IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:17 pm

Deciding it's now or never, Jon takes a leap of faith, jumping straight out the hole in the wall, and (if necessary) using the side of his armored boot to grind against the outside of the building, letting friction slow his descent, should the fall be a long one. Once on the ground, he makes tracks for minimum safe distance and a spot of cover; should the sources of those footsteps spot him, he'll simply flip them an easy-to-spot birdie, letting the rigged explosives do the job his bullets would otherwise need to take. No use wasting ammo if he doesn't need to.
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby Lady Foxy » Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:29 am

(I feel proud of these set of posts! I invite you all to read them! :3)

@Ikechi, Shuttle outside of the planet Soulas Das-Nobu; Engine Room. (Haze, R.I.P.)
Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-HQ3ZPsMmg&feature=related
(Also, in your latest post you accidentally changed Emile's name for Reaver. I suggest you're more careful there. ^^)
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Susan stood back when Emile grunted, placing her pistol in it's respective holster before glancing away.. Death, was a tragic thing.. And now, death had claimed the life of someone else..

A quiet sound of flesh being sliced could be heard.. Making Susan cover her eyes before whispering a prayer for the young girl.. She walked over to him, mixed feelings of held-back sorrow and anger being pushed away.. Helping him up and letting him lean on her..

''Alright.. Let's go then..'' She whispered ever so softly.

Battle Terminated, Results:
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Emile: 98%, Slight cut on his left leg but not even a deep wound; should be checked. Has earned 'Haze's' blade and other items that were on her. Has earned the 'And thy peace will be yours.' Badge.
Haze: 0%, Deceased. Has been given the, 'And your work will return to it's original sender.' badge.
Susan: 100%, Perfectly healthy.

@Reaps, In his own Ship; Halls.
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Saeko's body seemed as smooth as anything can be when Ravier grabbed her by the back of her neck.. Seeming 'different' when he released her neck.. Feeling his eyes looking at the back of her head.. Good, because the next thing they'll see will be the cold floor..

Within a couple of seconds she had turned around and grabbed Ravier's arm, twisting it before applying a swift kick onto his legs to sweep him off his feet before dealing a cold blow onto his back.. Sending him straight onto the floor face first, stepping on his neck..

''Do not ever, touch me again. Understood? And I don't find your suffering amusing, WE suffered even in the craftworld. Now.. Go to sleep or wherever you belong.. Don't make me stain the floor I've kept so clean with your blood.. 'Coward.'' She cried out the last word with a firm expression, letting go of him before beginning to walk away.

Ravier's vision would be blurry.. After all, those were hard hits and the impact on the floor too.. But her almost nude form was somewhat comforting.. So smoothly, so calm.. But firm and tough, nonetheless.. Her behind jiggling back and forth, unable for him to see when she went past a corner..

@Napsii, In the planet Azuli Terra; Monte-Vieul Cathedral.
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Everything felt as if it were 'drifting away' as Josephine looked into his eyes again.. They seemed, hypnotic.. Didn't they?.. So deep.. That hazel mist in them.. ...

Josephine would suddenly feel taken into another place.. So dark, so quiet.. Suddenly, Chedraou's form appeared as it walked towards her, eyeing her own form with somewhat.. Amazement.

''Josephine, so very keen. Yet, you appear clean in this dream I just surrounded you with. Then it is true, the power I felt emanating from you wasn't a mistake. You possess great abilities, yet.. You seem like an angelic prophet walking. May I ask, are you aware that you meet the requirements of a certain prophecy from my people?'' He spoke so charmingly, but his voice was deep; deep where it was smooth and gentle. Not the kind of rough-deep at all.

While they were in this 'dream' world, he held her right hand with both of his own.. Containing 'scales' or something by the likes between his fingers.. Giving the top of her hand a kiss.. Looking up at her with a 'hopeful' look.

