Coldcry (IC)

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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby berserkerhorn » Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:42 am

Cassie yelps a bit as her cock gets jerked. "It... Fels so wrong... But so good..." Her cock starts getting erect.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby Sortaix » Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:12 pm

The Armory:
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Officer Silent didn't make any remarks to Jessi about her ears, but honestly, with all the other weird stuff going on, they didn't stand out much. As Cassie and Jessi walked back to find some clothes he went to the armory. However, one he walked in to the armory, he had to do a double take, upon seeing Hakkyou. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He then just put his head in his hand and walked over to the armory, which he opened silently. He then walked in and shut the door behind him. He spent a few moments gathering his thoughts before walking out, with several police nightsticks and a laser pistol. He then walked out and handed a nightstick to Denie and Dahlia, without saying a word, then he handed one to Alis, still silent. He then stopped at Hakkyou and tossed her a pair of pants.
"Howdy, I am Steve Silent, security officer number 8026. I understand you are security as well?"

Next post or two everyone is getting out of the station, and trust me, you won't want to stay in it. *cue evil laugh*
By the time you realize this doesn't say anything. It's too late to stop reading.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby daxtinator396 » Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:57 pm

"What now..." She asks blushing furiously. The way guys used to look at her made her feel too nervous to get to know them and she had never really been in a relationship if not for that she was simply too busy to hold one and as a result she was still a virgin,"I`ve never done this before... M-maybe we should wait? The others could be waiting for us..." She was nervous and wasn`t sure she could even do this,"We can do it later if you would really like..." She said with a nervous smile.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby berserkerhorn » Sun Sep 09, 2012 3:10 pm

"I'm okay with waiting... this is my first time too... I've been an experiment since i was a child. Now let's find me some pants before someone else finds out about my new secret." Cassie blushes and moves foward
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby Fuzzel » Sun Sep 09, 2012 3:15 pm

Kate followed Officer Silent back into the armory, feeling like she could be useful when she's around him, seeing as he seemed to be the leader of this little group of survivors. Upon seeing Hakkyou and the naked thing between her legs, she once more flushed red, turning away shamefully to hide her embarrassment.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby thealchemist » Sun Sep 09, 2012 3:22 pm

Ak'Vit looked a little disappointed as officer Silent handed out the weapons. "What nothing for me?"
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby daxtinator396 » Sun Sep 09, 2012 3:32 pm

"Good idea. They didn`t seem to be too comfortable about the other two girl we found like that and I want people to get along..." She said searching the holding cells for at least a jumpsuit she could give to her for modesty`s sake,"Was there a place where they gave you clothes in here?" She asks continuing to hunt around.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby berserkerhorn » Sun Sep 09, 2012 3:33 pm

"I...Don't remember... I've been chained up since day one..." Cassie says
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby daxtinator396 » Sun Sep 09, 2012 3:45 pm

Jessi quickly hugs her and gives her a deep kiss,"Thats just a taste. Now don`t be sad okkay? We`re looking for a little storage room. That`s where they would keep them." She said with a smile.
(Gotta mow the lawn soon so I`ll be dissappearing for at least 2 or 3 hours but I`ll be on sporadically when I take breaks :3)
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby berserkerhorn » Sun Sep 09, 2012 6:00 pm

"I remember stumbling into one earlier. This way..." she says leading them to a storage room
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby Icaelus » Sun Sep 09, 2012 6:50 pm

