Tainted Princess

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:33 pm

Priea's eyes had been filling with tears, it starting to look as if she really would be swallowed by this thing... yet her fear of such a thing seeming to help her out as she managed to break loose from the vine holding her, making her scream out as she began to fall to the ground below... even as what seemed to be some kind of shield formed around her. She hit the ground, not taking any real damage as she landed, but ending up having to take the time to stand up... only to start to as Kassy had been grabbed by the monster that had herself in it's clutches but a moment ago," K-Kassandra!", Priea cried out worriedly, instantly forgetting any fear as she forced herself to get up, cursing herself for distracting Kassy enough to have allowed her to get snagged. She knew her fire spells weren't as effective as usual on this thing, but what else could she do!?
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Thu Feb 25, 2016 9:21 pm

And Kassy pretty much face plants the ground. In her attempt to save Priea from the monster, she soon realizes that after going through the others to help out her priest friend, it didn't matter as Priea made it out and is safely on the ground. The holstaur picks herself up from her own fall, feeling relieved that the cleric is safe from the monster's maw, but this also means that Kassy missed a chance to cut this monster down to size. Maybe if she was a little more quicker on the action, then perhaps she could get in before the others had a chance to lay their spells on the monster. No matter, Kassy still grips onto her shovel and prepares for her next attack, all while heading on over to Priea to help provide some defense against this beast.

That is, if there wasn't some vines coming up from below to drag the holstaur away. Kassy yelps out of shock before landing back on the ground again, feeling the force dragging her along before getting lifted up again. She looks around to find that the monster has its maw open once again and she panics at the sheer sight of it. First Priea, now her! Whatever kink this plant has, it's going to be its end! "No way in hell are you going to eat me raw!" Kassy stated, using her weight to not only break herself free, but to swing her shovel to cut through the vines pulling her in.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Fri Feb 26, 2016 7:56 am

Sharya grins triumphantly as her sword cuts through the limb with ease and frees Priea. Well, okay so Priea had already freed herself but Sharya definitely feels like she gets the assist on this one. And with that, all of the limbs blocking their path to the main body had been defeated and the Muscipula is all theirs. But it's not going down without a fight as it slams it's head to the ground and then shoots out some vines to grab them while the shockwave has them off guard. Sharya manages to stand firm and nimbly dodge the incoming vines. Piece of cake! Or so Sharya thinks until she sees that Kassy wasn't quite so lucky and was being pulled into the plants mouth just like Priea had been.

This is just starting to get annoying. How hungry could a stupid plant be?! "Rrrrrgh! Ey'ala, I'm moving up!" She calls out before dashing up to the Muscipula and delivering a powerful running thrust. Rather than try to cut Kassy free, she'll trust her companion to get herself out of that mess and deal with the problem at it's source.

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4 AP movement + 6 AP attack
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Fri Feb 26, 2016 9:07 am

Alright, now the way is clear.. Zalira thought as the last limb fell, opening up the way for the giant plant. She felt ready to cast her stronger spells again, but this time it really was no need, her Dark Inferno would have been an inferior choice with the fire protection these things had, and the fact that the Muscipula was a solitary target. Therefore, she decided to take a risk and move forward, launching a felbolt right towards her target. She hoped that with Kassy and Sharya attacking it from up close, the plant would have its proverbial hands full so as not to worry that much about her.

Ey'ala soars higher to get a better look at the giant plant, different in form from the limbs she had just scouted. She wished in her heart that she could do more than just this, but unfortunately, there was little else. Hopefully, her friend will be alright, and the party could take this monster down quickly if they keep attacking it together.

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Zalira moves forward (4 AP) and casts Felbolt on Muscipula (7 AP)
Ey'ala uses Scout on the Muscipula, enhancing Sharya's aim (5 AP)
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Fri Feb 26, 2016 11:34 pm

Kailyne turns her attention onto the head of the plant once the limbs were destroyed. Glaring at it as she notches an arrow. "Nighteyes free Kass!" She screams as she lets an arrow fly, pulling the string back tight before freeing it, the string springing back and launching the arrow through the air towards the head. Nighteyes rushing up to Kass to attack the limbs and attempt to free her.

