Unsteady Ground [IC]

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Re: Unsteady Ground [IC]

Postby Reaver » Thu May 24, 2012 11:48 pm

Razajin grins, happy to find someone that's heard of his accomplishments. He leans against the pew across from the demon while carefully petting skylia's head "Yeah I tell you that angel knows how to give blowjobs but that pussy is super tight, I would know I got her first. But yeah the battle was hard as hell. First the Commander wanted me to take the village by myself which turned out to be a piece of cake," he laughs before continuing "The villagers ran like a bunch of fucking mice, but a few throwing knives always solve that. Then when I open the gate I get to see the scene of a mortal about to behead the commander." Razajin leans in looking around "don't let anyone tell you different, but if i hadn't interfered the commander would be dead right now. So seeing this scene I use my shadow magic to propell me at the speed of dragons and I uppercut the damn mortal before he can end the Commander. So right when he lands and starts getting back up so I roundhouse kick him back to the ground before he can say crap." Razajin then grabs Skylia's hair pulling her head up "Now right about this point this bitch starts attacking me so i spin around and backhand her with my hand knocking her to the ground. And thats about when I had sex with her. Afterwards i was about to end the mortal but the Commander told me to let him live so i did and carried Skylia back here. And for why I'm here right now? Well I heard this bitch was giving free bj's and wanted to check that out and plus I was hoping not all the loot was taken because i could use a sword for my next battle."
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Re: Unsteady Ground [IC]

Postby That_One_Guy » Fri May 25, 2012 2:17 am

Garian shook his head, "North Autum, been here once before and I didn't like it." He said to her, taking off his coat and putting it around her body, he then noticed the large Mage tower up ahead and looked at her, "Come on, we'll find shelter there." He said and started off. "Maybe I shouldn't have made her angry, I'll have to apologize to the angels when we get out of here." He said.
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Re: Unsteady Ground [IC]

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Fri May 25, 2012 2:28 am

Claire relunctly grabs the coat. "What about you? Aren't you cold?" she asks Garian. She stands up and follows him. "So you do plan on getting out of here." Claire says as she puts on the coat.
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Re: Unsteady Ground [IC]

Postby That_One_Guy » Fri May 25, 2012 2:32 am

Garian was cold, but he'll get used to it, as long as he didn't freeze before they got to the tower. "I'll be fine and yes, I do plan on getting out of here."
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Re: Unsteady Ground [IC]

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Fri May 25, 2012 3:06 am

Claire frowns. "Garian, you're shivering... You need this jacket more than I do. I can live without some warmth for a bit." she says. She takes off the jacket and throws it at him. "Put it on." Claire says to Garian as she rubs her arms.
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Re: Unsteady Ground [IC]

Postby Icaelus » Sat May 26, 2012 4:25 am

Vivienne was suddenly very conscious of a certain arm being draped over her shoulder. Cier. That sensation of heat from Nilgalos earlier still hadn't faded along with her blush..Cier definitely wasn't helping things along.
She shot Cier an annoyed look before turning back to the Margrave with a polite smile as he spoke.
"Thank you, Margrave."
Viv nodded back at Xierante. It did seem like she would be somewhat safe in the castle for now..lucky.
She accepted the glass of wine, sipping from it. She hadn't drunk wine before, and it was a bit bitter to the taste, but she liked it.
"A special blend of Soul Essence? You mean..all of that Soul Essence right there is tainted?"
Viv raised an eyebrow, glancing back over at the white chalice. Xierante also said something about a Great Spirit..
Xierante then offered her anything from his collection..almost as if he was asking her to wish for something. Did she really want anything material? Not really..she was fine the way she was right now..but there was one nagging matter, though. Her memory..
"A reward...? I don't know if it would be too much of ask of you, Margrave..but could you restore memories..? I..can only remember my name."
Viv said softly, glancing down on the table. A faraway roar shook the room, and Vivienne glanced up in alarm. Was that Nilgalos? Or Tal?
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Re: Unsteady Ground [IC]

Postby That_One_Guy » Tue May 29, 2012 11:52 pm

Garian refused the Jacket, putting it back around her, "I'll be fine, I've been here before and can handle the cold for a good while. You on the other hand, that's a different story." He said and smiled at her, "Give me back the jacket when we get inside the tower."

