Tainted Princess

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Fri Mar 25, 2016 7:02 pm

Nilyne snarls as at Zalira as she is threatens her jaws snapping shut before the touch to her cheek calms her making her snuggle against him as she is led to sit down, "Stop your barking." She states to Zalira with a annoyed glare before Sharya speaks up. "Huh what I..." She glances at Lucian and frowns a moment before giving his neck a playful nip as she comes into grasp, leaning against him and rubbing her body against his. "What are we to talk about?" She asks her eyes somewhat dazed as she holds herself close, staring at the spell as if it wasn't there without a care, to enraptured by the man to raise a finger against him, too trusting of him to think she'd be harmed. The nighteyes side of her howling in fury at Lucian but too calmed by the entranced Kailyne, so easily misguided by the man before her shared mind with Nighteyes stopping the wolf from lunging at his throat even as a side of her salivates at the idea of tearing him apart.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Gorbaz » Fri Mar 25, 2016 10:57 pm

Finally deigning to get up, Kari stretches and rubs her eyes, sitting there on the ground and blinking a few times as the sound of arriving birds disturbed her rest. "Ugh. Ok nature, I'm up, I'm up!" she grumbled, climbing to her feet and adjusting her clothes. Glancing around, more herbivorous animals were gathering at the oasis, which was safe for now, but was sure to mean the predators would show up sooner or later. Gathering up her gear, she strapped her armour back on and collected what meat and water could be easily carried. Running a hand through her hair to dislodge any left over sand, she let a grin slide onto her face. "So! What's the plan? Wanna go on an adventure, or head to town? We could probably sell some of this meat for a couple of silver, or exchange it for something - like alcohol"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Sat Mar 26, 2016 4:18 pm

FragranceofMtDew, An Ying Hu, MelissaB

Hypnosis Resist Roll (Wis, Hard)
Nilyne (with assist from Sharya): 12-2(Nilyne)+2(Sharya) = 12, Entranced!

As Sharya tries to remain Nilyne of why their purpose , her mind continues to draw a blank. Kailyne could feel a deep sense of devotion welling up inside her towards this man. The longer she stayed close to him, the stronger it would become. As she nibbled on his neck, his smile widened. He stroked the back of Nilyne's head as you would a pet. "It seems your so-called companions have a topic in mind."

Lucien then turned to Zalira and Sharya. " Yes yes, I did say that I would kill Val'drys. But then I realized that your family's land was tying you down. Zalira" As he says this, both can see him snake one of his hands under Nilyne's pants to as he fingers her pussy. "Having spent time with all of you, I know how repressive your families are. They were of the conservative variety. They would rather hid in their forest then face the world. But not you three. I could see it in your eyes. The thirst for adventure, knowledge, the outside world! I couldn't squash that potential. So I let Val'drys live to save you." He said with a smug sense of satisfaction. "Of course I could be persuaded to help you ... for a price." As he says this, you see a bulge form in his pants. "Nilyne? Why don't you give your elven friends a demonstration of what to do?" Motioning the fusion to either blow him or ride on his cock.

While you were talking, both Zalira and Sharya notice that small strands of paper had been spread on the ground between them, Lucien and Nilyne.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Sat Mar 26, 2016 11:17 pm

Nilyne looks at them and shakes her head. "What are you... He's my purpose." She smiles and wags her tail at the petting before she can realize what she was doing pushing and nuzzling into his hand eagerly, searching for more from his hand. Looking at the three she nods a little and smiles before she crawls from his side to kneel between his knees. Pulling his shaft from his pants, her claws making quick work of the offending clothing to reveal his shaft, her lips parting as she extends her tongue, holding him at the base as she begins to drag her slimy muscle over his shaft, licking and lapping at him eagerly before her allies, uncaring of what she was doing, all too happy to do as he asked.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Mon Mar 28, 2016 8:33 am

Prier slipped away as Kassy seemed out of it for the moment, sighing as she slipped out to catch some fresh air as she looked around curiously, unsure where everyone had ran off to... still, she couldn't help but be glad she had a group of people around her that would help hunt down the bastard whom had forced himself onto her... even now she recalled how he pinned her down during their fight... forcing her into some sort of trance and... and just let him do as he wanted. She couldn't remember most of it, just a few flashes of memories here and there.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Mon Mar 28, 2016 9:22 am

