Moko&ToG: Both of your attmepts to calm her seem to be working. She visibly starts coming down, though her guard is still up.
dndman: You cast your spell with no issue, put your weapon away *why is no one stopping this guy?* and draw your spear. No issues at all, but then you over step, putting your foot right next to the girls face, and as you go to stab the child, something seems to guide your spear RIGHT INTO YOUR FOOT! ARG! Dx Everything grows dim and you pass out, falling backwards. The pain and shock from the stab makes you pass out, the blood loss from the artery you hit didn't help matters either. -3 HP Sever bleeding.
Child: She cringes in fear for a moment, then blinks as the foot in front of her is pierced rather then her head. She blinks, then starts laughing uncontrollably. It's actually kind of cute.
Kal: The girl ignores you.
Kitty: You don't hear anything on the other side, and there are no openings large enough for you to see through either. You got nuthin

Everyone else: Nothing happens.