(Sorry, didn't realize it was my post D:)
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Re: Unsteady Ground [IC]

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Wed May 30, 2012 12:57 am

Claire frowns. "Thanks, I guess." she says as she puts on the jacket. She continues to follow Garian. "Are you sure you don't want your jacket? I mean the tower looks really far away." Claire says.
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Re: Unsteady Ground [IC]

Postby napsii » Sun Jun 17, 2012 4:40 am

surprise (since im too lazy to work on my 3rd thread but had to post on something):

Jered -

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The steady beat of Tal's wings nearly drowns out your voice. While from your perspective, she seems to be moving at a head-spinning speed looking between her claws you can peer that she's in a mere leisure flight. The blackened Tear Stone Castle, still looking somewhat noble amid the plans despite its corruption, is approaching rapidly. The white dragon tilts upwards, ascending higher until she's above the castle's tallest keep, which juts out from the center like a giant spearhead rising from the earth.

She gives no physical indication that she's listening, but her consciousness is touching yours and you can sense her beaming interest in your explanation.

Wow...you sound really experienced! she compliments you excitedly. The more reserved Angel gives no reply. You guess he already knows your skills in and out...

So, um, I guess tigers don't fly right? the dragon questions you.

As she speaks to you, the glistening of an eight-pane glass window near the top floors of the keep tower becomes visible. It's incredibly large and big enough for you to well...fly through. And Tal seems to be flying right at it.

There's hysteria down below from the weaker demons as Tal flies over the castle. They do not attack, but rather run for cover or point and stare.

Vivienne -

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Xierante listens to you politely, withdrawing a small case of cigars (as you recognize from the branding, they were handrolled in Western Autum) and lighting one with a tiny fire spell.

Cier doesn't seem to notice your annoyed look until Xierante's face suddenly hardens. Even with his ears, it's clear he was too busy checking out one of the succubi to really have registered your appeal to the Margrave. He retracts his arm from you almost immediately, seeing the conversation is about to take a turn.

Xierante leans back in his chair when you give your unexpected request, the tip of his cigar smoldering. Then, without any gesturing from his part, the two succubi slip past from you and leave with wine glasses in hand, disappearing into the tavern. The nearby demons, as well, shrink back. The red-eyed Margrave then turns to you:

"I know a spell, but it is not easy to restore memory as it is to destroy it...my recourse, if this is what you want, would be to invert one of my shadow magic spells to have the opposite effect. But it would not be perfect. Or it could not work at all." he says slowly and calmly, placing his cigar down.

At that moment, there's a tangible shaking and a steady beating outside, like that of a drum, as the shadow swoops by again.

Tal's up to something. But don't worry. She doesn't look mad, which is good for you. you hear Nil say in your head with a touch of seriousness. You guess she repeats the message to Xier as he ignores it, instead resuming:

"Your request is an unusual one...if there is any more to this story you may remember, I would like to hear it." says the Margrave.

Garian + Claire -

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

This stretch of Northern Autum is a wasteland in every sense of the word, minus the lonely, quiet looking Mages' Tower off in the distance.

The ground is perfectly smooth, being made of what seems to be pure, wind-swept ice caked with the occasional stretch of thin, hardpacked snow to give you grip. The odd pebble or rock is visible, as well. Fortunately, your footing is steady as from what Garian knows of the Mages' Tower's location, it is quite close inland rather than towards the Northern Coast, where dangerous ice sheets and thin ice present a hazard.

Aside from the tiny, shadowy shapes up in the sky there's little to be had of life. The Mages' Tower being that it holds some of the most powerful magicians on the continent was only briefly a battleground during the early stages of the war. As you walk, you can see the odd skeleton or loose weapon or arrow just barely visible on the ground, some bearing Angelic insignia and others Demonic. The Mages inside here, it seemed have done a very good job of cleaning up the nearby land so it doesn't look like a graveyard.

As you understand, the great Archmagi Zerakeshia, indisputably the most powerful mortal wizard in recorded history, long ago discovered a spell to end all spells, literally. According to rumor, it allowed her to completely strip a being of their magical abilities either temporarily or permanently as well as nullify even the most powerful spells. Top that off with her mastery of all schools of magic and an extremely powerful forcefield (which as it is transparent, you cannot see it in this light) protecting the Tower and you can see why nobody's been keen on assaulting it, as magic is useless against her and her disciples.