Sharya found it hard to disagree, she really had felt stifled back home and she'd already had so much fun on their adventure. Still, the methods used seemed a little extreme and Sharya couldn't blame Zalira for being so mad about it. Since she had her doubts, it was only natural that Nilyne wasn't too convinced either but Sharya still finds herself caught off guard and blushing furiously as the wolf girl pulls out their enemies dick and devours it with gusto right there in front of them! "N-Nilyne... No..." She whispers sadly, averting her eyes from the lewd display.

There on the ground, Sharya spots the odd strands of paper strewn about. "Huh? What's this?" She wonders aloud, crouching down to examine them. It may not be all that important at the moment, but she finds her curiosity irresistable regardless.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Mon Mar 28, 2016 12:35 pm

"And you call this 'saving'? I am destitute!" came the retort, ignoring Nilyne as if she was nothing. Zalira wasn't buying it - if the man would have really wanted to help her, he would have simply struck a deal and keep it. Gods knew, she was so infatuated with him that she would have accepted anything. Anything except this. "And this mark? Is this also supposed to be a part of the 'good' you did me?" she asks, just as she notices the strands of paper that mysteriously appeared next to her.

Ey'ala was already looking at them, closer to the floor now that her friend had crouched. She was trying to discern whether or not there was a magical enchantment on them, whether or not it was some kind of trap.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Mon Mar 28, 2016 4:02 pm

FragranceofMtDew, An Ying Hu, MelissaB

Hypnosis Resist Roll (Wis, Impossible)
Nilyne (with assist from Sharya): 11-2(Nilyne)+2(Sharya) = 11, Fully Entranced!

All thoughts of resistance vanish from Nilyne's mind. Even the part of her mind controlled by Nighteyes is co-tailed. As she eagerly suck on Lucien's cock, he runs his hand through Nilyne's long smooth hair. He lets the elf work away at his gropes Nilyne's large breast. All the while continuing his conversation with Sharya and Zalira. However before they could, Sharya touched one of the strands of paper on the ground. Ey'ala seemed interested in them as well.

Intelligence Roll (INT, Average)
Sharya: 5 + 4 = 9

Wisdom Roll (WIS, Average)
Ey'ala: 14 + 2 =16

Sharya couldn't for the life of her make out what these sheets were doing on the ground. Ey'ala on the other hand was able to sense a strong magical energy radiating from each strand. They were most likely spells that activated when touched. Still playing with Nilyne, Lucien looks to Ey'ala. "It appears as if you've figured out the little trap I laid out. Just a bit of extra insurance in case anyone wanted to attack. One of my Princesses from Southdale gave them to me as a gift. If you want to know what they summon just touch them and find out." He said with a smile. "If you ever get tired of just being an elf's pet let me know."

Turning to Zalira, Lucien continues their conversation with a sigh. "Well, you've figured me out" He said with a playful shrug. "In elven society, each family has some part in keeping Vestaheim's economy afloat. Wars aren't just won in the battlefield but in the bank. If the Vestaheim economy was to become unstable, it would be easier to invade and control. What better way to do that then to have someone as incompetent as Val'drys take control of an estate with so many connections. You've seen his proposals for your family estate. It will be a cascading disaster." He says grunting a bit as Nilyne continued to suck him off. "Don't worry. If you stay by my side, you'll have your land back once Vestaheim is in runes as well as anything else you desire. As for the mark, there is still do much you can gain from is. Just watch." Leaning over, he touches the marking on Nilyne's ass. It begins to pulse and glow at waves of pleasure ripple through her body. Something else calls out to her. A power within the mark that she hadn't realized was there. It was being offered to her by her master, how could she refuse it?