@TOG, JayJay ~ In Tuchanka, Within a Krogan Fort.
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A female, short looking trooper stood in Argo's way as bullets hissed by him.. Some probably hitting him, probably not creating deep wounds.. Or his luck, or his blood-rage was doing some impressive work.. The turrets behind him up on their respective tower began loading up, apparently they had been busy trying to take down the enemies way of transport, but it would have been impossible to ask such a thing at these moments..

The turrets began laying cover fire on the left and middle-ground flanks and positions, setting the hostiles back.. But who knew if the ones at the left would still get through..

But, there was still this Human female.. So fragile looking, even with that armor and weapon on her.. She seemed to be considering to shoot or not to shoot, frozen on the spot.. The female shot him, hitting his chest.. The pain was something that wasn't felt during his blood-rage, but if Argo decided to see past her.. She was just defending a medic and a wounded trooper of theirs.. Behind him, he had managed to score a few hits there and then.. Aye, he was a monster unleashed!

Garian's breath would be knocked off of his lungs as he was now sitting down, against the railing as his vision was a bit blurry from the slam.. And shaking a bit too.. He's alright in any other kind of sense, but there's two incoming Krogans.. Better come up with something quick there!

Battle Stats!
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Garian - At 91%, just took one-hell-of-a-slam against the railing. Should be painful getting up.
Bravo Squad 6x - At 73%, One trooper is KIA, other is heavily wounded. The rest are engaging the powerful Krogan.
Argo - At 95%, Blood-Rage is denying all feeling from pain and is increasing strength and force. Is going on a rampage. Dinosaur Style too.
*Krogan Sgt. - 0% Deceased.
**Incoming Krogan Reinforcements 2x, At 100%.

@Zender, In the planet Verol; Currently 'diving' downwards like superman, off from a very high altitude.
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Once Jon takes the leap of faith, although it seemed like a long way down.. Oh wait, it is was a long way down, currently..

Should he be worried about this being 'suicidal', it should be gone by now as he heavily landed on the back of a small civilian shuttle.. Eh, lucky!.. Wait, a shuttle?..

''Welcome aboard, Edgy! What brings you around for this, 'lovely time of the year? Eh?'' Dan called out with a loud mocking chuckle, sealing the back of the shuttle while the inside of the back was arranged with all types of stuff; looking like a cargo room.. But not exactly, having a couple of seats added along the walls.. Padded a bit, for comfort.. Or he could walk up to the cockpit and take the co-pilot seat.

''Now, time for some soothing tunes..'' He performed a wave of his hand on some sound board before:


Began playing. ''I like this guy.. It's good. 'Meself likes the classics.'' Dan mentioned before a stunning cloud of black smoke and fiery flames erupted from high, high above in the buildings. He would be 'bouncing' a bit to the rhythm of the music, but it seemed it was the interior of the ship. ''Excuse me, 'Sir. Where ya headed? I know a pretty place in town where you can play, 'Save Shelly and play guns with some baddies'. Sounds entertaining there, 'Admirell Edgy'?'' He said while breaking into laughter and driving between the space where the buildings weren't occupying, careful not to drive into any laundry lines.

This Dan.. Is quite the character, indeed..
Atton Rand: "Feels like my last time on Telos."
Bao-Dur: "Crashed a shuttle that time, too?"
Atton Rand: "No, pazaak.''
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby Reapergod36 » Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:40 am

Ravier glared, he thought he was being quite rational. He never implied they didn't have hardships in the craftworld. But they had many to help them. He had only himself. He thought he was respective by touching the back of her neck. He could've touched worse. Being put on the floor Ravier just laid there. Seeing it pointless to get up. He had made a respectful argument and even offered to be friendly after the dire wording. The Solitaire had been cruel in his eyes, a bit pompous at that. He wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of seeing his face. Ravier was a bit worried when his nose began to bleed. But he held his nose and didn't sleep a wink. A small pool of blood was beneath his face.
Death Is Inevitable.
Humanity Destroys Itself.
I Destroy All, But How Can I Do This.
Without Destroying Myself?
The Answer Is Simple.
I Do On The Inside...

