Tainted Princess

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Sun Mar 13, 2016 11:59 pm

Zalira smiled at the sight of Sharya's blush, giving the other a suggestive wink. "Mhm, who knows, I might be very grateful and my rewards can be highly generous," she teased her further as she withdrew her fingers, now also made more sensitive by the invigorating waters of the fountain. Oh, how thrilling it would be to try these enhanced senses in a more.. intimate environment, she thought with a smirk before returning her attention to the present so she can hear what Esmeralda has to say. If it meant getting out of this forest quicker, she was more than willing to lend the fox woman a hand.

"I thank you, but I still wish I could have done more," Ey'ala replies to her friend's sweet, comforting words, as her voice was getting fainter, though she did not feel bad for taking a rest now, especially since with the battle over, there wasn't much she could assist with, certainly not with helping Esmeralda to get on her feet and walk.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Mon Mar 14, 2016 1:26 am

Taking Sharya's help, Esmeralda is able to stand and she leads you all through a shortcut to the Encampment. When you arrive, you see Stefan waiting by the edge of the forest. "Esmeralda!" He shouts as he runs towards you taking the fox woman into his arms. "Stefan! I'm sorry. I don't know what's happening to me. I've been so cruel to you" She says with a tear in her eye. Stefan then turns to all of you. "Thank you, all of you. I would have been lost without by beloved Esmeralda. I know this isn't adequate compensation but please come to my tent for a proper reward. An feel free to treat our camp as your home for the night" He says as he leads Esmeralda back to their home to rest.

The sun has already starting to set as you see many of the beast men and women begin to pack up for the night. Mimi and Desmond have both returned from their hunting trip with a plentiful bounty and they seem to be preparing a feast for Esmeralda's return. The odd musk hanging over the town seems to have dissipated as well. From the small set of tradesman huts you see Maribelle & Duke. Both of them blushing a bit due to Kassandra's nudity and the rest of your parties newly expended figure. "You uhm seem to have had quite the adventure in the forest." Maribelle says unable to make eye contact with any of them, especially Zalira. Duke coughed and tried to interject. "Luckily for you. Maribelle is a pretty good tailor and I'm one hell of a blacksmith. If you need use to rework any of your armor or weapons just let tell us. We can even make a few improvements if you want. But it will cost ya. Like my pop says if your good at something, don't do it for free." Duke says as he outlines what kind of things the two sibling can do with their armor and weapons. Though during the explanation, you all catch him glaring at Zalira from time to time.

Upgrades: Weapons (Two upgrades per weapon)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Sharpness: Increase Damage by 1 : 25 SC
Lighten: Reduce AP Cost by 1 : 25 SC
Increase Weight: AP Cost +1, Damage +3 : 40 SC
Piercing/Piercing Arrows: Ignore 2 Points of defense 50 SC
Jagged/Barbed Arrows: 10 % chance to cause bleed(-1 HP, -1STR for two turns) with physical attacks. Stacks up to three times : 50 SC

Upgrades: Armor (Two upgrades per armor)
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Extra padding: Increase defense by 1: 25 SC
Lighten : Increase Evasion by 1: 25 SC
Extra Armor: Evasion -1, Defense +2: 25 SC
Enchanted weave: +1 Magical defense: 50 SC
Blessed weave: +3HP: 50 SC
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Mon Mar 14, 2016 3:57 am

Kassy seem to manage to find her way back to the others just find, and seemingly isn't throwing the others off with the fact she has nothing on. Well there are a couple of thing she's definitely going to get once she heads back to the encampment, while following close to everyone as they take the shortcut back. In the process, Kassy kept close to Priea just to make sure she isn't going to lose her on the way back, while also not really minding she is essentially showing everything that the holstaur has to offer. She isn't ashamed to show it off, although it does seem weird that she is rather casual about this. On the plus side she's not all heated up thanks to the boss monster killing her mood and reverting her back to her old self!

