The Road: 2nd Gear

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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby ZeroParadox » Fri Nov 13, 2015 8:33 pm

"No.", Chance says simply, "You see, there are some things you have overlooked. For one, as soon as I shut the engine off you have to know the tricks to start it again. Second, if either of you do anything to me I'll make sure we all die. So, how about we try this again?" Chance will then pickup a bottle of whiskey he keeps nearby and take a swig. "Ever had whiskey before?" As he drives he'll keep an eye out for structures and dunes, anything he could ram or jump in case things continue to go south.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Mon Nov 16, 2015 8:10 am

"Shit, a virgin!"
Rip curses under his breath, but continues his thrusts in to the women. He already made it this far anyway. He figures he is fucked if this women ever finds him again anyway, he might as well enjoy himself while he still care. He groans from the sensations he had been sorely deprived of, as he leans forward, and gets a taste of her luscious breasts.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Tue Nov 17, 2015 7:54 am

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The worm buried inside you pussy continues to squirm and twist, coiling back and forth everywhere inside you pussy, feeling like he's touching you everywhere at once.

The second worm suddenly breaks the surface of sand by your side, crawling up your arm and under you shirt through the sleeve. You feel it coil tightly around one breast, using it for the base as the other end sticks up through the collar around your face. A thin tendril with a forked end flicks out through the slit at the end of worm you guess is the head, like it's tasting the air. Suddenly the worm lurches forwards, tunneling into your mouth, open from moaning in pleasure, and starts to squirm around it, it's whisp like tongue madly flicking back and forth, exploring every recess. You gag for a moment as the worm tries to force itself down your throat but it gives up quickly and pulls out. The slit it's 'tongue' came out of suddenly widens as the creature snarls and you see row upon row of sharp teeth inside.

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Looking around you see small patch of sandy humps in the distance, but you can't see much further as the storm starts to over take.

"That won't be a problem once Big Daddy and Big Sistah catch up," The one next to chuckles as you mention the engine.

"What you gonna do when you just a head on a stick," the one behind cackles when mention doing something to kill them, and you feel her blade jab at the back.

When you bring up the bottle the one next to snatches it away, keeping one eye on you as she takes a big hit, prodding you the muzzle of her revolver to remind you of it.

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The light scent and taste of flowers and soaps greets you as devour her breasts, not the usual harsh tang of dust and grease. More moans escape her mouth and hips buck against yours a little more with each thrust until her entire body seems to tense and you feel her tight pussy clamp down on your cock even harder as she cums hard. Her eyes flashes flicker for several moments as waves of pleasure cascade through her, but she soon settles back into fitful fleep, lightly grinding herself against your hips and cock still lodged inside her.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby ZeroParadox » Wed Nov 18, 2015 1:05 am

"That's some good stuff, yeah? I'm the only one here who can brew it.", he rambles on while gradually aiming for a suitable dune as the pistol packer guzzles the drink. He'll rattle on about the different drinks he can make until near the sandy ramp. "By the way, there's something else you girls failed to pay attention to regarding my truck....", he'll say as they are about to launch,"... it comes equipped with something called seatbelts!"
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Hazard1325 » Wed Nov 18, 2015 5:20 am

Rebeca gasped as the other wurm coiled around her breast and let out another loud moan only to have the thing jammed down her throat. She found she kind of liked the experience for a moment at least until it reeled back and bared its teeth. She reached for her shotgun intending to blow the worm away if her aim was steady enough while the other worm was still inside of her.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:43 am

Rip brings himself back up from her succulent skin in order to get a good look at her as she climaxes. He feels himself getting close as well, and tries to hold out for as long as possible. He panics as he sees her eyes opening, and leans back down to give her a kiss as she orgasms. In the moment of pleasure and fear, he unleashes his seed in to her depths, as his cock spasms around for the finale.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Tue Nov 24, 2015 11:32 am

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(.... the dice really didn't like you today...)

"Wat?" The girls ask flatly in unison.