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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby That_One_Guy » Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:10 am

Garian fought for any attempts at breathing, standing up he aimed his assault rifle at the incoming Krogans and fired at their heads, "Aim for the heads men, conserve ammo and take them down quick!" He called, shooting at them, they needed to get to the turrets, "Two of you go after the turrets while the rest of us provide cover." He commanded, he noticed one of them going after the medic and the person he told to stay behind to cover them. As he fired at the two Krogans, he ran at the other Krogan that was charging the Medic and attempted to shoulder butt him, to tackling him away from the group and protect them.
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby Reaver » Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:03 pm

Emile sighs as he limps back to the harpoon pod carrying the dead body. "Susan I really didn't know she was that young. She killed a person and she probably would have killed us. I don't think for a second about all that crap about wanting to talk was real, she probably was waiting for us to drop our guard before killing us. I still honor the dead though." he presses the button on the harpoon pod and this time it feels a lot more crowded than before. When he gets back to his ship he takes a couple of pictures of the body for verification before placing her in storage. He sits in captain chair setting more corrdinates. "We got one more thing left to do before we cash in."
~ A hour later in Germany, Earth
Emile buries the girl in her clothes but denying her the sword. He made up for it by hiring a priest to say a few words as they buried her. "rest in peace girl, may you find your loved ones." He leaves with Susan, holding her tight to warm her up against the cold winter of Germany.
~Another hour later, in Soulas Das-Nobu
Emile is sitting in the chair on the bridge starting to get over burying a girl. He sends a message to the government forces on the planet. "This is Emile Lazurus of the ship Ragnorok, Im here to collect the bounty on the diplomat assassin. Just tell me where to put in port and I'll be there." he swivels in his chair and gives Susan a worried look. "How are you holding up Susan? About what happened?"
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby napsii » Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:10 pm

Josephine's eyes flit open. She no longer viewed the world in grim shades of purple and black. Everything was clear. The fine white of the mist seeming to permeate the world, suddenly, was visible in color to her. And every lavish color of Chedraou's being...she could see it all, suddenly. Her breath caught in her throat. A feeling of lethargy pulsed through just momentarily, almost making her pass out, but she held on just by peering into Chedraou's eyes. They spoke of so much. So much more than words could contain.

She exhaled silently and blinked slowly, drinking in his words. She retained her composure. She'd had no dealings with prophecies or myths in the past. Her tribe didn't much subscribe to the ideas of deities or soothsayers...but, they had always listened to Josephine. And in the time she had been their priestess...hadn't her divinations turned up true?

How did she answer to that if she had the impulsive feeling to say Chedraou was wrong?

She let him take her soft, relaxed hand and took a long minute forging her response.

"I...have not." she said at first.

"I've been told I was more than human in the past, Chedraou, but...I've never had any reason to believe I was only just a woman." she added sentimentally. It was almost a half-lie. Didn't her powers need to have roots in something more?

Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:39 pm

Jon lets out a slight "oof" as he lands on the shuttle, but can still get in and back on his feet promptly. While his initial thought urges him to take the co-pilot seat, he figures he might as well take the comfier spot in back, at least for now. When Dan turns on "I Shot the Sheriff," he can't help but stifle a small laugh. It's not that he doesn't appreciate the song; in fact, he's soon bobbing his head to the beat, it actually being quite catchy. It's just that out of all the music to hear in a situation like this, Bob Marley is one of the last he'd think of. The humor helps, though.

In response to Dan's proposition, Jon says: "Sounds interesting indeed, Dan. Let's show those creeps who they're dealing with." As much as he'd love to take a quick break, the Olive Moons would probably smash up whatever place he'd do so in...that, and he's not all that keen on the idea of what they're doing to Sally right now.
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby Gorbaz » Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:52 pm

Pulling the Apis around in a tight circle, Julius throttled back as the approached the mountain where the signal was coming from. He didn't have time right now to look out and admire the landscape below him, focussed as he was on finding a suitable landing zone nearby. He hoped he could find one, at least, because he really didn't want to do a solo combat drop, right on top of the pod...
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby jayjaycaps » Sat Jun 30, 2012 2:43 am