So at the encampment, Kassy kept an eye out for any perving beastmen that wants to have some fresh beef. Maybe some beastwomen, too, still she keeps an eye out for them. The musk covering the encampment dies down and Kassy feels relieved, not wanting to deal with the pain felt earlier from it and also not having to deal with some leaking equipment. Meeting up with the traders' siblings, the holstaur grew excited about the two's professions and immediately presents herself to them. "Oh that's certainly good news!" she stated with a smile. "So, you can see that I'm... not exactly well equipped anymore after some nasty plants tore up my armor and, well, me being the kind of gal that's literally willing to give the shirt off her back to help out a friend in need, I may need to get not only some new chain armor, but throw in some clothes underneath. I don't want too much going for it..." the holstaur takes off her shovel and presents it to Duke. "But is it possible to make this a bit sharper and lighter, too?"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Mon Mar 14, 2016 5:29 am

Priea is silent the all way back, realizing out of the group she might have gotten off with running into the least amount of trouble... even considering she'd almost been plant food given the state of everyone else after all was said and done. She of course kept close to Kassy, intending to protect her modesty if she could manage it... while ignoring the urge to let her eyes wander as she'd never really seen another woman naked up close before, let one of another species... it was making her feel weird, but she pushed it aside. Of course they eventually made it back to camp, Priea herself hoping there was a way to bathe if they could... she'd kill for a hot bath to rest and relax in after the day they'd had after all. For now she just stands off to the side as Kassy asks for assistance in fixing her gear, glad none of her attire had taken damage.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Mon Mar 14, 2016 3:51 pm

Kailyne makes it back to camp smiling a little as she nods and hums, the smell gone from the air making her nod a little before she turns to her group and blushes holding her arms over her heavy chest, far too big for her current attire. "Yeah I could do with this being refitted." She comments with a blush before looking at her hair drag along behind her. Looking over her equipment she hums a little before nodding. "Yeah could you make this lighter as well when you resize it as well as fix my bow up with some piercing arrows?" She asks handing the latter of the pair to Duke before looking at Maribelle. "Hm... might need to go privately to give you my armor." She comments with a blush and a bite of her lip.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Thu Mar 17, 2016 8:39 am

Sharya continues to blush as she imagines what kind of reward Zalira has in mind for her, though anything like that would have to wait until they got back to camp. Kassy rejoins them with significantly less clothing, making Sharya start to feel like the odd woman out for actually being fully clothed now. She regards the Holstaur with an inquisitive look but decides not to ask what happened to her in the forest and focus on getting back to the encampment. Thanks to Esmeralda's shortcut, they get back quickly and unharmed to reunite Esmeralda with her lover.

With that out of the way, the traders they came here with approach them. "Ehehehe... Yeah, it was pretty eventful." Sharya replies, chuckling at how much they had all changed over the course of just a few hours. Though Maribelle refusing to look at Zalira was subtle enough to miss, the way Duke couldn't seem to stop glaring at her was anything but subtle. Sharya glanced between them, trying to wonder just what might have happened between them all, but gives up eventually and turns her attention to how she wants to upgrade her gear. "I'd like this sharper and lighter please!" She hands her rapier over to Duke along with the necessary coin. "And... Yeah I think somewhere we can wait for our clothes to be finished would be great. Stefan said we could stay here tonight so there must be a tent somewhere we could use." She suggests. This might just lead to them all being naked in a tent for awhile but... Well, maybe that wasn't such a problem after all.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Thu Mar 17, 2016 8:14 pm

Zalira looked at Esmeralda and Stefan as they hugged each other, a satisfied smile curling her lips, more at the fact that she was one step closer to finding the man who betrayed her rather than out of genuine care for saving the fox woman's life. She is pretty, though.. the elf witch thought with a smirk as Stefan invited them to stay overnight in the camp. "Yes, I would certainly like a tent, and also some water for bathing, she said, winking towards Sharya. Journey or no, she wasn't going to sleep without cleaning herself, especially now that she had an impressive form to take care of.

She went with the others to meet Maribelle and her brother again. "Yes, quite interesting indeed. Remind me to tell you later about a certain fountain in the forest," she replied to Maribelle with a smirk, insisting despite the girl's reluctance to look her in the eye. She found the thought of having Maribelle drink from that water exciting, if they had time to return there tomorrow. It would certainly make it all the more pleasant to have her around for the rest of the journey. She cleared her throat.

"Your father's words are well put, but even a trader should know that there are things other than money which can be valuable," she told Duke in a light flirtatious tone, having noticed his obvious way of staring at her. "Maybe you will find out what I mean, eventually," she teased him, for now being willing to offer coin in exchange for his services. "I could use my armour lighter, among other things. This bust is heavy enough as it is," she said with a smirk, as if anyone needed any reminder about her large, bare breasts.

In all this time, Ey'ala said nothing. Whether or not she was asleep or meditating was unknown, but the occasional, unintentional squeezing of her claws that Sharya felt on her shoulder suggested that the dreams or images going through the familiar's mind were not altogether pleasant.

