by Thaedael » Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:01 pm
She walks through the cracked door frame, a door having not hung on the hinges in over a decade. Her heels resound throughout the room, switching from carpet to oak floors, their surface scratched and stained from the refuse over years of misuse. Coming through saggy curtains is light, tinted to a yellowing color from the broken glass that barely kept the elements out. The sun was beginning to set, the smoke of downtown London rising in black plumes. On all the counter stood the assortment of chemical tools, Erlenmeyer flasks, test tubes, beakers and the like. Noxious fumes bubbled up and off the liquids brought to boil, sitting on the corner where the counter met the fridge sat Zane, his coat gone, leaving tight leather pants, an off purple tank top, and an assortment of leather collars and bracers, studded with metal, he smiled at Emily, his teeth yellowing and pointed.