by Meep Meepersons » Tue Mar 11, 2014 10:44 pm
dndman: Your spell fizzles, there appear to be no roots here. Just how far down have you gone?
ToG: With a mild struggle, you manage to grab and pin the child underneath you. She is VERY strong! Too strong for a normal child! You end up having to kneel on her shoulders to prevent her from getting away. As you do, you notice a pair of cat like ears atop her head, which makes you wonder what she really is. You can also feel something lightly batting against your back, your immediate guess is a tail, but do not look back as your focused on holding the child.
Moko: You attempted to stop the flame and save the child but are not fast enough. The child seems to be fine, but then leaps over your head, much to your surprise. *for your previous post* At least the child was fine, that fills you with a bit of relief, though now you are not sure it being fine is a good thing.
Child: The child struggled viciously, gnashing her teeth in attempts to bite the one who threw fire at her, stopping when she realized she could not move. Her face is beat red, likely flush with rage and humiliation. There are no scars on her face, nor wounds.