Jungle Fever: Struggle for Survival

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Re: Jungle Fever: Struggle for Survival

Postby Unradical Dude » Thu Sep 01, 2016 11:08 pm

Okay. It's interested. Step two...

Legs still a little shaky, Nesia crawls out from underneath the griffin.

"Good boy," she coos as she staggers to her feet. "Such a good boy. Do you want to stick around with mommy? Is that what you want?" It probably doesn't, but keeptalkingkeeptalking

"Just give me a sec, sweetie, and..." And here Nesia makes a jump and attempts, with her unfortunate proportions, to clamber up onto the griffin's back. It's, uh, tricky. But if she makes it, she'll give it a little gee-up and see where it takes her! Hopefully somewhere more interesting than this dump.
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Unradical Dude
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Re: Jungle Fever: Struggle for Survival

Postby Aledria » Sun Sep 11, 2016 5:55 am

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Sorry about the lag in posting. I haven’t had as much time to write lately.

Kaelani held her daught er close, stroking the child’s head absently as she considered their options. “I don’t think we should just let this threat go unchecked but we can’t fight it while carrying Luana. Let’s try to sneak in to my Master. Once there, we can leave Luana in her care, then we can come back to deal with the ropers. Once we no longer have our daughter at my breast, Alsvid and I can serve as bait and Haku can dispatch them easily”.

Pushing back a lock of green hair, Kaelani leaned over and kissed Alsvid’s cheek, affectionately. “Just try to save some roper for me, greedy little girl,” she said with a teasing grin as she ran a finger along Alsvid's lips.

Her eyes fell back upon her mate. “Does that sound like it might work? If we tie them up, can you easily fell them?”
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