Whores of the Old Republic: Fall of the Republic

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Re: Whores of the Old Republic: Fall of the Republic

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri Sep 11, 2015 3:08 am

i fall on my knees when i feel the force dragging my ship into the landing zone...when the ship finally touch the snow, i manage to stand up again and start walking to the main gate of the ship. before opening the door i took the two lightsabers, the one that was from the sith and mine each in their respective hand. i turn them on and turn around to see my precious pet..."you want to go with my 'Big D'?" i don't know were that name came from. but if we manage to stay together for a long time...that will be his new name
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Re: Whores of the Old Republic: Fall of the Republic

Postby thealchemist » Fri Sep 11, 2015 3:54 am

Eona let out a sharp hiss of pleasure as the wookie entered her anus along with his chieftain, the hole stretching considerably around the pair. Wet sucking noises could be heard throughout the cell as Eona's anal passage repeatedly tightened and loosened, inviting its invaders to plunge deeper, and Eona lowered her hands from her ass and placed them atop of the wookie below her while the chieftain had grabbed her hips. Answering the chieftains growl with a sultry moan as the wookie pair began to ravage Eona's asshole with their hatred filled lust while she eagerly met their thrusts, a burning desire being filled, encouraging the pair throughout each body-shaking thrust. "Yes! That's it! Fuck my ass, take out your vengeance and lust on my slutty hole!" Eona let out a howl of pleasure as the two cocks rubbed against a sensitive spot within her. So this is what Lucrezia feels like huh? To just let go and enjoy it. Her tongue lolled from her mouth as Eona stared blankly ahead, an orgasm coursing through her nerves caused by the cocks that never let her ass feel empty. It's too good... As the anal ravaging continued, Eona went through climax after climax, and a great deal of time afterword she grew tired of the constant fucking. Eona clenched her fists and held the wookie pair in place with the force. She climbed out from the wookie sandwich and stood on uneasy legs and, what could've easily been a gallons worth of cum flowed from the gaping anus. Keeping her hold on the wookies, Eona took stock of herself and looked towards the wookie pair. "I will relinquish my hold over you and not kill you if you agree to the following conditions." She calmly stated, giving the wookies a cold stare to show that she was serious, "One, You do not try to fuck or even touch me without my permission. Two, You do not harm me in anyway. Three, you tell me what you know of any gangs disrupting Sith activity. And finally, you will escort me out of this place." Eona then brought the chieftain closer so that they were staring eye-to-eye, "So what say you?"
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Re: Whores of the Old Republic: Fall of the Republic

Postby Reaver » Fri Sep 11, 2015 3:57 am

"Well we both probably know who organized the assassination." Taking a break from cleaning and sucking Zerek to speak. His cock was already immaculate, suck-shined to a glistening hue but he was still hard so she didn't mind getting him off again. "Any high-ranking officals? What are their professions? If some of them are Sith then I'll definitely have to bring you!" Commenting before sucking his meat all the way to the base. She cupped his balls slowly working them and another load up. She fingered her own dripping pussy even faster, splattering cum on the floor as she dug deeper in her own cunt. Her hole was already tingling in a impending orgasm as her fingers rubbed against her sensitive walls. "We should go Hoth first." Finally pulling her mouth off of his cock with a loud pop and smack of her lips. "Imperial security will be tight on the Sith Worlds so hitting the Outer Rim worlds where we don't have a huge presence would be smart. Then by the time we move on Korriban, security might have died down." Now stroking his cock with one hand. "Now hurry up and cum all over your Osiris slut! I'm about to cum myself! Staring at his cock-head with hungry eyes as she waits for him spray her face down with his second climax. Then afterwards while he was correcting the course for Hoth she could interrogate the Major, maybe even kill him.
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Re: Whores of the Old Republic: Fall of the Republic

Postby lilgrunt1 » Fri Sep 11, 2015 4:46 am

as she had his attention and want s to hear her beg she does not but instead uses her thighs to stroke his cock teasing him.
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Re: Whores of the Old Republic: Fall of the Republic

Postby whatdontlookaatme » Fri Sep 11, 2015 5:12 am

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The sergeant groaned as Lucrezia's plump lips wrapped around his swollen head. Cum already began leaking from his tip, it splashing on her tongue as her juices began dripping from her soaked pussy and onto the ground. Zerek looked back down at the datapad, looking for any additional information on the agents. "The, fuck, the data pad has encrypted some of the identities of the agents. My specialist will work on decrypting it. Meanwhile, we have a lucky break. The agent on hoth is one called "Colonel Daeron." Multiple awards, commendations, and military achievements. He helped rout a Republic assault on Balmorra and has a stellar service record. He was last seen at base Danvil near the volcanic valley." He set down the data pad and focused on Lucrezia sucking his cock, her tongue bathed in his seed. When she slid her lips from his wet shaft a mixture of saliva and cum lewdly hung between her mouth and his swollen head. "As you wish, you slutty whore. We might get your ass tattooed with our squad name on Hoth!" he said, his cock swelling up before he suddenly began spraying his seed onto Lucrezia's waiting face. Her entire head is drenched, his semen dripping from her hair and running down her neck to her round, large breasts.