Feeling the gun butt hitting Argo in the shoulder, and made him faulter. He grunted, and stumbled forwards a bit. It stopped his charge, but didn't stop his rage. Seeing the frail girl in front of him, Argo smiled again. He was a little pissed about the shot to the chest, and was about to make sure it wouldn't happen again. "Weak human! OUT OF MY WAY, NOW!" Grabbing his shotgun barrel and wielding it like a baseball bat, he smashed the girl across the face. He then threw his gun into the air, flipping it a few times. Catching it and cocking it, he fired on the medic and wounded soldier, showing no mercy. "This is my land, Humans! Leave, NOW!"
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby Lady Foxy » Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:41 am

@Reaps, In his own Ship; Hallway.
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.. ... Everything was very quiet as soon as the Solitaire had went into her quarters within the ship, Ravier's vision clearing up pretty quick due to the pain making him stay awake.. His nose would be bleeding slightly, but nothing that an application of medi-gel wouldn't heal..

Current Health: 97%.

@TOG, JayJay ~ In Tuchanka, Within a Krogan Fort.
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The two incoming Krogans were received with a hail of bullets from Garian, themselves beginning to shoot back at him as they began to fall down from their wounds.. Although, the other one had a helmet; which had sustained a couple of bullets and the Krogan was now charging towards Garian.. With an unstoppable force of raw strength headed his way, shouldn't he try to use that 'grenade' launcher attachment on his gun? I mean, most of the assault rifles his teammates carried had them..
The frail, young human trooper let out a loud cry when he smashed his shotgun against her helmet like if it were some kind of hammer; sending her with a loud -whack- against the railing.. Showing no signs of movement, only loud groans and coughs coming from her.. Her gun was away from her, so she was basically not going to harm anyone..

The medic had taken out his pistol, rapidly sending a shot into Argo's left shoulder before him and the wounded trooper below him were shot to death by his shotgun.. Blood everywhere, what a mess.. The other remaining troopers were back with the man who seemed to be leading them, trying to get to the turret tower.. Which was busy firing all over the humans on the other places..

Argo would be able to see the female trooper crawling slowly away, her hands weakly trying to pull herself far from the battlefield.. Her helmet a bit cracked, but.. She wasn't going to do any harm now, right?.. ...

Battle Stats:
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Garian - At 91%, About to be smashed into bits if he doesn't come up with something quick.
Bravo Squad 4x- At 54%, Three troopers are KIA, one young female trooper is trying to crawl away; possibly hurt. The other three at near Garian, charging towards the turret tower.
Argo - At 89%, Blood-Rage is denying all feeling from pain and is increasing strength and force. Currently fighting for 'his' land.
*Krogan Sgt. - 0% Deceased.
**Incoming Krogan Reinforcements 1x, At 49%. One dead, the other is charging towards Garian.

@Ikechi, In his own Ship; Bridge.
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Susan had been quiet and somber throughout the whole time.. Back in the harpoon pod, she had caressed the girl's chin while frowning at such a depressing sight.. In the cold winter of Germany, she had simply crossed her arms together and held them tight against her to cover herself from the cold.. Seeing the girl get buried, as Emile held on tightly around her to keep her warm.. Not really liking it that much at that time, not that she wanted his warmth..

Susan walked over to the doorway, remaining silent without speaking a single word.. Until now..

''I want to leave on the next place we land. I can't handle this job. I can't..'' She stated sadly, one hand resting against the wall while her other hand was curled into a fist.

@Zender, In the planet Verol; On board Dan's transport shuttle.
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Dan chuckled as he began to dive the shuttle downwards, making a little dangerous turn before beginning to blend with the regular night traffic..

''We have limited options though.. You could either parachute your way down onto the night club's building, blow a hole in the roof with some explosives and.. I dunno, infiltrate it from some other side while they're distracted? Or you could.. Well, doesn't an Admiral know what to do, anyways?'' He said with a grunt, changing the tune into something more calm.