Deni watched Dahlia's gum glow an iridescent bright blue with telekinetic power, shooting off to smack against a wall before finally tumbling into a conveniently placed trashcan. The photographer raised an eyebrow at the display of power.
"I'm thinking that you have probably never littered before.."
Deni folded her arms, grinning at Dahlia as she turned to her. Dahlia returned her grin, shooting off another one of her usual jokes. Deni didn't reply immediately, her grin softening to a happy smile. Dahlia had been a godsend as a friend and ally. She just had that uplifting effect that cheered Deni up so was like that the monsters didn't even exist when they were talking to each other..
"Wouldn't we be the main menu if we went down to the food court now? Too bad, though..I like ramen."
Deni said, unfolding her arms and sighing shortly. The ramen chef was probably a zombie now, anyway. There was a brief diverting of her attention as the policeman walked into the armory, opening the locked door and stepping into it. She was tempted to go in..but the officer probably appreciated his privacy in there. He soon emerged with an armful of nightsticks, two of which he handed to Deni and Dahlia as he passed them. Deni examined the baton in her hands. Finally, a weapon that wasn't borrowed or completely ineffective...which meant that she should probably return Alis' kukri knife now..
"Hey, Dahl. Hang on a bit..I'm going to go return this to Alis."
Deni held up the kukri knife, jiggling it a little between her fingers to catch Dahlia's attention. She gave Dahlia a parting smile before she walked off to Alis, who was chatting with Ak'Vit and that wolf woman.. She couldn't help noticing a bulge in Ak'Vit's pants visibly shrinking as she neared. Uh, wow. She was a futa too? How many people were futas here..?
"Um, Alis? I have a weapon I'll be returning your knife to you. Thanks for loaning it to me!"
Deni nodded gratefully to Alis as she handed her back her knife, shooting Alis a brief grin before she turned and started walking back to Dahlia. Behind her, she heard the policeman approach the trio and speak, introducing himself for once. His name was Steve Silent, then..
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby daxtinator396 » Sun Sep 09, 2012 7:12 pm

"Alright lets go! Then we need to head to the others really quick alright? I don`t have any protection besides you and this saw... I don`t want to be left behind...." She says her smile fading slightly at the thought as she followed after Cassie and admired her swaying hips.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby berserkerhorn » Sun Sep 09, 2012 7:22 pm

Cassie opens the door to the storage room and walks inside. A room filled with boxes and closets. "Umm... Where do we start?"
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby daxtinator396 » Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:30 pm

Jessi bends over and opens a box to look inside and turns back to look at Cassie looking at her cutely with her ears hanging in her face, her hat in her bag. She decided she would wear it around the others but not Cassie if she didn`t want too,"Could you help me look in here?" She asks with a smile and returns to sifting through the box and her hips sway from side to side.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby shinox23 » Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:29 pm

Hakkyou takes the pants "Thanks, Yea, Hakkyou Jigen, security, #1202" She took her weapons belt off then quickly put her pants on without taking off the shredded ones "I lost my ID card somewhere and got over-ran by zombies on my way to a supply room... I don't know what happened outside but I've been... Occupied... Here for the past 2 days... Got any info on what's going on outside?" She put her weapon belt back on while still listening to his words "That mutant police dog is with me, his name's 'Dash', he won't do any harm as long as I'm around, so don't worry about handling him, I got him" Her voice was as professional as possible, seeing that a superior is in the room "I apologize for my indecent exposure sir"
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby berserkerhorn » Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:46 pm

"Sure!" Cassie moves over to Jessi. She bends over wrapping a wing around jessi. Her scales are surprisingly warm for a lizard.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby daxtinator396 » Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:01 pm

"Your so warm!" She says with suprise as she continues to hunt around in the box before finding a pair of pants for her,"Here try these Cassie! Maybe we`ll find you something prettier later but right now blue jumpsuit is just going to be your color." She said cracking a smile.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby berserkerhorn » Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:42 pm

Cassie has to make holes for her wings before she steps inside the jumpsuit.. Her scales brush against the jumpsuit making them more noticeable. Her wings pop out and she zips up the jumpsuit. "I look like a freak in this..."
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby daxtinator396 » Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:56 pm

"No you don`t! Don`t say that. I think you look fine." She said smiling and pulling her into a hug,"Alright lets get to the others! They were in the armory last I checked." She said pulling Cassie along by the hand anxious to get back.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby berserkerhorn » Mon Sep 10, 2012 12:57 am

Cassie simply follows Jessi.
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