Filled By Daylight: Bates Estate

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Re: Filled By Daylight: Bates Estate

Postby mrblah » Sat Jun 16, 2018 6:51 pm

Grandmother was disappointed. The prey got away, slipping through the cold fingers of the Mimic just as it thought it had her. Time to follow-up on the second lead, then.

Slow and silent steps took the Mimic further down the hall, turning when it reached the window to go up. It was a bit frustrating that the woman from before managed to escape, but she'll be found later. No matter how well someone hides or how far someone runs... the Mimic's sole purpose is to capture them for Grandmother, and failure is not an option. It's quite curious how she managed to elude either the Mimic or Grandmother's senses, however... maybe she just got lucky.
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Re: Filled By Daylight: Bates Estate

Postby devilbird » Sun Jun 17, 2018 7:13 am

Shit! The creepy person in the mask was coming her way. Who ever that naked person was, they just dropped their problems onto Sidney's lap. Now the creature was almost on top of her. Sid looked in the direction of the beautiful dark skinned woman with purple hair. She may be a stranger, but Sid just couldn't bring herself to sic the creature on someone else. But she couldn't really do much else either. The only way she could lead the monster away from the other girl would be to run right in front of it. Sure she might surprise it long enough to get around it, but it'll probably just grab her as she ran by. Then she noticed the pallet next to her. Maybe that could give her and the other girl enough time to get away?

Sid, with any luck that the girl was looking at her, put a finger up to her lips to tell her to keep quiet. She then signaled to hide around the corner. Time was running out for Sid, so she hoped that this would keep the creature looking for her and unaware of anyone else. As quietly as possible, Sid snuck her way to the other side of the pallet, with the intention of breaking out into a run if the creature saw her too soon. There she would wait to drop the pallet on the monster's head.
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Re: Filled By Daylight: Bates Estate

Postby Nobudi » Tue Jun 19, 2018 4:43 am

Lily sucked air through her teeth as she began trying to fix the generator's systems. Since the guts of the machine were a mish mash, it was coming down to her physically forcing the parts together, which was making a soft racket. She grit her teeth and continued working. She was almost there.
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Re: Filled By Daylight: Bates Estate

Postby Mark3000 » Tue Jun 19, 2018 11:26 am

It seemed Henrietta had come up with another dud. Why such a locker was empty was beyond her. Just when she was about to get frustrated, she saw the rock star standing against the wall. This woman looked perfect for a script she was writing. Just as she was about to call out to her, the other woman motions for her to be quiet.

That's when she began to fell her heart beat rapidly. Henrietta felt like what her heart was gonna jump out of her chest. When the other woman told her to hid, Henrietta immediately ran back to the empty locker and hid inside.
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Re: Filled By Daylight: Bates Estate

Postby MiscChaos » Wed Jun 20, 2018 9:27 pm

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The meaning behind the empty lockers suddenly seem a lot more clear once you have to duck inside of one. It’s contains you admirably with a little wiggle room so it’s not exactly claustrophobic. Suddenly it feels like you’re having an out of body experience. You should only be able to see through the small grates in the front of the locker. Instead you can see everything around the locker itself. Including the lady you were going to call out to earlier.

Something seems to have spooked her severely as she’s sprinting past a pallet. When she pulls it down, you hear a grunt so she must have hit something with it. You still can’t see what though. Whatever it is, you don’t like it since your heartbeat gets even faster due to its nearness. You can also hear… whispers? Something is whispering to you, promising pleasures to come. Whether you want them or not.

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Almost the instant you make your plan, the masked creature turns the corner and spots you. Immediately it’s in pursuit of you and boy is it faster than you! It detaches what you thought was a tail and is actually a cane, raising the weapon above its head to strike you. The timing is split second close, but you manage to reach the pallet before it does so, bringing the wood down right on its head! It releases an otherworld grunt of pain as it does so, but it seems utterly stunned. You’re not sure for how long though. So it’s probably best to make your escape sooner than later.

In the back of your mind, you realize that the dark-skinned lady you saw earlier must have gotten into the nearby locker. She should be safe-ish outside of the thing’s line of sight. Past that, you see a pallet already knocked over. That’s probably what attracted your attention in the first place, the sound of the wood falling over. To the north, you see a chest, another window to jump though, and what looks to be a fingerprint scanner. You can’t be sure without looking, but it’s probably a safe bet that it doesn’t have power right now. Given the generators you’ve seen already, that’d make the most sense. To the south you see a large couch to potentially hide behind and another locker. There’s also a couple more of those hands, though they appear to be in a frenzy right now. Are they reacting to the thing you just boarded?