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(+5 LP,
Nilyne now has Dirty Thoughts: Must roll willpower roll to resist sexual advances from Demonic creatures.
Mark empowered to Lv 2; Choose either Lovers’ Lasting Embrace: Reduce OP to 1, Gain +8 to all Hit Rolls for the battle. Or Lovers’ Passion Reduce OP to 1, Increase Critical Range to 17-20 for two turns)

Zalira, Sharya and Ey'ala watch as the mark on Nilyne's ass spreads up stopping at the middle of her back. Stopping Nilyne's blowjob, Lucien lifts her up. "How do you feel Nilyne?" He asks as he gropes her ass.


Priea wonders around, catching sight of the small celebration going on. As she does she sees Esmeralda and Stefan leave their tent as they walked towards you. "You must be one of Nilyne's friends.They're busy right now with someone back in our tent." Stefan says looking a bit uncomfortable. From behind him, Esmeralda wraps her arms around her man. "Hey, we're about to make an announcement to the entire camp. Why don't you come with us? It would be nice to show off one of our hero's to the rest of the camp." The fox woman asks with a smile.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Mon Mar 28, 2016 5:27 pm

Moaning around Lucian's shaft Nilyne refuses to give up pleasuring him, so eager and happy to please him as he converses with her allies behind her. As the mark is touched and begins to spread Nilyne shakes and shivers moaning out loudly as she pulls off of his cock her eyes widening as she looks at Lucian and smiles, leaning in to kiss and press her body against his, grinding her eager slit over his stiff rod. "I feel wonderful." She comments continuing to grind her slit over his shaft as she looks back at her allies. "Please join us." She moans out to them her canine features display pure desire and affection for the two elven women.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Mon Mar 28, 2016 6:50 pm

Upon hearing that the papers are a trap, Sharya immediately withdraws her hand that was reaching out to touch one. She's curious as to just what they summon, but she's not eager to get into a fight without her rapier. Standing up, she affixes the man with a fierce glare. "Ey'ala is not a pet! You leave her alone!" She shouts, trembling slightly with anger. What is said next only serves to make her even more upset. Invade Vestaheim? Her home in ruins? She may not have felt as strongly as the others before, but now she was positively furious with this man.

"I... I may not have been very happy stuck at home all the time... But that doesn't mean I want to see it destroyed! I'll never let you do that!" Flaming spear still in hand, Sharya would attempt to navigate the paper traps as best she could, intent on pulling Nilyne off of the man so that he could no longer use her as a shield.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Mon Mar 28, 2016 8:30 pm

Zalira scoffed. "I give not a damn about the fate of Vestaheim, but you must think me a fool to trust you ever again. What guarantee do I have that after I lend my aid to you, you will not simply betray me again? If you choose Val'drys over me, then let him help. You made a huge mistake by crossing me." she hissed, hesitating to call Ey'ala out to her with her magic so as not to trigger the trap, though frustrated that she couldn't do as she wished.

Ey'ala had broken her usual silence only to inform Sharya that the floor is most assuredly trapped. Then the man mentioned that certain word which clicked into her mind a disturbing realization. Princesses? This stranger was no prince or king that she knew of. There had been only one conqueror which referred to his trusted lieutenants that way.. could it be? The history, the rumours, the mark - it all made senses when the pieces were put together. "Are you.." the voice stuck in her throat. Her eyes pulsed with an uncanny gleam. If she was right, then the stranger was too powerful for them to face right now. There was only one thing she could try do - liberate Nilyne from the dark one's trance so they could all flee and bolster their forces. It was a long call, but then, she had never been one to shy away from danger. "Miss Sharya.. I need you to cover your ears, as hard as you are able. Can you do that?" she asks in a whisper, before floating above her friend, up to the top of the tent, and parted open her beak, and the surroundings were soon drowned in a harrowing noise.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

I know that technically this isn't a battle, but I figured that Nevermore would work just as well, since it generally turns enemies against their own, and right now Nilyne is entranced to believe that Lucien is her ally. Since both Lucien's trance and Ey'ala's ability work on Wisdom rolls, I thought it would fit.

Ey'ala uses Nevermore on Nilyne.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Mon Mar 28, 2016 9:35 pm

@An Ying Hu
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

It sounds interesting. If the move works Then Nilyne would be free of Lucien's control

Ey'ala uses Nevermore on Nilyne (WIS)
Ey'ala: 14 + 2 = 16
Nilyne: Natural 20, Resisted!

