Wulf and Rosa:
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Wulf and Rosa were able to rest fora few more minutes in the room that they were in. However, they did hear what sounded like a wold howl from deeper within the mine. All that was left was the boss. They beat it, they complete the quest and get their payday for their trouble.
Candy and Karina:
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Upon further examination of the mare, they both realized that the hyenas had raped her. She still had cum stains between her legs, and all over the front of her body. She hanging from her wrists, but as of right now, unconscious. Once the two broke the chains, the mare fell back and was caught be Karina. She then began to regain consciousness, as she shook her head, and tried to wake up. She gave Karina a weak look, as she looked around the room. She tried to stand, but as of yet, was unable to.
Arashi and Lulu:
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Once Arashi looked over to the quest board, he noticed that Goblin Hunt was still on there. Now however, was the second part to the quest. They had to go wander about the forest and find the village that the goblins had established. The quest required no more than finding the place. However, it did state that it was deep in the southern woods, and most likely not easy to get to. And who knew how many monsters they would come across trying to find the place.
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Cairy looked back into the guild hall and stated to Davea,
"Well, when you are around most NPC's, you'll need to stay in character. Basically if they are not a player, stay in character. I however, have a bit more advanced programming in case someone asked me a question like that. All of us, who give out guild quests are a little more advanced than the others. Though, there are only a hand full of us with advanced programming. Now, to answer your other questions. Yes, I can give you a map of the area. No, no one else has joined the mages guild yet. You can go try to get other players to join, or take on the quest yourself. I'll gice you the quest, and you can get around to it, whenever you like."
Ruby and Kal:
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Ruby was able to sneak a peek into the next room. she saw the wolf monster from yesterday in the room. He was speaking to someone else, in dark purple robes. However, as the wolf had his back to the door, his bulk blocked most of Ruby's view. However, this did also present her with a perfect opportunity to get a good back stab in on him. And opportunity that she could not resist. Ruby then snuck forward and drove both of her daggers into the Wolf monster. He let out a roar and a growl, as he fell forward. The person in the robes, just stepped back into the corner, as the wolf monster turned around to fight his attacker. Kal was still on the other side of the door.
You roll a: 4
Wolf rolls a: 3
By the time you realize this doesn't say anything. It's too late to stop reading.