Alanis Rolls:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Sneak Attack
7(rolled) + 4(Sneak Attack) -4(Called shot-Head) = 7 VS 4, Success
7(Rolled) +4(Sneak Attack) +4(Called shot-Head) = 15 VS 5, Kill
Ash Rolls:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Sneak Attack
7(Rolled) + 4(Sneak Attack) -2(Range) = 9 VS 4, Success+
6(Rolled) + 4(Sneak Attack) = 10 VS 6, Kill
Faye and Selena spent the next few minutes shifting around cargo containers and forming a makeshift barricade around the large elevator, it wasn't totally enclosed but it would give plenty of cover on all sides. With a loud crash their preparations were interrupted as the main doors of the building in front of them blew off and a dozen soldiers in carapace armor rushed out of the smoke opening fire at the barricades. Unfortunately for them they had chosen the path that the heavy bolter now guarded and only had seconds to get clear before Selene or Faye manned the gun and tore them to pieces. At the same time on the left side of the complex panes of glass shattered as traitor guardsmen began opening fire from the top floor. Evidently they weren't as stupid as the cultists that seemed to charge blindly and maintained suppressive fire meaning if either of them were going to man the bolter they would have to risk a few shots their way.
Alanis calmly raised her pistol and fired on the jailor spreading chunks of grey matter across the work table as he slumped over. She heard the jangle of a keyring as he fell and saw it hanging from his belt. The soldier on the table struggled to crane his head over to the doorway. "Who's there?!" He asked tearing at his straps to no avail. Alanis could easily move past him to retributive the keys if she wished.
As the Heretek took Krisora up a few levels there was a loud noise from up ahead that echoed around the old deserted halls. The man in front of her seemed concerned and drew a knife from his belt though he didn't seem to have any other weapons. "That was a firearm... solid projectile, low caliber..." He mused moving forward into what appeared to be a cell block. Most of the prisoners seemed to be riled up by the sudden noise but Krisora could see two figures at the end of the hall standing in a doorway, one of them was holding the still smoking stub automatic. The other looked to be wearing a slender set of xeno armor whose origin she couldn't identify from this distance.
The Assassin and Eldar went unnoticed by the hereteks continuing to pressure the guardian servitor. Esthar saw Ash's intent and raised her shuriken rifle alongside the plasma pistol. Both open fired almost in perfect synch as they lined up two of the traitors. One was dead before he hit the ground, a fiery hole in the back of his head caused by plasma fire ensured he would not be returning. The other took a few surikens to the back and tumbled to the ground but began clawing his way towards the computators hoping to find some shelter there. The last who seemed the quickest of the three of them dove behind the nearby command throne and crouched down behind the huge mass of metal. "Insurgents! Insurgents in the Command Center!" His augmented voice cried out but there were no traitors within earshot to hear him. At least not yet.
The Chaos Marine didn't seem to notice Rosette reaching for one of the fallen bolt pistols the bodyguard hadn't even had a chance to draw. The wounds looked like blades... but the patterns seemed more consistent with a firearm. Xeno technology no doubt... but two different kinds. While all blade marks were clean and precise some looked like they had been done with almost laser precision and the skin looked slightly necrotic around the edges of the wound. She caught up with the Marine and noticed he was now realizing something was wrong. He grabed his blade drawing it as they continued down the hall. "Where is Thorne? And where are the guards, this level should not be this deserted."
The Commissar nodded to Brianna. "You have one hour to prepare, then we push for the city." He said leaving her to her duties. The other tech priests nodded to the Commissar as he passed by them and began whispering as soon as he was out of earshot. "Berch has the right of this war... best kill the traitors and leave." The other nodded. "Still, I'm not sure what to make of that hand. The bolter was obviously Numerian, well respected, but the limb looked dangerously like Xeno tech." The first one shrugged. "As long as he gets us off this rock I don't care. I grow tired of retreading the Guards war machines." They finaly seemed to notice she had returned. "Good your back. What did the Commissar want with you?"