Kailyne 8 ap attacked

Nighteyes 4 ap attacked.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Sat Feb 27, 2016 10:25 pm

Player Combat Roll

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Priea gets back up!

Kassandra Escape Roll (STR): 11 + 4 = 15
Muscipula Maintain Grapple Roll (STR): 14 + 5 = 19
Grapple maintained. (1 Turn until Captured)

Sharya attacks Muscipula
Hit Roll: 6 + 5 + 1 = 12 Hit!
Damage: (4 + 5 + 1)* 1.5 – 5 = 10

Zalira Uses Felbolt against Muscipula
Spellcasting Roll: 4 + 4 + 1 = 9, Hit!
Damage: (5 + 4)*1.5 – 3 (WIS) = 11

Ey’ala uses Scout (+2 Hit/Spellcasting against Muscipula)

Kailyne Attacks Muscipula
Hit Roll: 7+ 5 + 2(Scout) +2 (Skills) = 16, Hit!
Damage: 6+5 - 5 (Defense) =6,

Nighteyes Attempts to Free Kassandra
Nighteyes Grapple Break Roll (STR): 9 + 4 = 13
Muscipula Maintain Grapple Roll (STR): 11 + 5 = 16, Grapple maintained.

Priea gets up to see the plant creature continue to pull Kassandra towards it's mouth. The vines binding Kassandra prove to be too strong for either the Paladin or Nighteyes to break. However with the extended limbs down, Kailyne and Zalira are able to freely attack the Muscipula's main body. Meanwhile, as Sharya slashes away at the main body she can hear faint moaning and slopping sounds coming from the creature's belly. While all this is going on, Ey'ala continues to fly over the battle field eyeing the green beast.

Enemy Combat Roll:

Enemy Turn
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Muscipula summons four new Extended Vines
Extended Limb D attempts to Grapple Sharya
Grapple Roll: Natural 1

Sharya Counterattack Roll: 12 + 5 + 1=18, Hit!
Damage: (4 + 5 + 1)* 1.5 – 5 = 10

Extended Limb E Whips Priea:
Hit Roll: 14 + 3 = 17, Hit!
Damage: 7 + 2 -2 = 7
Priea is protected by Burning Dome (Damage Reduced by Half, 2 more Hits)
Catching Fire Roll (CON, Average): 8
Extended Limb D is on Fire (-1 Damage)

Extended Limb F Uses Paralysing Stinger against Zalira
Hit Roll: 10+3 = 13, Hit!
Damage:4 +3 – 4 (Defense) = 3
Paralyzing Roll (CON, Averege): 8 + 2 = 10, Zalira is Paralyzed
# of Turns Paralyzed (1-3): 3

Extended Limb G Uses Lust Stinger Against Kailyne
Hit Roll: 3 + 3 = 6, Miss!

You see the Muscipula stop moving for a few moments. However, you don't have to wait long to learn what it has planned. Just under the Zalira's and Priea's feet, four new tendrils rise, though they look smaller then the original three. The first new extended limb tries to capture Sharya but misses spectacularly, giving the elf a chance to return the favour. The second vine attempts to with Priea with it's exceptional length. Luckily, Zalira's Burning Dome protects the young cleric, reducing the blow. It even causes it to shrink back in pain. The third limb shoots out a dart towards Zalira that hits her neck. Almost immediately, the elf's body seizes up and stops moving. You feel vulnerable as you watch the final limb act. Luckily, it seemed focused Kailyne as it shoots it's own stinger. This one misses as the elf huntress easily side steps it.

Looking at the giant plant monster you notice it's squarely focused on Kassandra as more vine like tendrils begin sprout from it's back. As you notice this, a dark thought enters the party's collective mind. If you let Kassandra be captured by the Muscipula, it would be too preoccupied with the Holstaur to defend against your attacks. Though you also shutter to think what would happen to the Paladin inside the creature's body

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Extended Limb D 5/15
Extended Limb E 14/15
Extended Limb F 15/15
Extended Limb G 15/15
Muscipula 33/60

