Tainted Princess

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Sat Mar 19, 2016 1:37 pm

Ey'ala instinctively rubs her head against Sharya's palm, though she does not answer back, leading to suggest that the bird was indeed sleeping. Still, she seems calmer now - whatever it was that she had dreamt was gone, or changed for the better.

Zalira barely had the chance to take a single bite from the apple and swallow it before uninvited company had already started to interfere. A wolfman named Desmond took to seating next to her and start conversation about food. "Is that so?" she answers to his remark about 'real' game, smiling and nodding to Sharya as she sits down by her other side, and wrapping an arm around her waist, fingers naughtily sneaking underneath her plain shirt so she can caress the other elf's bare skin discreetly. "Myself, I like both," she says, smirking to him as she drops the double-meaning answer and took another bite from the apple. "Have you ever done it with a wolf?" she whispers to Sharya with a light chuckle, not that she intended to leave this table before feasting on the boar. She was far too hungry and besides, she wasn't sure how comfortable she would be in accepting a beastman inside her. Humans, she could tolerate, if they were particularily interesting specimens like Maribelle and Duke.. but beasts were something else. Or at least, that had been her thinking before she had gotten marked by the betrayer.

She cleared her throat. "Why don't you go and get us a piece of that boar?" she asks Desmond, even if not for the meat he had really wanted to share. "If what you say is true, it should be roasted already," she finishes with a smile, and with a tugging of her arm she pulled Sharya closer to herself.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Sun Mar 20, 2016 8:27 pm

Priea had been lost in her thoughts when Kassy hugged her, making the younger woman jump a bit only to blush in embarrassment for being surprised as she moved to follow Kassy to where they could sit," I-It's alright, I admit when you came back naked I assumed something bad had happened to you but it's good to know it was for a good cause", Priea offered with a nervous smile, trying to get the mental image of Kassy without anything on out of her head, cursing the tattoo that cursed her body,"... I hope we can find that bastard who did this to us soon, I worry I'm going to lose my head before we manage to run into him again and get him to remove these blasted marks from our bodies", she admitted with a sigh.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Mon Mar 21, 2016 2:30 am

Gorbaz & Necrothorn

You find the water clear, clean and safe to drink. Looking around, you find all the wood you need to make a makeshift roasting spit. All that was left was to start a fire.

FragranceofMtDew & An Ying Hu

Desmond looked a bit annoyed at Sharya's arrival until he looked down at her body. Regaining his composure, Desmond snaps his fingers. Two wolfmen checked the boar and cut three slices of meat from the beast's side. Putting large slices of meat onto a plate, they hand them to Desmond. "Here you are m'ladies." He says handing a large slice to Zalira and Sharya. The meat looked tender yet firm and smelled delicious. You could catch the faint whiff of peppercorn coming from the cooked meat.

Desmond sat beside you and began to dig in like the wolf he was. "Looks like you were right my elfen friend. " He says as he stops eating for a moment. "You know, sometimes people get nervous around beastmen like us. They prefer the softer looking one like the rabbits over there. But you two seem different. I think the three of us could be good friends." He says as he moves a little closer to Zalira.

"Looks like you're up to your old tricks Desmond" The two of you look over to see Mardock. "Hey old man. I don't you butting in right now." Desmond says, obviously annoyed. The goatman gives a hearty laugh, "No worries, I just have a message to relay to the elf over there" He says pointing to Sharya. "The figure I saw in your vision seems to have arrived. I haven't seen him but I feel his presence close by."

VintageBass & MASigma

As you two speak, it looks like the boar has finished cooking. Soon others begin to grab bits of meat from the creature. The Minotaurs and Ram Horned beastman taking the largest portions. Though you could see them give you a wink every once in a while as they pass the fire. Though as you both talk, a friendly face reappears. "Kassy! Priea!" You both hear to your side. Looking up you see Mimi walking towards you with a bowl of carrots and beats. "I wanted to thank you to for earlier on. not only that you found Esmeralda for us." She said sitting down besides you. "I know she may seem off right now but she wasn't always like that. Most of us here consider her a second mother." The bunny girl said looking wistfully into the fire. "Which reminds me, she and Stefan should be out here by now. What's taking them so long?"


