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Deliverance giggles a little at Soldeen's wish. "It wouldn't be much of a game dungeon if they didn't make you fight everything put into here. Don't worry, if the previous two were anything to go off of it should be an easy fight till the boss appears." Deliverance does a little hop and straightens out her new clothes, checking out how she looks when Soldeen suddenly gets shot in the back with a arrow. Deliverance quickly runs over to her and puts a hand on her shoulder. "Ya know, probably won't be a good idea to force that arrow out, might cause more damage." Just as she says that, two more of the coffins open up and two more of the same digimon they fought last time came out to fight. Deliverance takes a few steps back and readies her gun again. "Yup, don't worry, each one we kill is one less we have to worry about!" She says cheerfully, taking a pot shot at one of them. The Divine Foreteller, who was inspecting the floor for any more traps, immediately rushes into were the fight was and bites one of the enemy digimon in the ankle.
Soldeen sniffles a little as she leaves the arrow in her body, and started to reply to what Deliverance had said, but she was interrupted by the appearance of two more Shamanmons. She draws her Katar again and shakily gets to her feet.
When The Divine Foreteller bites the Shamanmon on the ankle, Soldeen immediately uses the distraction to rush in. the Shamanmon swings its bone at her, but she ducks it, then slashes the creature across its side, causing red cubes to rise and dissipate from the deep wound.
When Soldeen attempts to put some distance between her and the Shamanmon, the second one takes a swing at her, slamming her across the skull with its bone, with a sickening cracking sound, knocking her backwards into a stone wall, after which red cubes begin rising from the wound on her head. The second Shamanmon swings its leg forward, then uses its bone to whack When The Divine Foreteller off of its ankle, causing it to bounce off of Deliverance's face.
Deliverance's confidence waned a little when she saw the Shamanmon hit Soldeen so hard it almost looked like she was knocked out right then and there. She looked at her for a small while, trying to think if there was anything she could do to help, but with no healing potions or anything of the sort, she realized there wasn't much at all. She looked back to the two enemy digimon just in time to see the round fluff ball that was her digimon barreling straight for her face, it hit her harder than she expected, but not enough to knock her down, The Divine Foreteller was pretty small and thus light, not to mention fluffy so it just bounced off of Deliverance's face, and went straight back to the two Shamanmon, biting the one that had hit it away in the arm this time around. Meanwhile, Deliverance raised her gun again, and while the digimon was distracted with The Divine Foreteller, she fired a plastic dart straight into its eye like she did in the previous fight. Turns out Deliverance was quite the good shot sometimes.
The Divine Foreteller uses its razor sharp teeth to bite into the Shamanmon's arm, and straight rips it off entirely, causing the limb to degenerate into a cloud of multicolored cubes, before dissipating completely, the creature shrieking the entire time, its cries only growing worse as Deliverance's shot hits it in the eye, half-blinding it. Soldeen, still staggered by the blow to her head, hinting at a possible concussion, stabs the wounded creature in the back with her Katar, then swings it to the side, creating another grievous wound. The angry creature flailed wildly, swinging at Soldeen, who evaded its strike, stumbling to the side, then swinging its bone down on When The Divine Foreteller, cracking it on top of the head.
This time, Soldeen saw the second creature coming for her, evading its first strike just barely, by staggering to the opposite side, however the creature used her unsteady state to its advantage, taking a second swing at her, hitting her in the rips, with another sickening crack, knocking her backwards into the air, causing her to crash against one of the stone coffins, braking some chunks off of it and causing her to spit up red cubes of blood on impact. While she was attempting to once against stumble to her feet, a task that seemed difficult enough, the Shamanmon flung a fireball at her from the tip of its bone, which exploded on impact, knocking her back over and charring her body. When the fireball struck her, she didn't make a sound.