Eyes snapping ahead, they see the bump ahead and somehow cling cat like to the seats and roof of the car, hissing at you as the humvee launches into the air. You feel the blade drop away from your back as the truck lands again, but fails to dislodge either of your two passengers.

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Your mind stays clear long enough to grab your shotgun as the first worm continues to pound your pussy relentlessly. As you swing the weapon up the worm sitting on your chest squeals and slithers back under your shirt, preventing a clean shot that wouldn't blast away part of your own body as well. You watch it slither around the material for a moment, hoping for an opportunity when suddenly it constricts hard around the breast it was using for support. The sudden shock and pain is compounded when you feel it's teeth sink flesh of your other tit in a ring around your nipple.

The third worm suddenly breaks through the surface between your legs, tongue flicking out much like the second hand before hand. The worm inches past the first and you feel it's tongue flick against your back door.

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The woman's orgams seems to roll through her again and you unload your spray of hot cum inside her, her pussy milking you for all you are worth. Her breath is nothing but ragged, pleasured moans as she slowly comes down from her high, to rest back in a fitful sleep.

Outside the bus you start to hear the rest of the town waking up... and girls singing? Looking out the window you suddenly see the first of the woman's flock strolling back to bus, their white robes near see-through and dripping with water.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby ZeroParadox » Tue Nov 24, 2015 3:57 pm

Since the girl in the passenger seat had a bottle in one hand and a gun in the other Chance will take whichever item she dropped to hang on and proceed to knock the girls unconscious with it. He'll start with the girl in the front seat while weaving the truck left and right to keep the passengers off balance.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Tue Nov 24, 2015 10:04 pm

Well, there was no easy escape at this point. He might as well just roll with the punches. He rolls off the woman, with a pleasurable sigh, and keeps one arm around her, and a hand rested on her soft breast. The excitement of whats to come causes Rip's cock to spring back to life again.

As the women enter the bus, he continues laying naked next to the leader, with his throbbing cock on full display. He nervously greets them.
"Hello ladies!"
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Hazard1325 » Wed Nov 25, 2015 2:15 am

Rebeca curses as the worm squirms away under her shirt and lets out a yelp as it bites. "Little shit!" She said forgoing the gun in favor of her hunting knife. She didn't like it but saw few other choices and cut strait down her shirt tearing the fabric open along her cleavage so she could get her hands around the worm causing the most immediate harm. She tried not to squirm to much as she felt the other playing with her rear but it was getting harder to ignore both of them.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Wed Nov 25, 2015 9:28 am

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The sharp blade of your knife tears neatly through your shirt, the cut fabric rolling aside as your chest heaves up and down from the constant stimulation. You see the worm in all it's horror now, one end wrapped tightly around your right breast, the purpled flesh spilling over the its coiled body while the head envelopes the nipple on the other breast. You wrap your hands around it's slick, slimey length and are about to start pulling when third worm, without ceremony, bores into your ass. The sudden violent intrusion sends a shock for your system as it slithers further and further inside you, sending another orgasm crashing through you. Gasping for breath, you body only relaxes when the worm slides it's entire length inside your bowels. A strange burning warmth starts to flood your chest and you notice pulsing veins bulge around the head of worm attached to your breast. To your horror, you watch as your left breast slowly starts to swell and bulge out, growing larger and larger as the veins on the worm's head recede.

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You hear the woman's flock gathering around the bus, their conversations muffled by the glass and metal that do little to hide the clanging sounds of feet on the metal stares leading in. Looking at the entrance you see only one of the flock has stepped into the bus at the moment, a young woman with jet black hair and piercing blue eyes. She stands shocked still, hand over mouth as she takes in the sight of you, naked, the leader, naked, your erect cock and cum slowly dribbling out the leader's slit. Suddenly she charges forward, but instead of attacking she hurriedly pulls shut the dividing curtains separating the leader's quarters from the others.

"Oh my god," She giggles, trying to keep her voice low as her chest heaves in the soaking wet, near see through white shift that clings to her body, "You actually did it?"