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Lighten + Blessed Weave for Zalira's medium armour.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Fri Mar 18, 2016 2:30 am

The beastfolk of the camp give you all passing glances but nothing new since you've received your mark. As they prepare the food, Desmond and his pack of wolves seem to be giving you the once over. Taking all your weapons, Duke went off to one of the tents to start his work on your weapons. Maribelle on the other hand calls you one by one to their family wagon. She takes you measurements and writes them done in her journal. To all of you she asks the same thing. "Do you want me to make any alterations to the design of your armor?" Maribelle asks taking any notes. ("If Yes, post a pick of how your new armor will look.)

While Maribelle and Duke work on your equipment, they give you some spare clothing to wear. It's a simple shirt and pants combination that just covers the figures of your party's more endowed members. Kailyne especially has trouble getting the shirt to cover her chest leaving both ample cleave and a bit of her belly button. At Stefan's request, it seemed some of the beastfolks were starting to put up tents for you to stay. The feast looked about ready. There were bowls of fruit and salad sprawled out around a fire. In the centre over the flame was a giant direboar with some vegetables roasting around the edges. You could see wolfmen and bunny girls, minotaur and rams all mingling together. Even Oliver and Caroline were chatting with some of the tradesman. Though it still looked like Esmeralda and Stefan were still in their tent. It seemed like Maribelle and Duke were still working away in there tents.

Gorbaz & Necrothorn
Kari feels the breeze of a cool desert night rush past you as you reach the oasis. She came here with a companion, Lexi. She was resting at the moment under a large tree. Kari remembers her family stopping here for water while traveling. There are even rosa fruits growing at the top of the palm trees. While the tough outer shells were a bright red, the fruit inside was soft and sweet with a bit of water swooshing inside. It definitely brought back memories. The question now was what to do next. You could head west to the beastman encampment you heard of. She's heard rumors from Southdale of demons roaming around. Nothing spelled adventure like demons. There was also the fabled Sand Tower to the south. They say that the massive structure houses an amazing treasure. Of course, you could always head back to Nirvada to see your family.

Though it seems the choose would have to wait. A small pack of three desert wolves had wondered into the oasis. Tongues out and panting, they looked at you with a lust filled gaze as you could see there erection from where you were standing. It seemed like you were in for a workout before bed.

Desert Wolves ____4 AP______Kari, Lexi
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Necrothorn » Fri Mar 18, 2016 4:53 am

Lexi slowly drew her sword as she stared down the wolves. Fighting was nearly always on her mind, though she would prefer to solve her problems with her mind instead of her body. She raised her hand, twisted it in a strange, claw-like gesture, and uttered a few nearly silent words. "Graum Croa, Toric" Almost immediately two bolts of fire leapt from her hand, hurtling toward the two closest wolves. She was smiling and breathing normally, but on the inside, she was worried about ruining this beautiful place.

"You're up," She chimed to her companion. Her spell had taken effect faster than normal, a sign that she was definitely getting stronger.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Gorbaz » Fri Mar 18, 2016 12:12 pm

Kari remembered the oasis well, with the cooling waters and fresh fruit available for the plucking, and it was always welcome from the dryness of the rest of the desert. She was more than happy to share its location with her current companion who, as far as had been revealed, was a visitor to her home and, to be fair, it had been a while since to Jotun had actually travelled with someone. And, of course, there were more places to go and adventure towards once resting was done!

The sound of paws on sand, and the sight of three wolves put a hold on thoughts of adventure abroad, however. It seemed that it had come to them! This was going to be fun, surely! Or, if not, at least a way to work out the muscle kinks. She gave a big grin to Lexi as the shorter girl let loose with her magic. "Ooh yeah! Never a dull moment with me!" she laughed, hefting her mace. Pointing at the wolves, and not being oblivious to their mounting lust, she stepped up and slapped her rump. "Hey pooches! Want a taste?" With the grin never leaving her face, she stood ready to clobber the first wolf to come within range

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Provoke used
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Fri Mar 18, 2016 3:45 pm

Gorbaz & Necrothorn

Player Combat Rolls
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Lexi uses Burning Magic Missile!
Desert Wolf A: 4
Desert Wolf B: 4

Kari uses Provoke!
All three wolves are focused on Kari.