Deliverance groans a little when she sees that the Shamonmon still wasn't dead, and in fact could still counterattack, as it did again The Divine Foreteller, who let out a pain squeak as it was hit, though it more deflated a little then seemed to actually get injured like a balloon that lost air. The Divine Foreteller knew how to counterattack as well though, opening its mouth once again, it bit the still recovering Shamonmon straight in the head, taking its entire head clean off and spitting it out onto the ground. With the first Shamonmon now dead, The Divine Foreteller ran over to the remaining enemy and skittered towards it, tripping over the head of the now dead one and doing a single roll before continuing on. Deliverance on the other hand, rushed over to to Soldeen's side, and heaved her up and tried to walk her out of the way of danger now that The Divine Foreteller was distracting the enemy. As she walked Soldeen away, she fired another shot , this one bouncing harmlessly off it. The Divine Foreteller attempted to bite it, but it seemed wise to The Divine Foreteller's moves so it avoided the bite.
As soon as it lost its head to The Divine Foreteller, the first Shamanmon dissipated into a cloud of multi-colored cubes before disappearing. Soldeen didn't make a sound or move as Soldeen tried to drag her away from the fight, her entire body completely limp. The second Shamanmon, as it was evading The Divine Foreteller's bite, and ignoring the nerf dart, it swung its bone sideways, launching a large red fireball at Deliverance, while using one leg to kick at The Divine Foreteller.
Deliverance continued to try and take her away even though it was clear she was most likely unconscious, however, she did notice the bright fireball that was launched towards her, as she was about to try and throw Soldeen out of the way of the impact, she remembered that she had a ability that allowed her to form a barrier. As soon as she remembered that, her arms seemed to stretch out on their own, and she waved to the side, a transparent, red tinted barrier forming around her. The ball of fire exploded and went around her, but didn't hit her, as if a bunch of rose colored glass was there to stop it. Deliverance blinked a few times, then dropped Soldeen gently against the far wall. Meanwhile, The Divine Foreteller had used the opportunity to bite off the arm that Shamonmon used to fire the fireball, spitting outs its arm at the Shamonmon's face.
The Shamanmon roared in pain as The Divine Foreteller ripped its arm off, and retaliated by swinging its bone to the side, sending him flying towards the stone wall, and bouncing off of it. The creature then used the opening to charge at Deliverance, roaring even louder and swinging its bone down at her with primal fury, its mouth dripping saliva in a spray, like a sprinkler.
As soon as The Divine Foreteller gets hit, it squeaks in pain again, sounding much like a dog toy, and bounces off the wall, though the impact didn't seem that harsh, as if he made out of foam. When the Shamonmon charged at Deliverance, she waved her arms in the air again, forming the red tinted barrier once more, causing the Shamonmon to hit and then fly back as if the barrier pushed it away. It flew straight into The Divine Foreteller who was rushing to Deliverance's aid, when it collided with The Divine Foreteller, it squeaked again, but opened its mouth and took a massive chunk out of the Shamonmon, killing it instantly. With the Shamonmon's now dead, Deliverance slumped to the ground and looked at Soldeen, wondering if there was a way for her to help her. The Divine Foreteller then rushed to the two tamers, nuzzling it self against Soldeen's leg.
Soldeen's eyes were fully opened and she was still remaining completely still as Delvierance went to check on her. She didn't have long to examine her, however, because the coffin on the other end of the room, atop the raised platform, began to slide open. A creature wrapped in bandages sat up and began to slowly stand up out of it, holding a striped gold and blue bone, with a metal spiked orb on the end. The creature started slowly unwrapping the bandages from its body, slowly tossing them to the side, revealing that it had the same brown skin as the Shamanmons they had just defeated, but was wearing a full suit of stone, gold and blue, body armor. After fully unwrapping itself, the creature touched the forehead of its armor, closing a face plate over the opening, before starting to slowly make its way towards Deliverance, each step shaking the ground.