Sharya: HP: 12/12 OP: 5/5
Kailyne: HP: 10/16 OP: 4/6
Zalira: HP: 10/13 OP: 6/8 Paralyzed
Kassandra: HP 16/17, OP 6/6 Bound, -2 Defense
Priea: HP: 7/11, OP: 5/7 Burning Dome (2 Hits)
Last edited by Mark3000 on Sun Feb 28, 2016 3:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Sun Feb 28, 2016 12:37 am

... OK, so just swinging isn't going to save Kassy from being eaten alive by this monster. Oh she isn't too concerned about the fact that she's joining up with some horny fox woman inside, or what this plant is going to do to her body sexually once she's inside of the plant, it's more of the concern that she is going to die in the process of being eaten by this damn thing! It was perhaps a miracle that little Priea can free herself from these vines, but Kassy can't? She has a freaking shovel that did serious damage to this thing and it can't seem to do its job? Kassy lets out a serious grunt in retaliation, using her body once again to not only knock herself loose but to swing her shovel in a way that it can slice her free from these vines.

Then again, what's really the worse that can happen? Kassy gets eaten by a plant, OK... She isn't going to let that stop her once she gets inside. No, she's going to fight her way out because she doesn't like the idea of being eaten, ever, and if she can grab Esmeralda in the process, she can bust out of the plant's stomach like a hero should do once eaten and deal a serious blow to it. However she doesn't want that to happen at all, so she's making damn sure not to get eaten by this thing and have it instead eating cold iron from her shovel head.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Sun Feb 28, 2016 1:02 am

Kailyne dodges the barb with a gasp her heavy breasts heaving on her chest as she straightens her back and draws another arrow. Firing it at limb G, returning the favor but hoping hers is more effective as she quickly notches another arrow after that to fire once again at the same target. (using double shot) Nighteyes meanwhile snarls and snaps her jaws at the vines holding Kassandra likewise trying to free the cow woman as she does the same for herself. Kailyne after her shots have fired retreats back a few steps.

Kailyne Double shot 8 ap. move a section back 4 ap. -2 ap remaining
Nighteyes attacks 6 ap. 4 remaining.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Sun Feb 28, 2016 8:45 pm

Sharya lands a decisive thrust on the plants body but the creature stands firm. Hearing Esmeralda moaning from inside distracts her somewhat as she briefly imagines what fun the foxgirl is having in there, but she quickly shakes those thoughts from her head as more limbs rise up from the ground. A clumsy swing is way too easy to avoid, and Sharya happily takes the free swing she can get in against it.

Sharya's honestly torn as she considers her next move. Kassy is having a hard time getting herself free, but if even she and Nighteyes couldn't do it then would Sharya even be able to help with that? Her attacks seemed to be doing a lot to hurt the Muscipula so maybe she could still kill it fast enough... But now they had even more limbs to contend with. If she was too focused on the main body, she might leave herself open to attack from the limbs. Sharya's mind races for a few moments before she finally comes to a decision. She would trust Kassy and Nighteyes and continue to attack the Muscipula. Hopefully she wouldn't come to regret it and no one would hold it against her later. Now that she's already closed in on the plant, she can unleash a flurry of blows.

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Light attack x2 6ap combo attack 4 ap on Muscipula
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Tue Mar 01, 2016 12:24 am

Priea wasted no time now that she was up, aiming spell right for the vines dragging Kassy towards the beast that wanted to gobble them all down into itself, figuring the shield around her would protect her from any vines that came her way," Fire Bolt!", Priea called out, taking the time to compress the spell before firing upon the vine that was dragging Kassy towards the monster, refusing to let her end up like she herself almost had. She had considered how distracted the monster was with her to unleash a fireball onto it's main body or something... but there was no way she was going to use her companion as bait like that and risk her ending up like the fox woman already inside of it.

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Compression 1 + Fire Bolt 6 = 7 AP
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Tue Mar 01, 2016 1:37 pm

Zalira feels her body go numb as she collapses on the ground. She struggles desperately, only to find that she couldn't move her limbs or even lips to try and scream for help. She couldn't do much but watch, and hope that the vines won't kill her.