She doesn't wait for a response but quickly grabs the leaders discarded panties, tearing them into strips and tying the woman's legs and hands together.

"We've got to do this quick," she continues, "If the other's see you they'll cut your balls off. The emergency exit behind you should still be good, you know the way to the drop off right?"

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You grab the discarded bottle of booze and rolls about the seat, swinging it in clean arc that connects with the side of the girls head and she crumples neatly against the passenger door. Swinging the wheel back and forth you hear the sounds of the rear passenger being bounced about uncomfortably but doubt you are causing any real harm.

Suddenly the light starts to fade as the dust storm grows thicker, blocking out the light. Looking in the mirror you see the girl stuck perfectly still in the middle seet, her eyes slowly glowing a catlike green as the light fades until the only thing you can see in the darkness is them.

"Oh Sugar, you shouldn't have done that."
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby ZeroParadox » Wed Nov 25, 2015 9:40 am

Instead of resorting to some witty banter or monologue Chance tries another tactic, slamming on the brakes in the hope that the sudden stop will propel her forward so he can whack her unconscious mid flight. Barring that he'll just aim for the green orbs with the bottle, hoping for a lucky hit.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Wed Nov 25, 2015 11:11 pm

Rip flinches as the woman charges forward, but sighs in relief as the curtains closed. He gets up and stretches, perplexed as to why the leader is being tied up. He wanted to ask what the hell was going on, but his horniness got the best of him. He makes his way for he black haired beauty and wraps his arms around her, his erect cock pressing against her thigh.
"I forgot where I'm supposed to go. Can you show me?"
He playfully gropes her ass, and gives her a kiss on the lips.
"We can take as many 'breaks' as you want."
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Hazard1325 » Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:23 am

Rebca lets out a cry of pleasure clamping down on the worm in her pussy as she feels an orgasm wash over her. Dazed she's unable to do much more than grab at the one on her breasts. She gasps again this time in pain as it clamps down and begins to make her breast swell, she has no idea what its doing but really isn't a fan. She tries to grab it by the slimy head trying to pull it off but ends up sliding along its length trying not to think of it as one giant phallus. She does her best to get it off her breast and cut the little bastard to pieces before it does any lasting damage.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:49 am

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You find it hard to describe the horror the lunges at you from the darkness of back seat. Cloaked in shadow, furred limbs brimming with sharp claws fly out for you and you hear the gnashing of teeth. You manage to swat away the worst of the blows and keep the creature from clambering over the seats to get a better strike at you. The truck jolts as it wheel rumbles into a concealed ditch and slamming on the breaks causes the vehicle to spin out. You manage to keep it from flipping or rolling as it spins but you wash off all your momentum and come to full stop, facing somewhere into the storms, you tracks masked instantly by the flying grit.

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"I don't mix business and pleasure, Honey," She smiles with a wink, taking your hand off her ass, "I save that for later."

Scrambling over the bound form of the leader, she starts to work the latch on the bus's rear hatch.

"You carry her, I'll distract the others then lead the way back to the safe house," She starts, rolling a blanket over the Leader's body, "C'mon hurry up, we've lost the bonus for keeping her intact thanks to you, but if we hurry we might be able to haggle for an early delivery bonus."

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Coming down from your last orgasm, you are able to block out the sensation coming from your lower body long enough to focus on the task at hand. Grabbing tightly with both hands you pull on the worm attached to your breasts with all your might. Skin slicked with sweat, you easily slide the coiled end from the right breast, the area burning as the blood rushes into the area again, however the left does not go as smoothly. Teeth locked in, it takes all you might and will power to rip it free, your left teat feels like it's about to tear away from your body when the worm finally lets go. It writhes about in our hands, teeth gnashing as it snarls in anger before you silence it with your blade.

Looking down you see your left breast seems to have swelled at least three cups sizes larger, the skin around the fading teeth marks red and tender. You suddenly notice something leaking out of your nipple, the liquid pale white and creamy in colour.