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(You have no idea just how close you were to failing the skill check this time around!)

Maybe brute forcing the parts wasn’t the best idea. You straight up mess up the placement of one of the parts and have to very quickly move it out of the botched location before any of the machinery near it clicks into place. Even then, you have to do some quick finger work to prevent yet another piece from sparking against another! Still, you manage to get it under control without something catastrophic happening. The generator is moving rather smoothly now. You’re in the final stretch!

Off in the far distance, you catch a rather loud noise. You’re not sure what it is, but it probably captured that thing’s attention if it didn’t cause the noise itself. That’s a good thing, right?

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You creep along the wall, putting the stairs out of your sight. Your heartbeat is dying down too, so maybe that thing moved further away? You hear the clatter of wood a ways away so it’s probably chasing after someone else. Or maybe whoever made the noise doesn’t know the danger nearby? It’s hard to say without taking a look and that seems like a rather dangerous course of action.

There doesn’t seem to be much around you right now. Couple walls, couple windows, some dressers, and yet another pair of those creepy ass hands!

As you concentrate on getting clothes, you hear something whisper in your mind. You’re not sure what, you’re not sure why, but you’re entirely sure whatever it is is malevolent as a chill moves up your spine completely unrelated to the cold of the house. The whispers impart on you a spell of sorts. A mantra to chant that will summon clothes. Then it, seemingly teasingly, tells you that you cannot summon clothes for yourself without a focus object. You need someone else to do it for you if you don’t have said focus object.

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The instant you turn the corner, you spot another guest of your grandmother’s preparing to bolt. You raise grandmother’s cane to rid the rather roughly dressed woman of those pesky clothes when suddenly your vision moves to the floor. It takes a minute to recover yourself, but when you do, you notice the pallet the woman must have dropped on your head to make her escape. You can either break the pallet to get it out of your hair forever, though doing that will take some time, or you can find another route to the woman. She’ll undoubtedly make some headway either way, but you’ll have to decide which one will take less time to do.
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Re: Filled By Daylight: Bates Estate

Postby mrblah » Thu Jun 21, 2018 8:56 pm

What luck. For what might have been the cause of the disturbance appeared right before the Mimic, seemingly already missing some clothing... or that might have just been the fashion. The Mimic didn't keep up with the times. Clothing was clothing, and these articles of clothing she was wearing would be treated just like the others. With one fell swoop, they'd be utterly destroyed, removed from view and revealing the skin of the prey undernea-

Ow. The Mimic's vision blanked for a second, a hit to the back of the head stuttering its gaze. Grandmother's voice both laughed and berated the Mimic for getting stunned. She directed its sight downward to see the cause. A pallet. No doubt the prey's foolish attempts at trying to put a stop to their incoming fate. Going around it would take too long, so it'd be quicker to break it and immediately continue on to the woman. Raising Grandmother's Cane, the Mimic slammed down on the pallet to break it in only a few hits, trying to get it out of the way as quickly as possible to make up for the new distance the woman no doubt made between it and her. Grandmother would be most displeased if another one slipped through the cracks.
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Re: Filled By Daylight: Bates Estate

Postby devilbird » Thu Jun 21, 2018 11:55 pm

Tough luck, Sid thought to herself, that pallet didn't do as much damage as she had hoped. Hell, it hardly stunned it. Still, it looked like she had at least bought a little time to get away. Unfortunately Sidney didn't have a lot of options to get away. She could try to wrap around through the grasping hand, but that was extremely risky. Even if they didn't manage to grab her, that... thing would have an easy time getting ahead of her again. Anywhere else would just run her into a corner. So Sid really only had one option. She ran at full force to the north east, past the scanner, then straight east once she reached the wall. If she recalled, this should put her near another locker. Maybe she could trick the creature?

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Specifically, she should have enough run speed to put her on the same square as the closet. If I understand movement correctly that is.
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Re: Filled By Daylight: Bates Estate

Postby Phoenixcz » Sat Jun 23, 2018 12:12 pm

As Lexa feared, the way ahead led to a dead end. Well, not dead, there's a window facing in the direction that thing chasing her went, and another opening, guarded by something tlat looks just like pair of arms reaching out of the floor, somehow managing to look even creepier than her pursuer. Otherwise, the room looks empty.