Deliverance waved her hand in front of Soldeen's face, unsure if she was dead or what at this point. She then decided to check Soldeen's digivice, she couldn't see much besides her stats, but with that she definitely saw her HP was 0. Just as she saw that, she heard the sound of a opening coffin, and a giant, armored creature started coming out of it. Deliverance groaned. Soldeen took the worst time to take a nap. The Divine Foreteller let out a scared squeaked and rushed to Deliverance's side, trembling a little as the thing began to approach them. Deliverance quickly checks the ground to see if those two Shamonmon dropped anything useful. She saw a gun that... had barrels pointed foreword and back, as well as a set of clothes, the stats on them that appeared above said they were better than what she currently had, she quickly did her best to put on the new clothes and equipped the gun, thankfully the thing was so slow she had enough time to do that. Turing to her digimon, Deliverance sighs. "Come on, it shouldn't be that hard." She said in reassurance. She then aimed her weapon at what she thought was the correct way around and got ready to fight.
The Stone-Armored Shamanmon continued slowly stepping forward, each step shaking the area due to its heavy armor. It first went for The Divine Foreteller, raising its Mace-Bone slowly, then suddenly with surprising speed, it swung it to the side, smacking The Divine Foreteller away and into the far wall, causing him to bounce off with a loud squeak. With the Tokomon out of the way, the creature continued making its way towards Deliverance.
The Divine Foreteller bounced off the wall in her usual balloon like fashion before landing on its feet and skittering towards the Shamanmon with a sort of strange hobble, seeming to have broken one of its legs. Surprising given it almost looked like Tokomon wasn't capable of taking blunt force damage to Deliverance. Deliverance kept her distance from the Shamanmon, taking multiple steps back and pulling the trigger and hoping to god that it was the right way around. Well, it was, but it also didn't fire a bullet. Instead, it threw itself from her hands and a ridiculous speed and slammed against the armor of the creature, causing a huge dent in the armor. It then boomeranged back straight into her hand. Deliverance knew this was supposed to be a game, but she couldn't help but forget all of the fear and adrenaline she felt and replaced with a feeling of confusion. While Deliverance was trying to figure out what just happened, The Divine Foreteller hobbled up and bit the things leg, the sound of bending metal showing that despite The Divine Foreteller's fragile looking exterior, it's bite was like a alligator, capable of going through the armor of the Shamanmon.
The Shamanmon doesn't seem to notice the damage to his stone armor, or he completely ignores it, regardless of which, the creature continues moving towards Deliverance, with a grunt, he once against swings his Bone Mace, this time at Deliverance, with brutal ferocity, the force of the swing sending a gust of wind outward from the weapon, causing the flame in the center of the room to flicker.
Deliverance quickly splays her arm out to form a barrier around her, causing the hammer to hit it and causing a gust of wind to splay out across the room from the force of the hit, a dull thump resonating from the point of impact. She stumbles back a little, the barrier shattering quickly. Even through the barrier it felt like she got punched in the gut. The Divine Foreteller was still holding onto the Digimon's leg, and it bit down again at the same place, as this time the armor was weakened so it caused more damage than the last bite. Deliverance takes a few steps back, trying to ignore the pain, though it was hard as she began to suddenly feel quite tired, as if the attack drained all of her energy. Figuring the device might display why as with a lot of other things, she checks her device and sees her DS is low. She also sees she has a disc that can restore it, and so uses that as soon as she sees it, causing the Digivice to shower her with blue sparkling lights. With that down, she once again fires the 'gun' at the enemy digimon, once again causing it to fly at a very fast speed, this time hitting it in the face, causing parts of the armor to chip off.
The armored Shamanmon staggers, very slightly, when the gun collides with its head, letting out a low grunt. However, not seeing Deliverance as an immediate threat, it, seemingly gets fed up with The Divine Foreteller, who was biting into its leg armor, causing red cubes to slowly rise from the holes, and reaches down, grabbing it off of his leg, then throws it down on the ground, before using his bone mace to smash down on it, creating a small crater in the ground with the force of the impact, which immediately reduces The Divine Foreteller to a cloud of multi-colored cubes, which return to Deliverance’s Digivice screen. The armored Shamanmon then swings his bone mace forward, flinging another fireball at Deliverance, not even slowing its approach as it does so.