The two flaming bolts whiz through the air and hit their target. The two wolves in the front wimpier as they stumble back. But instead of focusing on the magic user, their attention is drawn by Kari's taunting. The wolves may not know what she's saying but they know when they're being provoked.

Enemy Combat Roll

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All three Wolves move forward!

Desert Wolf A Uses Howl!
Resist Roll: Con, Average (Need Greater then 10 to resist)
Kari: 18 + 4 = 22
Lexi: 10 + 2 = 12

Desert Wolf B Uses Bite! against Kari
Hit Roll: 2 + 4 = 6, Miss!

Desert Wolf C Uses Tackle! against Kari
Hit Roll: 7 + 4 = 11, Miss!

The leader of the wolves lets out a spine chilling howl as if trying to intimidate you both. However, such a cheap trick doesn't phase either of you. That's when all three wolves move in to attack. One tries to bite her arm while the other tries to tackle her to the ground. However toy manage to dodge both of them. Growling, all the wolves still seem focused on Kari.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Kari: HP: 19/19, OP 3/3
Lexi: HP: 10/10, OP 8/8

Desert Wolf A: HP: 8/12
Desert Wolf B: HP: 7/11
Desert Wolf C: HP: ??/??

GM Note: Some notes about battle:
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1: You can use more then 10 AP a turn but that means you'll have less to us next turn. You can only use a maximum of 20 AP per turn. So one turn you could use 15 AP, but you would only have 5 AP the next turn.
2: Activating your mark costs no AP but reduces your OP to 1. Kari's Lover’s Embrace grants her +4 to all Hit Rolls for the battle. While Lexi's Priestess’s Wisdom Increase AP by 5 for three turns (Gonna make this ability last longer) It's a last minute boast but dangerous against enemies with lust attacks.
3: Other then attacking, there are other actions you can perform. You can try and side step or flank an enemy to up your damage and hit(Dex Roll), You can grapple them (Str Roll), check you surroundings or your enemy's abilities (Int Roll) Choose to focus on evading or guarding (Affect Evasion and Defense). All these cost AP, so find the right combination for each battle.
Last edited by Mark3000 on Fri Mar 18, 2016 7:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Fri Mar 18, 2016 4:34 pm

Kailyne nods as she gets her new measurements taken with a blush, her eyes widening at the figures though the weight she was now carrying told her as much already. "My tits are fucking huge." She complains before looking at Maribelle. "Oh i was thinking about the design, something more foresty, help me blend in with the trees and brushes, dark hues and a breast plate and skirt because... i doubt I'll ever find something that will cover my whole torso ever again, it's also lend to the new stupidly long hair I have." She comments with a huff before nodding, stripping and taking the new clothes as she forces them over her tits, gasping and panting as they squeeze them tightly, looking about ready to explode and reveal her tits to anyone fortunately enough to catch her in that moment. Pulling the pants up is an easier task however as she soon leaves Maribelle to deal with the rest of her companions. Her hand stroking Nighteyes fur as she looks around interested in the feast though... after the last time she ingested something from this place her tits grew and so did her hair.

Humming she looks around thankful that she no longer has to conceal her breasts with her hands to keep a sense of decency but felt a little too whorish than she'd of liked with her new assets. Moving from place to place she hums a little before looking over at the tents being raised for her companions and her to stay before she shakes her head and hums. "Come on nighteyes." She comments with a smile and walks along poking her head into Stefan and Esmeralda's tent to see how the two are faring, stefan having made a pass at her last time and Esmeralda was fingering herself into of a plant. "Stefan, Esmeralda?" She asks before stepping inside to try and spot them.

New armor look.
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A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Fri Mar 18, 2016 5:17 pm

Zalira gladly poses for Maribelle as her measurements are taken, doing her best to make the young human girl blush again. "Ah, no. Do your best to keep the design as it was, in fact," she instructs, not wanting her family blacksmith's artistic work to be tampered with. Normally she would have been uncomfortable in letting a human handle this, but for some reason Maribelle inspired trust in her. If her fingers were as good for tailoring as they were.. earlier, she shouldn't have need to worry. She winks at her as she is done, putting on the new clothes once they were given to her, not without displeasure at their plainness, but there was little choice in the matter.