Then things start getting even weirder, as disembodied voice whispers in her mind. But considering everything that happened until now, it's not that surprising. Despite the evil of feeling, the voice seems somewhat helpful, even if it's mostly just teasing her in the current circumstances. With her knowledge of fantasy, Lexa understands the concepts of "spell" and "focus object", but she's got no idea what she should be looking for. Thinking about it, she's likely not the only one trapped here... the girl above and the shape in the distance may be in the same situation as she is. Clothes aside, but she was transported here while wearing only her pyjamas, why couldn't someone else be wearing only naughty underwear before? The other person... the one that didn't answered her greeting... could help her to get her clothes back, but searching for her could be dangerous, asking for help would be embarassing, and there's no guarantee she would be willing to help. But with the choice between embarassment and freezing here naked, Lexa would take embarassment.

But maybe she won't need to... there's a dresser nearby. The locker above was empty, but perhaps there's something in here... something to defend herself with against the creature, or even the focus object. Keeping an eye on the arms, even if she should be far enough, Lexa tries to climb through the window next to her, and to move to search the dresser. She's keeping an eye on the room ahead, as that's where that creature was last time she's seen it, and tries to stay as quiet as possible. The beating of her heart warned he before, hopefully it'll work this time too.
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Re: Filled By Daylight: Bates Estate

Postby Mark3000 » Sat Jun 23, 2018 1:15 pm

Henrietta is perfectly still as she hides from what ever it was that caused the other woman to run past. What ever it was, it wasn't going away any time soon. She didn't pay much attention to the grunting sound of ... what ever that thing was. Instead her mind was enraptured by the whispers of pleasure. Henrietta mind drifted back to the sketchy movie theater and it's horny attendants. And the plump dark-skinned woman hadn't gotten any in months.

Against her better judgement, Henrietta's hand drifted towards her breast and began to fondle them. A soft moan escaped her mouth.
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Re: Filled By Daylight: Bates Estate

Postby MiscChaos » Sun Jun 24, 2018 3:08 pm

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You feel pleasure begin to build as you play with your sensitive breasts, mind beginning to drift away from why you were in the locker in the first place.

It strikes you that this may be a poor idea as you see just what the rocker girl was running from. You can’t tell if it’s male or female, its form too androgynous and its face covered by a black mask. The clothes it wears suggests female, but you can’t be sure. Either way, it continues its pursuit of the rock girl after rather noisily breaking the pallet she dropped on its head. You see its head perk up, though you’re not sure whether that’s to track the other girl better or if it heard your brief moan.

Off in the distance, far outside of what you should be able to see, an… aura appears. This aura has some sort of machine in it. You’re not exactly sure what this means.

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You hear the thing break the pallet you dropped on its head, buying you precious time to get away. As fast as you move, however, it seems the thing moves even faster. By the time you round the corner and pause near a locker, it’s already come back into view. Still, it seems to have been distracted by something. You can only hope the chocolate lady didn’t do something to attract attention to herself. Or maybe you hope for exactly that since it would get the creature off your back for a bit.

Around the corner, you can see you’re basically back to where you started. At least now you have a bit more of an idea on what’s going on with this floor and what’s sharing the mansion with you.

Off in the distance, far outside of what you should be able to see, an aura appears. It seems to surround a generator! If you had to guess, something’s warning you that a generator was just finished. At least someone seems to be working towards getting out of here!

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You’re not sure if you’re getting more familiar with the machine or if this last part was a breeze, but you run into no more problems as you finish your work with the generator. It cuts on in a flash of light and a burst of noisy, but smoothly running machinery! 1 down, who knows how many to go!

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You get close enough to the dresser to reach out and try to open it. Try being the operative word. It’s like the thing is sealed shut! No matter how you try to yank it open, no matter which cabinet you try on it, it just doesn’t give! You spot another dresser near the stairs, but you kind of doubt that will go any better than this one did.

Now more out into the open, you see a lot more of the floor and what’s in it. Past another set of those creepy ass hands is another one of those generators you saw the near naked girl working on. You spot another one behind a locker. You’re still not 100% sure why they’re around, but the fact that there’s so many of them lends to the assumption that they must be important.

This assumption only becomes stronger when you see an aura flare from upstairs. The aura seems to surround a generator. You guess the girl kept working on it while you were off being stripped and chased by a freak with a cane. Still, you don’t notice anything else happen so either they’re useless or not enough have been turned on yet.