The Divine Forteller lets out a final sound much like a balloon deflating before it returned to her device. Well, that’s unfortunate Deliverance thought. She rolled out of the way of the fireball, making it narrowly miss her. She instinctively checked her device to see if there was anything else she could do, rushing through different menu’s and screens to try and find anything useful. Eventually she came upon her digimon list, and she remembered that she could that Elecmon, similar to the one that raped her, quickly selecting it, it formed itself in front of her, and once it realized it was in a battle situation by narrowly missing getting stomped on by the enemy digimon, it charged up electricity in itself and a small bolt of lightning came out of it, striking the enemy digimon straight in the chest, causing the electricity to course through its armor. Deliverance, knowing she was still in this fight continued to try and kite the thing around, using her weapon to try and distract it if nothing else.
The Fireball collides against the wall and explodes, the force of the explosion knocking Deliverance over, while the armored Shamanmon lets out a grunt as the bolt of electricity strikes it, then spasms a little, while still continuing to move towards Deliverance. Almost as an afterthought, it flings a fireball towards Deliverance, with a quick grunt, while turning back towards the new opponent, panting heavily as if it were starting to wear out, stomping on the ground near it while swinging its bone mace towards the Vi-Elecmon, attempting to crush it with an overhead swing, the strike barely hitting the Vi-Elecmon, but mostly crashing into the ground, spraying stone fragments everywhere.
Deliverance was good at getting back on her feet quickly, and getting knocked over only made her still for a few seconds. Though the other fireball made her duck and get back on the ground again, another few seconds gone. Meanwhile, Divine Power, which is what Deliverance decided to name the Elecmon as she was on the ground, charged up electricity in its tail, small trails of lightning forming around the tail and tiny crackles could be heard. It then does a flip and hits the Shamanmon with its tail, causing a small boom of thunder and a large chunk of its armor falls off from the force of the impact. More electricity coursed through it.
The creature howled in pain as its stone armor was partially shattered by the force of Divine Power’s Tail Dusk. In pure rage, it responds by taking a step forward, swinging its bone mace like a golf club, swinging it upwards, slamming Divine Power with it, catapulting it straight through the air and into the coffin the armored Shamanmon had risen from, breaking a section of it to pieces. The Shamanmon then spun around and charged towards Deliverance, swinging its bone mace crosswise mid run. While Deliverance manages to block the attack with her Barrier, the attack’s impact on it still knocks her off her feet, sending her tumbling and bouncing across the floor, into the stone wall, breaking off a section and creating a small crater in it.
Divine power getting hit actually sounded like flesh and bone getting bruised and strained as it was hit unlike the squeaky toy nature of The Divine Forteller. Adding an extra layer of horrid surrealness to this entire experience for Deliverance. Deliverance barely has time to get the barrier up as it suddenly turns its attention toward her, and perhaps because of that the barrier only partially works and she is flung into the wall, neither her nor Divine Power being able to do much except try and recover themselves.
The creature turns towards Divine Power, surprisingly, since had it continued to assault Deliverance, the fight could have been won. It picks Divine Power up out of the crumbled remains of the creature’s coffin, then raises it up to face level. Holding up its bone mace in one hand, it uses its other hand to slam the creature against the stone wall, cracking the stone wall with the strike, then prepares to follow the hit up with the bone mace.
Deliverance finally manages to get herself up, and she can see that Divine power was charging up an attack as it was being held in the air. Deliverance sees this as a opportunity, and aims her gun-thing at the things head, firing it. The gun hits its head, causing its helmet or whatever it is to crack, Divine Power then fires off its attack and hits the thing in the head as well, and without the armor it seems to do a ton more damage, causing it to fall down onto the ground with a hard crash, its head singed and bloodied.
With its head destroyed, the creature straight-up explodes, raining the room with numerous multi-colored cubes, the force of the explosion knocking Deliverance down, before the cubes dissipate. With the creature now defeated, one of the stone walls slowly splits apart, the two halves of the section slowly sliding apart, revealing a new tunnel with yet more stone walls and darkness.
Deliverance has to use her barrier one last time to block some of the force of the explosion. When it was finally all over though she sighs in relief. Taking a moment to just calm down after the fighting. After a while, she got back up and walked over to Soldeen, with Divine Power doing the same and she began checking on her to see if maybe she woke up during the time in the fight.