Though she and her disciples have remained closeted from the conflict for reasons unknown...

Razajin -

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The demon nods his head, seeming a bit distracted. Nearby mortal Demon worshippers seem to shrink away from you and him, as you're held in quite high regard by the Commander.

He laughs loudly at the high points of your story, slapping a large, callused hand against his armored knee when you talk about defeating Skylia and having your way with her. He seems like a real meathead, but judging from his giant ass weapon he's a good physical fighter. You guess he just got here through the circular, glowing portal to the left of the altar at the head of the chapel, as you didn't see him in the fighting for the village. Though, his axe is stained with fresh blood...

"That...is...fucking...AWESOME! GRRR!" he says vigorously, clenching his hands into fists of masculine excitement.

"Yeah, yeah. That is pretty fuckin' awesome, man. Yeah, shit, you're lucky. I'm gonna buy my own Angel once I have the fuckin' Soul Essence. Just cut a dragon's fuckin' head off so I got a lot for that." he says, standing up and picking up his fearsome battleaxe.

Skylia seems drunk on pleasure (prob a side effect of the spells keeping her submissive) and simply sits there as you toy around with her, standing up as the large demon does. She pokes the side of her head, and your cum is cleaned from her in a flash of gray light. A sleek black robe, as well appears over her body along with a pair of sandals, and she gives you a lazy wink and a relaxed, devilish smile as she seats herself on a nearby chair. A dark-robed servant flocks over to begin fixing her mussed hair.

"But yeah man. You'll have to screw her later. Commander just said he's gonna save her as a gift for some guy. Wants her new and unused so I just got the last word with her, heh." the Demon shrugs. The purple colored portal shimmers with magic energy. Stepping into it now would just bring you back here, though. As you know, Demonic portals work by casting a small spell that will change its destination to any of the other identical portals around the land, but each portal requires its own unique incantation. The more of these calling card spells you know, the more you can travel to. Unfortunately, you know none of the spells.

Flim + Flam -

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

"Aaaaaah! Oh, wow...it's sorta like a regular dick but it's way bette-aaaaaah!" Talkea's eyes spin in their sockets and a stream of drool rolls down her face, her arms crossed on the ground on which her chin rests. She looks drunk right now. Fortunately, it's not being so rough with the girl that it's hurting her though the rapidly increasing size of the cock beneath its hind legs will be a different story, no doubt.

The dragon doesn't seem to care for your machinations. As you talk over your plans, it's too fixed on taking Talkea around the world (and too high on the drug) to really care for your scheming.

Flim's magic quickly begins to take a toll on him. While the dragon isn't terribly strong, it still has strong primal instincts to be the dominant animal in the food chain which put up a stiff fight as he focuses his magic to will it away from her. Flim quickly begins to exhaust (now feeling quite tired; could really go for taking a seat right now!) but the force of his efforts manage to at least slow the beast's screwing of Talkea, his mental resistance beginning to chip away.

Flam easily moved towards the rear of the dragon, whose tail was flitting back and forth. Fortunately it didn't possess one of the spiked tails some dragons do which is like a giant mace, but getting floored with it would still hurt. It doesn't seem to notice him, as its attention was fixed forward and downward and it wasn't in the clearest state of mind right now.

Its scales are like steel plating. Unless you had a Slayers' weapon, it's unlikely you could do much damage even with a sneak attack.

Re: Unsteady Ground [IC]

Postby Icaelus » Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:55 am

Vivienne sipped the wine again, choking slightly when Xierante's face hardened. Was her request too demanding? She soon found out she was mistaken, thankfully. The Margrave leaned back into his chair as if deliberating on how to answer her request. The atmosphere did take on a more serious tone, though. The succubi both left and the demons sitting with the Margrave seemed to..shrink back from him. Viv nearly jumped as Xierante suddenly turned to her and spoke.
I know a spell, but it is not easy to restore memory as it is to destroy it...my recourse, if this is what you want, would be to invert one of my shadow magic spells to have the opposite effect. But it would not be perfect. Or it could not work at all.
Viv nodded once. She was willing to pretty much try anything that could bring her memory back..
"It is what I want..do it, please."
She said, glancing up as a large shadow loomed pass again. Nil sent a telepathic message back, mentioning that Talphalos was up to something...that couldn't be good. Viv turned back to Xierante as he spoke again, requesting her to share..whatever left she could remember.