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Maribelle gives you a nod and gets to work on your new outfit first. Though she does glance at your chest every once and a while. When you enter the large tent you notice Stefan and Esmeralda nuzzling together. You also notice a third person there with large raven like wings, black hair and a beautiful face ( https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/216593 ... e+original ). Suddenly the mark on your shoulder felt like it was on fire and so did the rest of your body.

"It's good to see you again Kailyne. It seems you've taken good care of Esmeralda for me. I just came to check on her and make her little caravan an amazing offer." The man said as he examined the Kitsune's body with glee. This could only be one person.


After Lucien finish examining Esmeralda, he turns his gaze to you. "My, My Kailyne. You sure have changed since the last time I saw you." He said with an understanding smile.

Stefan finally stood up to greet you. "Kailyne, I'm glad you came. Me and Esmeralda were just preparing a reward for you. Hopefully this will suffice." He hands you five pouches that seem to have about 100 Silver Coins and a small wrist charm each with a different colour. "Hopefully you and your friends will find it useful." Esmeralda adds.

"Uh umm" Kailyne hears Lucien clear his throat "As I was saying, I was about to offer a permanent home for the Esmeralda Caravan. " He says turning to the fox couple. "Think about it, day of wondering and scavenging for scraps would be over. You could settle down on your own land to raze your family." As he says this, Lucien looks directly at Esmeralda. "All I need is your agreement and I'll help transport you all to the Obsidian Steeple"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Mon Mar 21, 2016 10:46 am

Sharya was relieved that Ey'ala seemed to have gotten through whatever had made her so restless. Now she could rest and Sharya could have some fun feasting with Zalira! She lets out a pleased gasp as she feels the other elf's roaming hand slide up her shirt and begin to caress her sensitive skin. Returning the display of affection, she wraps her arms around Zalira, inadvertently pressing her breasts up against the sorceress's body. "Umm... No." She whispers back in response to Zalira's question about her experience with wolves. "But... I-i've thought about it. And it does sound kinda fun..." She continues, her thoughts turning back to her little fantasy she'd had about those wolves in the forest earlier. She had been under the influence of the pollen then, but even now it still got her a little hot and bothered so maybe it wasn't just the pollen after all...

The boar meat Desmond has brought over to them looks delicious and Sharya begins chowing down immediately. It wasn't too much longer after that that she heard a familiar voice. She turns to see Mardock and listens carefully to what he has to say. "Oh! Thank you so much for coming to tell me!" She says, flashing Mardock a bright smile and turning back to Zalira. "That man told my fortune earlier and I think the person he was talking about is the same one we've been looking for! What do you think we should do?" She asks, unsure of what the best course of action would be. This was the main point of them being here after all, but things were also just starting to get good here at the feast...
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Mon Mar 21, 2016 1:28 pm

Kailyne stood there in horror her hands shakes as she wishes desperately for some form of weaponary before she glances downa t Nighteyes, the wolf growling menacingly at the figure. She takes the coin still dumbfounded to the point of being unable to speak and voice her complaints before she finally screams. "I will fucking kill you!" She screams and latches a hand onto Nighteyes Chanting a little as a light blurs them both and Nilyne is created once more. growling at the figure. Slowly standing her flexes her claws and looks at him with a snarl, her jaws baring her teeth menacingly in his direction. "Ignore them, they put the mark on Esmeralda... on me." She hisses advancing on the trio before breaking into a sprint to close the distance. "You are not stealing her for your evil plans." She hisses. "I didn't risk my neck so you could swoop in and take her..." She growls her eyes glaring intently at Lucian before she lunges at him trying to pounce and tackle him to the floor.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Mon Mar 21, 2016 1:53 pm

Zalira cut herself a slice of the meat and began to eat it right after it was delivered to her. It was soft and had a lovely taste, doing wonders to her stomach. She replied to Desmond after she finished chewing. "I would wonder how you can live alongside the rabbits without.. difficulty," she says with a smirk. "But you are correct, I prefer predators and my companion here seems to find you fun," she remarks in a teasing manner towards both Sharya and Desmond. "So I shall indulge your presence for now," she finishes, taking another bite, and then another.