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Big D groaned as it got up, it shaking its entire body. It looked at her with its yellow eyes, loyalty shining through them. The back door of the ship opened, revealing a freezing environment with a brisk wind. The location of the disturbance in the force resonating from the ice caves across the plains of snow.

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The wookie chieftain growled, a guttural sound being released from his mouth as he spoke to the other in their language. The other wookie released the same sounds, the chieftain finally nodding and looking back at Eona. "We will escort you out and tell you of nearby gangs. We won't touch you or harm you. There is one problem. You cannot escape this cell with the shield up, even with the force. The inhibitors are comprised of Mandalorian iron and the generators powering them are below. There is another way out however. We will show you, but we can only do that if we're alive" spoke the chieftain in his native language. Cum continued dripping from his hot, swollen cock head, his cock swelling. He was close to orgasm before Eona lifted herself off of him, the annoyance present on his face. The chieftain had to obey her however if he valued his life.

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The wookie growled as Valixia refused to beg, the stroke of her thighs on its throbbing cock causing it to slightly groan. It then suddenly reared its hips back and began rubbing its throbbing, swollen flared head on her pink pussy lips, smearing its cum across them as he teasingly pushed the head against her folds and then pulled it back out.
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Re: Whores of the Old Republic: Fall of the Republic

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri Sep 11, 2015 5:32 am

i give a smile to it, we had trust and loyalty, that will make us strong and it will be hard to take us down, but we weren't there for fight, i wouldn't be capable to do the same mistake as my master. i look to the main gate open and walk slowly going out of the ship without letting my guard down. using the force to try to locate someone. i turn ogg the sabers and put them on the side of my belt when i notice there is no one. or at least that i though. i was really young and my powers weren't completly strong. i try to use the for to clean a little bit the storm from the path that i started walking
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Re: Whores of the Old Republic: Fall of the Republic

Postby Reaver » Fri Sep 11, 2015 6:30 am

"I would love to have Osiris tattooed on my ass, you'd just have to help me pick where on it." She giggled, lapping up stray cum near her mouth. The cum that had landed on her breasts she scooped up and rubbed against her nipples, enjoying lubricating her tits with such a sticky warm liquid. "Also that's Lord of the Sith slutty whore to you, Sargent Zerek Bolak! If we don't have ranks then what are we left with in these terrible times? You are dismissed, plot a course for Hoth and have your specialist decrypt the the datapad. Make sure he knows that he'll be rewarded for a job well done." Once her beloved Sargent left, Lucrezia stood up, stretching her muscles and licking and cum and juices off her fingers as she thought of what she was going to do to the Major. Through the force there were worse fates to inflict on him than death, but a live Major working for her could be useful too, especially if she ever going to actually make a move on her master to take his place. But his life would depend on his willingness to help Lucrezia clear her name and seek revenge for now.

Normally she would have gone in decked out in armor, maybe even have her lightsaber drawn for extra intimidation but this time she had nothing to lose. Not to mention then she would have had to shower and clean all the cum stains out and plus by going nude she could still feel the sticky warmth of all the cum on her body. She didn't even bother to bring her lightsaber, knowing she could handle a single naked Major with just her fists and force powers just fine. She entered the bathroom she had locked him in casually, licking a glob off semen off her cheek and running a hand through her cum-stained hair. She locked the door behind her before folding her arms under her breasts to show their perkiness off. "Major..... I don't know if you are involved in the plot to ruin me or not but let me be frank I will be finding out regardless. Now we can make this simple, you don't resist when I probe your mind or you can fight it and I'll crack your psyche in half leaving you as a drooling halfwit. Now I don't think you want that to be your legacy, a Major found naked and mind-fucked by a rouge Sith Lord so I suggest you play along. This are always better when you play with me." Shaking her tits for emphasis while checking his crotch for any reaction. "You ready for this?"
Last edited by Reaver on Tue Sep 15, 2015 4:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Whores of the Old Republic: Fall of the Republic