The tent fills with a haunting screech. It shakes everyone who hears it, but Nilyne remains unaffected. Lucien's grasp on her mind as strong as before. "Meddlesome Bird!" the demon lord whispers before he points towards the familiar. Within a second, a purple beam leaves his finger towards Ey'ala.

Lucien uses Dark Bind
Spellcasting Roll: 14 + 10 (INT) = 24, Hit!

The light flies toward Ey'ala wraps around her, binding the raven's wings causing. Ey'ala falls to the ground with a thump. Turning to Nilyne, he continues to rub his shaft against her slit. "Now where were we." He says as he slips his shaft into the elf hybrid. "Ahh, your as warm as I remember you Nilyne" Lucien says as he thrusts forward. He bounces the busty elf on his cock as he presses his chest against hers. All the while holding her tight. All the while, positioning in such a way that neither Sharya or Zalira could attack him without attacking Nilyne.

Trap Avoiding Roll (Dex, Easy)
Sharya: 2 + 5 = 7

Grapple Break (Lucien Vs Sharya)
Lucien: Natural 20
Sharya: Natural 1

You tiptoe around the traps laid on the floor and reach the pair now fucked like rabbits. As you grab Nilyne, you find it difficult to pull her off of Lucien. Either due to her resistance or Lucien's strength. For his part, Lucien seemed distracted as he focused on pounding Nilyne's pussy. He even stopped speaking to Zalira. All it would take is a second set of hands to pull her free.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Mon Mar 28, 2016 10:10 pm

Moaning as Lucian slides into her cunt, filling her tight sopping cunt. "I doubt that, you've never fucked me like this." She comments with a mewl as her claws dig into his back. gripping him tightly she begins to bounce in his lap, dragging herself up and down his shaft, her muscles gripping and releasing him with talented touch allowing him to slide in graceful but draw the experience of being taken out as her muscles cling almost wishing for him to stay buried inside of her.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Wed Mar 30, 2016 1:11 am

Sharya nods, covering her ears as instructed. as Ey'ala takes to the air and lets out a piercing screech. It's a good thing she got that warning because even covering her ears, she still winced at the sharp sound. But whatever it was supposed to do didn't happen as Nilyne continued to ride their enemies cock with glee. To make matters worse, the act makes Ey'ala a target and the raven falls to a blast of light. Sharya fears the worst until she sees that the magic has only bound Ey'ala's wings.

Since she seems relatively unharmed, Sharya proceeds with her original plan of getting Nilyne out of here but that one proves to be a little tricky as well. Sharya has a hard time getting a good grip with the two of them fucking so hard and even then, Nilyne refuses to let go and the man has an iron grip on her while he thrusts inside of her. It was a little distracting to be honest so it's no wonder that her attempts to free Nilyne were in vain. "Uh, I could use a hand here..." Sharya says, turning to Zalira as she prepares for a second attempt to pull Nilyne free.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Wed Mar 30, 2016 1:42 am

Zalira watched with surprise as she saw that nothing happened after that agonizing screech. This would be the first time Ey'ala's magical voice made no impact at all, at least since she knew the bird. The betrayer's trance must be exceptionally strong. She perked a brow upon hearing the request. "Sharya, don't be a fool - run and save yourself!" she advised with uncharacteristic concern for a life other than hers. There was no way in hell she was going to risk herself going through those traps; her physical skills had always been sub-par - even if she could make it through without tipping something off, her meager strength was unlikely to make a difference.. and for what? It was clear to her that the betrayer was playing with them, he had the magical power to bind or kill them all if he wanted to. Therefore, all she could do was profit from his levity and try to escape, and then train in bettering her magical abilities until the day came when she would confront him again.. and she would damn make sure the day would come!

Picking Ey'ala up from the floor she sprints towards the exit of the tent. "Come on!" she calls out to the other elf, and if Sharya would show no intention of fleeing, she would simply fling a Dark Inferno in the direction of the betrayer and Nilyne - not that she expected the blaze to cause any serious harm given what she had seen of the man, but at least it might distract their attention enough for the elfin spellblade to flee, as well.