The commotion made my Desmond's men as they delivered the plates seems to wake Ey'ala up, her eyes slowly opening as she begins to look around. "Ah, I apologize.. I was more tired than I realized," she said, now alert enough to get some weight off Sharya's shoulder, opting instead to stay on the table. "I hope you enjoy your meal," and that wish did not last for very long. The news brought by the goatman cast a dark light on the whole scene.

"Mister Mardock.. are you s-"

"Who is this?" Zalira asked almost immediately afterward, only to be provided with a swift explanation by her companion. Her eyes widened with surprise, and then a spark of anger flared behind her sight. The betrayer. "I will find him," she declares, rising from the table, ready to set off.

"Wait! Mistress, we don't know anything about our enemy, other than the fact that he was able to trick all of us. What makes you think you will be able to even locate him?" Ey'ala asked, her voice brimming with concern. Zalira sighs, stopping for only a few moments. "I don't. Which is why I am going to ask for help - we saved the leader of this camp, now it is time for her to assist us in turn. Join me or not, this is what I will do," she says quickly, irritated that she had to explain herself before hurrying to Esmeralda's tent to give her the news.

".. I missed out on the few moments of peace, didn't I?" Ey'ala asks Sharya with a sigh before flying behind her mistress to follow her.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Gorbaz » Mon Mar 21, 2016 7:55 pm

Mark3000 Wrote:Gorbaz & Necrothorn

You find the water clear, clean and safe to drink. Looking around, you find all the wood you need to make a makeshift roasting spit. All that was left was to start a fire.

"Perfect!" Kari chimes as she finished putting together the makeshift spit, and impaling one of the skinned wolves with a branch and mounting it over the small pile of wood in the middle. "Hope that fight left you hungry, because it's time to get the meat sizzling" she grinned, looking down at the assemblage that had been put together, even if the greater principles of engineering were somewhat lost to the Jotun. It stood, and that was enough. Then, a frown crossed her face when the fire didn't spontaneously ignite right away. "Oh. Uhh... Oh." Kari muttered as she started to look around for something to start the fire with and not only get cooking, but also stave off the incoming chill. "You, uhhh, wouldn't be good at starting fires, would you?" she asked lexi hopefully while trying to find two suitable rocks to scrape together in order to start the fire. That wolf-meat was promising to be so delicious, and was just sitting there... getting cold....
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Necrothorn » Mon Mar 21, 2016 11:20 pm

Lexi sighed thankfully for Kari's craftsmanship. "Step aside, please." She offered, grabbing a dry piece of wood and holding her other hand up, with which she cast the same spell she had used on the wolves, only less powerfully. The bolts shot forth, one striking the tip of the wood, while the other slammed into the water, heating it and sending steam into the air. She lit the fire smiling as her stomach growled. The wolf meat would be good, sure, but they needed spices. Although, Lexi thought better of looking around at night.

