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lilbooth Wrote:Cee Cee was more than a bit surprised when she saw the campfires in the distance. Has to be Rovers thought Cee Cee to herself. The blood-red fires couldn't have been anyone else. And their nomadic nature made them the most likely to be out here in the wilds. Anything capable of making a fire was also capable of making conversation. And Cee Cee wasn't too keen on superstition. She stayed on her guard and progressed towards one of the outermost fires. If things went south she was prepared to fight, or run if she was terribly outnumbered.
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Chris Culgan
As CeeCee approached the campfires, cloaked figures came into view, four in total at the specific campfire she had approached. They were discussing something in quiet whispers, but ceased as one noticed her approach. Upon closer inspection, now that she was standing just next to the fire, though their faces were obscured by the hoods of their black cloaks, two had tented hoods, where their horns were no doubt protruding from their heads, and three of them, sticking out of their sleeves, had deathly pale hands, with markings on them, confirming CeeCee's suspicion that his was, indeed, a Rover camp. After the four stared at CeeCee uncomfortably for several moments, one of them, who's hands had been hidden by their long sleeves, spoke up in a soft, yet harsh, feminine voice, and with an accent not native to Calt; "Salutations, stranger, hath thou become lost?" she asked, a strangely friendly question, with odd phrasing, but still harshly spoken.
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Littlemankitten Wrote:Anastasia felt as though she barley even hit the girl when she knocked her over. Then again it was her fault for stopping so suddenly. Anastasia muttered an apology before turning her attention to the fires. Yea that explains it. Anastasia didn't know exactly what the fires entailed but she knew enough to know it was mostly bad news. Well, it could be considered good news as it would mean she wouldn't have to face the horrors that could of awaited her, but still. Anastasia looked down at the girl when she said Anastasia should take point. "All right fine, I'm surprised you'd rather have me protect you over your knight in shining armor." Referring to the man in black armor from earlier. Anastasia continued walking along the path, even more alert than before.
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Anastasia Ursa
The two of them drew closer to the camp, some tents were coming into view, as well as figures standing around the nearest fire, while still more were seemingly patrolling the area, weapons in hand, walking very slowly, and moving close to the path the two of them were following, they didn't seem to intend to let anyone pass, which was strange in and of itself, since people didn't typically travel this way, instead opting to board Cielo. As close as they were, it could be observed that the figures in question were large, hulking creatures, 10-12 feet tall, wearing crude armor, and holding crude weapons, none of which seemed to be ranged. The tents were patched brown fabric, with masks and bones hanging on the outside, pikes littered the area, with skulls of various creatures on the ends, in the center of the circle of campfires was a large wooden pole, at the top was a sign that read "DICKFUCK THE DONGSMASHER'S CAMP". There was no mistaking it, these creatures were Orcs, and luckily, they had not spotted Ana and her companion yet, however, behind her, she could hear the girl's breathing growing ragged.
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starwacher Wrote:Annie made her way to the two, intending on speaking to Sir Prize. He usually knows who goes in and out of the city. When his conversation with the woman presents a brief lull, she takes the moment to interject with an introduction and a bow. "I'm sorry for cutting in like this, but Sir Prize, have you seen a man that goes by the name of Ralph?" She asked, then giving the knight a verbal description of the man. "I'm hoping he didn't skip town yet." She sighed. "I'm not properly equipped to combat the dangers out there."
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Annie Doyle
Sir Prize took in the information with a nod, then seemed to think about it carefully for several seconds, before snapping his fingers "Sir Pent took his information and allowed him to leave earlier today, however he didn't say where he was going or why he was heading out. Real shame, too, he just couldn't get over how sad Ralph looked when he made his way out, I recall he was good friends with Sir Cumference."
When Sir Prize had finished speaking, Annie heard a loud crash right beside her and felt the ground shake. Looking to the side, she could see the girl from before had her sword planted into the ground and was looking at Annie with a smug look on her face "Good grief, it's quite rude to interrupt someone's conversation like that. You ought to learn some manners." she said with a Fero accent, lifting her sword back up out of the rubble that had once been the stone walkway. Sir Prize wasn't startled at all by this girl's behavior, and didn't miss a beat "Oh, Annie, this is Amalie, she was just on her way out of the city as well." he said, adding "You could possibly benefit from journeying with her if you intend to leave the city, and are both going the same way, she's quite the strong and skilled fighter.", Amalie then responded with "Thank you, Sire Prize, you are much too kind." as she grabbed Annie's shoulder and squeezed it much too hard, there would no doubt be a bruise there later, before adding "Do not worry, little one, there is no beast out there that can best me in battle.", a smirk on her face as she spoke.