@Gorbaz, In his own Ship; In a small jungle planet.
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There would be a small cliff where he could land the Apis, without risking it to 'topple' over.. However, smoke would be slightly rising into the skies.. Flares being ignited..
Atton Rand: "Feels like my last time on Telos."
Bao-Dur: "Crashed a shuttle that time, too?"
Atton Rand: "No, pazaak.''
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby That_One_Guy » Sun Jul 01, 2012 7:31 am

Garian towards the charging Krogan and fired a grenade at him from the Launcher attachment, making sure it hit hard and, for good measures, shot another at it. When he turned back, he saw the Medic and wounded soldier dead, the female badly hurt. Something then awoken in him, it was his past all over again, the many dead that he couldn't save, the wounded cursing his name. He let out a loud roar, a scream of anger as he pulled out his combat knife and charged at Argos, aiming for the flesh area that connects the helmet with the armor, wanting to slice the Krogan's neck open. Hopefully the others were still rushing the turret, their main force depended on it.
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby jayjaycaps » Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:16 pm

Argo eye the weak girl crawling away. It was sad, really. Such a weak, pathetic Human, trying to getaway from the fight. Not like a Krogan at all. Reloading his shotgun, Argo lined the sights up fro the poor girl's head. Weakling, he seethed in his head. You do not deserve to be here, on Tuchanka. Go ahead, try and crawl away. You won't get far.... Yet Argo couldn't fire. He tried to will himself to, several times, but every time he couldn't do it. Gritting his teeth, he closed his eyes and turned his head, hoping to be able to kill this girl if he didn't watch. Again, he tried to pull the trigger, but something inside of him was stopping him...

Giving up, Argo lowered his shotgun. He quickly moved over to the soldier's discarded gun and kicked it over the walkway's edge, sending it down to the floor below. He then eyed the girl again, and placed one foot on the back of her helmet. Even with Argo trying to let up the pressure a bit, his weight alone was enough to crack the woman's helmet a bit more, a cause her some discomfort. No, she is not the weak one. You are, Argo. You are weak. End her. Kill her. Do it! Ignoring his own insults, Argo knelt down a bit, keeping his foot down, holding the girl in place. Getting lower, he looked around to make sure no Krogan was watching, and whispered to her. "Stay down, Human. I won't kill you, but don't make me regret it." Standing up, he looked around again to make sure no one saw his mercy, and kicked the woman in the ribs for good measure. Just to make sure she would take his seriously, ya know?

Hearing Garian's war cry, Argo turned his head. Seeing the man charge him with his combat knife ready brought Argo back into his combat mode, and looked around for something to counter with. Looking down at the girl, he smiled again. Grabbing her back the back of her armor suit with one hand, Argo picked her up and chucked her at Garian, trying to hit him and slow him down. Drawing his shotgun, he charged Garian, firing as he ran. And although he would never admit it, Argo took care making sure that none of his bullets were aimed at the Human girl.
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby Reapergod36 » Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:26 pm

Ravier would lay on the floor until Saeko would wake and find him. He was in no mood to move, nor to even speak. He would need sleep, but his stubborn resolve kept him up. As well as the pain coming from his nose.
Death Is Inevitable.
Humanity Destroys Itself.
I Destroy All, But How Can I Do This.
Without Destroying Myself?
The Answer Is Simple.
I Do On The Inside...

Lady Foxy Wrote: Reaper of women's soles.
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby Reaver » Sun Jul 01, 2012 9:13 pm

Emile sighs, looking at her with some real sad eyes. "It wasn't my best moment but I didn't have a choice. I would really hate for you to leave you've been the best thing to happen to me ever.yYou make me feel like I just feel like after a few years I can put all this murder and mercenary life behind and live my days out on a beach, fishing all day."He grins at the thought of fishing before continuing. "Please stay on the ship with me. I promise that stuff will never happen again. Susan. Just don't leave the ship I don't know what I would do without you." He stares at his screen, containing a big mix of emotions while giving Cortana a command. "Cortana get the damn government on the line. I want my bonty money NOW."
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Mon Jul 02, 2012 2:34 am