As the fire caught, she took off her armor and began a relaxing bath in the now warm water. Good thing they had already filled their waterskins and cleaned the wolves. "Ahh, when we're done eating, you need to take a bath as well. So relaxing. So freeing. So, needed." She giggled lightly and began washing her hair in the water, happy to clean the blood from her body.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Mon Mar 21, 2016 11:27 pm

Sharya is surprised at the sudden anger that Zalira expresses before storming off towards Esmeralda's tent. Maybe it's because she doesn't remember her encounter with their attacker, or maybe because coming after him was more of an excuse to leave her home than her actual goal, but she doesn't feel quite as strongly about it. Still, she's not about to let Zalira and Ey'ala go after them alone. Rising from the table, she turns to Desmond for a quick farewell. "Sorry, something's come up and we have to go! Thanks for the food, and maybe we'll see you later." She says with a wink before hurrying after her friends.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Gorbaz » Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:33 am

Fantastic! Fire, meat, water, and an open night sky! What more could anyone want out of life? Kari settled down by the edge of the oasis' water, freshly-pulled hunk of meat in one hand while offering another to her friend. "Here. Bit with a bone so you can keep it dry" she said with her smile before looking back out over the expanse of desert that lay in all directions. It was big, sure, but she had ventured outside of it on occasion - one of those being where she managed to pick up her new tattoo. "Heh. A bath really does sound good".

Her mind slowly worked away, trying to gather a plan for the following day. "You know..." she said between mouthfuls of wolf-meat "We should probably think about tomorrow. There's places nearby that hold the promise of adventure, excitement, and riches! Hunting down bands of beasts for substantial reward! There's also a couple of town nearby, but... you wouldn't want to the closest desert one...". Sure it had been a while since she'd seen her mother and father, but... the time didn't quite seem right to pop over and yell "Hi, I've been off gambling, may have slept with someone, and now have a tattoo"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Necrothorn » Tue Mar 22, 2016 2:15 am

She gladly grabbed the meant and tore into it with huge bites. She may be human, but she could eat with the largest of Jotun. As she finished the juicy food, she smiled up at her friend. "Well, that reward money would be useful, but I also want to find a place to get some new seasonings." She climbed out of the water, her Mark plain as day on the back of her left shoulder. She let her hands dry before salting and wrapping the leftover meat, storing half in each of their bags. "That was the last of the salt."

Her thoughts drifted away as she smiled at the night sky. "I wish I remembered more about myself." She sighed, almost silently. She returned her attention to her teammate. "I think I'll head to bed." She unrolled her bed roll near the fire, "Wake me when it's my watch. Oh, and feel free to wake me for anything else, too."
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Tue Mar 22, 2016 3:34 pm

FragranceofMtDew, An Ying Hu, MelissaB

Lucien doesn't dodge or resist as he is tackled to the ground. As you do, he twists himself so that he and Nilyne are face to face. "You continue to impress me Kailyne! Didn't I tell you that small forest couldn't contain someone with your potential." He seemed almost happy that Nilyne had lunged at him. The attack had caught Stefan and Esmeralda by surprise. Just as Esmeralda was about to act, Lucien shakes his head as if to call her off.

"It's not like I'm stealing her away. I'm offering her family a new place to live. You're welcome to come as well...when you're ready" He says whispering the last part. He then lets out a small chuckle. "You know this reminds me of that night we spent together. I believe it started like this and then ..." Without warning he leaned forward and kissed you on the lips, his eyes still locked with yours.

Hypnosis Resist Roll (Wis, Easy)
Nilyne: 3-2 = 1, Entranced!

Staring into his eyes, Nilyne feel her anger begin to fad. Nilyne grip loosens as she feel a tongue slip into her mouth. The two of you stay like this for a minute or so until Lucien pulls back. "Why do we relive that night of passion?" He says in a smooth, elegant voice. Nilyne could fell his arms wrap around her but couldn't break free of his magic.

It was at that moment that Zalira, Sharya and Ey'ala entered the main tent. They saw Stefan trying to hold back Esmeralda as Nilyne lay atop the mysterious man. Looking closely, they could see that their companion appeared to be in some sort of trance.

