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As you step out into the hallway, you pause in brief reflection at the diversity of the crowd walking past you. Never before had you seen so many lesser beings all in one place. Some had fins, some had horns, some had claws, most had sharp teeth, some were reptilian in nature, others covered head to toe in fur, one was even translucent and flying. The general flow of students was going left towards a staircase, though as you've opened your door and presented yourself proudly in the nude, quite a few male students stop to stare for a long second before running to catch up to whoever they were with.
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"Oh wonderful!" She flew twirling into the air, but stopped. She felt caution and humility as it seemed she was looking for the right words to say. She flew back down with her hands held together in front of her. "Now this will be the difficult part." Anxiety. "You'll have to leave your tree here for the day. I understand it may seem hard, however, it's necessary for you to attend classes. If you'd like to wait until tomorrow to begin class so that your roots may spread further into the campus, that is acceptable. However, you will need to go to the welcoming ceremony, in uniform."
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You suddenly feel yourself turned upside down. Your wrists and ankles feel restrained, and your eyes are trying to adjust to the low light that seems to surround you. "Well, hello my dear." A low sultry female voice made you try to look up towards it's source. Your eyes finally adjusting you realize you have been looking at something very red and flat. As you pull your vision sky- er- ceiling ward you follow the contours of a very well toned feminine body. A smooth flat stomach, great heaving exposed breasts, smiling sentuous puckering black stained lips blanketing snow white teeth, and finally a burning yellow eyed gaze that seemed to yearn for your affection but demand it at the same time. Your breath catches when you smell something musky and it hits you like an airborne concussion. Your mind swims in it. "It is my greatest pleasure to welcome you to Wegener Academy."
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Ben hadn't even noticed you'd taken the letter from him. Now, as you flew away you hear him shout that he still has something to tell you, but you have more important matters to attend to than listen to your neutered brother lecture you. You needed to learn to be free of these distasteful laws and restrictions forced on you by mortals and the powers within the supernatural world alike. You set down in a safe spot with the letter in hand.
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The sea of potential classmates seemed to part as you walked to your destination. A few looked up and exclaimed a strange sort of wonder when they saw you. Others skipped out of your way in panic and fear. Regardless of either, you reached your destination within 15 minutes. The auditorium it seemed was an entire other wing of the complex from the four separate dorms. Upon further reflection, it seemed there were a number of faculty members at the front making sure students had at least an item of their uniform on if they had the ability to wear it. One student was completely made of a gelatinous material and it appeared he- she- it- they just slapped the coat onto the front of themselves and slid their way to the auditorium. A teacher smiled at them for it. Opening the door brought you to an unmistakably GRANDIOUS hall. The ceiling was carved from marble and depicted the success of many different individuals from different species all throughout both the supernatural world as well as the human world. In fact, is that JFK? In the mural it depicts him with purplish skin and horns shaking reading off his inauguration speech. As for the ground level itself, it appeared to be a sort of ballroom with a second floor to either side where there were hundreds of foldable wooden chairs placed in rows to view the main floor. A male faculty member with tusks jutting from his mouth noticed you and ushered you over to a staircase where you were able to walk up and be seated near the railing. Beside you it seemed was a very shy looking girl with blue feathered wings who scooted over slightly as you sat down.
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This morning was interesting. First you'd woken up like any other day. Your mom had caught breakfast, fish again, then you all sang a bit, then you took morning baths, but after that it digressed into less than the norm. Mom gave you and your sisters letters. She told you to sign the bottom with your claw and you did but then somehow you were in some weird cage! You panicked for a brief moment but there was this weird woman with cat ears who kept licked her lips when she spoke. Although uncomfortable she explained that you were now at Wegener Academy, a place meant to teach you how to function within the human world. Afterwards when you finished doing the paper work there they moved you to your new dorm room via the same sort of teleportation that brought you here in the first place. When you went outside and an older guy with black leathery wings on his back told you to put on the uniform that was laying out on your bed in your new room. Now after all that, you went to the auditorium like they told you to in this uncomfortable outfit and some big hairy guy with a cow head just sat down next to you. His massive stature was intimidating to say the least.