Then, unless stopped, Zalira would run, as fast and as far as possible.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Wed Mar 30, 2016 2:41 am

Sharya merely blinks in confusion as Zalira tells her to run and then heads for the exit to the tent herself. "Huh? B-but what about Nilyne?" She asks, even though she already knows the answer. It did seem that the man had no intention of harming their friend at least, but he was controlling her mind! Sharya couldn't just leave her like this! But.... She wasn't strong enough to save Nilyne alone either. It wasn't easy to admit and she certainly didn't like it, but Zalira was right. Stepping carefully around the traps, Sharya makes haste to the entrance after Zalira.

Before she leaves though, she turns back to look at Nilyne one last time. Seeing her like this was so hard but Sharya wanted to burn this moment into her mind so she'd never forget what that man had done. "I... I'm so sorry Nilyne... I'm gonna come back to save you though!" She declares, her eyes beginning to well up with tears. She quickly wipes them dry before turning tail and sprinting after Zalira with all her might.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Wed Mar 30, 2016 4:51 am

FragranceofMtDew, An Ying Hu, MelissaB

Lucien just seems to shield himself and Nilyne from Zalira's spell with his wings. This allows the two to escape unhindered. "It looks like your companions have abandoned you." He says as he pushed Nilyne to the ground, pinning her with all his strength. "But don't worry, I'll never leave your side". Now on top of the elf, Lucien violently thrusts into her with renews energy. With a wicked smile on his face, Lucien eyes flash as he removes the hypnotic spell he put on Nilyne. Just in time for her to see her companions walk out on her. However even with the spell remove, Nilyne's body is still overcome by the pleasure she's receiving. Before she can cal lout to them. Lucien seals her mouth shut with a kiss.

As Sharya and Zalira leave the tent they both see Stefan and Esmeralda talking to Priea. It seemed they were talking about something. You also Desmond grouped up with the rest of his pack.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:38 am

Priea blinked at the fox woman's offer, curious about whomever the others were talking to before just shrugging," I suppose I don't mind, what exactly are you planning on telling them all?", the priestess asked curiously, only to spot Sharya and Zalira rushing out of the tent, both looking a bit troubled," H-Hey, what's wrong with you two?", she called out as she rushed over to the pair, checking them both for injuries in case she needed to heal them.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:04 am

Just as the trance ends Nilyne moves to scream before her lips are captured in kiss. Moaning into the kiss her eyes wide with fear and anger she tries to desperately struggle, squirming, feeling weak and powerless beneath him. Tears welling up in her eyes as she stares up at the man she hates raping her. Her claws digging in as she tries to scratch and maul him off of her. All the while sobbing from being abandoned by her allies. Her body shakes and ripples from each shove of his cock entering her pussy, her cries filling the kiss until she pulls her mouth free by turning her head her cries of sorrow mixed with forced pleasure fill the tent, cascading to the outside of the tent.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Wed Mar 30, 2016 2:36 pm

Zalira flees the tent under Nilyne's howlings, not looking back for a moment until she was outside in the cold night air. She waited only a short while for Sharya, unbinding her familiar's wings in the meantime. To her inner relief, she saw that the other elf had managed to escape. A smile strike her face briefly before vanishing, though it was there for long enough to be seen. "I.. failed. I'm sorry. He was too strong for me.." Ey'ala tells the two as she glides up to her friends' shoulder, as troubled as Sharya was about leaving Nilyne behind.

Zalira catches sight of Priea in that moment. "And where have you and the cow been?" she asks with a frown. "We have to go," Ey'ala interrupts, trying to defuse any argument before it began. They had no time for that now.

The witch sighs. "She's right," and with that, she would try to make her way as fast as possible to their caravan, specifically to Maribelle's tent. Parting the entrance open, she pokes a head in. "Maribelle?" she asks, and if the girl was there, she would waste no time and continue. "Go get your father, we are leaving now," the stressing out of the last word brimming with urgency.
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