Zalira looked at Esmeralda and Stefan as they hugged each other, a satisfied smile curling her lips, more at the fact that she was one step closer to finding the man who betrayed her rather than out of genuine care for saving the fox woman's life.
She is pretty, though.. the elf witch thought with a smirk as Stefan invited them to stay overnight in the camp.
"Yes, I would certainly like a tent, and also some water for bathing, she said, winking towards Sharya. Journey or no, she wasn't going to sleep without cleaning herself, especially now that she had an impressive form to take care of.
She went with the others to meet Maribelle and her brother again.
"Yes, quite interesting indeed. Remind me to tell you later about a certain fountain in the forest," she replied to Maribelle with a smirk, insisting despite the girl's reluctance to look her in the eye. She found the thought of having Maribelle drink from that water exciting, if they had time to return there tomorrow. It would certainly make it all the more pleasant to have her around for the rest of the journey. She cleared her throat.
"Your father's words are well put, but even a trader should know that there are things other than money which can be valuable," she told Duke in a light flirtatious tone, having noticed his obvious way of staring at her.
"Maybe you will find out what I mean, eventually," she teased him, for now being willing to offer coin in exchange for his services.
"I could use my armour lighter, among other things. This bust is heavy enough as it is," she said with a smirk, as if anyone needed any reminder about her large, bare breasts.
In all this time, Ey'ala said nothing. Whether or not she was asleep or meditating was unknown, but the occasional, unintentional squeezing of her claws that Sharya felt on her shoulder suggested that the dreams or images going through the familiar's mind were not altogether pleasant.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Lighten + Blessed Weave for Zalira's medium armour.