Postby dndman997 » Fri Sep 11, 2015 7:17 am

she yanked the pants off the jedi in front of her. "mmm good boys" she said teasing them all with her hands.
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Re: Whores of the Old Republic: Fall of the Republic

Postby thealchemist » Sat Sep 12, 2015 12:45 am

"Very well." With that Eona released her grip from the wookies and began to look for her clothes. She would use anything that wasn't wearable to clean herself and wear the rest. Gathering up Jans clothes and one of the dead wookies weapons and ammo, she turned toward the chieftain "Okay first we go and recover my light saber and then the generators. Now open this cell."
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Re: Whores of the Old Republic: Fall of the Republic

Postby lilgrunt1 » Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:24 pm

she spins around so she is laying on her back holding her thighs and spreading her legs .
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Re: Whores of the Old Republic: Fall of the Republic

Postby Hazard1325 » Tue Sep 15, 2015 3:34 am

Viqi didn't struggle at all letting herself be pulled down into the bulb and even enjoying the army of tentacles sliding around her inner walls. She tilted her head back letting out a gasp as the pair of tendrils played with her tits causing her to gush milk out. "Don't worry about being gentle, I'm all yours." She said looking down at the huge tentacle that had emerged. She eagerly spread her legs letting it thrust up into her and reached down to stroke her clit as it began pumping into her. "Come on I bet you have a huge load for me in there..." She whined tilting her head back again as she bounced.
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Re: Whores of the Old Republic: Fall of the Republic

Postby whatdontlookaatme » Wed Oct 07, 2015 12:36 am

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The presence you had felt upon landing on Hoth grew strong and stronger. You walk through a snow covered valley between two massive ice cliff faces that stretch in both directions. An entrance to a cave inside the icy wall is visible far in front of you, a light flickering inside as the snow storm begins to pick up. The presence grew stronger, it being that of the lightside.

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The major woke up a few moments before Lucrezia entered his cell. He rubbed his temple and nose, his face bruised from being struck by the butt of the corporal's rifle. "Blasted traitors, I'll have them all executed." he thought, anger and disgust surging through him. Embarrassment also took root within him. Here he was, a Major of the Empire, one of Darth Marr's most trusted subjects, naked inside the bathroom of a transport. His entire career has been filled with commendations and quick promotions. He expected to make colonel after arresting Darth Marr's traitorous apprentice. Now he was her prisoner, and he couldn't help but wonder if his entire career was to end in such a pitiful way.

The Major looked up as Lucrezia entered the bathroom, her entire body naked and covered in cum. He could have made several comments, but given his current situation, he held his tongue on most of them. "It doesn't matter if you kill me. Darth Marr will find you, one way or another. You conspired against him, and we both know what happens to conspirators in the Empire. Probing my mind will gain you nothing. I'm not the one who betrayed our Lord." The confidence in the Major's voice was unmistakable. It would be unfortunate to have his career ended so swiftly, but aiding a traitor to his master he was so devoted to was unthinkable. The Major believes Marr is the model Sith, the one man that can lead the Empire and provide order and stability. He couldn't help observing Lucrezia's voluptuous, cum drenched body however. The last woman he had been with was a Twilek slave on Ryloth a few weeks ago. He shook his head, his lust would not lead him to aide a traitor.

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The jedi in front of Jan immediately pushed his cock against her plump lips, his swollen tip sliding inside of her mouth while the other behind her kneeled down and began rubbing his hot, throbbing shaft against her swollen pussy lips.

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The chieftain nodded and motioned for his subordinates to move towards the back of the cell. They all growled and slammed their fur covered fists into the durasteel wall, a section of it opening to reveal a hidden passage. The chieftain motioned for Eona to follow as they disappeared within the passage.

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The wookie slams its length deep inside of Valixia's warm, swollen pussy. Her pussy lips stretch around his meaty shaft as he plunges his length deeper and deeper inside of her sex.

