by Reaver » Fri Sep 11, 2015 6:30 am
"I would love to have Osiris tattooed on my ass, you'd just have to help me pick where on it." She giggled, lapping up stray cum near her mouth. The cum that had landed on her breasts she scooped up and rubbed against her nipples, enjoying lubricating her tits with such a sticky warm liquid. "Also that's Lord of the Sith slutty whore to you, Sargent Zerek Bolak! If we don't have ranks then what are we left with in these terrible times? You are dismissed, plot a course for Hoth and have your specialist decrypt the the datapad. Make sure he knows that he'll be rewarded for a job well done." Once her beloved Sargent left, Lucrezia stood up, stretching her muscles and licking and cum and juices off her fingers as she thought of what she was going to do to the Major. Through the force there were worse fates to inflict on him than death, but a live Major working for her could be useful too, especially if she ever going to actually make a move on her master to take his place. But his life would depend on his willingness to help Lucrezia clear her name and seek revenge for now.
Normally she would have gone in decked out in armor, maybe even have her lightsaber drawn for extra intimidation but this time she had nothing to lose. Not to mention then she would have had to shower and clean all the cum stains out and plus by going nude she could still feel the sticky warmth of all the cum on her body. She didn't even bother to bring her lightsaber, knowing she could handle a single naked Major with just her fists and force powers just fine. She entered the bathroom she had locked him in casually, licking a glob off semen off her cheek and running a hand through her cum-stained hair. She locked the door behind her before folding her arms under her breasts to show their perkiness off. "Major..... I don't know if you are involved in the plot to ruin me or not but let me be frank I will be finding out regardless. Now we can make this simple, you don't resist when I probe your mind or you can fight it and I'll crack your psyche in half leaving you as a drooling halfwit. Now I don't think you want that to be your legacy, a Major found naked and mind-fucked by a rouge Sith Lord so I suggest you play along. This are always better when you play with me." Shaking her tits for emphasis while checking his crotch for any reaction. "You ready for this?"
Last edited by
Reaver on Tue Sep 15, 2015 4:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
Renegade, Mercenary, Wielder of the Shaft of Justice, Angel-Rapist, Rp Contract Killer
He enters like a shadow, exits like a Horseman of the Apocalypse.
Seen it all, done it all.