Viv took a deep breath, closing her eyes. It always made her head hurt to even try remember what had happened in the past..but this was different. She could finally get her memory back..
"I am Vivienne Wishgate. My name was the only thing I could remember when I woke up on a deserted road..near that wooden fortress where Cier found me. I also have this magic named Moonburst..I think..I was born with it.."
She trailed off, deep in her memories. She vaguely remembered the face of one of the witches..but couldn't make a connection between herself and the witch. Viv sighed in frustration.
"There was this..woman...a witch, I think.."
Her head was splitting with pain now, Viv forcing herself to continue as she palmed her forehead. Her gray eyes teared up with the pain but she ignored it.
"I..was released by her."
A tear cut a clean track through the dust on her face. The pain was unbearable now, Viv holding her head in both her hands, groaning softly.
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Re: Unsteady Ground [IC]

Postby That_One_Guy » Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:37 pm

Garian continued on his way to the Tower, it looming closer and closer, "We'll be passing through the barrier soon, Claire, it's going to feel weird when we do, so bare with it." He told her. He remembered the first days of the war, he had killed his fare share of demons during his time before he grew despondent.
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Re: Unsteady Ground [IC]

Postby jayjaycaps » Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:12 pm

Flim puts his magic into over time, his eyes becoming an even brighter green. A bead of sweat rolls down his forehead, and a few veins are visible. He knows he's too tired to keep this up, so if it doesn't work this time, they'll have to leave Talkea with the dragon. With all his might, Flim tries to will the dragon to move away from Talkea, so Flam can get her away.

Flam keeps well enough back, being a little tired himself from the magic use earlier. Plus too, that tail would probably hurt like a bitch if he got hit by it.

Through clenched teeth, Flim calls out to Flam and Talkea. "Don't worry, Talkea... Still trying to... Hurry up, Flam! I can't do this... Forever!"
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Re: Unsteady Ground [IC]

Postby Reaver » Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:18 pm

Razajin chuckles "Lucky for you then." He looks around before preparing a lie. "But I got a mission from the commander to tell the Margrave about our victory here. You wouldn't happen to know the portal incantation for the one nearby linking to Tear Stone Castle?" Razajin is eager to leave the field because he has great ambitions and the closer to Tear Stone Castle and the seat of power the better for him.
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Re: Unsteady Ground [IC]

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:01 pm

Claire sighs. "You ignored my question... So how weird is this thing going to feel like?" she asks. She takes off the jacket then throws it on Garian.
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Re: Unsteady Ground [IC]

Postby That_One_Guy » Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:07 pm

Garian looked back at her and smiled, "I didn't ignore it, I just thought you'd take the hint when I said I don't need the coat." He said and continued on his way, "I've fought here and I didn't have a coat then. It was a small battle, a skirmish more or less, but we lost some good people." He told her and continued on his way to the tower, "You'll know the feeling when we enter it, don't worry."
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Re: Unsteady Ground [IC]

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:18 pm

Claire forwns. "I don't care! Keep your jacket!" she says as she rubs her arms. She sighs and asks "Well is the feeling painful?"
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Re: Unsteady Ground [IC]

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Mon Jun 18, 2012 1:19 am

"Sadly no, they don't. Agility is one thing I got from their genes, but it's not like I can just leap the castle walls in a single bound, or something." Jered says in response to Tal's question. The ability to fly would be something he'd appreciate right now, though...because something tells him his landing isn't going to be a very gentle one. At this point, the idea of stealth is no longer valid anyhow.

His suspicions are confirmed as he spots the window, and how it's getting closer at a rapid pace. Inferring from all this that they're about to fly through it, Jered braces himself, steeling his body and mind for the impending loud crash of shattered glass, and the possibility of any shards grazing him on the way through.
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Re: Unsteady Ground [IC]

Postby napsii » Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:14 am

(( up next, a post.... FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE ))

Jered -

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

You feel a mental nod of the head from Tal, who begins to pull up. The white, scaly prison bars of her claws loosen, surging a moment of helplessness through you before, with a rush of wind, she almost tosses you out of her grip, sending you barreling rather haphazardly toward the gleaning panes of glass, which almost seem to let out a shriek at their impending demise.