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As the tendrils molest Viqi's body a hot, throbbing cock, massive cock rises from the bottom of the chamber. It is thicker than her arm and over 2 feet long. Its shaft is a light shade of green with liquid filled orbs attached to its base. A thick, cum like sexual liquid drips from its swollen tip, its shaft pressing against Viqi's slutty, swollen pussy as the tendrils stuff her with their lengths.
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Re: Whores of the Old Republic: Fall of the Republic

Postby CumInTiana01 » Wed Oct 07, 2015 3:45 am

i enter in the cave and my senses start to clear out a bit as the presence grew stronger, i decide to stop walking as i take my belt were the lightsabers were and drop it, i turn around my head to my Pet "we are coming in peace" i said to it and turn around my head again and start walking slowly waiting that the person who was in there show up
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Re: Whores of the Old Republic: Fall of the Republic

Postby Reaver » Wed Oct 07, 2015 6:43 am

Lucrezia grinned, excited by what she knew she was going to have to do. "Sorry disappoint but I haven't conspired against Darth Marr. I mean I eventually will because that's the way of the Sith but none of this is my work. Way too sloppy and obvious to be me!' Giggling as dark energy enveloped her hands. "However you are somewhat close to Marr so I guess I'll look for any weakness and associates in case he really starts coming after me. A girl has to protect herself you know?" Asking a rhetorical question as she placed her hands on his skull, aggressively probing his mind for information. Specifically for any of Marr's and his associates' weakness, behavior patterns, and extent of power. It was such a rush! Forcefully penetrating his mind with the force, especially when she saw his last fuck just a couple of weeks ago. "My my! The major has a weakness for alien sex slaves! Well I hope a simple human like me will do." Cooing next to his ear as she pushed his head against her sticky breasts. The probing was going to take a bit, so she didn't see why she shouldn't put the rest of his mind to work, cleaning her body of cum, sweat and her own juices. Seemed like a fair enough revenge for even trying to arrest her on Tattooine. "If you're lucky, you'll only have to clean my body. If you are lucky I might drop you off on the next planet." Telling him promises she might break on a whim, any day.
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Re: Whores of the Old Republic: Fall of the Republic

Postby thealchemist » Thu Oct 08, 2015 2:48 am

Eona's eyebrows arched in surprise as the wookies broke down the wall hiding the sealed away passageway, she was sure that they had a key to the cell but all well. Her hand tightening around the unfamiliar weapon, Eona made her way into the tunnel keeping all her senses alert for any signs of enemies.
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Re: Whores of the Old Republic: Fall of the Republic

Postby dndman997 » Sat Oct 10, 2015 3:30 am

jan closed her eyes enjoying herself, teasing the head of the cock in her mouth. she kept jerking off the other two cocks with her hands, even if one of them was teasing her pussy. she used the force to give them all visions of lust and amazing sex with her, her female slaves, and female soldiers, whispering in their heads that if they followed and joined her that she could promise such things. she wanted them to beg to want more.
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Re: Whores of the Old Republic: Fall of the Republic

Postby whatdontlookaatme » Fri Oct 30, 2015 11:45 pm

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Your pet growls as a large figure appears from deep within the ice cave. All of a sudden you're gripped by the force and slammed to the ground, your entire body unable to move as the figure stretched out its hand to hold you. Your pet roars before being thrown outside by the figures other outstretched hand. "Why are you here, Sith? Why do you hunt me? Three Imperial patrols have tried to eliminate me. Their bones now litter the ground we stand on. Answer me and I will make your death swift." The figure's face was covered by a hood, its entire body covered in a large robe with fur lining.

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As Lucrezia attempted to access the Major's mind she hit a mental barrier. His will was unusually strong, his mind blocking ever attempt Lucrezia made to access it. The major's thin lips turned into a smile, the Imperial standing up in front of the young Sith. "You honestly thought I would so easily be captured and brought upon this ship? You did not even have the perception to reveal who I truly am." The Major lifted his arm up and pressed his finger into his skin. All of a sudden a field flowed down his body to reveal a blue skinned Chiss, a tight, black tactical suit covering his muscle toned body. He looked to be in his late twenties, his face unwrinkled. His eyes were a deep red while his jet black hair was cut military style. The agent lowered his arm to his side, a small blaster resting in a holster.

"Cipher 11, Imperial Intelligence. Darth Marr assigned me to this squad to locate and incapacitate you for transport to Dromand Kaas. An unusual order considering Imperial Intelligence isn't under his sphere of control, but questioning a Dark Lord is suicide. I knew of Osiris squad's intention to rescue you before we found you in your...peculiar state in the middle of the Dune Sea. Playing the part of a negligent superior was easy enough, considering you didn't have the foresight that I would intentionally be brought aboard this ship with a tracker."

The ship suddenly lurched back as it exited hyperspace, a bright white planet appearing. "We've arrived at Ho-...Wait, there's a small Imperial fleet waiting for us! Taking evasive action!" sounded the Sergeant, the ship suddenly lurching back and fourth. Lucrezia's naked body flew into Cipher 11's as he slammed against the durasteel wall, a smirk appearing on his face as her tits pressed against her chest. The shuttle continued lurching back and fourth, Cipher 11's and Lucrezia's bodies being flung around the restroom. The ship shuttered as blaster fire struck its shields. The agent landed back on the ground next to Lucrezia, the Chiss quickly jumping to his feet to stand above her.