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Nobudi Wrote:Damn, there went her opportunity to chase it if it had made it to a hiding spot. Well, now that she knew the entity was now gone, there was no point in trying to look now. Besides, as fast as the thing was, it couldn't fly or probably land from as great a height as the city of Cielo without taking major damage, if not death. When a servant girl came up to her with a cup of tea, she smiled graciously and murmured a word of thanks at the girl as she held the warm cup in her hands. "Shall we sit and talk, High Priest?" she asked , switching gears. She had some catching up to do, and wasn't quite sure what to make of the beast boy, Khufu family or not.
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LuLu Von Cielo
The preacher gave LuLu a soft smile as she sat at the table with him, and made small talk with her for several moments, talking about how he had just gotten back from visiting other churches in other cities, and was happy to be back home. He also explained how the little girl that had served her tea was actually there to learn how to work for the church. After he had finished discussing these matters, he rounded back to the situation at hand "Miss LuLu, what was that creature you were following, and why were you following it?", shortly after the question, however, the beastman came over and interjected, saying "I apologize, High Priest Sidrick," as he bowed, "but I believe I must now depart. It seems I'm needed elsewhere, at the moment.", he then added "As to you, my lady. It's a shame we hadn't had the chance to speak with one another." before bowing again and leaving, with a charming smile.
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mrblah Wrote:Amun was a bit offended by being brushed off so easily, but considering that she recognized him by his family name; it's entirely possible her giving him the cold shoulder was due to some issue she may have with his family. Wouldn't be the first time, to be certain. Nonetheless; he didn't allow this to deter him, nor did he allow his disappointment to show in his body language. Instead, he listened in on her conversation with Sidrick, surprised that she was actually attempting to pursue whatever entity had been messing with the both of them (or rather, he was assuming it messed with her too).He stepped closer to interject into the conversation, when he felt a cold feeling that almost brought him to shiver, closely followed by a... wait. He remembered this. The sensation of the chill, the whisper breaching into his mind, the... pull, that was used to essentially call him. This was definitely the very same experience he had before, with his first encounter with the mysterious roof jumper. It was alarming to feel (or hear, whatever) again. Last time he did; he ended up blacking out and ending up in a church. But he couldn't deny a desire to investigate. A need to know why HE was being targeted with this, when everyone else seemed unaffected. Would this continue? If he left it alone, would this figure keep showing up and calling him to it?But at the same time, he'd have to leave behind the beautiful woman he just met and hadn't had the time to properly get acquainted with. He could see that she was giving up on her chase, at least for now. If HE went after this thing, he'd be giving up the chance to talk to her, and possibly get to "know" her. It was a hard decision to make, to be certain...Amun took a lapse in Sidrick's conversation with the woman to interject as he planned to. "I apologize, High Priest Sidrick," he began with a polite bow, "but I believe I must now depart. It seems I'm needed elsewhere, at the moment." That said, he turned to Sidrick's new guest. "As to you, my lady. It's a shame we hadn't had the chance to speak with one another." After another bow to her, Amun swiftly turned (after making sure he gave her one of his patented charming smiles) and proceeded in the direction of the call, though at a relaxed pace. If this creature truly meant to call him every way around it wants, then it can wait for him to come.
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Amun Khufu
The Priest nodded in understanding "I'm sure you're a busy man" he began "Do be careful around these parts, especially with that thing bounding around, there's no telling what it was in this day and age, so many dangerous things roaming the streets. That reminds me, did you know Cielo is about to dock with Fero? It's probably a good chance to meet a lot of interesting people, and spread the word of the Goddess. Be careful now." he said, standing and bowing briefly.
Upon being bid farewell by the priest, Amun had chosen to follow where the pull was taking him. This led him down the alleyways and towards the gate at the very edge of the city. Upon reaching the city's gate, which was a large structure, made from many protruding gears on either side of two large slabs of green and gold metal, he started feeling a pull in many different directions around him, and that familiar chill down his spine. Looking around for the source of this feeling, there seemed to be nothing at first, but perched on several rooftops were five or six of the black-cloaked, masked entities hiding behind paneling and chimneys, just barely visible. The worst part was that they were all staring directly at Amun. Behind Amun, at a counter, the green and gold-armored knight didn't seem to notice Amun or the mostly-hidden figures in the distance, he was writing on a notepad in front of him.
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Saphira Perinther
Saphira was standing at the gates of Fero, tall black structures lined with spikes, and had just finished speaking with a black-armored guard, proving she had permission to temporarily travel outside the city, and letting the guard write down her information in case she never came back.
When the guard had finished, he made a motion to three other guards on the other side of the gates, to which they responded by opening the large gate, revealing a smaller one on the other side, which opened, revealing an even smaller gate. After several minutes of ten different gates opening, finally Saphira was allowed to crawl through the tiny space, to the outside world.
Upon exiting the city, Saphira found herself surrounded by the redwood forest, as usual. Her information stated that she needed to head out into the Blackwood forest to the east of her current location, which was luckily away from the dreaded ocean. UNluckily, the Blackwood forests were a common location to find Death Knights, so Saphira would need to be very careful.