"An Admiral also has a sizable degree of intel before making strategic decisions, Dan." Jon replies, doing his best to not sound degrading. Dan may be ex-military, but that doesn't mean he knows how much work goes into just getting the info needed for strategics. "For example, we often need to know the layout of the battlefield. In this case, that 'battlefield' is a night club, so I'd need intel on the building's structure. Floor-count, entry points, and such. Some info on where hostages are likely kept would help too, as once the Olive Moons know who we're looking for, Sally's chances of survival are bound to plummet." Jon knows all too well how bad jumping the gun is in a rescue mission, so if they're going to do this right, then he and Dan need a decent plan of action.

"I want to save her, of course, but 'acting quickly' and 'rushing in' are two different things. If we break into a place like that without those bits of intel, we're setting ourselves up for disaster. I say we touch down somewhere that can get us a decent vantage point from which to study our opposition." This may not be a truly military situation, but Jon knows that the old proverb "know thy enemy" applies just as well here as in an actual war.
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Mon Jul 02, 2012 4:52 pm

(Sorry D: )
Claire nods and pulls as hard as she can. She coughs and continues to pull.
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby Lady Foxy » Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:44 pm

@Rooiehan, In the planet Azuli Terra; In an elevator of the Hotel opposite of the Marquis.
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The elevator arrived pretty soon.. Quite convenient, eh?..

Anyhow, the soothing Jazz music coming from the elevator's high-tech speakers would at least work for something.. If calming Yuuko counted as such.. But hey, didn't she choose 'pleasure' over 'business' first?.. Or..?

@Napsii, In the planet Azuli Terra; In the Monte-Vieul Cathedral.
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Chedraou's hold of Josephine's right hand was almost.. Soothing, as if a lover proposing marriage.. As if a brother trying to comfort her sister after a sad event.. As if he were, a true pure being..

He kissed the top of her hand again, breathing in softly the scent of her perfume and bodily smell; letting out an awkward sigh that sounded a bit 'sleepily'..

''Then thou are wrong, young Miss Josephine. You may appear to be just a.. Simple human female.. But that is incorrect. Haven't you contain the gift you might recall as 'Biotics'? That is special gift, from the gods above.''

Chedraou then patted her hand ever so softly, his voice a bit dry as if he were in need of water.

''Unique and special. That, Miss Josephine is a very honest sign. That you are not, a simple being. No one is, but you.. Light never seemed to blind me until now. Stunning.'' He whispered before everything began to fade..

And thus, they were back to the same world, same space, same time.. Within the Cathedral.

''Although Miss Josephine, I am a special being too. It is best when two that are alike meet.'' Chedraou then offered her a bow and smiled happily, the hazel glow in his infinite black eyes disappearing all of a sudden.

@Zender, In the planet Verol; Dan's Transport Shuttle.
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Dan simply turned the small shuttle around and began heading towards some buildings far away from the nightclub, although they contained a good distance for them to scan out the area..

''Fine, fine.. You know, we could'a just get an ID on their place.. 'Easier.'' He said almost carelessly, a pair of holographic blueprints popping up on a panel near Jon. Somehow, Jon should be able to notice a hint of a joke from Dan.

@Ikechi, Within his own Ship; Bridge.
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Susan just seemed to let out a quiet sigh and a shrug of disbelief, walking out of the bridge and towards the inside of the ship while muttering something about Emile.. But Cortana's voice had stepped in just before he could catch anything that she had said..

''I did, actually. They only ask, do you want it transferred to an account or personally?'' Cortana said almost in a calm tone.

@Reaps, Within his own Ship; Hallways.
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Time would pass slowly and painfully for Ravier.. As the hours enough to say that a 'night' had gone by flew by..

Soft, tender but firm steps echoed across the halls as Saeko had probably finished her morning 'health' routine.. Now headed for the kitchen, most likely to make herself some breakfast..