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Ey'ala uses Scout on Muscipula.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:04 am

Player Combat Roll

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Kassandra Escape Roll (STR): 17 + 4 = 21
Muscipula Maintain Grapple Roll (STR): 13 + 5 = 18, Escape

Kailyne Uses Double Shot against Extended Limb B
Hit Roll: 3 + 5 + 1 (Racial Bonus) + 2 (Skills) =11; Hit!
Hit Roll: 8 + 5 + 1 (Racial Bonus) +2 (Skills) =16; Hit!
Arrow 1: 6 + 5(Dex) - 3(Enemy Defense))*0.75= 6
Arrow 2: 6 + 5(Dex) - 3(Enemy Defense))*0.75= 6

Nighteyes Attacks Muscipula
Hit Roll: 16 + 4 + 2 (Scout)= 22, Hit
Damage: 8 – 3(Enemy Defense) =5

Sharya Uses Light Attack x2
Hit Roll 1: 2 + 5 + 1 = 8, Hit!
Damage: (2 + 5 + 1)*1.5 – 5 (Defense) = 7
Hit Roll 2: 14 + 5 + 1 = 20 Hit!
Damage: (2 + 5 + 1)*1.5 -5 (Defense) = 7
Sharya Uses Combo Attack
Damage: (4 + 5 + 1)*1.5 – 5 (Defense) = 10

Preia uses Compression (Range reduced to striking distance, Increase it's power by 1.5)
Preia attempts to move past Vine Wall
Preia Evasion Roll: 8+3 = 11
Vine Grapple Roll: 4 + 3 =7
Preia uses Fire Bolt
Spellcasting Roll: 6 + 4 + 1 (Racial) = 11, Hit.
Damage: [(5 + 5)*1.5]*1.5 - 3 (WIS)=20, Muscipula Defeated!

Kassandra escapes just in time to see her companions lay down the final blow. While Kailyne keeps the extended limbs busy, Sharya and Nighteyes slash away at the monster's exterior. With it's belly exposed, it's Preia that lands the final blow. Slipping through the vine wall she launched a fire bolt which explodes on impact. You hear a defining wail as the creature lets out a death bellow. It's head drops to the ground with a thump. Soon the extended limb stop moving as they too fall to the ground. It seems you have struck down this beast once and for all.

*Victory!* (+15 Exp, All Players have Leveled up. +2 Stat Points, You can choose to a new skill or strengthen one of your existing skills. Spellcasters can choose to create a new spell or strengthen one of your previous spells)

When you look towards the wound left in the plant creature by Preia, you see something slip out. Beneath the green slime you see Esmeralda slip out. The fox woman was unconscious but still breathing.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Sat Mar 05, 2016 8:36 am

Seeing Kassy escape at last, Sharya can now let loose knowing that she made the right choice. Working in tandem with Nighteyes, she slashes furiously at the plant to leave it exposed enough for Priea's fiery blast to strike the final blow! And sure enough, out slides Esmeralda. She was covered in a green goo, but she was definitely breathing. She must have had a little too much fun and passed out. "Alright! We did it! Good work everyone!" She cheers, smiling brightly as she sheathes her sword and turns to her friends.

As she does so, she spots Zalira collapsed on the ground. That was weird, Sharya hadn't even noticed that that had happened. Maybe she had just been too focused on the fight, but that didn't really matter now as she made her way over to check on her fellow elf. "H-hey, are you okay? I can cast a healing spell if you need one." She asks, offering a hand to help the sorceress to her feet if she needs. "We should probably get Esmeralda back to the encampment. I think we could all use a rest after that fight..."

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I'll add +2 to INT and choose Elemental Harmony to add Earth to my elements.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Sat Mar 05, 2016 12:14 pm

"Ugh.." Zalira groaned, shifting her arms and legs slightly as she feels the paralysis slowly fade away from her muscles. The Muscipula was gone, and so was the danger.

She probably could have stood up on her own, but that did not stop her from pretending to be weak enough so she can take Sharya's hand and press herself against the other elf a little in a moment of 'dizziness', their large breasts making the act very easy to pull. "Ah.. I think I'll be fine, but if you wish to tend to me later, far be it from me to complain," she says, smirking at the other before slowly letting go of her, trailing her fingers across her exposed skin as she does.