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It takes a bit of time, but the pallet is smashed beneath Grandmother’s Cane with no problem. That distraction taken care of, you return to the chase and round the corner after the girl. Grandmother is kind enough to illuminate her trail in scratches for you, but even without it you spot her a fair distance away, obviously preparing to continue attempting to evade you.

Nearby, you could’ve sworn you heard a sound you’ve become intimately accustomed to in the service of Grandmother: a moan of pleasure. It’s faint, as if it wasn’t meant to slip out, and if you’re not mistaken it came from that locker not too far from you. You can either continue to chase the first girl or investigate the locker in hopes of catching a new visitor unaware.

You make sure to log her voice away for future reference. You never know what use such a lovely voice may have for you.

Off in the distance, Grandmother warns you that one of your guests has activated a generator. From the looks of it, they are on the second floor.
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Re: Filled By Daylight: Bates Estate

Postby Phoenixcz » Sun Jun 24, 2018 11:19 pm

Now that's just mean. First the empty locker, now the dresser that can't be opened no matter what? While it does fit with other happennings here, it's still disappointing. Lexa would tell the voice and the whole house what she thinks about that, but ultimately decides against it. The creature is still here somewhere, and it would be a bad idea to draw its attention.

But Lexa isn't giving up hope: There's a locker nearby, and even if it's empty, it's big enough to fit her... she could hide in there, if needed. There's, however, the matter of another pair of arms sticking out of the floor nearby. Just as creepy up close as from the distance, Lexa certainly doesn't want to get into their reach. She'll move to check the locker while keeping as much distance from the arms as the room allows. After that, who knows? Perhaps she should check up on the generators, the aura she sees is another new thing, and they must have some purpose. Maybe if enough of them gets turned on, this place will warm up a bit?
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Re: Filled By Daylight: Bates Estate

Postby Nobudi » Mon Jun 25, 2018 5:46 am

To Lily's delight, despite an extremely close call, the generator puffed to life, despite having no fuel source or energy output. The only thing that concerned her was the noise that was now streaming from the generator. Usually, when there was something Evil luring around, noise was a big no- no. So, she decided to move down south so that she could get away from the location. Not through the window though, that went no where.
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Re: Filled By Daylight: Bates Estate

Postby mrblah » Tue Jun 26, 2018 3:12 am

The prey seemed to have made some tracks in the small window of opportunity she had, rushing off in her attempt to escape the Mimic. A sorry attempt to be sure. She'd never make it far. It's often that the Mimic's prey is noticeably slower than the Mimic itself, and this seemed to be no different. But just before it returned to the chase - a moan sounded nearby. The Mimic paused, lifting its head up in consideration. Was that... Grandmother confirmed the Mimic's suspicions, though it was a guess of her own. She assumed it to be coming from the locker. Whoever was in there was a closer target, unprepared, and soon to be making far louder noises.

It was moving quickly to catch its prey off guard, reaching to open the locker and drag the woman out. If she wanted pleasure, the Mimic would be sure to bring her to a better place for that. It remembered Grandmother's hands were just down the hall, begging to toy and play with someone. It would wish to watch the process, but someone had found a generator. This would have to be a quick detour before the others became wiser.
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Re: Filled By Daylight: Bates Estate

Postby Mark3000 » Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:00 am

The minute Herietta let out that moan, she knew she'd fucked up. The young scriptwriter had seen what the rocker was running from and it causes her heart rate to sky rocket. It looked like something out of a horror film.

As the strange woman approached the locker, Henrietta took a deep breath. Bursting out the locker she tried to run directly to the hand scanner and exit she'd found earlier. Henrietta may have be screwed, But she's not gonna go down without a fight.
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Re: Filled By Daylight: Bates Estate

Postby devilbird » Fri Jun 29, 2018 1:42 am

Sidney ran with all her might, hoping that she'd be able to duck behind the generator. But the creature was faster than she gave it credit for. If she did try to hide now, the monster would just be able to see which way she went. Fortunately, she could see the pallet she passed earlier. She couldn't hide, and there was no way she was going to be able to out run it, but may she could buy some more time to figure out an escape plan. Sid pushed herself harder and dashed for the pallet, hoping she could reach it before that thing caught her.
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Re: Filled By Daylight: Bates Estate

Postby MiscChaos » Sun Jul 01, 2018 4:19 am

Separated the map from the rest of the post for hopefully easier reading. Lemme know if ya'll preferred it the other way! Also lemme know about the items and add-ons I've added in the OOC.

