Prison Rules Bitch! (P.R.B.)

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Re: Prison Rules Bitch! (P.R.B.)

Postby BlasterBlade210 » Sun Sep 09, 2012 4:08 pm

Ichiji waved Stella goodbye as she steps out for the meeting hall, as she smiled, putting her spare Baton on her person...
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Re: Prison Rules Bitch! (P.R.B.)

Postby berserkerhorn » Sun Sep 09, 2012 4:40 pm

Stella follows ichiji. "Well... Would't it just be funny if the nurse doesn't show up for this meeting?"
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Re: Prison Rules Bitch! (P.R.B.)

Postby BlasterBlade210 » Sun Sep 09, 2012 4:48 pm

"I suppose so..." Ichiji replied... then giggled... "After this meeting, how about you and me... have some fun?"
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Re: Prison Rules Bitch! (P.R.B.)

Postby berserkerhorn » Sun Sep 09, 2012 4:59 pm

"Anything for my hero..." Stella says. She kisses ichiji on the cheek
Hi. My name is Silk. You're all, uh... under arrest.
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Re: Prison Rules Bitch! (P.R.B.)

Postby That_One_Guy » Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:04 pm

Garian nodded and left to round up the staff to go to the meeting if they didn't hear the announcement and the guards to put the prisoners back into their cells.

The guard looked at her and smiled slightly, "Sure, I'll lead you back to your cell. Follow me." He said and began leading her to her cell, a nightstick in his hand.
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Re: Prison Rules Bitch! (P.R.B.)

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:05 pm

Claire smiles at him and follows. "Uh, you're not new right? You know where you're going? And, uh, you do know where my cell is right?" she asks him. She keeps a constant pace with him, but she still is walking a little behind him.
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Re: Prison Rules Bitch! (P.R.B.)

Postby That_One_Guy » Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:17 pm

The Guard nods, "Of course I know where it's at, just follow me." He said, thinking to himself stupid bitch. When they get to the cell, he'll have just a little fun with her.
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Re: Prison Rules Bitch! (P.R.B.)

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:28 pm

Claire stares at the guard. "Uh, thanks for the help. I'm glad I get out of here in a few days. I've survived getting molested by any of the prisoners so far. And I don't plan on getting raped by any of them either. These guys are just like horny monkeys in a cage, y'know?" she says to the guard. She looks around as they pass cell after cell. Claire moves closer towards the guard. "I don't really trust any of these guys. I mean even the cell across from me, she was forcing someone to have sex with her. I just don't like it here. I'm really glad that I don't have a cell-mate. I can't wait to get out of here. I have a boyfriend out there, and he's been waiting forever. I'm going to finally let him take me. Me and my virginity. I've seen what goes on in here. I'd rather have him do something like that to me rather than these type of people." she says as she walks next to the guard, almost leaning on him.
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Re: Prison Rules Bitch! (P.R.B.)

Postby Thaedael » Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:41 pm

Samantha leaned back against the wall, tying off her arm with a strong piece of fabric and tapping away at her arm to expose her small veins. This was the annoying part, getting it just right, she winced before using the one shot injection, the liquid going straight into her veins. That stupid cunt better not be lying, she thought to herself. She tossed the used needle into the waste bin in the corner, another day in hell had come to an end for her at this point. She got up and unto her cot, before getting dressed once more, shivering all the while. Finally she was one with her clothes, and pulled the covers over herself.

Re: Prison Rules Bitch! (P.R.B.)

Postby That_One_Guy » Sun Sep 09, 2012 6:05 pm

The guard looked at Claire and shrugged, "Yeah, sure." He said, he now formed a new plan in his head, a cruel one that'd have rivaled Garian himself. When he got to the cell block, he looked at Claire and smiled, "That is what happens behind the walls of this prison, you're either strong or you're weak. you got to learn to fend for yourself or you'll become someones bitch." He told her and smiled, opening her cell door. "Now, get inside and get to sleep, tomorrow is another long day." He told her, pushing her a bit into the cell before closing and locking it and leaving, he was heading to the Guard room first to put together his plan.
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Re: Prison Rules Bitch! (P.R.B.)

Postby daxtinator396 » Sun Sep 09, 2012 6:37 pm

;essi makes her way back to her cell quickly keeping her head down and not drawing attention to herself as best she could...
(I am still in this :p was waiting on KV to post)
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Re: Prison Rules Bitch! (P.R.B.)

Postby Paradox » Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:07 pm

Yuki put on her guard uniform and went off to hear Garian's announcement, grumbling a little.
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Re: Prison Rules Bitch! (P.R.B.)

Postby BlasterBlade210 » Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:45 pm

Ichiji makes it to the meeting place, waiting for the announcement...
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Re: Prison Rules Bitch! (P.R.B.)

Postby Reapergod36 » Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:24 pm

Chrissy takes Ashley's hand off her. Gripping Ashley's chest and kissing her on the lips. "Who said you get to pull me around cutey." Chrissy said pulling back with a sensual smile. Chrissy's eyes were half open. "Try not to cause too much trouble. But don't let the guards abuse you. Maybe a couple inmates... One in particular I've heard about. Samantha, she seems to be not take any shit. So for her in particular, don't fight her. At least until I know if she would respect you more if you did that."
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Re: Prison Rules Bitch! (P.R.B.)

Postby thealchemist » Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:25 pm

Snuggling deeply into her covers, Rachel sighs and soon falls asleep.
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Re: Prison Rules Bitch! (P.R.B.)

Postby hailey<3 » Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:28 pm

''I....I know.'' Ashley smiles and hugs her back.
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Re: Prison Rules Bitch! (P.R.B.)

Postby Thaedael » Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:33 pm

Samantha stirred from her nap, groggy, cold, and shivering. She slowly put one socked foot down on the ladder, before climbing down from the top bunk. Slowly she peeled back the sweat stained sheets covering Rachel, before laying herself to rest beside her abused toy. She wrapped one arm over Rachel's side while tossing the blanket to rest upon them once more, before snuggling close up to her body, her form shivering.

Re: Prison Rules Bitch! (P.R.B.)

Postby thealchemist » Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:46 pm

Rachel stirs in her sleep as something fleshy and cold laid next to her. Shivering she snuggled into the arm that was thrown around her.
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Re: Prison Rules Bitch! (P.R.B.)

Postby Thaedael » Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:52 pm

"Seems all you really want is love" she smiled, before leaning in to kiss her on the back of the neck, before resting her head on the same pillow, the scent of Rachel's hair filling her nose. It was only fair, to give her something in return for all the abuse. In another life she would have desired the woman, but that Samantha was long gone. She closed her eyes, continuing to press against the back of the girl, desperately trying to warm up.

Re: Prison Rules Bitch! (P.R.B.)

Postby thealchemist » Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:59 pm

Rachel felt the cold thing snuggle closer and she rolled over, half awake. Mummering something Rachel cuddle into the object, placing her head on top of two soft pillows. Closing her eyes she fell asleep once more.
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