Once out of the tent, she felt a grumbling bothering her stomach. "I think I will go eat something. Coming?" she asks Sharya, smiling, desiring some company though moving on ahead regardless of the answer. She casts a look at the celebration underway - the camp had certainly gone a lot more cheerful than last time she was here, understandable, really. Humming a bit she takes a seat, grabbing an apple and chewing at it absent-mindedly as she waits for the boar to get properly roasted so she can partake in a proper meal. Goddess, she had a long day.. it occurs to her that she hasn't slept in two days, though strangely enough she did not feel drowsy. She tried not to think whether the tattoo or the fountain water could have something to do with that.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Gorbaz » Fri Mar 18, 2016 6:30 pm

Kari laughed to herself as the three wolves moved in to attack, totally focussing on her rather than her less durable friend. The first one went for her arm, the second leaping to try and knock her down, but she was able to eave them - just! Swinging around, she aimed her mace at the flank of the stronger one of the pair, hoping that if they were at least able to show these canines who is boss, they would flee. If not, however, they would need to get beaten into the sands, and would become the next meal. The fight had just started, but the look of Kari's face showed that she was already enjoying herself
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Necrothorn » Fri Mar 18, 2016 8:38 pm

With a giggle, and a quick flick of the wrist, she leaped toward the burned wolf who had howled. "Poor pooch, so hungry and horny! You'll have to do better than that." She stuck her tongue out in amusement and swung her sword in an overhead slash. If this failed, she'd have to resort to another small trick. Hopefully it worked. Lexi could feel herself getting sleepy, she hadn't rested all day in order to keep up with her friends stride. Lexi hated being short, but it did give her a few advantages.

While halfway through her swing, Lexi saw the other wolves biting and lunging for Kari. If her friend got hit, she would have to resort to her spells to finish the fight, maybe even to prevent the death of a new friend. Even without knowing much about her past, or her traveling partner, Lexi knew that friends were something to treasure.

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Charge Attack
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Sat Mar 19, 2016 2:02 am

Gorbaz & Necrothorn
Player Combat Roll
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Kari attempts to Flank Desert Wolf A
Flanking Roll (Dex, Hard): 15 + 2 = 17, Success!

Kari Attacks Desert Wolf A
Hit Roll: 19 + 5(STR) + 4(Rear) + 3 (Skills) = 31, Hit!
Damage: 7 + 5 (STR) + 2 (Rear Attack) - 4 (Defense) = 10, Desert Wolf A Defeated!

Intimidation Roll (STR + WIS)
Kari: 8 + 5 - 1 = 12
Desert Wolf B: 11 + 4 = 15
Desert Wolf C: 2 + 3 = 5

Lexi Uses a Charge Attack against Desert Wolf B
Hit Roll: 18 + 3 = 21, Hit!
Damage: 4 + 3 (Dex) + 4 (Charge Attack) - 3 (Defense) = 8, Desert Wolf B Defeated!

Kari successfully gets behind the lead wolf and smacks him right in the flank sending him flying. They look on to you with worried expressions. While one of them runs, the other stays to fight. But Lexi strikes him down with her blade as it shines from the stored magical energy.
(GM Note, Victory! +6 EXP to Lexi and Kari)

The both of you get a chance to reflect on your great team work before your tired bodies catch up with you. Now would be a great time to sleep, though not without discussing your next destination.


Maribelle gives you a nod and gets to work on your new outfit first. Though she does glance at your chest every once and a while. When you enter the large tent you notice Stefan and Esmeralda nuzzling together. You also notice a third person there with large raven like wings, black hair and a beautiful face ( https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/216593 ... e+original ). Suddenly the mark on your shoulder felt like it was on fire and so did the rest of your body.

"It's good to see you again Kailyne. It seems you've taken good care of Esmeralda for me. I just came to check on her and make her little caravan an amazing offer." The man said as he examined the Kitsune's body with glee. This could only be one person.


An Ying Hu

Maribelle nodded as she seems understood how important the design was to your family. "You can count on me" she says full of determination and gets to work. "If you're not busy, you can uhm come back to check on the progress." Maribelle says with a small blush.

