by Rooiehaan #2 » Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:44 pm
"You're funny. You talk much. Strange, talking person; climbing the cliff like a bug. I like bugs. But you're too big a bug. Now lets get you up, before you swim like a fish instead. i like fish too, though"
The girl's head disappeared from the edge and, a second later, a claw appeared instead; like a huge bird's claw the size of Mizuki's hand. Confused, stunned and all that she witnessed how the claw reached down at her, grabbed by the collar in her neck and pulled her up towards the ledge.
When Mizuki grabbed the edge of the cliff and pulled herself up with a little help, she saw the girl sitting right next to her; wings of a bird instead of arms, a short feathery tail and two feathered claws; one of them planted in the soft grass covering the ground underneath them both and the other letting go of her collar. "There. Hey, now youre looking at me like a human. What are you, exactly bug-fish-woman?" She asked, tilting her head in a normally dangerous angle.
'The Minotaurs, first saddened and filled with grief, soon felt rage seep into their harts. Rage for being 'outcasts', rage for being disgraced in the face of their goddess. In their caves and burrows they still revered her, but Lilith did not hear. Panicking, like children having lost their parents, they did the only thing they knew; they put a siege on the volcano. War, strife; misery on both sides. Poor cows, poor us. Poor Lilith, seeing both her loved races quarrel with each other. The cows proved strong, menacing enemies; i was still young at the time, but even out of the front lines i had far too many close encounters then anyone would like. Both of our kin pushed to the brink of extinction, my Big Sister, in military terms called a Fallen Angel, tried to go in waving a white flag; hoping for parley.
She never came back.
Enraged, and backed-up by the rest of my sisters we retaliated, the first time we went on the offensive. The cows, not knowing how to deal with this, panicked. We found my dear Big Sister amongst the fallen cows, lifeless. Determined to fulfill at least her dream in her honor, i picked up the blood-soaked flag and with tears in my eyes i sought the Minotaur war-chief. He knew what would happen if he pulled the same trick again and for the first time listened. Truly listened.
It was then that a deal was made and peace was made. A mutual beneficial agreement was made, and we allowed them to live among us.
through this meeting that i was able to honor my Big Sister's name, and make name for myself as well. I, Minerva, a small Ravenaire only just outgrown the nest, was promoted as a Fallen Angel. My dream had come through.
However, the hierarchy was broken. Taking in the cows made suspicious eyes grow, but after a couple of decades these eyes slowly went shut. The hierarchy was soon restored. Lilith, Fallen angels, Minotaur chiefs, Ravenaire's and cows alike, then the other races.'
"Milady... yes, this title can now be used..." Lilith replied Heidi calmly, before she got a nice twinkle in her eyes and a small smile curled her lips. "come now, my daughter, no need for such formalities... We are one family after all. Here, give your mother a hug"
Heidi, too reserved to do it herself, was given a gentle hug from Lilith herself. It only lasted for a short two seconds, but the embrace made her feel warm inside. During the hug, Lilith muttered "I am so happy that one of my daughters has found her way to me... She was lost, but now is found..."
Breathe easy, the doctors are about to arrive.