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Your hand is on the door, ready to enact your plan and get out of dodge… but it turns out you’re a heartbeat too slow. The locker bursts open as someone else, the creature it seems, beats you to the punch. You attempt to slip by it anyway, but it pins you to the locker with one hand! Its grip is like an iron band! Nothing you do can budge its arm as the other reaches over to your blouse and just… pulls. In an instant the cloth is gone, reduced to useless yellow fabric and your pants, bra, and panties follow in short order. You’re not sure if it’s something about this place, what you were doing before you were found, or the actions of being so forcibly disrobed, but your nipples are hard enough to cut through glass right now!

You don’t really get a chance to think deeper on that as the thing uses the same strength it displayed with it tore your clothes off to sling you over its shoulder with almost no effort and carry you off as if you weighted less than a sack of potatoes. With no other choice, you start trying to struggle out of its grip, beating upon its back and kicking as much of its front as you can. It doesn’t seem to being doing much right now, but you can see you’re very quickly running out of time. The creature seems to be dragging you to two sets of those creepy, pale hands sticking out of the ground. You’re not sure what’ll happen if it gets you to them, but you can tell it’s nothing good.

This close to the creature, the whispers become louder, more insistent that you simply give in and allow the creature carrying you to drown you in pleasure. It tells you there’s nothing to worry about and that you will be utterly fulfilled very soon.

You're not sure why, but you can see the outlines of other people. You can't tell who it is through the Aura you see, but you can tell that there's one very close to you, but you're not sure if they're willing to help or not.

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As you sprint for the Pallet, you spy another woman off in the distance. Based on her lack of clothes, you’d guess it’s the same woman who brought the creature down here in the first place. Still, she’s quite a ways in the distance so you can’t really make anything else out about her or communicate without giving yourself away to the thing. Speaking of the creature, you don’t see it anywhere behind you. Did it lose you somehow?

Peeking around the corner reveals exactly what it got distracted by. You see it carrying the chocolate woman over its shoulder with absolutely no signs of even noticing the weight of a stacked human female. You can’t see exactly where it’s taking her to but, based on how excited the hands near you are, you can guess.

Still, while it’s distracted with the lovely lady, you’ve got an opportunity to make some distance between you and the thing! You’ve still got the locker up top you can get to. There are a set of stairs to your left, but that’s very likely not a good idea since they’re level with the creature. There’s also the option of holding your groove tight. The Pallet worked once after all. No reason it can’t work again.

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Creeping along the generator, the room opens up for you and allows you to take in much more of the floor. You’d see a lot more of it if it wasn’t for this damned fog though… To your right, you see a set of stairs and yet another generator. Just how many are in this place! And how many do you have to fix before whatever happens goes into effect? Still, that generator being that close to the stairs could probably be a problem if whatever chased off that girl comes back. A bit ahead of you, you spy a window and… the creepiest set of hands you’ve ever seen. Well, the hands themselves probably aren’t that bad compared to some of the things you’ve seen in the service of the Church, but they give off a feeling of utter malevolence. Like nothing good can come of being in their grasp. You’re not sure if it’s a trick of the light or what, but they seem to glisten. With what, you don’t know and you have the feeling you don’t want to know.

A peek around the corner of the wall you’re on reveals a hole in the floor. It’s surrounded by char marks as if the hole was burned into the floor, which isn’t all that surprising since the mansion as a whole feels like it either just escaped a blaze or is about to burn down. It probably leads to the lower floor so it’d probably be great for an emergency exit.

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Creeping to the locker, you spot what seems to be a lady running along the wall to your far left though the distance between the two of you combined with the fog makes it difficult to make out other details. It might even be the woman you noticed when you first got on this floor! Based on her frantic motions and the speed with which she’s running, you’re guessing she spotted the creature as well. The fact that she’s still clothed means that she either got luckier than you did or otherwise escaped its grasp without problem. While good to know someone else is around since that spell doesn’t work without a second person, it doesn’t help you right now.

Once you reach the locker, you open it up and recoil a bit at the squeakiness. Do they really not oil the hinges around here? Well, nothing was around to hear the noise anyway so at least it’s safe for now. Much like the first locker you checked, this one is empty but it does put you much closer to the generators. Hell, you could almost reach out and touch one!

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Your burst into action comes at just the right time! As you pull open the door to the locker, you spot a lovely chocolate woman with her hand on it as if to escape. But you’ve blocked that off for her and there’s nowhere left for her to go. Those clothes she’s wearing have to go though. Using one hand to keep her pinned in the locker, the strength given to you by Grandmother being more than any mortal could fight off, you can afford to take your time to tear the woman’s garments off of her and you do so piece by piece before you sling her over your shoulder. She’s ready for Grandmother’s touch now!

