Kassy not only manage to get herself free in the process, chopping off the limb pulling her into the monster, but she goes tumbling the moment she hits the ground. She didn't go too far, managing to catch herself and getting herself right back up to watch the fight end before her eyes. The holstaur breathes out a sigh, feeling grateful that the fight ended but feels a little unaccomplished with the whole thing. Seeing that she was about to get eaten by the monster, it's making her think that is what she doing now going to be helpful to the team down the line. While it's good to help be the walking tank that can also serve up something to drink along the way, but how far will her work go before she ends up getting herself killed by a reckless decision?
Noticing Priea coming up to her, Kassy smiles as she watches the cleric check her up for any injuries. The holstaur shakes her head in response. "
Nah, I should be fine," she replied, keeping her smile up. "
Outside of getting some new armor to protect myself, everything is all right with me." Kassy is starting to feel a little more exposed after saying that line. Again she doesn't mind the fact of going nude or even stick to her current attire, it's more appropriate for her to wear some armor just in case she runs into someone that can one-shot her. Plus she still need to get out of her clothes and not only get clean up but wash them after getting sticky with her milk, so losing the armor is a bit of a benefit on her benefit.
Now that Esmeralda is out of the creature, sleeping away, there is the question of getting her back to the village. Kassy starts to offer her service in carrying her back, being the strongman of the group, until a thought popped into her head. There seems to be someone missing from their group and Kassy starts panicking from it. "
Uh, we're missing someone else!" she stated, letting everyone know about her worries. "
I'm going to go see if I can find her and get her back with us!" Once said, Kassy starts heading back in the direction where she left Slugcat in an attempt to find her and have her reunited with the others.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
+2 to STR, Increase power to Hono(u)rable Combat