by SugarCookie » Sun Oct 28, 2012 4:39 am
She keeps looking forward as she continues talking, "Meh, religion is just an excuse to start wars, and before I lost my memory that is. I tried going on a quest to find out who I was, but after a year or two I just gave up, I must of not been important enough"
...She ponders for a few seconds and goes on a ramble before Logan can reply "I mean, you know how some people say no one is unimportant? Well if there was no trace of me, anywhere, not even in the shack I woke up in, either someone erased me, or I must not of been that important. Like destinies, if you believe in those, someone is born, and what they do in life has an effect, but for a lot of people they do nothing in life, and if they were to never exist, it wouldn't make that much of a difference.
" 'cause I mean, I don't believe in freewill, you can persuade, or convince people to do things, and they make choices based off of what they've experienced, so really the future could be predictable, assuming you found a spell strong enough to know everything that is, and has happened. And a lot of people have little effect on a lot of things, so they would be considered important?
"Lets say bob grew up away from any cities, farmed, scavenged, traded on occasion but never talked or left an impression on anyone. He dies, end of his story. Now if he were to never exist, would it change anything?
".... I'm sorry, I'm rambling again ^^"
"In the modern world, "common sense" is an oxymoron"