The worm in your gut starts to move again and you shudder as it shifts about, gasping in relief as it starts to slither back out of you. The moment of relief is short lived as you feel it's head start to probe around the puffy lips of your pussy still being violated by the first.
Last edited by exalted on Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby ZeroParadox » Thu Nov 26, 2015 9:51 am

Just what am I dealing with here?, Chance thinks to himself briefly. The fur, eyes and claws leading him to an odd thought... and if it were true she can see in the dark better than him. Acting quickly he flips on the cabin light and unlatches his seatbelt to be better able to defend himself from this unique attacker. If at all possible he'd grab the unconscious girls gun, too... best to deny her the opportunity to shoot him.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Thu Nov 26, 2015 5:49 pm

Rip can't help but smile, perplexed that his advances actually worked. He nods in understanding and picks up the woman, after quickly getting dressed of course, and jumping out of the back of the bus, and sprinting for one of the alleyways. He realized the irony of basically raping and kidnapping the girl, after trying to prevent just that, but he didn't care anymore. He wanted some fucking money, and he was going to get it.

Shit! He still has to fix the pump! He makes his way to the town's pump, placing the blanket wrapped woman down next to it. He tries his best to solve the problem as fast as he could.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Hazard1325 » Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:37 am

Rebeca tosses the dead worm aside and glances down at her swollen breast with a groan then reaches down to the nipple and tugs hoping draining some of the fluid would reduce its size. The act also stimulated her body and along with the other worm she was finding herself dangerously weak at the moment. She could feel the worm under her find its way out and then begin pushing up her slit where the other kept thrusting in and out. At least it wasn't biting anything but she couldn't have another in there or she might never recover.. she tried to grab one of the worms and kill that one as well.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Sat Nov 28, 2015 5:00 am

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Squeezing and tugging on your nipple shoots up a stream of milk that cascades down back onto you, ending in a crescendo of pleasure with each tug. Your breast seems to noticeable decline as pool of milk around you forms, but the breast still remains comically large in comparison to the other. You feel a rumbling within your breast as you continuously milk yourself but the flow never seems to lessen, it appears your mammary is in overdrive.

You moan in shock and pleasure as you feel your pussy stretching as the worm riggling about inside it seems to swell and expand in girth. Looking down you see the droplets of milk landing on it's body not inside you being instantly absorbed, the creature growing as it does so. While you feel yourself being stretched to the limit, the increased bulk of the first worm prevents the second from squeezing in with it. Now that both worms are larger you find it easy enough to grab and dispose of the second worm.

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As you make your break for it you hear a commotion going on behind you and the word fire is shouted several times before the twists and turns of the back streets muffles all of it.

You find the town's water supply easy enough, an old large fountain in the center of town. You notice leading from the fountain is a thick trail of wet foot prints and mud and guess this was where the group of girls had been while you were spending your time with the leader. Looking at the fountain you see only a trickle of water dribbling from the angelic statue in the centre of the fountain and decide that must be the problem. The pump house is nearbye, an old shack cobbled together out of rusted corrugated iron sheets with a equally decrepit windmill sticking out of the top. A quick inspection of the pump shows a few rods and other components have worn out, preventing a proper seal forming. A few hours in a workshop would probably be enough to fabricate replacements.

Suddenly the shack's door slams shut behind you and you turn to see your partner in crime leaning against it breathing hard. You notice the white shift she's wearing is smudged with black soot in several places.

"What the hell are we doing here?" she coughs.

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You flick on the lights and startled to see a large cat like creature in the rear seat where the girl should have been. The creature rears back slightly at the sudden lights and hisses at you, giving you an opportunity to snatch the revolver from the unconscious girl in front. Though as you pull back you notice that girl's skin turning dark and growing fur as well.

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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Sat Nov 28, 2015 5:35 pm

"I still got a job here to do. I gotta get this pump fixed. Let me just take outthe defective parts now, and then we can go."
He makes sure the pump is set off, and starts disassembling it. He occasionally glances back at the girl in curiosity.
"Now might be a good time for more explanations. I'm not complaining about the extra work, I'd just like to know these things before I spoil the merchandise."
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