"It's been a pleasure, my Lord. But its better you're not awake for this part." The agent then suddenly took his blaster and shot a stun bolt at Lucrezia, her vision immediately turning black as Cipher 11 incapacitated her. The last thing she heard was the shuttle slamming into the snowy ground of Hoth.

Lucrezia would awake inside of a cave, a thick blanket covered her naked body. No one else was there, no foot prints having been left behind. The exit to the cave lied 10 meters behind her, a massive blizzard covering the landscape. Going through that blizzard would be suicide, especially without clothes. All of a sudden a loud roar came from deep within the cave. A massive beast appeared from one of the many tunnels leading deeper within the cave system, its body covered in thick white fur while two horns curved inward from its head. It was a wampa, one of the most dangerous beasts on Hoth. Its massive body moved forward, large footprints being left in the snow as it approached Lucrezia's voluptuous, naked body.

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The Jedi behind Jan suddenly slammed his hot, throbbing cock deep inside of Lucrezia's slutty, tight pussy, her juices dripping from his shaft as he began thrusting his meat in and out of her tight sex as she sat on him. He reached forward and squeezed her tits, his thumbs rubbing her nipples as he forced his prick deeper and deeper inside of her cock hungry pussy.

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The wookies moved forward, the chieftain waiting for Eona before moving forward. After a few minutes they reached a ventilation gate which led into what appeared to be an armory. Several slavers stood inside, one of them looking at a data pad while the others gambled at a table.
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Re: Whores of the Old Republic: Fall of the Republic

Postby dndman997 » Sat Oct 31, 2015 12:40 am

Jan moaned lightly now bobbing her head up and down on the cock in her mouth. her hands tightening around the cocks in her hands. as she lightly grinds against the cock that enter her pussy.
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Re: Whores of the Old Republic: Fall of the Republic

Postby thealchemist » Mon Nov 02, 2015 3:15 am

Eona followed the wookies down the hallway, keeping a firm grip on the bowcaster and remaining vigilante for any signs of enemies or betrayal from the wookies. Eventually the path opened up to the entrance of the armory occupied by several slavers, most of them gambling except for one who was looking at a data pad. That slave will know where my lightsaber is located... better keep him alive., She thought, analyzing the situation before moving any further. The rest are not as important. Eona motioned the wookies to take aim at the gambling slavers' heads. Once their shots were aligned, she motioned them to fire while grabbing the non-gambling slaver in a force choke. "So where are the weapons belonging to two Siths that were brought here earlier? Answer truthfully and quickly , and you might live. And if you don't..." At this Eona tightened the grip of the choke.
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Re: Whores of the Old Republic: Fall of the Republic

Postby Reaver » Mon Nov 02, 2015 4:19 am

"A cipher huh? Now I'm really moving up in the world." She retorted as she began to summon Sith lightning to fry the agent. Apparently he had never learned the lesson she had about monologuing, only do it after you've incapacitated the target. "Probably would have had an easier time doing it at the port don't you th-" Her last words to the imperial agent cut off as they began bouncing around the cockpit. So her plan had 360ed in the worst way possible and now she had fallen into another trap, Lucrezia hadn't lived this long by fucking everything in view, although it seemed that was how she was getting by these days. She cursed the fact that she had decided to go into the bathroom without her armor or lightsaber as she settled on the ground, looking up at Cipher 11 and the barrel of his gun. "I knew a Cipher once. He was way better than yo-" Then she was out

Then she was awake in a cave, still naked and still quite annoyed. "Fucking great! Now I'm on the opposite of Tatooine!" Finding something to complain about as she took stock of her surroundings. It could be worse than a cave, at least there was a blanket and she definitely wouldn't be leaving anytime soon with that blizzard going on. Lucrezia wondered if it had been her squad that had brought her here or the Cipher, not that it mattered right this instant since there was a wampa approaching her. "Oh that's cool! I was wondering what I was going to do for meat!" She grinned wolfishly as she cracked her knuckles before summoning the force to drop part of the ceiling on it. Its fur would be great for warmth, its meat for food and its horns, claws and teeth for weapons. Besides by now she was far too annoyed to be fucking stray creatures, no she wanted her Osiris squad and a way off of this freezing cold piece of rock.
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