You can feel her excitement as she reveals to you every set of her hands in the area. Deciding to keep Grandmother waiting for as little time as possible, you make your way to the nearest ones, the woman in your grip futilely struggling the entire way. You can appreciate the fight though since it causes her soft, full breasts to jiggle across your back. Now it’s simply a choice of which one? You have two within easy distance of you and nothing to stop you from going to either.
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Re: Filled By Daylight: Bates Estate

Postby mrblah » Sun Jul 01, 2018 9:08 pm

The struggling woman clearly wasn't aware of what she was in for. Why not give in to her desires? It was clear she wished for pleasure, she should simply let things happen so that the Mimic could continue on to the next targets. Though at least her struggling was pushing her hefty, soft breasts against the Mimic. It made it more difficult to resist taking her for itself... but Grandmother's ever constant vigilance warded it away from such selfish ideas. The punishment would be much too severe. The hands to the right by the window seemed a good choice. She'd be close enough to the window that the Mimic could look through it to see if anyone's on the other side.

It lowered the woman down to the shaking, desperate hands gently, trying to get her in a proper place despite her troublesome struggling. It could feel Grandmother cooing at the woman within its mind, and the Mimic opened its mouth to allow her words to flow through it. "There, there... you need not fret, young one... I will take care of you..." It shuddered. Doing this was always unpleasant, as Grandmother's voice was always quite unpleasant to for it to hear. The memories Florence Bates had of the elderly woman was nothing short of horrifying, so much so that the fear it inspired even carried to the Mimic.
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Re: Filled By Daylight: Bates Estate

Postby Nobudi » Wed Jul 04, 2018 5:32 am

Lily was now at a crossroads. While she could stick around, since her senses weren't going haywire from that thing that was lurking around, it probably wasn't going to be fun running into it again, even if she didn't get a look at what was hunting that other woman. She ignored the hands. They weren't going anywhere, and she wasn't going anywhere near them, thank you very much.

So instead, she decided to walk down, past the hole to see if she could find a path on the far wall. If she couldn't, them maybe going around the hands to the other side wouldn't be out of the question either.
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Re: Filled By Daylight: Bates Estate

Postby Phoenixcz » Sat Jul 07, 2018 2:47 am

Lexa is glad that the creature found a different victim, but feels a bit guilty about it. She didn't really want to sic it on someone else, but better than getting caught. She watches the area the woman ran from suspiciously for a moment, to make sure the creature isn't there, but the lack of that strange anxiety from its presense suggests it's far enough. Perhaps the other woman managed to avoid it as well? She considers calling out to her, to try to get her clothes back... being naked in here really isn't pleasant, although a stray thought about what would happen if one of her co-workers she was fantasying about before could see her like this flashes through her mind... but ultimately decides against it. It could lure the creature towards her again.

She's not surprised anymore that the locker is empty, but she's glad it's big enough for her to hide inside. Though if she'll get a chance to do it is a different matter... the room is big enough for the creature to see her before she could get inside, and the door is noisy. She'll need to listen to her heart... how cheesy does that sound?... to feel if the creature is getting closer. In the meantime, she'll turn her attention to the generator. It's close to her potential hideout, and out of reach of the creepy arms... though she'll keep an eye out on them as well while she'll try to get the generator running. They seem pretty static, but this whole place is weird, better to be careful.
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Re: Filled By Daylight: Bates Estate

Postby devilbird » Sat Jul 07, 2018 2:52 am

Sid looked around, suspicious that the monster hadn't come after her. She didn't think she'd actually escaped it so easily. Had it figured her out and cut her off? It wasn't like there were a lot of escape options. She started looking about, when she spotted the nudist from before. Actually, that wasn't fair. Sid didn't know how she got here, so who knows how the other woman did. Maybe she was just relaxing in her bath, and now has to deal with this nightmare without clothes.

It was then that Sidney found out what had preoccupied her pursuer. It carried the naked body of the woman she saw before. Sid tried so hard to lead the creature way from the woman, but of course she just lead it straight to her. Well Sid wasn't going to let this end this way. She decided to back up a bit and move toward the window to her side. Sid planned to hid there until the monster moved away, then try to sneak behind it. If it was taking her to a pair of those creepy hand, then maybe she could rescue the woman while the monster was looking elsewhere.

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Definitely going for boldness points this first game.
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