Ey'ala flew over to her mistress after she checked up on Esmeralda. She was visibly exhausted, as she flew too much, and too soon after her knock-out. She would try to retake her seat on Sharya's shoulder, cuddling up against her if allowed, and if not, she would go to her mistress instead. "I'm glad to see you are both alright," she says in a caring tone, her eyes soon closing in rest.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Sun Mar 06, 2016 7:27 pm

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+2 INT, Increased power to Heal

Priea let out a relieved breath, glad they had managed to end the creature and she had a moment to calm down... which ended the moment she rushed over towards Kassy, moving to help her up," Are you alright? Do you need any healing?", she asked worriedly, looking over the older woman for any sign of damage the monster had caused. She was quite exhausted from all she'd gone through, which included almost being eaten herself which still made her shiver in revulsion just thinking about it.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Mon Mar 07, 2016 3:37 pm

Seeing the creature fall brings a sigh of relief to Kailyne's lips, her body straining against it's new measurements and her hair tangled and knotted and filled with leaves from being dragged behind her in the forest floor. Taking a moment she looks over the others, making sure each is alright before sitting down and sorting out her hair, trying desperately to find something anything to get it controlable until she gives up and lets out a whine of frustration. her eyes going over to Esmeralda as she hums and moves over to her, studying her mark, the tattoo the man had crused them all with as she looks it over Nighteyes coming up behind her and pushing past to sniff out the unconscious beast woman. Barking and growling as her tracking has finally come to a close. "Hey... so... how we getting this one back to camp? Not that i'm proud but I'm carrying a little more than I'm used to at the moment." She comments with a blush her arms wrapped around her immense bust to conceal it poorly.

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(+2 to dex. kailyne +2 to str for nighteyes. upgrade double arrow and nighteyes gains skill Cornered animal. (bonus to evasion and STR when below 50% hp)
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Mon Mar 07, 2016 4:38 pm

Kassy not only manage to get herself free in the process, chopping off the limb pulling her into the monster, but she goes tumbling the moment she hits the ground. She didn't go too far, managing to catch herself and getting herself right back up to watch the fight end before her eyes. The holstaur breathes out a sigh, feeling grateful that the fight ended but feels a little unaccomplished with the whole thing. Seeing that she was about to get eaten by the monster, it's making her think that is what she doing now going to be helpful to the team down the line. While it's good to help be the walking tank that can also serve up something to drink along the way, but how far will her work go before she ends up getting herself killed by a reckless decision?

Noticing Priea coming up to her, Kassy smiles as she watches the cleric check her up for any injuries. The holstaur shakes her head in response. "Nah, I should be fine," she replied, keeping her smile up. "Outside of getting some new armor to protect myself, everything is all right with me." Kassy is starting to feel a little more exposed after saying that line. Again she doesn't mind the fact of going nude or even stick to her current attire, it's more appropriate for her to wear some armor just in case she runs into someone that can one-shot her. Plus she still need to get out of her clothes and not only get clean up but wash them after getting sticky with her milk, so losing the armor is a bit of a benefit on her benefit.

Now that Esmeralda is out of the creature, sleeping away, there is the question of getting her back to the village. Kassy starts to offer her service in carrying her back, being the strongman of the group, until a thought popped into her head. There seems to be someone missing from their group and Kassy starts panicking from it. "Uh, we're missing someone else!" she stated, letting everyone know about her worries. "I'm going to go see if I can find her and get her back with us!" Once said, Kassy starts heading back in the direction where she left Slugcat in an attempt to find her and have her reunited with the others.

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+2 to STR, Increase power to Hono(u)rable Combat
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Fri Mar 11, 2016 4:30 am

As you hover over the Esmeralda, her eyes flicker a bit before they slowly open. " Huh? Who are you?" She asks with a bewildered look. Before she speaks any further, she sniffs the air. and gives you a soft smile. "I'm alright, I just need a bit of rest." The fox woman tries to stand up only for her legs to wobble a bit before falling back to her knees. A green substance leaked out of her pussy. "I may need a hand, I know a shortcut through the forest.