She would be walking towards him -- no, she was headed in his direction.. Which was leading to the kitchen.. It seemed she didn't even mind him, nor the small dried puddle of blood on the floor..

Saeko was wearing her underwear and a very thin cloak, a black colored one..

@JayJay & TOG, In Tuchanka; within a Krogan Fort.
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The fragile looking human girl stopped crawling when -something-, a foot was placed on the back of her head and forcing her to stay down like an arrested criminal.. Quiet, muffled sounds possibly of crying could be heard if one would ignore the sounds of fighting elsewhere..

She didn't budge to move, hearing a voice.. A Krogan's voice.. Whispering her to stay down, that he wouldn't kill her.. But that she shouldn't make him regret it.. A weak 'thank you' was the only thing that she had managed to barely speak out in a tired voice, shortly before being kicked in the ribs.. Remaining immobile as she didn't have the energy to do anything else but to breathe..

Before being thrown, rolling around a bit badly on the railing before eventually settling down.. Staying immobile, possibly not in a better state of health now..


Garian would have seen the the girl being tossed at him, but she simply landed somewhere nearby but not stopping him at all.. Forcing him to step a bit here and there, although the Krogan was already charging towards him.. Shotgun pellets passing by, a couple hitting him right across the chest.. His armor, effectively stopping him from being -taken out- right then..

However, he SHOULD really do something right now.. Jumping out of the Krogan's way, diving downwards into the ground..

Battle Stats:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Garian: 84%, Just took a shotgun blow to the chest; still kicking thanks to his armored suit.
Bravo Squad 6x: 32%, Four Troopers KIA, One wounded, Two are possibly at the turret tower.
Argo: 89% - 94%, Charging at Garian -- Blood-Rage bonus activated. +5 HP.
Incoming Krogan Reinforcements 2x, 0%. All deceased.
Atton Rand: "Feels like my last time on Telos."
Bao-Dur: "Crashed a shuttle that time, too?"
Atton Rand: "No, pazaak.''
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby Reaver » Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:49 pm

Emile raises an eyebrow at Susan muttering stuff and leaving but decides to finish this ugly business first. "Cortana tell them that I want to get it personally. Get them to set up a meeting place and when they to set us down nearby. I got business to finish." He gives Cortana control of the ship before getting out of his seat and starting to look for Susan. "Susan! Where are you? Comeon we can talk about this. Please come out. I just want to talk."
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby Reapergod36 » Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:12 pm

Ravier would stay there for a while longer. Then get up and simply pick up a medi-gel. Ravier looked to Saeko, he couldn't deny it. He was angry, but he liked how she looked.

Ravier sighed and went to the kitchen. He began to make breakfast. "Let me make breakfast for you. Its the least I could do, for how I acted." Ravier didn't mean some of that. But the Solitaire was still a woman. She would be unreasonable at times. Ravier would calmly take the blame and do as he could for Saeko. "You look quite beautiful today, as you always do." Ravier would say honestly, as Solitaire's are known for their haunting beauty.

Ravier started with some simple eggs, and sausage. But then would begin to get creative, and make two omelets. Adding salt and pepper and the like. He would look to Saeko with a faint smile.
Death Is Inevitable.
Humanity Destroys Itself.
I Destroy All, But How Can I Do This.
Without Destroying Myself?
The Answer Is Simple.
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby That_One_Guy » Wed Jul 11, 2012 1:44 am

Garian twirled his knife, the blade now between his fingers before he threw the blade at Argo's head, pulling out his own rifle, he dove to the side of the charging Krogan, firing his rifle all the while in hopes of killing or maiming this beast The high caliber rounds, unlike the shotgun that was fired at him, were meant for armor-piercing, hoping that it'll shred inside it's hide, causing damage with each shot he fired, the fate of the battle depended on him and the remaining bravo squad to do it's duty, hopefully the survivors made it to the tower and if they did, then he was the only one standing in the way of them and the Krogans, with nearly everyone else KIA or out of commission. He didn't know how the other squads were doing, all he knew was that he will not be getting any reinforcements, he'll just have to wait for the call to retreat.
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