Gorbaz & NecrothornYou find the water clear, clean and safe to drink. Looking around, you find all the wood you need to make a makeshift roasting spit. All that was left was to start a fire.
FragranceofMtDew & An Ying HuDesmond looked a bit annoyed at Sharya's arrival until he looked down at her body. Regaining his composure, Desmond snaps his fingers. Two wolfmen checked the boar and cut three slices of meat from the beast's side. Putting large slices of meat onto a plate, they hand them to Desmond. "Here you are m'ladies." He says handing a large slice to Zalira and Sharya. The meat looked tender yet firm and smelled delicious. You could catch the faint whiff of peppercorn coming from the cooked meat.
Desmond sat beside you and began to dig in like the wolf he was. "Looks like you were right my elfen friend. " He says as he stops eating for a moment. "You know, sometimes people get nervous around beastmen like us. They prefer the softer looking one like the rabbits over there. But you two seem different. I think the three of us could be good friends." He says as he moves a little closer to Zalira.
"Looks like you're up to your old tricks Desmond" The two of you look over to see Mardock. "Hey old man. I don't you butting in right now." Desmond says, obviously annoyed. The goatman gives a hearty laugh, "No worries, I just have a message to relay to the elf over there" He says pointing to Sharya. "The figure I saw in your vision seems to have arrived. I haven't seen him but I feel his presence close by."
VintageBass & MASigmaAs you two speak, it looks like the boar has finished cooking. Soon others begin to grab bits of meat from the creature. The Minotaurs and Ram Horned beastman taking the largest portions. Though you could see them give you a wink every once in a while as they pass the fire. Though as you both talk, a friendly face reappears. "Kassy! Priea!" You both hear to your side. Looking up you see Mimi walking towards you with a bowl of carrots and beats. "I wanted to thank you to for earlier on. not only that you found Esmeralda for us." She said sitting down besides you. "I know she may seem off right now but she wasn't always like that. Most of us here consider her a second mother." The bunny girl said looking wistfully into the fire. "Which reminds me, she and Stefan should be out here by now. What's taking them so long?"
MelissaBSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Maribelle gives you a nod and gets to work on your new outfit first. Though she does glance at your chest every once and a while. When you enter the large tent you notice Stefan and Esmeralda nuzzling together. You also notice a third person there with large raven like wings, black hair and a beautiful face (
https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/216593 ... e+original ). Suddenly the mark on your shoulder felt like it was on fire and so did the rest of your body.
"It's good to see you again Kailyne. It seems you've taken good care of Esmeralda for me. I just came to check on her and make her little caravan an amazing offer." The man said as he examined the Kitsune's body with glee. This could only be one person.
After Lucien finish examining Esmeralda, he turns his gaze to you. "My, My Kailyne. You sure have changed since the last time I saw you." He said with an understanding smile.
Stefan finally stood up to greet you. "Kailyne, I'm glad you came. Me and Esmeralda were just preparing a reward for you. Hopefully this will suffice." He hands you five pouches that seem to have about 100 Silver Coins and a small wrist charm each with a different colour. "Hopefully you and your friends will find it useful." Esmeralda adds.
"Uh umm" Kailyne hears Lucien clear his throat "As I was saying, I was about to offer a permanent home for the Esmeralda Caravan. " He says turning to the fox couple. "Think about it, day of wondering and scavenging for scraps would be over. You could settle down on your own land to raze your family." As he says this, Lucien looks directly at Esmeralda. "All I need is your agreement and I'll help transport you all to the Obsidian Steeple"