Meanwhile, Kassandra backtracks to where she last saw Slugcat. Going past the enchanted fountain you see the survivalist ferret on the ground with a small vine seeming to pull her back into the bush.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Fri Mar 11, 2016 8:06 am

A light blush colors Sharya's cheeks and a somewhat embarrassed grin spreads across her face as Zalira's bout of dizziness presses their bodies together. She still wasn't quite used to their new, larger breasts but she certainly wasn't complaining in situations like this. "Oh? Yeah I'll uh, 'tend to you' anytime you want. I'm pretty good with my hands you know. Just say the word!" She giggles, shivering slightly at Zalira's touch. Gods, drinking from that fountain was such a great idea!

"I'm happy you're alright too Ey'ala. Thanks for helping out, even if it was hard." Sharya allows the raven to perch on her shoulder, gently petting the familiar. Poor girl had really pushed herself this time, but at least she didn't get hurt this time.

Now that she knew her companions were fine, Sharya turns her attention to the now awakened Esmeralda. Though the fox girl was awake, it seemed that she was still too weak to walk on her own. Kailyne already seemed like she had a hard enough time getting around as it was and Kassy had gone off on her own in search of someone, so Sharya made her way over and offered Esmeralda a hand, taking great care to allow the woman to lean on her without disturbing Ey'ala's rest. "Well, name is Sharya. Who we are is a bit of a long story though..."
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Sun Mar 13, 2016 11:55 pm

Well things seem to be going rather smoothly, and ultimately uneventful, for the holstaur as she makes her way back towards the clearing where she last left the ferret sniper. Something inside of the paladin is making her feel cautious about the plant life in the area, seeing that the trees are alive and are seeking to make their way with the cow herm, while also feeling bad that she is leaving Priea alone once again. Good thing that once Kassy is done here, she'll make her way back towards the young cleric and spend more time with her, keeping her close to her side as they travel the land with her. Still Kassy is worried for Slugcat, knowing that some other members have left their group and she doesn't want to see another member leave on bad terms, especially if she's whisked away by something living in this forest. Given how things are here, it's going to be natural for something to come along and Kassy doesn't want anything else bad happening to her friends.

She makes her way up to the fountain once more, slowing down just slightly to study the structure some more before shuddering. She saw the transformation the others went through from the waters this fountain spews and Kassy feels the need to do something to prevent others from drinking from this place. However there could be some benefits from others using this place and destroying a potentially sacred place isn't a part of code. Sighing hard, Kassy averts her gaze away from the fountain and continues on back the path she took getting to this point.

Finally the holstaur spots the patch of fur that makes up Slugcat and Kassy immediately goes on the defense and charges towards the vine pulling the ferret in. Kassy raises her shovel and slams the head on the vine, digging the sharp edge into the ground and cutting the vine off from where it was coming from, preventing whatever devious deed the plant monster has in store with Slugcat. Kassy once again thinks about going on a destructive path and slay the beast trying to take Slugcat away, but instead she takes Slugcat and pulls her away from the bush, keeping her eye out on anything else that might pop out and attack them both with her shovel up in defense. The holstaur lifts the ferret up and slings her onto her shoulder, propping her up to carry her, while looking for a safe spot to rest the survivalist down and let her know what is going on. There is a clear spot by a tree that catches her eye and Kassy heads on over to the spot, and then proceeds to rest Slugcat against the tree.

After spending a couple of minutes getting the ferret comfortable, Kassy steps back and tries to figure out what to do next. She feels bad that she has to leave her alone when she could acquire Slugcat's service, but the holstaur guesses there is more on the ferret's plate that she can't help with. Her quest seems a little too much of a personal investment and it would be rude of her to butt in and get the others involve in some other hunt. However, she isn't going to leave her be like this. Kassy strips out of the rest of her clothes and place them over Slugcat, letting it serve as a blanket for her, while searching around for some paper to write out a little message to her once she wakes up. The note basically states that Kassy will continue on with the search for Slugcat's bear friend, while wishing her luck on it and also when they meet again she'll give her the bottle back. That reminds her, Kassy takes one bottle that's already full and presents it, adding that the bottle isn't that specific one, and then signs it before placing it right on her old clothes.

Once she is all set, Kassy stands up straight, feeling comfortable now she's back in the buff and gives herself a good stretch before making her way back to her friends to hopefully catch up with them before they head on out of the forest... and hopefully don't scare them off now that she is naked.
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