe you can join us on our adventure? if you are interested.. meet me back down in the bar"

with that she was gone and she headed down to the bar to await the others.
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Re: Crystal Hearts Part 4

Postby MiscChaos » Sun May 11, 2014 7:17 pm

Alena pulls herself into the world of the waking, having slept marvelously the night before. It's as she's stretching to work the kinks out of her body after a night's rest that she feels... wetter than usual. And seeing how it's all over her coils instead of her privates, it's not in the good way. Looking down to find the source, she sees that Kon has soiled herself in her sleep and in effects soiled Alena. In response, there's really only one thing she can say about the situation: "Ew." She would have thought Kon was beyond such childish behaviors, but she was either horribly wrong or the events of the past few days have loosened her control. Either way, now she has a pee-covered were-tiger to clean up. Sighing and throwing on her explorer's outfit, she says "Wake up, Kon. We must have you cleaned before we move on with our morning." If Kon doesn't wake to the sound of her voice, she'll move on to shaking her awake with her coils. She really doesn't feel like touching Kon with her hands at the moment.
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Re: Crystal Hearts Part 4

Postby Meep Meepersons » Sun May 11, 2014 9:25 pm

Kon stirred awake with a sniffle. She was obviously ashamed of herself for wetting the bed. Usually it was nocturnal emission rather then urination. Despite raising herself in the wild, she was still sensible enough to know not to go where you sleep or eat. It took all she had not to just start crying. The nightmare she had really shook her up to. "Kaph.." She sniffled.
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Re: Crystal Hearts Part 4

Postby Alaena » Sun May 11, 2014 10:08 pm

Lyris in fact did not join the Elf, though she did masturbate as she watched him get banged over and over. She awakes in a haze, having perhaps drank too much, and looks around in the room she must've rented for herself. Or so she thought.
As she climbs off the bed and shakes off the groggyness, she looks at the floor and sees a man collapsed near the door. Now the sorceress remembers. He invited her up but when they got there, he passed out and she figured, why waste the bed.
However, fun time was likely over for now. She would go down stairs, fully dressed, staff in hand, perhaps get something non-alcoholic to drink, while she waited for everybody else to get up and about. Taas comes in from outside, slipping through the open door as soon as another patron leaves, and barks once at Lyris.
"Oh, sorry Taas, he must've closed the door on you when we went up. My bad, buddy." She scratches his ears and pets him in apology.
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Re: Crystal Hearts Part 4

Postby Lynxy » Sun May 11, 2014 11:53 pm

Camilla had awoken and sidled out of bed early in the morning, leaving a few presents and a note behind for Rilka* before leaving the room and making her way back to the magic shop. The streets had changed quite a bit, but there was no mistaking it once she'd finally managed to find herself standing by the storefront. She wasn't sure if the store was going to be open at this early hour, but she tried opening the door all the same.

* She left a new set of clothes, all the things they had played with, 50gp, a bottle of wine, one more night in the room, and ordered a breakfast feast. "I'll see you soon. Be prepared to serve again."
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Re: Crystal Hearts Part 4

Postby Meep Meepersons » Mon May 12, 2014 1:22 am

Azmer waited at the front of the inn for everyone. She stood outside with a few small crates containing bottles with a milky white fluid in them. She was fully dressed, big fluffy hat and all. Her Dragon sat upon it, and her bag was at her side. Each crate held at least six bottles a piece. They were rather large to. "My my, how slow they are, eh Da-hruga?" She said to her familiar. The dragon simply huffed a puff of cold air in response, and she chuckled. She could understand it but others would not be able to. It was a bond between familiar and wizard. Only another wizard or Sorc could understand this bond.
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Re: Crystal Hearts Part 4

Postby MiscChaos » Mon May 12, 2014 2:56 am

Alena sighs as her theory is proven correct: Kon wet the bed because she was shaken by Kathryn's abduction. "There, there, all will be well, Kon." She coos, patting the girl comfortingly on the head. "With luck, Kathryn Fallstar will be with us once again by the end of the day." With assurances given, it's time to return to business. "But we cannot move forward to rescue her until we have cleaned you and your clothes up. So let us make haste, for the faster we get this complete, the faster we may see her."
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Re: Crystal Hearts Part 4

Postby Meep Meepersons » Mon May 12, 2014 3:01 am

Misc: Kon nods, and you both get cleaned up. It only takes a short while, given how water slides off your scales easily. Wait a minute, is that? Well shit! Your molting! Worst damn time....Then again, you haven't molted in almost 300 years, it's been well past due. But still, what horrible timing! -2 CHA for the next 24 hours due to peeling skin all over your body. You now stand outside where everyone was instructed to gather this morning.
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Re: Crystal Hearts Part 4

Postby MiscChaos » Mon May 12, 2014 3:09 am

Alena gives an annoyed growl at the sight of her molting. There couldn't have been a worst time for it, what with her about to go into battle with a flipping dragon! Still, there's no reason to become overly agitated about it. It's natural and she has no control over it. It would be like becoming upset about the cycling of the moon. She'll just have to work around it. Once she's sure Kon is cleaned and dressed in dry clothing, she returns to the room, dons her Breastplate, and wakes Lene if she isn't already awake before moving outside where everyone will be congregating. "Good morning to everyone." She says once she arrives.
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Re: Crystal Hearts Part 4

Postby TCELESBHSUP » Mon May 12, 2014 6:41 am

Kitty: Faeron awakens slowly and gives what sounds like a growl at being told to wake up. He rubbed his eyes and stood, completely nude, his cock fully erect. Morning wood was the best. "... Maybe... I'm already pretty overdue..." He mumbled, just loud enough for you to hear him. He took his time getting dressed, it seemed, as he didn't come down for quite some time.