Gorbaz & Necrothorn

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Encounter Roll (Average): 11, No Encounters

During both Kari's and Lexi's watch, it's relatively quiet. All you hear is the sound of the wind across the desert sky. As the sun rises, you both feel rested and ready for the day. The oasis still providing you with plenty of shade, water and food.
Last edited by Mark3000 on Thu Mar 24, 2016 3:57 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Tue Mar 22, 2016 3:55 pm

Zalira storms into the tent like a whirlwind, only to beheld the one she was after - lying right there on the floor with Nilyne on top of him. Ignoring Stefan and Esmeralda now she approached with one arm extended, fel-fire already forming in the palm of her hand. "Alright, you foul snake. You have one chance to explain yourself before you die," she spoke, her voice a flurry of anger keeping whatever healthy fear she might have had at bay.

Ey'ala did not bother to try and convince her mistress not to proceed with such hasty threats, as understandable as her anger was, she was also aware of the man's power, which glowed from him into her magical eyes with vivid presence. The familiar took her place on Sharya's shoulder again, whispering to her. "Try and keep some distance.." she counseled, hoping that at least one of her friends would be safe. Of course, she herself was ready to soar for Zalira's aid at a moment's notice, but it was not herself that she was concerned about.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Tue Mar 22, 2016 6:44 pm

Sharya keeps up with Zalira as best she can as they head into Esmeralda's tent. This was kind of a rude entrance, so hopefully she wouldn't be too mad at the sudden intrusion. That turned out to be the least of their worries though as Kailyne, fused with Nighteyes once more, was already in the tent. But she was on top of someone... It took Sharya a bit but she recognized him as the man who had attacked her in the forest! Her hand immediately flies to her rapier.... but it's not there! Cursing inwardly, she remembers that Duke is still working on it.

Instead she conjures a flame spear and shifts to try to get a better angle of attack, nodding and heeding Ey'ala's warning. She dare not throw the spear right away as she might hurt Nilyne or set the tent ablaze, and they hadn't come to blows just yet. In fact, they seemed to be.... kissing? "Something's not right here.... Nilyne is acting strange." Sharya whispers to Ey'ala, but otherwise allowing Zalira to deal with their attacker.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Necrothorn » Tue Mar 22, 2016 10:06 pm

"Wakey, wakey, eggs and Wolf Bacey!" Lexi whispers into Kari's ear. She slowly put her armor on and prepared a small breakfast, looking around to survey the land. With any luck their food and water would last them a few days. However, Lexi needed to get spices to not only flavor their meat, but also preserve it. Not to mention her silent wishes for a single cup of wine. She eats slowly as she rolls up her bed roll and yawns. The night had passed without incident and Kari was sleeping like a rock. What to do?
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Gorbaz » Wed Mar 23, 2016 1:07 pm

Kari blearily opened her eyes as they rays of the sun washed over her, and Lexi's words were whispered. She didn't want to get up just yet... but then she was starting to feel a little hungry. "Uwhuuuuuu...." she mumbled as she slowly pulled herself up into a sitting position and ran a hand through her messy hair. "Morning already?". Lazilly she adjusted the steps of her clothing to at least resemble something that she hadn't slept in, and stretched with a huge yawn. Scooting over to the remains of the spit, she grabbed another hunk of now cold meat and gave a quick chew while looking at the sand dunes as the light played over them, making crests seem higher and shallows lower.

Laying back down, Kari splayed herself out on the sand, staring up into the morning sky, small hunk of meat still clasped in her lips. "Don't wanna get up yet" she mumbled and pretended to go back to sleep
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Thu Mar 24, 2016 1:05 am

Nilyne snarls and snaps her jaws before her lips are captured in a kiss. Moaning quietly her claws retract and her arms wrap around him, her eyes blinking softly as she stares a head up at him. "Maybe..." She pants out huskily before her allies barge in and begin threatening him. her arms wrapping around Lucian before she flips him over and shields him with her body her eyes looking up at her allies in confusion. "What... what are they doing?" She mewls out and shakes her head.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Thu Mar 24, 2016 5:03 am

FragranceofMtDew, An Ying Hu, MelissaB

Lucien seems to ignore Sharya and Zalira for the time being. Though he did give Ey'ala a quick glare as if annoyed by the familiar's very presence. He turned his full attention instead turned his full attention to Nilyne. "You don't have to worry about them my dear. They're just upset that we'll so close. Why don't we let them join us?" He asks the fusion as he caressed her face.