Well, I don't know what you plan to do in there, but good luck! you hear Tal echo in your mind. The telepathic connection burns out just as you crash into the glass (no damage, but it really stung!) sending a crystal chorus of noise throughout the air as you tumble into the high keep. The next split seconds are confusion and stinging pain as you tumble to a stop, surrounded by glass, on what seems to be... fancy red carpet.

When you collect yourself, you see that you're in a perfectly circular stone bedroom, the floor mostly covered by a circular, gold-trimmed red carpet. To one direction is a gigantic, four-post king size bed next a dresser and nightstand with an odd, leather bound book on it. To the other, a study desk with a quill and some unfinished papers. To the other, a large chest big enough for you to fit in, then a stone staircase presumably leading down, and lastly...

A gigantic, intimidating oil painting hanging atop a wall, depicting a rather catlike but fierce looking man with red eyes. Snappy dresser, too. It's the Margrave, Xierante.

Looking out the window, you see demons begin to flood into the keep's lower levels. Looks like you're gonna have company soon. But the door down the staircase is locked tight!

There's crunching beneath your feet. You look down, and see shards of glass arranged unnaturally to spell something out:

Y-O-U A-R-E F-U-C-K-E-D N-O-W, A-N-G-E-L L-O-V-E-R !

You grimace. Damn poltergeists.

Vivienne -

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Even though he's a demon, Cier seems to stiffen with emotion as you let loose your spiel. His wolf ears seem to flop with bitter distaste, and his gaze relents from your face in apparent embarrassment, only to settle on your chest. Well, at least you know he's sympathetic. He puts a hand on your shoulder. The Margrave, conversely, tilts his head back, rubbing his jaw as he eyes you critically. It's clear he finds you sort of an enigma, but takes your story seriously.

As you finish, he exhales out his nose and folds his hands atop the table, taking a sip of wine as it to help him stomach that. He looks sidelong to Cier, then stands up.

"That is all I need to hear. Follow me." he motions with a gloved hand to behind him. Cier is quick to skirt past you, offering a gentlemanly hand and a timid smile to help raise you out of your seat and drag you along to pursue Xier, who strides out the tavern with nervous demons shirking away from him in fear. He seems rather serious. As soon as you exit, you can look up to see the high keep of Tear Stone fixed on by the hundreds of demons across the castle. A window has shattered, and Tal flies off to the distance. Uhh... weird.

Xier kneads his jaw, but continues along to the keep. Cier gives you a comforting little smile to subtract from the tension.

As you walk, you hear Nil chime in again:

UGH! Tal like, bust out the window to Xier's bedroom. I'm going to see what's up with her. She seems happy, but also mad... Nil's black shape can be seen gliding overhead at just that second, pursuing Tal.

Eventually, Xier leads you two to the large, circular stone tower that is TSC's main keep. The first floor, reception, is flooded with demons that Xier pushes past, leading you up the winding stone stair case on the far side. As you ascend, you see: a fancy private lounge with well dressed demons inside, a beautiful library, a forboding alchemists' workshop... the tower has many floors!

You feel Cier pull you a little closer, as if feeling protective of you.

Razajin -

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The hulkish demon reaches behind the cracked pew he sits on, retrieving a large tankard of ale which he gulps from. Across the way, Skylia preens herself with both magic and a comb, seeming to become more glum and distracted by the minute.

The demon scratches his temple, looking Skylia up and down.

"Shit, uh...yeah, fuck, I probably got it 'round here somewhere. I don't use those shitty portals often. Though, between you and me, I once got really drunk and said the wrong thing, and it warped me to this dungeon full of BABES! All chained up and shit. I think it was some guy's private stash." said the Demon.

He takes another swig of his drink, standing up and throwing his monstrous axe over his shoulder.

"Oh, yeah, forgot to mention, name's Gairth. What's the FUCK UP, MAN!" he laughs, punching an armored knuckle out to give you a bro fist. Following that, he'd reach into his pocket, revealed a crumpled piece of vellum with three simple runes on it. He throws it to you.