Lynxy: You find that the door is locked- only for a brief moment. You hear in your mind a soft voice- a familiar one. Certainly the owner of the store. 'Come in.' Did he live here? It would make sense if he did. A click followed this, and the handle gave, the door creaking open without you even pushing it. The shop itself seemed to have changed its layout entirely- looking much more like an extravagant home- specifically, its sitting room- than a shop at this point. Obviously some form of magic. "Welcome. Here for business or pleasure?"

Misc: Quite respectfully, it seems that Lene doesn't mention your molting. "Morning." She simply said. Perhaps she'd already been awake? You decide to help her with her armour as she dons it, the full plate being particularly heavy and... Very intricate indeed. Almost impractically so. "Ready to go help your friend out?"
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Re: Crystal Hearts Part 4

Postby Motoko » Mon May 12, 2014 7:51 pm

Sasha yawns and stretched looking up at caryn with a grin "good morning!" She would say she shrugs off the blankets getting dressed quickly enough, strapping her swords to,her belt, she wouls give her roomie for the night a tight loving hug"that was fun to say the least~"
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Re: Crystal Hearts Part 4

Postby MiscChaos » Mon May 12, 2014 10:11 pm

"But of course." Alena says, ready to save Kathryn before she even met Lene. Since the dragon slayer didn't say anything about her molting, she doesn't say anything about how the woman's armor seeming too heavy and having too many parts. Besides, there has to be some reason for it all and she doesn't want to offend the woman or anything. With the armor on and her companion and her charge ready to go, Alena moves outside to meet everyone else.
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Re: Crystal Hearts Part 4

Postby Lynxy » Mon May 12, 2014 11:32 pm

Camilla bit her lip as she stepped inside, tempted to waste time by responding with "pleasure." However, time would be short this morning, and she'd been a bit too distracted the evening before to do everything needed. "Business, I'm afraid." She produced the 3 large rubies and held them out for inspection. "I'd like to sell these, and I don't have an excess of time with which to haggle. So, I'll need at the very least 3000 gold apiece, and I've got a short list of items I'll need in exchange. From your shop I'll need a scroll containing 5 copies of Frostbite, or the name of a shop that will carry divine spell scrolls, and I am assuming you have a set of Bracers of Entangling the Blast. I'll need those too."
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Re: Crystal Hearts Part 4

Postby Kuragari » Tue May 13, 2014 12:39 am

Motoko Wrote:Sasha yawns and stretched looking up at caryn with a grin "good morning!" She would say she shrugs off the blankets getting dressed quickly enough, strapping her swords to,her belt, she wouls give her roomie for the night a tight loving hug"that was fun to say the least~"

Caryn returned the hug. "That it was. But we can reminisce about that later. Let's get on the move." He then headed down the stairs, looking for where everyone else was gathered at, and saying hello to any of the party once they found them.

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Re: Crystal Hearts Part 4

Postby TCELESBHSUP » Tue May 13, 2014 8:08 am

Misc: Lene simply follows along, shield on her back and bastard sword on her hip. Around her neck, you manage to notice a pendant- one that appeared to have her family crest upon it. Strange. You didn't see it in the open yesterday... Nor did you see her wearing it last night. Perhaps it would be worth a question or two?

Lynxy: The man almost seems disappointed alongside you as you state 'business'. The room shifts quite quickly into the storefront, and he steps over to his desk. "Very well. Business it is." He waves his hand about, and soon your desired products are set upon the counter. "By the way, I don't believe we actually introduced ourselves... I apologise for that." A smirk came to his lips, and his very appearance... Shifted. From human, to a more elvish appearance. Then, his skin darkened to a deeper tone- a drow! "My name, my dear Camilla Ulalume, is Kelafein Baen-ana." How... Did he know your name?
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Re: Crystal Hearts Part 4

Postby Motoko » Tue May 13, 2014 12:08 pm

Sasha nods and sighs, as much as she wanted to reminace she new caryn was right, they had a kath to save afterall....the events of yesterday almost made her forget....but now she was ready, with a determined look in her eyes as she heads down with caryn, meeting up with the others, she would look to the naga and smile "you ready to rescue kath?"
Last edited by Motoko on Tue May 13, 2014 5:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Crystal Hearts Part 4

Postby Lynxy » Tue May 13, 2014 5:24 pm

Camilla, more accustomed to deception than most, was nonetheless surprised to find a drow running a successful magic shop in the middle of a surface settlement. He would have to be far and away the most powerful illusionist, if not wizard, in the region to not risk accidental discovery in such a committed location. The place was literally designed to draw in wizards! The fact that a wizard had learned her name before she told it to him did nothing to surprise her by comparison. After all, there were dozens of magical means one might use to learn such information with varying degrees of difficulty.

After a moment's hesitation, she leaned over the counter and gave him a quick kiss. "Kelafein it is. I promise on my next visit I won't be too rushed for some fun" She says with a wink as she straps the bracers on and shoves the scroll in a tube on her belt. "but right now, there's an overgrown salamander I have to deal with on a timeline." Once ready she turned on her heel and headed out the door, blowing a kiss as it swung closed. On her way back she stopped at an armorer, just putting it's open sign out, and swapped her clunky steel chain mail for a mithril set. There wasn't time to fit it to absolute perfection, but it was close enough not to get in her way and a little extra material at the core wasn't something she could complain about when the outfit was lighter anyway. She could come back and get it tailored properly when she had a few hours.

Returning to the in, she saw half of the group already waiting outside. Good, they hadn't left yet. She joined them, probably confusing a few by coming off the streets rather than from inside the inn. "Good Morning. Are we ready to do this?"
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