Hypnosis Resist Roll (Wis, Average)
Nilyne: 7-2 = 5, Entranced!

Even with Sharya's and Zalira's intrusion, Nilyne can't shake Lucien's grasp on her. In fact, it seems to grow stronger. But something still nagged at the back of the elf's mind.

Turning to the fox couple, Lucien shakes his head towards the entrance. "Esmeralda, I think me and my companions could use some alone time if you don't mind". Before Stefan can even detest, Esmeralda stops him and licks the outside of his ear. You can see Stefan visible shiver as Esmeralda uses the chance to lead him outside. As they pass Sharya and Zalira, they both see a visible bulge in Stefan's pants and hear Esmeralda whisper " There's more where that came from" to the horny fox. That just left the five of you in the tent. Standing up, he carries Nilyne to one of the ornate carpets lined with cushions and lays her down. Sitting right next to her, Lucien turns to the two other elves. "I'm not much for violence, why don't we all just sit down and have a chat."

Gorbaz & Necrothorn

As Lexi surveys the land, you see the vast desert spread out as far as the eye can see. The only thing that seems to stand out are the mountains to the north and the large tower to the south. The Sand Tower was a common sight for anyone who lived in the area. Though most Jotunn elders warned there child to avoid ever getting close to it as the inside and outside were crawling with powerful monsters. All of them protecting some item in the confides of the tower.

At the Oasis it self, you've noticed a few animals and birds stop by the oasis pond to drink. While the area is small, it's oddly serene.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Thu Mar 24, 2016 5:50 am

Zalira scowled angrily at the man's venomous words, though a part of her could not deny that she was feeling somewhat jealous to see Nilyne cuddling against him. She mentally stomped on that feeling, taking one step further towards them as the flame around her palm grew stronger. "Don't think that she will protect you - I will split her in half if it means getting to you!" she hissed. I would split anybody in half!

She gave Esmeralda and Stefan a cursory glance as they passed by her on their way out, inwardly cursing their weakness as the betrayer took Nilyne into his arms and set her down on a carpet. She blinked at his retort. "Chat? You want to.. chat?" she says, spitting the word back at him as her eyes blazed fury. "You told me that Val'drys would be dead, I trusted you like I did no one else, and your trickery resulted in him now lording over my family's lands! Do you have any idea what I've had to go through because of you? Do you even care?" she snarled, extending her arm towards him as she barely contains her attack so that she might hear his explanation. Not unusually perhaps, her thrist for knowledge had not yet surpassed her desire for vengeance.

In the meantime, Ey'ala remained silent as a statue, only her eyes shifting slowly as they followed the mysterious man around the tent. She had sensed his uneasiness, directed at her of all the others here. It had made her think, consider.. but it was not the time to act. She decided to let the scene play out in whatever way it would. It was too late to do anything else.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Thu Mar 24, 2016 4:03 pm

Sharya was simply stunned to see Nilyne trying to protect the man despite having two powerful spells pointed her way and even more surprised to hear Zalira say that she would still attack anyway. That man must have some control over her, there's just no way this would be happening otherwise. Sharya's first instinct is to go over there and slap Nilyne out of it, but getting in between them and and Zalira seemed like a bad idea right now. "Nilyne, you need to snap out of it! This isn't what we came here to do, it's practically the opposite. Please, you need to remember!" Zalira's issue with the object of her vengance seemed a bit too personal for Sharya to get involved in, but if she could at least get Nilyne away from there it would make this whole thing a lot less precarious.
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