With the lighter atmosphere you finally get a chance to take a proper rest. Or you would if a wolfman hadn't sat down right beside you. "Hey girl, how you liking the apple?" He asks. "The name's Desmond, and the apples are courtesy of the bunnies over there. Us wolves though, we hunt real game like that." Desmond then points to the boar with a self-satisfied smile. "The boar will be ready any sec. But why don't you and me find some way to pass the time?" He says still smirking.
Last edited by Mark3000 on Sat Mar 19, 2016 7:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Necrothorn » Sat Mar 19, 2016 2:23 am

Lexi yawned slowly, searching her sword and putting her left hand on her hip. "Good job. That was easy, by tomorrow you've got to take smaller steps, I can't always fight on an empty stomach and little rest." As she sat by the oasis she dipped a hand into the water, cupping a small amount. "Think it's safe to drink? And how about the wolves, safe to eat?"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Sat Mar 19, 2016 5:04 am

The holstaur follows Maribelle to have her measurements sorted out, feeling a bit ticklish when the girl goes over certain spots of her body with her measuring tape. Kassy kept her cool during all of this and when the moment she was asked about her attire, seeing that she is wearing absolutely nothing on, the question falls a bit flat for her. "Well, I'm not really too picky on things, but I can tell you on what I want specifically," she explained herself, before going into detail about her regular clothes and her armor. She makes mention of what kind of fabric, metal and padding specfic for the holstaur, making sure she's all kitted out once she acquires her new armor and is going to be feeling comfortable in and out of it. Even if she's not the speediest or most flexible, at least Kassy wants to move around without getting her fur caught in the chain.

Once she got things sorted out with the tailoress, Kassy got her new clothes and got them on. She seems to be in the same boat as Kailyne, only Kassy has a little extra weight around her gut but she manage to get the shirt on. Strange that they haven't got any new underwear, but the holstaur shrugs it off, not really being that big of a fan. This, however, gives her a chance to finally be with Priea for good, so she heads on off to find the cleric while getting a big plate of grilled vegetables and fruits for the both of them to enjoy. Once Kassy finds Priea, she gives her a hug and looks for a spot for the two of them.

Settled down, Kassy holds her cleric friend close with her food sitting on her lap as she looks up at the night sky. "Well, maybe I should say that I'm sorry for running off like that earlier and coming back naked," she said. "I was simply looking out for Slugcat and was worried about her safety, so I went back, found her, and decided to lend my clothes to keep her warm."

Kassy's Attire:
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ImageRegular Clothes
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Gorbaz » Sat Mar 19, 2016 9:30 am

HA! Little dogs didn't stand a chance, even with the extra numbers! Placing her mace on the ground, Kari leaned forward on it as the last wolf disappeared off into the shifting sands. "Easy? Yeah, but it helped work out the last few kinks of the day before resting". Moving over, she grabbed one of the dead wolves and hauled it over to the waterside, chuckling at the 'smaller steps' comment. "Sorry my friend! I'm so used to wandering alone, I've gotten used to setting my own pace. As for wolf meat - it should be fine once cooked. Bit lean, but otherwise good" Of course, that would be the biggest challenge - the Jotun didn't normally carry a roasting spit around on her all the time...
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Sat Mar 19, 2016 10:27 am

Sharya pondered the idea of a new design for her outfit as it had been awhile she'd changed her look. "Ehhhhh.... I think I'll keep it the same for now. I still like it just fine as is. Thanks again for helping us all out!" She tells Maribelle as she changes into the clothes she was given in the meantime. It was a bit dismaying to have to wear something so plain, and the shirt certainly lacked the support her new enlarged bust required, but beggars couldn't be chosen and she could bear with it for the time being. Ey'ala still seemed to be sleeping throughout this, though not so soundly given the way her claws squeezed into Sharya's shoulder every so often. Was she having a bad dream? Did ravens even have dreams at all? She would have to ask later. "There there, it'll be okay..." She whispers soothingly as she gently caresses the familiar, hoping to comfort her in some way but not really knowing if that would help at all.

Stepping out of the tent, Sharya was delighted by the sights and sounds of the feast. It was a pretty stark change in atmosphere from earlier and a welcome one after everything that had happened today. It almost reminded her of home in a way, not that she'd been gone long enough to feel too homesick. "Mmmm... Yeah, I'm starving! That boar looks delicious!" Sharya returns Zalira's smile, glad to be able to spend some more time with her fellow elf. Or that was the plan, but Zalira had just sat down and a wolfman was already at her side. Sharya can't help but pout slightly, she was here first after all! She takes a seat on Zalira's other side, catching a few bits of what Desmond was saying. "That is a pretty big boar... I bet I could hunt one like that too though." This may not be entirely true, as Sharya could certainly track a beast well enough but she lacked a certain subtlety that most hunters valued. Still, she felt dismissive of Desmond's accomplishment for some odd reason she couldn't quite place.
Joined: Thu Oct 02, 2014 2:44 am


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