"Yeah, that's it. Well, anyway, I gotta go clean up 'n shit. I'll catch you later, man. Oh yeah, I'll try and remember the incantation to get to the dungeon of babes. Need more than one guy to conquer that place." laughs Gairth, turning heel and heading toward the chapel doors, which he kicks off their hinges to get out of the way. And just like that, the demon is gone. Nice guy!

You feel a cold and eerie presence behind you, but looking around to where Skylia sits, you find she's totally vanished. Huh, strange. You get the cold feeling you should watch your back from now on.

The portal in front of you glows. The incantation given to you is simple enough.

Razajin learned: Arcane Gate - Tear Stone Castle (can only be used at a portal)

Garian + Claire -

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

You two soldier on for a while. The Mages' Spire far off in the distance does not seem any closer even after a good twenty minutes of walking, but looking on the horizon, you see a glint...

Garian would detect the familar scent of magic, quickly closing in as the source became visible. Raising a plume of snow behind it was what appeared to be silver pieces of runic-laden armor, about the size of a large baby in the vague shape of a legless humanoid (the bottom half a swirling mass of metal shards) charging along toward you with a cute little mini-gladius and buckler shield in hand. Two tiny blue orbs glowed for "eyes".

The surprisingly speedy familiar hovers to a stop before you. A blue mist seems to be binding the pieces together. It's an automaton -- a simple creature made from inanimate objects. They're most commonly used as assistants, scouts or sentries as they can be built for near any purpose. This is a rather simple automaton, from its design having been built by the magi of the Mages' Spire to police the area.

The sentry raises its sword at you threateningly and speaks in a slightly comical, righteous voice:

"Halt there, travelers! What business fare thee in the lands of the Magi? Lady Zerakeshia has declared none shall pass, but this noble sentry shall permit you to state your business! But lo! Should you prove yourself a threat, then I must draw arms and attack!"

The automaton lowers its mini-gladius a bit, as if to gesture for you to speak.

Re: Unsteady Ground [IC]

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:29 am

Jered's initial thought just before he hits the glass, is to stifle his grunting of the inevitable sting as best he can...but seeing how he'll be accompanied by the crashing noise of broken glass either way, he wouldn't have much to lose. As he's hurled through the window, his focus is spent more on doing his best to avoid any serious injury from the glass shards, making sure to prioritize areas such as his joints, head, extremities, and the softer regions of his flesh. No use getting a nasty snip on the ear if he can avoid it.

When he lands, he takes a moment to recollect himself and study his surroundings...and he doesn't like what he's seeing. Every bit of the surrounding room points to one conclusion: he's in the personal bedroom of Xierante, the badass Margrave himself. That's not good...and neither are the demons flooding into the keep to investigate. He might have to get creative with them...

...but first, a little "tactical burglaring" on his surroundings, while he still has a little spare time. He could pilfer the chest, the bed-side dresser and nightstand, or the papers on the study desk, but something tells him that he might not have time for more than one. Knowing demons, the chest is probably booby-trapped, and while the notes could hold some key info, they could also just be personal musings, and their notable flammability makes them quite susceptible to demonic fire. So...

Jered decides to go for the nightstand, knowing that a person's most treasured belongings are often found therein. With luck, he won't need a key, and can just grab anything of interest and leave. Who knows, maybe he'll find that "Arkenkai" thing that Tal mentioned...
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Re: Unsteady Ground [IC]

Postby Reaver » Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:36 am

Razajin grins the more he talks to Gairith. "Well you try to remember that incantation for that dungeon and I'll put a good word in for you with Margrave." He smiles and fistbumps him before whipping around to find Skylia not there anymore. He gets a sinking feeling in his gut that somehow he made an enemy out of Skylia and he fast walks to the portal while barking at the ninja imps to haul their ass to the portal. When he reaches the portal he takes a breath, not able to believe that he's going to be ever closer to the power of the throne. "TEAR STONE CASTLE!" He yells hoping Gairith didn't give him the wrong one.
Renegade, Mercenary, Wielder of the Shaft of Justice, Angel-Rapist, Rp Contract Killer
He enters like a shadow, exits like a Horseman of the Apocalypse.
Seen it all, done it all.
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